Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 1

by H. L. Swan


  The Emden Series

  H.L. Swan

  Copyright © 2020 H.L. Swan

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or used in a fictious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Design by Jessica Scott

  ISBN-13: 978-1-65-334547-2

  Thank you for believing in me, Shura.

  To my Wattpad readers; always slow dance while they scream.


  Title Page































  About the author

  “They had no past. They had no future. They just were.”

  - Paullina Simons, The Bronze Horseman


  Apiercing ring blares through the speakers, jolting me from my daydream.

  “Students! You’ve survived your first year of college. Congratulations and stay out of trou–” The professor’s voice is drowned out by the loud cheers and rushed sounds of my fellow classmates hastily exiting the building as the last bell of the year chimes, signifying that it’s the start of summer break.

  I can’t believe my first year in college has rolled by so quickly. I narrow my eyes as I scan the mass of moving bodies in the hallway, smiling when I spot a bobbing blonde bouncing my way.

  Ashley nudges my arm. “Did you pass?”

  “Finals? Thankfully, yes. I’ve done nothing but study. You?”

  Rolling her eyes, she flips her hair over a slender shoulder. “Don’t wanna talk about it.”

  I laugh. I already know her grades are nothing but stellar.

  Shoulder to shoulder, we make our way towards our freedom. The unusually warm Oregon air sweeps my chestnut hair across my face as we step through the propped open metal doors. The excitement is still palatable as we walk out of building C.

  We’re free! Well, for the summer anyways.

  “I can’t believe we are finished with our freshman year!” Ashley squeals, throwing her head back dramatically.

  “I can’t wait for tonight!” I exclaim happily.

  I haven’t seen Ian in a week, and I miss him so much. He’s been so busy between Lacrosse and finals he just hasn’t had the time. But tonight, I’m surprising him.

  As though reading my thoughts, Ashley nudges my arm. “We know you’re more excited to see Ian than anything.” She fans herself.

  I blush. It’s true. My excitement isn’t about the freedom I’ll have for three months. Well, it is, but only because I get to spend all my time with Ian. We have been together for about two months now. It hasn’t been very long, but he is so sweet to me, and handsome.

  “Anyways,” Ashley’s lips curve into a half smile, redirecting me from my longing thoughts. “You know my brother is on his way here...right?”

  “Yeah! I’m excited to meet more of your family. Your mom is the best!”

  Ashley waves her hand in the air. “Just don’t get too excited. He’s not the nicest person to be around.”

  “I can handle a mean brother. We’re practically sisters. He has to be nice to me.”

  Her eyes widen slightly, “I’m his sister and he’s not even nice to me. Well, he’s okay, I guess.” She fixes her previous statement.

  “It’ll be fun,” I say absentmindedly, my thoughts on what to wear later.

  There’s a party at the frat house for the beginning of summer and I want to look my best, especially since I know how much Ian hates surprises, so I need to make up for it by looking cute. He thinks I’m going to my mom’s for the weekend, but I wanted to make tonight special.

  We hop into my Altima and roll the windows down, enjoying the breeze that overtakes the car as we drive away from the prison we pay to go to.

  Freshmen usually live in the dorms, but when I met Ash on my first day, we became instant best friends. After months of sharing bathrooms with our classmates and having awful roommates, we decided to rent a house off campus.

  Luckily, between the money I had saved from working at my mom’s florist shop through high school and Ash’s current job at the nicest restaurant in Corvallis, we were set to rent our cute two-bedroom home right down the street from fraternity row.

  That was where I met Ian.

  I’ve only dated one person prior to him. But Ian is different; preppy and all about sports, he has a kindness towards me that drew me in. Plus, the fact that he hasn’t complained too much about us not having sex yet is nice. I’m eighteen and I know it’s a normal thing to do but I wanted to wait until I found the right guy. I think tonight is the night though. I mean, why wait any longer?

  Ashley’s voice brings me back to reality as she rambles on about a new guy she met the other night. But what about her current quest, Brian? I’ve never met the guy, but I thought things were going okay.

  I nod, trying to listen as we pull into the driveway. I take a double take at the glossy black car parked next to mine on the left side of our narrow driveway; it must be a classic.

  “Guess he got here early.” Ashley shrugs, a small smile taking over her face.

  “Are you two close? Why is he coming here?” I ask curiously.

  “Aiden is his own thing. We’re as close as he will let me be. You’ll see what I’m talking about. He’s coming here because he doesn’t want to go home during his move.”

  His move?

  “Why? I love your mom! She was so funny that time she came to visit and brought us both fuzzy pajamas and made us have a full-on girl’s night, like a middle school throwback. Braided hair and all!” I laugh at the memory.

  Ashley looks at me uneasily. “Look, don’t say anything because it’s a sore subject, but that’s not his mom. He lives with our dad, sort of. If you can even call him one.” Her lips twist into a frown. “But he’s all Aiden has. He’s been away the past four years at university and hasn’t been back home since. He’s looking for his own place, so he’s staying here until then. Shouldn’t be more than a couple of weeks.” She shrugs.

  “Your dad? The asshole that left you?” The astonishment is clear in my voice.

  “Yeah, Aiden and I are half-siblings. I don’t really want to get into that. Just please don’t bring it up.” She gives me a crooked grin as we step out of the car.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t.” I smile reassuringly at her.

  My thoughts go toward the little I know as Ashley doesn’t talk much about her childhood. Her dad left her at a young age and isn’t involved in her life. I just assumed they were full-blooded siblings.

  Unlocking the door, I step inside. I whistle while walking to the kitchen, feeling ecstatic about my day. That’s when I see him, leaning against the counter with his elbows on the bar top.

  I can’t help but stare, taking in the thin material of his T-shirt which showcases his inked and tan skin underneath. He looks up at me, his striking green eyes piercing mine. I feel my cheek
s begin to heat but I can’t pull my eyes away.

  A cough interrupts my thoughts and I look over to find Ash looking back and forth between us. I assume they would hug after Aiden being gone for so long, but she simply waves.

  “Hey Aiden,” She greets with a smile.

  “Hey Ash.” His deep baritone fills our tiny kitchen. He straightens and makes his way over to her in long strides, ducking his head to miss the ceiling fan overhead. He is tall, so tall.

  Muscles flex underneath his shirt, and when my eyes pan back to his face, he’s already looking back at me. His full lips slightly curve upward, leaving the faintest trace of a smile.

  I look away to keep from gawking. What is wrong with me? I shake my head to clear my mind.

  Mine and Ashley’s eyes simultaneously land on a tool bag, its contents laid out on the counter.

  “What’s this?”

  A smirk creeps up on Aiden’s face.


  Then, as if something ruined his day, the smile is gone and replaced with a flat line.

  He shrugs as he places everything back into the bag. “I used the key you left me to get inside. I went to wash my hands, but the hot water didn’t work, so I fixed it.”

  Ashley’s smile is evident, so is mine. The tap on our hot water has been broken since we moved in, but we’ve been too broke to fix it. Living off campus takes every dime we have, and while our house is cute… it needs some work.

  We thank him numerous times until silence stretches through the small room. I can feel Aiden’s sharp gaze traveling up and down my body.

  Ashley speaks up then, gesturing my way. “Anyway, this is Emma.”


  His voice is smooth like velvet, sending a chill through me. Maybe I’m worked up because I know what I’m doing tonight with Ian. That must be it. Hormones and all.

  I awkwardly nod back at him, with a short smile. “Hey. I’ll let you two catch up.”

  I turn on my heels to escape his piercing gaze and head for my bedroom. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. Back to the very important matter at hand; it’s four and I’m exhausted from the finals today. With the party starting at ten, I can get some sleep in before we go. Plopping down on my bed, it takes slim minutes of my head resting on the pillow before I slide into a dreamless sleep.

  “Em!” Ashley’s slim hands wrap around my shoulders, gently shaking me from my slumber.

  “I’m up, I’m up!” I mumble sleepily, sitting up to stretch my stiff body. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I see we’re not alone.

  Leaning against the door frame is Aiden, who is looking at me with an unreadable expression. He glances at my body and I quickly cover up with the blanket, hiding that I’m in a tank top and boy shorts.

  “Umm, let me get dressed.” I say, looking past Ashley.

  “Aiden! Get out!” She turns around and yells playfully at him, her feet stomping to the door and slamming it in his face.

  He laughs deeply as he walks down the hall.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower, then we can get ready!” I throw on some shorts and make my way down the hall towards the bathroom with some pep in my step.

  I turn on the shower and run my fingers through the cool water as it warms, something I haven’t felt in months. I can hear Ashley and Aiden talking in the living room, it’s muffled but I catch a few things.

  “I’m not going to a frat party.” His tone is final.

  I can imagine Ashley pouting right now.

  “Fine! I just wanted to spend time with you.” She huffs before I hear her stomping down the hallway.

  Steam fills the small bathroom and I climb in, luxuriating in the warm water. Normally if we have time, we will go down to the frat house and use theirs but using our own is much better. I try and relax myself from my nerves about tonight as water cascades down my tan skin. I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but I know Ian wants to, and I don’t see why I should wait any longer.

  I make sure to perfectly shave everywhere before I turn the water off. I reach towards the hook and swipe across an empty wall. Water drips on the floor as I step out to look under the sink. Great, no towels.

  Opening the door slightly, I peek my head out, concealing my body behind the doorframe. “Ash!” I whisper-yell as I look down the hall for her.

  “She’s in her bathroom.”

  I jump back at the sound of Aiden’s boots against the hardwoods as he gets closer to me. His fingers wrap around the edge of the door before he comes into full view. I feel my cheeks heat. I know he can’t see me, but I am completely naked and dripping wet. His eyes burn into mine and I shyly look away.

  “I need a towel,” I say in an almost whisper.

  “Why?” He crosses his tattooed arms across his broad chest, looking amused with himself.

  “Umm, I’m naked!” I state the obvious, unsure why he has such a boyish grin. Does he enjoy my embarrassment?

  “I see that. Well, I don’t see much because of the doo...” His emerald eyes take in my red cheeks. In one smooth motion, he brushes a large hand through his thick black hair, pushing it up and out of his face. Of course, it sits perfectly where he wants it too.

  I realize I’m staring, again.

  “Aiden! What are you doing?!” Ashley’s small feet patter down the hallway at a fast pace.

  I sigh in relief when she comes to the door, her hair wrapped in a towel.

  “What’s wrong?” Her blue eyes take in my red cheeks.

  “Towel.” Is all I manage to say.

  She nods and turns towards Aiden. “You, go.” She demands.

  He laughs, throwing his hands up innocently and walks away.

  My savior returns moments later with a knock and I open the door slightly to grab the fluffy white towel. I meticulously go through my routine, moisturizer, lotion, brushing my unruly hair. Making sure the towel is wrapped tight, I swiftly make my way to my bedroom where Ashley is. Her hair dryer drowns out all sounds, her dirty blonde hair blowing with the hot heat.

  “That was weird earlier, right?” Ashley rakes a brush through her hair, turning off the noisy dryer.

  “What was weird?” I look at her innocently, not wanting to talk about the bathroom incident.

  “You two gawking at each other in the kitchen. Then the bathroom thing,” She comments nonchalantly.

  I’m mortified my staring earlier was obvious. “Umm, yeah I just... I-”

  She cuts me off. “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to all of my friends having a crush on him.” She waves her hand in front of her with a cheeky smile.

  “I don’t have a crush on him!” With red cheeks, I walk towards my closet and take off the towel, rustling the water out of my hair.

  “Okay, whatever you say.” She snickers.

  I ignore her as I pick out what I’m wearing tonight. My eyes fixate on the yellow dress Ian mentions looks okay on me. I slip on the bright lacey dress, humming along to the music Ashley has on in the background.

  The yellow looks good against my sun-kissed skin and boost my confidence. The neckline accentuates my cleavage in a good way, not too much but just enough. I make sure the matching new white lace bra and panties are neatly in order underneath my dress. I’m confident, well to a point, about tonight. I hope it’s perfect and I hope there aren’t too many people at the frat house.

  “Why don’t you just tell him you’re coming?” Ashley fans mascara over her already long lashes.

  “I want tonight to be special.”

  “Is that why you put on that matching bra and panties set?” She teases with a sly smile.

  “Don’t make me more nervous.” I blush.

  “Wait! You don’t mean…oh my God, Em! You’re going to sleep with him, aren’t you?” She dramatically lays down on the floor.

  “I think it’s time.” I shrug, unable to help the smile that creeps up my face.

  “Come here! Sit down and let me do your make up!” She demands.

  I sit in
front of her with an awkward smile. I pull out my phone to see what he’s up too as Ashley rummages through her bag, pulling out everything. I scroll to Ian’s name and the butterflies dance in my stomach. I hope he isn’t mad about me coming over unannounced.

  Hey, babe! What are you up to?

  I double check my make up in the mirror when I hear my text alarm sound and practically lunge for it.

  Hey. Not much, just enjoying having a break from school now.

  I don’t know what to reply as I begin to question my decision to go. I mean I missed him, but I don’t want to bug him if he’s relaxing.

  I’m sure he will be happy about tonight, I tell myself over and over in my head, it’s just sex.

  I stand to look in the full-length mirror when Ashley announces she is done. I smooth my dress down and look at my face. She definitely pulled out all the stops, she even curled my hair with a large wand. She is so talented with make-up; I look much better than I did earlier.

  My dark wavy hair cascades down my shoulders. My face looks sun-kissed, with faint freckles peeking out on my nose. The smokey black around my usual boring hazel eyes makes them look deeper and full of life. I blush at the sight of myself, but it’s hidden under the rosy color Ashley put on my cheeks.

  “Thank you.” I grip the bottom of my yellow dress and sway back and forth like a giddy schoolgirl.

  “Em, you look hot!” She makes me blush for what feels like the hundredth time today.

  “Can we go? I’m nervous and I just want to get there.” I throw on a pair of white wedges.

  We make our way down the narrow hall, giggling. I almost forget we have a guest but it’s hard to forget Aiden. I’ve learned in a short period of time that he takes all the attention in a room.

  He lounges on the couch, a well-worn out book in his hands. He creases a corner and slowly closes it as he looks over at us. His gaze meets my eyes, then down my body. I turn to look towards Ashley, who is messing with her skirt. When I look back towards Aiden, I see his lips are slightly parted.

  “Hey, Ash. Can I go to that party?” His tone is nicer, calmer than the discussion they had earlier.


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