Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 4

by H. L. Swan


  The sun has set when I pull into the empty driveway.

  Aiden probably made plans and isn’t joining us tonight. I sigh as I step out of my car and throw the heavy bags over my arms before heading in. I’m not making a second trip.

  Setting the bags down in the foyer, I head for the kitchen to look for something to eat, only to find a note on the counter.

  Hey! We ran to get pizza. Hurry and get dressed! We are leaving at 10. Love you, xoxo Ash

  I glance at the clock and see that it’s nine. Where did the time go?

  Running to the foyer, I grab my dress and rush to my room to get ready. I start with my make-up, spending more time than usual on my eyes, focusing on making them a little darker than normal. Surprisingly, I finish fairly quickly and begin to curl my hair.

  I hear the door open and feet shuffling.

  “Hey!” I yell as I twist the last lock around the large wand.

  Ashley enters with a box of pizza and sits on the hardwood floor. Her hair and makeup are perfect but she’s in jeans and a t-shirt. Just as I begin to worry about my dress, she smiles and hands me a slice. I place the wand down on the marble slab where it normally sits, before digging in.

  “I’ll throw on my dress later. I’m wearing the red one. What do you think?”

  I sigh in relief, not wanting to look overdressed. “I love that one!”

  It isn’t long before Ashley stands up. “I’m going to change. Be ready in ten minutes!” She says excitedly as she bounces out of the room.

  Following her lead, I shut the door and climb into my new black dress. I slide on a tall pair of black heels with a thin ankle strap and take one last look in the full-length mirror. The dress looks even better with my hair and makeup done.

  Excited to show Ashley my new outfit, maybe Aiden too, I smile as I leave my room. A large hand wraps around my arm just as I pass the bathroom, making me jump.

  Aiden’s head dramatically sweeps in my direction, showcasing his diamond sharp jawline. “You’re going out in that?” his voice booms down the narrow hallway, his hand firmly yet gently holding me in place.

  “Umm, is it bad?” I frown as I look down at my dress, questioning my chosen attire.

  He drops my arm with a sigh. “Exact opposite,” He states flatly. “Do you know how many guys I’m going to have to fight off tonight? They’re going to be staring at you.”

  His seriousness makes me giggle. I guess this is his way of giving compliments. “I highly doubt you’ll have that problem, Aiden.”

  I sense irritation in his green eyes. Why does he care if guys stare at me? I’m just his sisters’ best friend.

  His eyes travel languidly down my body. I watch as he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, shuddering at the unexpected tingle of arousal that I feel. Abruptly, he walks away, leaving me breathless. “You look gorgeous, Emma,” he comments just as he turns the corner.


  Ashley admires my outfit with an appreciative gaze. “Em! That dress is amazing! You have to let me borrow it when I go out of town in a couple days!” She begs, feeling the material between her manicured nails.

  I have forgotten she’s visiting her on-again-off-again boyfriend for a few days. I wonder if Aiden will stay while she’s gone.

  “Thanks! And of course you can take it with you,” I assure her.

  We quickly head out to Aiden’s car, where I slide into the front seat, again, without thinking. I glance at him, taking in how good he looks in such a simple outfit – dark jeans and a black T-shirt. His hair is messy, yet it looks perfect on him.

  “Ash, where are we going?” He glances back in the rearview.

  “The Lounge. It’s not far. Just make a left turn out of the driveway and go about five miles. You can’t miss it!” She squeals with excitement.

  “You got the fakes?”

  Ashley hands me mine; it looks enough like me to pass. We’ve been going to The Lounge for months. But the last time we were there, the new bartender turned us away, so we found a guy on campus who makes them so we wouldn’t be turned away again.

  Aiden eyes me. “Am I going to have to deal with the both of you being smashed?” He laughs but I sense sincerity in his teasing words.

  We arrive at the familiar club, flashing lights beam through the barely tinted windows. I can hear the faint music coming from inside. It takes a minute to find a spot a distance away to park as the place is absolutely packed.

  “Let’s go!” Ash exclaims once we hop out of the car, and marches towards the club.

  I try to keep up with her exuberant pace, slightly pacing Aiden and his long strides. Gently, I feel his hand slide to the small of my back, slowing me down. I match his movements as he walks by my side, curious as to why he wants to walk with me instead of letting me go ahead with Ash.

  Aiden opens the door for me while Ash runs into the dimly lit club. I walk behind her, slowly assessing the mass amount of people staring at us, or I should say at Aiden. Girls gawk when he walks past, and I push myself a little closer against his side. Peeking over to gauge his reaction, I note a boyish grin on his face that causes a flutter in my stomach. I’m not sure why I’m being so protective over Ashley’s brother, but he intrigues me.

  Ash grabs my hand, yanking me away. With a shrug in Aiden’s direction, we head for the bar.

  “Three shots, please.” Ashley yells over the thumping music and winks at the bartender.

  Aiden clears his throat behind us. “Ash, I’m driving. I’m good. You girls have fun.” Reaching into his dark jeans, he pulls out a wad of cash from a clip and places it in her hands.

  Eyeing his kind gesture, I shake my head. “I can pay for mine, thank you though,” I grin shyly as I move a little closer to him.

  He chuckles, brushing his hand against my arm. “Don’t worry about it. I came out tonight because I want the both of you to have fun without having to worry about your safety.” He shrugs.

  Ashley mouths thank you and he nods.

  I grudgingly accept, not wanting to be rude. I guess it’s something he normally does. Besides the twenty dollars of running money in my account doesn’t really need to be spent on drinks. Yes, I know…I just bought a new dress, but I needed to do something for my confidence. I had more saved, but Ian needed some money and I idiotically gave it to him. I roll my eyes at myself.

  Ashley hands me a clear shot of what I guess is vodka.

  I down it quickly, wanting to forget about Ian and all the things I thought he was. My face scrunches at the taste; I will never get used to the uncomfortable burn straight liquor gives.

  “Two more!” Ashley announces excitedly and we down another set.

  “Slow down,” Aiden whispers lowly in my ear, his minty breath tingling against my skin.

  I nod. He’s right. I’m not the best drinker and I don’t want to get sick tonight. With a sigh, I lean back slightly against Aiden’s body, relishing in how his hand easily comes up to rest on the small of my back.

  There is something oddly comforting about the swirl of his thumb, and I push away all thoughts of how I shouldn’t be feeling such things to make room for the butterflies that twirl inside my stomach.

  Ash and I reminisce about our first year of college, celebrating our highs and lows. I’m in a low spot, but with her by my side, I’m already feeling much better.

  Slipping money to the bartender without Aiden’s watchful eye noticing is hard, but I succeed and order myself a Mai Tai to keep the good vibes flowing. I slowly stir my straw around the orange and pink liquid before bringing it to my lips. It’s sweet and delicious, but strong. A small moan escapes my lips as sweet orange hits my throat, soothing the burning from the vodka earlier.

  I tip my head up and see Aiden gently biting his bottom lip while staring at my lips. I quickly turn to Ashley, hiding my embarrassment.

  “Let’s dance!” I shout spontaneously with a bright smile, but turning to Aiden shyly. “Wanna come?”

sp; He shakes his head with a crooked smile.

  Ignoring his mesmerizing dimples, I grab Ashley’s arm and drag her to the crowded dance floor.

  Immediately, we begin swaying to the music. Each time I glance over at the bar, Aiden is watching me with narrowed eyes.

  I lose myself in the music as time passes. My previously consumed alcohol hits me, hard, and I enjoy my brain being carefree. My body relaxes as the music flows through me.

  “I love this song!” I say to Ash, only to realize she’s nowhere to be found.

  I scan the mass of thrumming bodies and find her dancing with a cute guy. She looks happy and I don’t want to ruin her moment, even though she has Brian. They are so on and off that I never know when they’re together. I think of Ian and the false security I felt in our relationship, and sadness washes over me.

  I plod off the dance floor and scan the bar for Aiden, but I don’t see him. I frown. Stumbling through the makeshift electronic mosh pit of people, I finally come across a small clearing ahead. A pair of hands suddenly grab my waist, making me stumble.


  Turning my head, I frown at the stranger in front of me.

  He’s handsome, blonde and lean. Free of tattoos and endless emerald stares, my mind adds on. Aiden is so out of my reach yet I’m not sure why he’s so embedded in my mind. Taking my time to observe the man, I admire his clean cut. He’s wearing a pressed blue polo, his eyes a matching bright blue.

  “Hey, beautiful,” He murmurs into my ear.

  I hit myself mentally when a bubble of giggles escapes when his breath tickles my neck.

  “Hi,” I mutter.

  “Wanna dance?”

  I nod absentmindedly. I wonder why I even bothered. He’s already begun moving my hips with his hands. Would Aiden care? But then again, why would he?

  I laugh at the thought of Aiden being interested in me. Shoving all thoughts away, I sway to the music as the bass rumbles through me.



  I had to take a lap around the club, with how mad Emma’s dancing is driving me.

  I don’t know why I’m so interested in the girl. She’s young, but she seems so bright, and she’s gorgeous. Maybe if I just fu…I shake my head. No, she needs to stay far away from me.

  From the first moment I saw her, I haven’t been able to keep her out of my mind. It was when she danced into the kitchen, carefree and whistling an upbeat tune that would normally make me cringe, but instead I admired her honey eyes as they widened at the sight of me.

  Then it was how heartbroken she was after Ian, don’t get me wrong I feel for her but the fact that I was jealous of her sulking about some idiot who doesn’t deserve her freaked me out.

  This isn’t me. When I fuck around with a girl, it’s normally for one night and I’m gone by morning, if not before. I haven’t even touched this girl properly and she’s invading my mind.

  I’ve seen the way Emma looks at me. I know she’s interested but I need to get away from her. She’s a virgin; I’m not the guy who deserves to take that from her. But why does it bother me when I think about someone else touching her?

  In quick strides, I battle with my heavy boots to make their exit.

  Find someone else, Aiden, anyone else except her.

  I make my way to the opposite end of the bar and consider ordering a beer, but I’m driving the girls tonight, so I need to relax on my own. I sit on the worn wooden bar stool, scanning the crowd for her even as I tell myself I should stop looking for her. Maybe I can find a girl to dip my cock into, to get my mind off Emma and that short black dre–

  My thoughts come to a screeching halt when I see her standing alone. Ashley left her. I scan the crowd and find her dancing with some random dude. Doesn’t she have a boyfriend? Why would she leave Emma alone? The thought infuriates me.

  I watch as Emma’s facial expression falls as she looks at Ashley and walks off the dance floor. Rising to my feet, I think about making my way to her. But I don’t need to comfort her, I don’t need to bother her. I want to, but I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.

  Not that I don’t want to fuck her brains out and have her screaming my name until the sun rises. I have respect for the sweet girl and don’t want to drag her into my bullshit.

  Ashley is always talking about how amazing her roommate is and how happy she is to have a best friend she can trust. I don’t want to hurt Emma and have Ashley mad at me. Hell, I’ve known her for a week, and I don’t want to hurt her because she is so sweet and innocent.

  Pure. That’s the word I should be using to describe this girl. Even when she was humiliated by that fucking idiot, she felt a need to protect him, throwing herself over him only to be pushed away. An admirable trait if only she could find someone worthy of that level of loyalty.

  The week has been interesting. My life usually consists of early mornings, business meetings, and locking down deals. I’m always on high guard, with the clients I work with dangerous things can happen in an instant. It’s a nice change of pace to see my sister and relax, her and Emma have been a nice distraction. But I’m itching at the bit to return to the city. Money, my business, power, they await me, and they never disappoint.

  A random guy grabs her waist and I jump to my feet, striding towards them without a second thought. As I get closer, I see her looking up at him and his ugly fucking polo shirt.

  Why the fuck is she giggling at him? What did he say to her?

  What am I even doing? They live here. This place is slap packed with college students. Maybe he’s her friend. An old fling? No, that isn’t her.

  She grinds against him, and I can’t stand the fucking sight of his grimy hands on her. I close the gap between us and grab the preppy idiot’s shoulder firmly. He looks up at me with wide eyes. That’s how most people react to me. Not Emma though, she hasn’t judged me even once. But then again, most girls don’t.

  He stops moving as does Emma.

  She turns around and her plump lips curl into a smile when she looks my way.

  Is she trying to get a reaction out of me?

  “Take your hands off my girl,” I growl.



  I can’t make out what Aiden said to the guy, but he releases me instantly. His irritated scowl and narrowed eyes follow as the stranger moves out of sight.

  It isn’t long before his brilliant green eyes focus back on me. With strong hands, he pulls me flush against him, my back to his front.

  “What did you say to him?” I tilt my head back against his hard chest, leaning into him feels…natural.

  “Don’t worry about it,” He whispers in my ear. “Dance with me,” He instructs.

  I oblige. Whatever he just did sent a wave of heat through my body.

  Riskier than usual with the alcohol in me, I slowly rock back and forth against him. We dance for a while, and when the beat picks up, so does my rhythm. I press myself back against him, grinding slowly. I feel something hard against my back, and it takes me no more than a second to realize what it is. I’m glad he can’t see the blush rising on my cheeks.

  “See what you do to me?” He whispers heatedly.

  I try to think of a response, but our intimate moment is interrupted by Ashley. My eyes fly open. Why did I close them? Realization hits me that I’m dancing with her brother and I quickly fumble out of his grip that’s still tight on my hips.

  She laughs, putting her hand on my shoulder to steady herself. “Em! I don’t care if you dance with him, I already told you to go after him.” She drunkenly yells over the loud music.

  Hearing Aiden laughing behind me, embarrassment crashes through me. I roll my eyes and grab her hand, leading her away before she says anything else. Aiden walks ahead of us, guiding us through the mass of bodies as we continue our tipsy trek.

  A groan escapes my lips when I catch sight of Ian heading straight for us. I let go of Ashley’s hand and instinctively step behind Aiden, my hands comin
g up to grip his shirt.

  “What do you want?” Aiden’s tone is venomous.

  Vivid reality flows through me at the sight of Ian’s face. Faded bruises cascade down his cheekbone. They’re nearly gone after a week of healing, but I can still see how badly he was hurt.

  Ian glares menacingly at him. They step towards each other with clenched fist, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding as I think of how to diffuse the situation. Everything is happening so quick; I hate how alcohol does that.

  Aiden reaches back and gently pushes me away. I become frantic at the thought of them fighting again. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me.

  “I’m going to pee,” Ashley announces quickly before darting for the bathroom.

  I roll my eyes. She’s worse with confrontation than I am.

  “Wait!” I shout, stepping in between them to keep them separated. “Ian, what do you want?” My words slur as I place my hands on my hips for support.

  “I just want to talk.” He eyes behind me. “Alone.”

  Aiden places a hand around my waist and tugs me into him. “Absolutely. Not.”

  Realizing it’s a lost cause, I pull Aiden to the door. But he is like stone, an immovable force. Without thinking, I change plans and grab Ian, pulling him away. If Aiden won’t go, I’ll get Ian out of the situation. That way, no one can fight.

  I glance back. Aiden looks pissed as he heads for the door but I’m thankful the situation didn’t escalate.

  I stop once I get to a quieter spot against the wall, but not wanting to go further away from people in the crowded club. I don’t trust him.

  “What do you want?” I tap my foot impatiently.

  “I... I didn’t mean what I said that night.” His desperate voice clouds my ears.

  I question if he truly means it. Then I remember his words from last weekend, clear in my mind that’s fogged by alcohol. I turn on my heel and stomp away from him. A few steps away, I look back with the hardest glare I can manage.

  “I just…” Unable to find the words for how over the situation I am, I sigh and muster up the courage to tell him just how I feel without making me sound like the wreck I am inside. “Don’t contact me anymore, Ian. There’s nothing more to say.”


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