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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 15

Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  Our love was that jewel in the embellished king’s crown; which immortally glistened in the corridors of bountiful enthrallment and irrefutable solidarity,

  Our love was that dimension of uninhibited sharing; which immortally expanded even as sinister hell pelted on soil; embracing all irrespective of caste; creed; color; in the religion of humanity; alike,

  Our love was that destiny line of the intricate palm; which immortally prospered into a garden of inevitably fabulous attraction; enveloping every iota of the devastated atmosphere with magnetic happiness,

  Our love was that door of success; which immortally unveiled into a festoon of sacredly Omniscient learning; indefatigably exploring the endlessly glorious shapes of ecstatic life,

  Our love was that principle of triumph; which immortally enlightened more ferociously than the flaming Sun; charring even the most infinitesimal bit of betrayal; with the swords of undeterred unity,

  Our love was that rainbow of overwhelmingly insatiable vivacity; which immortally bloomed in the aisles of emollient belonging; even after rain and blistering shine; had wholesomely disappeared from the sky,

  And our love was that spirit of unshakeable passion; which immortally took birth as a single breath; as a single divinely heart;  every time the Creator bestowed upon it a chance; to be born and blissfully spawn; once again .




  The marvelously impeccable eyes were hers; while the unprecedented excitement that shimmered relentlessly in them; was solely and immortally mine,

  The immaculately divine palms were hers; while the enigmatically inscrutable lines profusely incarcerated within; were solely and immortally mine,

  The intricately voluptuous feet were hers; while the seductively gorgeous trail of footprints that they left; were solely and immortally mine,

  The majestically tantalizing belly was hers; while the unparalleled titillation that it triggered all night and day; was solely and immortally mine,

  The gregariously heavenly lips were hers; while the smile  that they celestially generated; was solely and immortally mine,

  The enarmoringly ravishing hair were hers; while the mesmerizing trail of rhapsodic fantasy that they swirled into; was solely and immortally mine,

  The gorgeously charismatic earlobes were hers; while the unfathomable repertoire of mystical reverberations that they evolved; were solely and immortally mine,

  The spotlessly sacrosanct conscience was hers; while the rainbow of irrefutably unflinching ideals that they radiated; were solely and immortally mine,

  The conglomerate of impregnably convivial teeth were hers; while the ebullient tenacity with which they ardently masticated; was solely and immortally mine,

  The alluringly resplendent cheeks were hers; while the compassionate flurry of poignant blushes that they erupted into; were solely and immortally mine,

  The ecstatically princely fingers were hers; while the royal artistry that they fulminated into every unleashing minute of the day; was solely and immortally mine,

  The passionately crimson and volatile blood was hers; while the perennially new life that it bestowed upon whomsoever it cascaded; was solely and immortally mine,

  The ingratiatingly golden dew drops of perspiration were hers; while the incomprehensibly ebullient scent that they culminated into; was solely and immortally


  The boisterously bouncing adams apple was hers; while the insurmountable melody that it bloomed into; was solely and immortally mine,

  The philanthropically intrepid shoulders were hers; while the unimaginable benevolence that they hoisted; was solely and immortally mine,

  The majestically shimmering shadow was hers; while the tale of indefatigable nostalgia that it eternally weaved; was solely and immortally mine,

  The invincibly euphoric soul was hers; while the fabulously emphatic triumph that it disseminated; was solely and immortally mine,

  The delectably innocuous nostrils were hers; while the perpetually passionate breath that they blissfully exhaled; was solely and immortally mine,

  And the fervently throbbing heart was hers; while the heavenly beats that it magnetically expelled to blend with the rising Sun; were solely and immortally mine .












  24. BYE 

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to shatter me beyond realms of pragmatic imagination; making me the most horrendously penurious man on this boundless Universe,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to engender me to slither like profusely maim on cold ground; although I proudly possessed; blissful pairs of robust palms and feet,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to ruthlessly extricate every iota of happiness from my vibrant life; rendering me to worthlessly stagger in disdainful winds of disappearing oblivion,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to treacherously freeze all celestial streams of blood in my poignant veins; diabolically paralyzing every part of my

  body; till my death,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make all harmoniously sparkling food entrapped in my bowels; metamorphose into heinously preposterously

  skeletons beneath the corpse,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make me relinquish even the most infinitesimal iota of my splendid sight; groping in a sea of despairing darkness for centuries immemorial,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to slit my throat into an infinite bits of incoherently threadbare chowder; snapping the very essence of melodious sound; from the inner most recesses of my mouth,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make me lecherously stumble in a bedraggled heap towards sleazy cocoons of soil; lick pathetically devastating dust; as breakfast for the morning; the sole supper to lead the invidiously threatening night,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to make me indefatigably sulk in the aisles of perpetual solitude; with the contours of the extraneous world; evaporating in an obfuscated blur; far away from my overwhelmingly staggering vision,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to slash satanically through my conglomerate of divine veins; ripping my entire caricature apart into non-existent

  wisps degradable nothingness,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to bombard the unfathomable repertoire of royal fantasies in my brain; to insipidly ominous pulp and fetid gutter water,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to cremate me alive in a dungeon insurmountably brimming with venomous scorpion; shrug me to a ridiculous stage;

  where I lost all count of my incongruously decimated bones,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to trigger me to indefatigably cry; weep more than a countless deaths; in just a single lifetime of mine,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to scrap all my fame and opulence in a single shot; as acerbically wild hell rained in traumatized agony from the blankets of scarlet sky,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to starve me for infinite more births yet to unveil; tottering towards the corridors of despondent extinction; although the conventionally murderous society sighted me; with a spurious smile uncompromisingly lingering on my face,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to impregnate my wonderfully resplendent existence; with the inexplicable ghost of profound sorrow and

  abominably cacophonic wailing,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to capsize me in chains of insatiable depravation; incarcerating each of my enthralling mind; body and senses in perilously pernicious; prisons of bloodshed,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to asphyxiate my breath to veritably sinister nothingness; as I inhal
ed the last puff of exhilarated air into my dying lungs,

  Just three minuscule alphabets; were enough to lambaste my heart with whirpools of loneliness; annihilating each of its beats with swords of murderously uncouth diabolism,

  O! yes it was indeed unbelievable but irrefutably true; that just three minuscule alphabets ; made me instantaneously blend with winds of abhorrent hell; as she slipped from my invincible grip; to bid me a final good bye .


  If the eyes danced out of their sockets for times immemorial; morbidly bouncing in the untamed wilderness; with a ominous juggernaut of pugnacious snakes,

  The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but frantically groping in a whirlpool of meaninglessly threatening; and sinister darkness .

  If the teeth danced out of their sockets for decades unfathomable; insipidly blending with pathetically lambasted chunks of flattened soil,

  The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but starving to an unprecedentedly murderous extinction every instant; remorsefully missing

  tantalizing morsels of nature’s priceless fruit .

  If the fingers danced out of their sockets for centuries unsurpassable; resting in disdainful contentment; within the interiors of the horrifically abominable pigs stomach,

  The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but ludicrously slaving on brutally tyrannized ground; without the tiniest of ability to defend itself .

  If the hair danced out of their sockets for times unfathomable; taking perfidious pride in becoming the witch’s morning breakfast; as well as supper for the perilously invidious night,

  The impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but ridiculously castigated and ignominiously looked down upon; as a battalion of white mice feasted on

  the; scintillatingly barren scalp .

  If the blood danced out of its sockets for countless years; satanically hosting an insurmountable fleet of lecherous parasites,

  Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but only as a infinitesimally diminutive skeleton; tottering towards the brink of extinction; even in the heart of vivaciously vibrant life .

  If the legs danced out of their sockets for unimaginable moments; to melt like frigidly

  opprobrious pulp; even as the most minuscule beam of sunshine; filtered its way through the crimson clouds,

  Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but without any ambition to wholesomely succeed; disastrously staggering to juxtapose with

  deplorable despair; even before it could alight a nimble foot .

  If the brain danced out of its sockets for fathomless fortnights; to be consumed timidly by grazing goats and sporadically loitering tiny worms,

  Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but without even an inconspicuous iota of fantasy and desire; witnessing each little part of its being insidiously massacred; in hopelessly dumb submission .

  If the conscience danced out of its sockets for infinite millennium’s; to reside with the savage scorpions; as they diabolically feasted upon its irrefutably righteous visage,

  Then the impoverished body would continue to exist no doubt; but without the most remotest element of truth; miserably succumbing to the web of disgustingly

  capricious lies .

  Paradoxically to all of the above; if the Heart danced out of its sockets for infinite more births to unveil; philandering indefatigably behind the handsome hills; as the golden Sun kissed the evanescent horizons,

  Then the impoverished body would not only continue to exist; but would immortally continue to exist and evolve; into an invincibly romantic cloud of everlasting love; love; and only passionate love .




  When I sighted her from the absolute summit of the densely foliated tree; initially she appeared like the most magnificent fruit of Almighty’s creation; nimbly swishing her arms under the gloriously fading light,

  Although the ungainly distance subdued her brilliantly royal features an inconspicuous trifle; and her divinely contours; soon faded from my vision into an

  alluring mirage; as she disappeared in entirety behind the ethereal horizons .

  When I sighted her from the resplendently milky island of moon; initially she appeared to be a tantalizing seductress; dancing uninhibitedly under the mystically

  gorgeous shine,

  Although the murky light obfuscated her perpetual imagery an inconspicuous trifle; and her magnanimous visage; soon faded from my vision into a seductive shadow; as she inscrutably vanished in the wilderness of the rampant night .

  When I sighted her from the flamboyantly scintillating mountaintop; initially she appeared to be a blazing fireball of magnetism; inevitably attracting even the

  most remotely alien in her spell binding swirl,

  Although the austerely stringent glare overshadowed her marvelous trajectory an inconspicuous trifle; and her marvelous march towards triumph; soon faded from

  my vision into a languid siesta; as the sun transiently went behind the crimson clouds .

  When I sighted her from the fabulously sandy whirlpools; initially she appeared to be a princess freshly descended from the heavens; aristocratically inundating the pathetic atmosphere around with the insatiable artistry in her voluptuous eyes,

  Although the dust surpassed her piquantly poignant body an inconspicuous trifle; and her stupendously invincible aura; soon faded from my vision into a rapidly fleeting image; as winds of murkiness overtook the fiery light .

  When I sighted her from the heart of the ravishing ocean; initially she appeared to be the most boisterous tangy soul on this Universe; gyrating in untamed ecstasy under a cloud cover of exuberant happiness,

  Although the surreptitious froth camouflaged her charming smiles an inconspicuous trifle; and her celestially delectable aura; soon faded from my vision into a frigid layer of nothingness; as the tumblers of water crashed against the coldblooded rocks .

  When I sighted her from the fathomless expanse of rhapsodic sky; initially she appeared to float like an overwhelmingly charismatic fairy; enchanting even the

  most dreariest of dying life; with the supreme Omnipotence in her benign stride,

  Although the pertinently hovering mists obliterated her philanthropic goodness an inconspicuous trifle; and her formidably relentless fantasy; soon faded from my vision into a hazy fog; as cloudbursts of rain started to ferociously pelt down .

  When I sighted her from beneath an avalanche of scintillating ice; initially she appeared to be an intricately alluring doll; harmoniously singing the most melodious tunes of holistic survival,

  Although the enshrouding whiteness sequestered her wholesome beauty an inconspicuous trifle; and her captivatingly compassionate embrace; soon faded from

  my vision into a whirlwind of inscrutable baselessness; as snow melted in sweltering afternoon sunshine .

  When I sighted her from amidst the garden of incredulously titillating roses; initially she appeared to disseminate the fragrance of humanity; peace and impregnable brotherhood; to the most fathomless quarter of this boundlessly unending


  Although the blanket of invidiously extruding thorns shielded her ingratiating charm an inconspicuous trifle; and her immaculately divine destiny; soon faded from my vision into an ephemerally tingling memory; as the winds of intransigently unrelenting

  autumn tumultuously took over; with their excoriating toll .

  But eventually when I sighted her from the inner most dormitories of my heart; initially she appeared to be the sole queen of my impoverishedly devastated heart,

  And this time she remained immortally blended as my breath; my body; my conscience; my soul; even as I indefatigably kept walking an infinite times between

  corridors of blissful life; and diabolically ghastly death .


  27. PERPE

  The sky had a perpetual liaisoning with the satiny conglomerate of silken clouds; harboring a festoon of marvelously voluptuous mists in its profusely azure belly,

  The ocean had a perpetual liaisoning with the ravishingly undulating waves; watching in profound pride as they disseminated into majestic froth; after clashing against the royal rocks,


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