Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 2

by H. L. Swan

  She glares at him for a moment, considering his request. Ignoring him, she says with sarcasm, “I thought you didn’t want to go to a college party since you graduated all of five minutes ago and are too cool now.” Her voice fades off as she disappears into the kitchen.

  His eyes hungrily sweep up and down my frame before his gaze locks on mine.

  “I changed my mind.”


  Itry to decipher his words, why does he want to come with us so suddenly? “It’s at my boyfriend’s house. You’re more than welcome to come!” I announce sheepishly, pulling my eyes away from his smoldering gaze. I don’t know why I’m so shaken by the way he stares so deeply at me, but it isn’t right. Right?

  “Sounds like fun.” His smooth velvety voice washes over me.

  I can’t help but follow his fluid movements. His large hand lazily reaches over to grab the heavy black boots that are neatly placed at the edge of the couch. Ink swirls out from the bottom of his short sleeves, momentarily mesmerizing me.

  Ashley peers around the kitchen and stares at her brother. “So, what happened to you not doing frat parties?”

  A simple laugh escapes his lips. “I don’t care for the entitled guys in a frat.” He looks at me with such purpose I feel as if his words are directed at me, then his head swings back to Ash. “Do you want me to come or not?” He asks flatly, his jawline as sharp as a knife.

  She perks up. “Yes, of course! Just change or something.” She waves her hands at him.

  He laughs before standing and heading for the door. “I’m good.”

  Grabbing his keys from the coffee table, I follow him. To be honest, he is. With his crisp white t-shirt and black jeans with matching black boots, he looks heavenly. Oh my God, what is wrong with me? I shake my head, struggling to keep up with his long strides.

  “I’m driving.”

  We pile into the leather seats of Aiden’s classic black car. My eyes pan around the spacious interior, I’m curious what the make is. Trying to not be obvious, I tilt my head to the side as I attempt to find an emblem somewhere.

  “It’s a Challenger.” He says, his eyes trained on me. I don’t miss the way the golden interior light makes his green eyes shimmer, something that looks out of character for his so far serious demeanor, I simply ignore it instead.

  I nod with a smile, noticing for the first time that I had jumped in the front without thinking. Ashley may have wanted to sit with her brother. I think about saying something, but when I look over at Aiden, he flashes me a brilliant smile as he rests his hand across the back of the seat. Ashley stays quiet as she fiddles with her phone. I guess she didn’t give it a second thought.

  The engine roars to life as Aiden turns the key in the ignition and we make the short three-minute drive. My tiny hope that the party will be small is gone, as I see the front yard riddled with drunk people celebrating summer break. My slightly shaking hand reaches for the door handle as we come to a stop.

  Heads turn in our direction as the engine shuts off, making it momentarily quiet. A few girls begin whispering as they take in Aiden. I don’t blame them. He is something wonderful to look at. I take one last glance before shaking the thoughts from my head. I never look at other guys this way.

  Stepping into the warm summer air, I note the sweet scent of honeysuckles. Inhaling deeply, I try to place this moment somewhere in my mind to keep it safe. I’ve been waiting for this night since forever. My strides are confident as I walk ahead of Ashley and Aiden, stepping through the threshold and into the frat house. I almost sink into the floor at the sight of the crowd.

  “Hey, Em!” A familiar voice calls from the living room.

  “Hey, Becca!” I greet in excitement, heading towards the couch where a few people I know are seated.

  Becca has always been so sweet when I visit. I’m grateful that Ian’s friends are always so welcoming. She sits with her legs propped against her boyfriend, Alec, as he twirls her long crimson red lock between his fingers. She always reminds me of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

  “Long time no see.” Becca sticks her bottom lip out.

  Giving a nervous smile, I try to hold a conversation even though my nerves are at an all-time high. “I know. I didn’t want to intrude.” I shrug. It isn’t really my scene.

  She laughs at my formality.

  I tap my fingers against my bare knees, feeling out of my element. It’s how I always feel when I come here. “Where’s Ian at anyway?”

  She answers by gesturing towards the stairs.

  I nod, not wanting to get up just yet. Someone hands me a drink and I gulp it down. I have all the time in the world to go upstairs, I just need a few more minutes to relax.

  I set the empty plastic cup down on the coffee table and look around, trying to find where the liquor is. My eyes trail to Ashley who is animated and deep in conversation with one of our classmates.

  “Here.” A velvet voice sparks to my right. Aiden gestures for me to take a red cup from his hand.

  A smile forms on my lips. He doesn’t know how much I need this. But why is he bringing me one?

  “Thank you?”

  He nods once, leaning down near my ear so I can hear him over the blaring music. “I know you come here often. But don’t take drinks from anyone you don’t know.”

  His warm breath caresses my exposed neck, sending an unfamiliar shiver down my spine. I really need to go see Ian and rid my mind of my hormones.

  I laugh lightly. He has a point but still… “I’m accepting a drink from you, and I don’t know you.”

  His eyes narrow slightly, as though commanding me to stare into his sharp features, not seeing my humor. “Just–” He cuts himself off with a shake of his head. “Where is your boyfriend?” His tone has a hint of accusation.

  “Upstairs,” I say nervously, questioning myself. What if he isn’t happy to see me?

  Aiden straightens, his height is intimidating. Crossing his arms, he surveys me. “Maybe he’s sleeping? We could go?” He offers, but I don’t know why.

  The idea of him sleeping during a party makes me laugh. I shake my head. “I’m going to go find him in a minute.”

  Deep in thought, he bites his lip. Then, as if a switch has been flipped, he shakes his head once while directing his attention back to the other side of the room. A crooked smile plays on his face. I follow his line of sight to where a girl stands. With her eyes trained on him, she gives a small wave at his acknowledgment.

  “I’ll be over there with Ash. Just don’t accept drinks from strangers.” He deadpans, walking away from me without another glance.

  In a slow calculated movement, he stands before the girl. She giggles when he talks to her. Of course, he’s the type of guy to hook up with random girls at a party where he knows absolutely no one. I look back to Ian’s friends and ignore the odd feeling in my chest.

  My nerves settle as I get lost in conversation, enjoying a few more drinks that I make myself in the kitchen.

  Deciding it’s time, I stand up and smooth my dress down.

  I wanted Ian to randomly find me, maybe come downstairs and get the hint of my surprise visit, so I don’t have to make the first move. But screw it, I feel strong and confident. I’m ready to find him myself.

  I turn towards the staircase, watching Aiden follow my movements with alert eyes while propped against the wall. The striking girl from before is still demanding his attention, which is now on me. His narrowed eyes never leave me as he lifts a beer bottle to his full lips and takes a smooth sip.

  Averting my gaze, which seems to keep wandering in his direction, I rush up the stairs, my feet hitting the boards in sync with the thumping music. Anticipation and puzzlement fill me as I turn the knob to Ian’s room.

  Why is his door closed? Maybe he is asleep?

  I throw the door open and my breath hitches at the sight before me. The chaotic noise from downstairs fades away as I discover sounds of nightmares I never knew existed. A drowning pain soaks i
nto my chest.

  I urge my legs to move as I watch him thrust into her naked body, but they remain rooted to the ground. He hovers over her, his hips pumping, eliciting hideous moans from her so loud that it masks the tiny whimper that slips past my lips.

  As I watch him kiss her, my legs buckle, and I collapse to the floor with a thud. Yet, the pain is nothing compared to the shattering of my heart.

  His head snaps back. “Get the fuck ou–” He cuts himself off when he sees me and pushes the girl away. Wrapping a sheet around his waist, he reaches for me.

  Unable to stand being in his room for another second, the images from earlier now burnt into my mind, I bolt. Bursting through the front door, I inhale deeply.

  Stupid honeysuckles.

  The lawn is still riddled with drunken people but in my frantic state, they part as I shove them away.

  I need to get out of here, to get away.


  Anger courses through my veins at the sound of his voice, still thick with lust. I shake in disgust as I turn to face Ian, my arms crossed. He has a pair of basketball shorts on but is shirtless still.

  I hold a finger up. If eyes could kill, he’d be dead.

  “No! Don’t ever talk to me again. I was coming over tonight to...” I shake my head with a scoff. “Oh my god. This is fucked, Ian.” I scream, running my hands through my hair and destroying my perfectly placed curls.

  A crowd has gathered around us, but I don’t care. I only see red and the longer he looks at me with a confused expression the deeper the shade of red grows.

  “You were coming for wha–”

  I cut him off with a slash of my hand.

  Ian stands before me within a few strides. He smells like her and pungent alcohol. I stamp down the sudden wave of nausea. The emotions coursing through me are overwhelming.

  “I have been nothing but good to you! But then I come here tonight to find you in bed with some skank?” I bellow out my desperation and betrayal.

  In one quick movement, I slap him across the face. The sharp crack echoes in the now quiet night. A wave of satisfaction washes over me when I see the red bloom on his skin. I want him to feel a fraction of the humiliation I feel. Plus, I know how much he hates it when he’s embarrassed.

  With one menacing step, he closes the gap between us. I move to take a step back, but his large hands grip my shoulder tightly, a dark look forms in his eyes. I’ve never seen this side of Ian before. I try to squirm out of his grip, but I’m stuck.

  “How dare you embarrass me in front of all these people.” Ian spits out.

  My head lowers slightly, momentarily regretting my hasty act. But when I close my eyes, all I see is him on top of her, their moans echoing in my ears. Rage rushes through me and I lift my hand subconsciously.

  With a growl, Ian grabs my wrist so hard a gasp escapes my lips.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it.” A deep voice demands from behind me, and I begin to worry I pissed off one of his stupid frat brothers.

  “Fuck off, dude. This is none of your business.” Ian glares down, or should I say up, at the speaker.

  An odd sense of relief fills me as I turn to see Aiden quickly making his way over.

  “Take your hands off her,” Aiden growls darkly as he steps next to me.

  A deep chuckle escapes Ian’s lips.

  I frown. I think I’ve pushed him to his breaking point.

  “Fuck it. She can’t be that mad. I’ve been trying to fuck her for the past three months and she just won’t give it up.” Ian admits.

  I gasp as he forcefully throws my wrist down, releasing me.

  “What? But you…” I choke back my tears. What is he talking about?

  Aiden steps between us, gently nudging my body back. He leans towards me and coaxes in a soft voice, “Go, Emma. Be a good girl. Get in my car,” before slipping the keys in my trembling hands.

  Unmoving and in shock, I simply stare at his car, tears brimming in my eyes.

  Ian lets out a careless, drunken laugh. “I didn’t know you were coming tonight. This really isn’t my fault.”

  I shake my head. I don’t know who this stranger is. He’s oozing typical frat boy behavior, something he claimed to detest.

  Aiden sighs and turns his attention towards Ian, pinning him with dark eyes. “I warned you just now. Leave her alone.”

  I take comfort in the deep growl of his voice towards my boyfriend. No, my ex.

  “Why did you give her your keys? Who are you?” Ian’s eyes narrow in anger.

  A smirk plays on Aiden’s face, his tone oozing boredom towards Ian. “I don’t see why that’s any of your business.” Aiden’s presence alone should make someone like Ian back down immediately, but he’s drunk and not thinking things through.

  Ian takes note of the crowd; his frat brothers, and the girls I thought were my friends are staring in shock. After what happened, I am still surprised by Ian’s cocky demeanor.

  “Honestly, I don’t care.” He laughs. “Maybe she’ll give it up to you. Good luck with tha–”

  Aiden’s knuckles connect with Ian’s jaw, cutting him off.

  I watch in awe as Ian lands flat on the ground, his eyes slightly open, and turns to spit out blood. He smirks arrogantly up at Aiden and I realize it’s a stupid decision, as Aiden violently jumps on top of him and begins to bash his face into the damp grass. His muscles flex with every rapid movement, threatening to rip his fitted white T-shirt.

  “Aiden, please stop. Please!” I plead through muffled sobs.

  A deep rage swirls in his green eyes when Aiden looks back at me.

  I stare in horror at the sight of Ian. Unable to help myself, despite all the awful things he did, I kneel beside him and examine his wounds.

  Aiden stares at me in disbelief. “You can’t be fucking serious!” He exclaims through ragged breaths. I see him move to walk away but hesitate.

  Ian winces as I prod his face. He glares at me with so much anger, before pushing me off him and onto the grass. “Get off me, you stupid bitch.”

  Aiden’s long legs glide back to us.

  Instinctively, I throw myself over Ian to protect him.

  Why did I do that? I don’t know. Pretty much the entire house is outside, and I probably look like an idiot. But there must be a reason for this. The alcohol is muddling my ability to think.

  I stare down at his face, seeing nothing behind his blank blue eyes.

  “Nope, fuck this. You’re not doing this,” Aiden mutters into my ear.

  In one swift movement, I’m no longer on the ground but slung over Aiden’s shoulder as he heads towards his car. I can feel his arm securely below my butt, preventing any accidents from happening. Oddly, it warms my heart. I kick a little, but I’m suddenly exhausted.

  “I’ll let you down once you calm down, but I’m not allowing you to embarrass yourself. Did you even hear what he just said to you?” His tone is laced with disgust.

  “I do, I do remember. But I love him, and he lo–”

  “You’re too sweet for your own good.” Aiden sighs. “I don’t know what you see in him. I only met him for two minutes and I already despise the guy.”

  “You don’t even know me!” I scoff, hitting his back.

  He opens the passenger door and carefully deposits me in the seat. He reaches around and buckles me in while I put my hands over my face in embarrassment of everything that has just happened.

  I see Ashley rushing through the chaotic scene towards us through my fingers.

  “Get in and don’t talk about it.” He orders, gesturing towards his side of the car.

  Ash simply nods and climbs in the back from the driver’s seat. She peeks around my seat, her emotions raw, and rubs my shoulder in console.

  Aiden glances towards Ian who is now standing, breathing heavily, as he glares in our direction. His fist is balled but he doesn’t dare to come closer.

  Worried, I reach out the open window and grab Aiden’s shaking a
rm. His eyes meet mine and I watch as the rage tries to calm. There’s an internal struggle behind his eyes, but I see the resolve when his face finally softens.

  Aiden shakes his head once, coming around to the driver side.

  Then he yells menacingly, pointing his finger accusingly at Ian. “Fuck you.”

  I’m thankful when he cranks the car up and the engine drowns out the scene we are driving away from and my sobs.


  My thoughts run through my head as though they’re trying to win a race. So lost in thought, I haven’t realized we are in the driveway.

  It’s pitch black outside. Aiden flips on the interior light, the color is a warm tone. I’m thankful it’s subtle, and it doesn’t worsen my headache. He opens my door and kneels, staring at me with a worried expression.

  My head tilts to the empty backseat. “Where is she?” My small voice is sore from my screaming earlier.

  “I told her to go inside.” Aiden brings his large hand to rest on my knee in a comforting notion.

  The warm touch is nice; it makes me feel less alone in the wide cab of his car. His large hand splayed out on my knee looks almost sinful. I can feel his rough callouses brushing against my soft skin as he trails his palms in circular motions in a comforting manner.

  The hands of a man, something I’ve never experienced. Adjusting to the warm light I notice for the first time that his knuckles are busted, bleeding from his altercation with Ian.

  “Your hands! Are you okay?” I bite my bottom lip with concern, guilty he got hurt because of me.

  He looks down and a smile creeps up his face. “Don’t worry about that. Were you two together long?” His tone is light.

  I ponder the question. It isn’t about the time we were together. I’m more upset that I believed he cared for me when he obviously didn’t.

  “We weren’t together long at all. Maybe three months between us meeting to dating and now...this.” I gesture to my tear-soaked face, mascara undoubtedly falling on my cheeks.

  “He doesn’t deserve you.” He states, concern thick in his voice.

  The sentiment causes a light smile to spread on my lips, but the overwhelming embarrassment crashes down overhead. “I can’t believe he said those things to me. Everyone must think I’m so naive. I really thought he liked me for me, like really liked me.”


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