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International Banker, Beach Boy

Page 13

by Mia Terry

  The eager bobbing of his dick couldn’t be disguised though and must have proved too much of a temptation for Ollie, because Rhys quickly found himself dragged away from the mirror.

  “As tempting as the idea of doing you standing up here is, I need a little more room for all the things I want to do,” Ollie muttered before their mouths met in a passionate kiss.

  Even with the urgency of the sexual rush between them, there was sweetness in their kisses, a rush that went beyond the physical act. It was an emotion Rhys tried very hard to keep under control because he knew their relationship had an expiry date, but in kissing Ollie now he surrendered himself to the emotion. It simply took more energy than he had to withstand it and surrendering himself to the waves of feeling was almost euphoric.

  They simply kissed for long minutes, the feeling erotic, but no longer as urgent. Ollie was the first to pull away, and his smile when he looked down at Rhys was vibrant.

  “How does this still feel like the most exciting fuck I’ve ever had?” asked Ollie, still smiling.

  “Damned if I know,” Rhys said honestly. “But do you want to prove us right?” As if his words flipped Ollie into action, Rhys found himself suddenly manhandled, on his back, with his leg thrown over Ollie’s shoulder as the man loomed above him.

  Fast working hands had Ollie’s nice-looking dick suited up, and sticky, silky lube being gently spread over Rhys’s hole.

  “They give you the expensive lube here too,” Rhys commented, his pride had him working hard at keeping his voice steady.

  “Well these rooms are designed for the premium type of fucking, so we need the good materials to do it.” If Rhys had just met Ollie, he would have imagined that what they were doing had left him unmoved, so wry and charming sounding was his response. However, their new intimacy was enough that he could hear the faint tinge of strain as Ollie concentrated on his task, which was making Rhys’s body ready to take him.

  Rhys let out a low chuckle in reply, which rapidly changed pitch when Ollie moved down his body and began lightly biting at his hip bones, while at the same time pushing his fingers further into Rhys. It was a moment of almost perfect pleasure and pain, where his body both fought the discomfort and craved it. Only the weight of Ollie’s body on his own stopped him thrusting his hips, craving contact, simultaneously wanting more and wanting less. Then Ollie’s fingers brushed his prostate and all Rhys could do was groan a sound of pure need.

  Ollie’s hands didn’t let up, and if Rhys had been just a little more in control, he would have resented the sounds now coming out of his mouth. If he could figure out how to put words together, he’d be begging to be fucked.

  However, if he’d felt any embarrassment at his own loss of control, that would have been banished at the sight of Ollie’s face. When he looked down to the man still lightly biting his hips, the lust haze in Ollie’s eyes would have felt like a pure compliment if his own need had been any less great.

  “Just fuck me already,” Rhys said. They weren’t the prettiest words, but they were all he could manage. Luckily, they were all Ollie needed, and if the speed with which he moved up Rhys’s body was any indication it was something he’d also been dying for.

  Just as Ollie was positioning his dick at Rhys’s entrance, he swooped down for one final kiss. Maybe it was the need throbbing through Rhys’s body, but for one moment the rest of the world fell away and it was only him and this man existing.

  Then the pressure of Ollie’s dick against his own body became more insistent, and Rhys had to force himself to relax for Ollie to gain entry to his body. He felt stranded on the edge of too much pressure with the largeness of Ollie’s cock really making its presence felt. And he could see from the strain on Ollie’s face how reluctant the man was to hurt him, even at the cost of Ollie’s own pleasure.

  Then Ollie bit down again on Rhys’s nipple and even as Rhys’s body bucked, it opened and let Ollie in. Ollie was balls deep in him and all the two men could do for one long minute was look at each other in wonder at how bloody good it felt.

  They were even breathing together, and the intensity of longing scared Rhys enough that he deliberately lightened his voice before ordering Ollie to “Just fuck me already.”

  With those words, he expected Ollie would pick up the bed-shaking rhythm he absolutely knew the man was capable of. However, with a half-smile Ollie moved his hands more securely under Rhys’s body and used his easy strength to create a slow intense rhythm that hit Rhys’s sweet spot each and every single time he thrust.

  Rhys heard the words, “Perfect, don’t you dare stop, thank you,” tumble around the room before he realized they were coming out of his mouth. Luckily, for his sense of pride, similar nonsense seemed to spill out of Ollie. “Your body is so fucking hot inside, so tight, so made just for me.”

  It was those words from Ollie, as much as Ollie’s driving rhythm, that finally pushed Rhys’s body from aching pleasure to orgasm. Maybe he could have lasted longer in the space of senseless bliss, but hearing Ollie come undone had him grasping his now dripping cock. Just that touch was enough to have him coming hard, and it was the knowledge that it was Ollie still thrusting in his body that had him spurting final bursts of orgasm long after the rush of pleasure should have been over. Ollie pounded into his body a few last times, but the way Rhys’s body had tightened around him, was obviously enough to let him find his pleasure. And if the look of bliss on Ollie’s face and the way his body continued to shake with aftershocks as he lay across Rhys was any indication, the sex had been as seismically shockingly pleasurable for him as well.

  After Ollie had pulled out of his body, while they were both still gasping for breath, Rhys had to look away from Ollie to remake himself. It was one thing to enjoy a man topping you and to be thrilled by great sex—all of which was harder to find than popular thought would have you believe. However, it was quite another thing to find sex transcendent in a way that made you want to confess all sorts of feelings for someone with whom history could be measured in days rather than weeks or months. But looking at the bedroom wall, especially the mirrored wall with Rhys’s own handprints still visible, did nothing to make him forget it was Ollie, and only Ollie, who was making him feel this way. Not even by concentrating on the way his body sang post-orgasm could make him forget it was Ollie who had done that to his body. Ollie who had made him feel safe enough to completely let go.

  Most other men Rhys had been with would have allowed him his retreat into himself, at least the ones who weren’t coming up with a tactful way to kick him out of their apartment or hotel room. Not Ollie, with his upfront sweetness. Instead of letting Rhys pretend to drift off asleep, like an ordinary dude, Ollie slapped him lightly on the ass and suggested “you’ll feel better after a shower.”

  Yeah, it would take a stronger man than Rhys to say no to the handsome man smiling fondly down at him. Ollie hustled him into the shower, saying, “I think we might have hit the amazing sex wall tonight, but that doesn’t mean the shower’s sex bench doesn’t come in very handy.”

  Rhys couldn’t disagree. The sex bench was the perfect size to gingerly sit on—Ollie’s attractively large cock was part of the reason his legs were a little blissed-out wobbly while his ass still ached in the best way possible—while the multiple shower heads massaged his body.

  “This kind of luxury could get a little addictive,” Rhys said, without thinking. Although, he would seriously have to talk to one of the local builders about extending his bathroom. Rhys wasn’t usually an envious man, but damn he could just about live in this bathroom. A shower like this might be worth sacrificing not buying new boards for a few months. After all, water-babies didn’t just get their kicks from adrenaline sports.

  He could see that he’d copped an odd look from Ollie at his comment, but in his feel-good post-sex haze, he would ignore it and not be insulted by its implications. Ollie might be out there looking for gold diggers, and normally Rhys would walk out the door if a man even imp
lied that thought in a suspicious gaze for a single second. However, he liked Ollie, and, damn it, he wanted to spend the night in the man’s arms, so he would ignore the man’s paranoid tendencies. And well, the sex fog might have helped along that newfound mature perspective.

  Five minutes later, settling in on the large, soft bed with Ollie’s less soft body pressed against him, Rhys decided there were definite advantages to postponing prideful tantrums. When Ollie’s arm settled around his waist, he could barely think of another time when he had felt so strangely content.

  Chapter 11

  Ollie woke up with an unusual feeling of wellbeing. Looking down at Rhys he couldn’t help remembering why in exact flashbacks. Rhys with his hands against the mirrored wardrobe, letting Ollie play with his body. The appreciative moans on Rhys's lips when he tipped back his head in submission to the pleasure they shared. The intense bliss of being inside Rhys’s body when he came.

  Now his morning wood had turned into a steel rod of a hard-on which was burrowing its way against one of Rhys’s deliciously strong thighs. Ollie wanted nothing more than to reach over and wake up Rhys by whispering some very detailed suggestions of shared pleasure, but some stubborn part of him had him getting out of bed quietly so not to disturb the room’s other occupant.

  Somehow his feelings about Rhys had moved beyond enjoying the beautiful man who had unexpectedly entered his life and made it a little more complex. And no part of that stood comfortably with Ollie. He had plans, and not one of his plans for his future could involve the man sleeping quietly in his bed.

  So, Ollie went about his morning routine quietly. His morning piss took a little longer than normal, as he had to think about some very unattractive images before his erection would soften enough for that particular task. After he had finished in the bathroom, he sat on the large couch definitely built for two—and that included two very athletic men as his memory kept reminding him—and looked at his iPad full of the overnight trading figures from the states. He tried not to dwell on how much more fun he’d probably be having if he woke up Rhys. Even if they hadn’t had sex this morning—which seemed unlikely—just sitting here with Rhys would have been its own joy. The man was funny, irreverent and made Ollie laugh far more than he usually did. However, the man might bring up their conversation from last night, and Ollie didn’t feel ready for that. Rhys had gone full-on in his challenge of Ollie’s decision to go to the Gulf, and Ollie knew his answers didn’t satisfy Rhys. Hell, Ollie’s answers didn’t satisfy himself if he was honest, but he didn’t feel ready for anyone to put up that kind of mirror to his decision-making process.

  What was he doing letting a hookup make him doubt his own decision making like this anyway? Ollie tried to hang on to that righteous anger for a minute, but his good reason took over—or at least that was the story he was going for now. Rhys might not agree with his life choices, but somehow the man had moved past a hookup status. If nothing else, and in his heart, Ollie knew it was more, Rhys could be categorized as a friend. Ollie knew his own friends would kick his ass if he articulated any thought that reduced Rhys to the status he’d give to a guy he’d pick up at a bar.

  Even now, Ollie wanted to be up in the kitchen preparing a tray so he could take the man breakfast in bed. He wanted to bask in more of Rhys’s wide smiles and get to kiss those delicious lips. Yet here he stayed, staring unseeingly at his iPad. Ollie wasn’t used to men who challenged him, who second-guessed his life choices. In Sydney, there weren’t many men he mixed with who didn’t know the wealth that came with the family name, and with that knowledge came a kind of deference. Obviously, Kris was an exception, but that was the reason Ollie sometimes didn’t let Kris in. Rhys had somehow stormed through all that, and Ollie just wasn’t sure how he felt about being with a man so willing to call him out. Ollie held onto the last bit of righteous indignation and tried to pretend he didn’t know that Kris would call Rhys’s attitude “fucking healthy” if he knew.

  Ollie’s mood was definitely further confused by his involuntary feeling of happiness when Rhys appeared in the doorway, his hair sleep mussed and a gentle smile on his face.

  “I can’t believe I slept longer than you,” Rhys said, brushing stray strands of hair back behind his ears. “I’m a surfer, you’re a banker, there is definitely something wrong with this picture.”

  Ollie abandoned his iPad, and all thoughts of work, far more easily than he felt he should have. “Hey, I’m a rower too,” he defended himself. “And you looked all gorgeous and peaceful, so it would have been too harsh for me to wake you up.”

  “Can I convince you to come back to bed then?” Rhys said, his gaze holding a definite spark of heat.

  “Nah,” said Ollie, regretfully but needing the distance. “But if you come over here, I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  As Rhys came over and nestled in the couch's corner next to him, Ollie almost immediately got up.

  He could see Rhys was looking a little confused, but Rhys bantered along. “Well, I didn’t think I’d see the day I’d have Ollie Gilsworth slaving over a hot oven for me.”

  “You’ll still be waiting to see the day, but the resort drops off the fruit juices and yogurts the night before, when they do bed turndowns. Then in the morning we get pastry platters delivered in these little bags they explained are possum proof.”

  “Well, as disappointed as I am not to see you in a chef’s hat, you can’t argue with that kind of service, so come on, share the spoils.”

  Ollie made a concerted effort to at least make the tray as attractive as possible and was quickly rewarded with Rhys’s moan of pleasure when he bit into what was a particularly good almond croissant.

  “These are bloody good,” Ollie agreed with the sentiment of sounds coming out of Rhys’s mouth, even if he had to shift in his chair at what those noises were doing to his body. “It seems likely I’ll be going back to Sydney with the beginnings of middle-aged spread given how well we’ve been eating.”

  Rhys chuckled. “I think there are quite a few meals that need to be eaten before you become anything other than an ideal specimen of male perfection.”

  Ollie laughed and internally preened just a little, but after that, the conversation petered out and they ate the rest of the meal in relative silence.

  Ollie wanted to go back to their easy conversation, but his heavy thoughts this morning meant he couldn’t fall back into their normal pattern of flirtation and sharing.

  Rhys noticed, because after he had cleaned all his plate, he turned to Ollie and said, “You seem a little distracted today. Maybe once we’ve finished breakfast, I should leave you to your plans.”

  “No.” Ollie knew he’d been keeping Rhys at a distance, but as soon as he said he was heading off, Ollie knew he couldn’t let him go. “Please stay with me if you can today. The boys were talking about a bush walk somewhere this morning and I’d really love you to come.”

  The fervency of Ollie’s reply must have reassured Rhys because he relaxed somewhat. “Lucky for you, I’ve got a light schedule this week. And I suppose I could be convinced into hanging out today.”

  Ollie rustled around for his phone, which had somehow disappeared into the folds of the comfortable couch. “Got it,” he said, as he pulled it out in triumph and read the message Jai had sent the previous night. “Okay, they were planning walking Minyon Falls and then lunch at Japanese restaurant afterward. Would that be right? Surely there will not be any decent sushi out in the hills”

  Rhys laughed. “You have forgotten where you are. It’s Byron, well Federal. It is probably one of the few villages with a few tiny local shops, a mechanics, and a world-class Japanese restaurant with excellent reviews from the New York Times.”

  “Okay then,” said Ollie, shaking his head. There was no doubting the oddity of this place. “Well, we better get ready so we will be dressed in time.”

  Ollie managed to busy himself so he wasn’t following Rhys into the shower and his act must have been somew
hat convincing because Rhys didn’t question him directly. Luckily, they really had to hustle to meet the others, and so he got out the door without too many searching looks being thrown his way.

  Ollie knew he was lucky his group of friends was so accepting. He knew the other groups he hung out with wouldn’t so easily offer the hand of friendship to a man they could have seen as an interloper. However, when Ollie had walked in this morning with Rhys, there had been hugs, kisses, and genuine inquiries about Rhys’s mum.

  They’d had to take an extra car because of Rhys, but even that had gone smoothly with Billy and Kris taking the extra car and Billy celebrating because he got to drive the car “like an actual grown-up” instead of being chauffeured around by Luke. Ollie realized he’d never thought of it much, but then his father had had an actual chauffeur and he’d spent a fair bit of time being driven around like that himself.

  With only the two of them in the back of Luke’s Land Cruiser, he and Rhys were very comfortable. For some reason, having Luke and Jai there made Ollie more able to reach for Rhys’s hand, not less. Rhys squeezed his hand back, but he must have been confused that the first physical affection of this morning had come in the presence of the others. Ollie didn’t know how to explain it to himself, only knowing he needed this buffer.

  But before he could ponder it too long, Jai had turned around and was asking Rhys, “Have you done this walk before?”

  “A few times over the years. We did it as a science walk with school where we had to do things like name all the native grasses and trees, and I’ve done it with my parents.”

  “Worth it?” asked Luke.

  “Absolutely,” Rhys leaned forward so he could smile at Luke while he drove, even without sacrificing Ollie’s hand. “And it should be especially good today. We’ve had enough rain recently for the falls to still be pretty impressive. If anyone wants a swim, they can probably have one.”

  “As long as no one jumps off any rocks.” Jai turned and looked at Rhys. “As a radiographer in the bush, believe me, I’ve done a few too many X-rays on dudes who jumped into dams without making sure there wasn’t anything submerged under the surface, and some of the results aren’t too pretty.”


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