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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 15

Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  fortresses to juxtapose with raw ash,

  And unfathomable battalions of lethally prejudiced snakes danced in uncanny excitement at midnight; asphyxiating boundless innocuous to death; under cold

  rays of the Moon;

  When fathomlessly sprawling oceans of tangy water; ruthlessly evaporated to a capriciously inconspicuous globule of saw dust;

  And an endless sky of heinously perilous vultures descended down; to pluck out robust flesh from bodies divinely alive,

  Your heavenly eyes were the only rays O! Omniscient Beloved; that deluged each cranny of my impoverished life with Omnipotent light; an unparalleled optimism

  to emerge perpetually victorious in every philanthropic act of mine; even as jails of the devil had incarcerated one and all; alike .

  When fireballs of breath seemed to be miserably dwindling from my body; every symbiotically blessed space around me; metamorphosing into a land of perennially stinking cowardice,

  And an unfathomable barricade of hurdles confronted me in my way; triggering me to collapse countless kilometers beneath the ground; even before I commenced

  my holistically handsome walk;

  When all food on this marvelously royal planet; transformed into threadbare chunks of ludicrously dumb stone,

  And life on the majestically endowed sphere of land; was brutally tyrannized to gruesome submission; by abominably oppressed traitors of hell,

  Your immortal love was the only gift O! divinely Beloved; which bonded my despicably trembling beats with the spirit to unflinchingly survive; take birth

  an infinite more times; as the ultimate harbinger of benign humanity .



  When she was with me; incorrigibly adhering to every element of my disastrously shivering countenance; I had taken her immaculately divine ears for granted; feeling no formality to whisper in them; all the time,

  However it was only after she left for the heavens; that I relentlessly spoke about her; insatiably longed all day and night; to make every element of her benevolent soul; forever as mine .

  When she was with me; irrevocably clinging to my diminutively stumbling body; I had taken her robustly sparkling lips for granted; feeling no formality to kiss them; all the time,

  However it was only after she extinguished for eternity like a timid shadow; that I tumultuously yearned to caress each pore of her marvelously scintillating persona; unrelentingly admire her charismatic grace; till times beyond infinite infinity .

  When she was with me; intransigently following me like an irrefutable shadow; I had taken her heavenly palms for granted; feeling no formality in augmenting my grip on them; all the time,

  However it was only after she melted in perpetual mind; body and spirit; from the trajectory of this boundless planet; that I inexorably felt like dancing with her tantalizing visage till countless more births descended by; witnessing her magnanimous grace in every object that flooded my hopelessly despairing vision .

  When she was with me; compassionately embracing me in whatever situation I confronted; I had taken her compassionately innocuous breath for granted; feeling

  no formality to relish the same; all the time,

  However it was only after she had wholesomely coalesced with inconspicuous ash; that I incessantly lamented her philanthropically astounding presence; incessantly prayed to the Almighty Lord; to bestow her back in my devastatingly shattered life .

  When she was with me; immutably staring into my eyes; whether they horrifically wept or blossomed into a festoon of profoundly transpiring enchantment; I had

  taken her poignantly protruding nose for granted; feeling no formality to peck her

  on the same; all the time,

  However it was only after she had disappeared like a dying mirage; well beyond the horizons of non-existent oblivion; that I overwhelmingly missed her ecstatically exuberant stride; kept indefatigably pondering over and over again; upon the words that she had enamoringly spoken; when we had last met .

  When she was with me; standing by my unfathomable repertoire of ideals; supporting me wholeheartedly in every pursuit of my famished life; I had taken her melodiously ravishing voice for granted; feeling no formality to listen to it; all the time,

  However it was only after she had vanished completely above the crescendo of worthless nothingness; that I frantically searched for her tantalizingly inscrutable

  trail even in the wilderness of the sinister night; oblivious to the dungeon of unsurpassable scorpions on my body; as she became the heart of my every

  fantasy .

  When she was with me; invincibly perched upon my staggering shoulders; boisterously accompanying me even as I transgressed across the most treacherous of

  mountains; I had taken her ingratiating warmth for granted; feeling no formality to fondle her skin; all the time,

  However it was only after she perpetually evaporated like a droplet of water from soil; that I perennially desired for her spell binding charisma; the insurmountable empathy for mankind; that lingered uninhibitedly in her sacrosanct eyes .

  When she was with me; escalating like an untamed thunderbolt of sensuous desire; to passionately trigger off my every dreary dusk; I had taken her celestially magical shadow for granted; feeling no formality to blend with it; all the time,

  However it was only after her corpse was covered with an impregnable layer of black mud; that I nostalgically reminisced all those pricelessly golden moments that we had rejoiced together; fanatically longing for her to smooch me on my shriveled; put me

  to sleep for the remainder of the lecherously unsuspecting night .

  And when she was with me; incomprehensibly love my dejectedly despondent persona; for all the goodness that it inevitably possessed; I had taken her immortally everlasting love for granted; feeling no formality of acknowledging it; all the time,

  However it was only after she had abnegated her last iota of wonderful breath; that I died an infinite times every minute; even though handsomely alive; pledged to Almighty Lord; to grant me every birth hereafter;  with her never-ending heartbeats; bonded perpetually with mine .





  Call me lame; treacherously incapacitated to hoist even a frigidly floating whisker; in my venomously devastated palms,

  Call me dumb; irrevocably shunning all quarters of conventionally bombastic society; spending my life like a wholesome recluse; in cocoons of pathetically rustic wilderness,

  Call me blind; not able to sight even my own reflection in the most brilliantly sweltering sunlight; and after possessing handsome pairs of immaculately shimmering eyes,

  Call me deaf; sleeping like an uncouth devil even in the most tumultuously lambasting sound; languidly crawling towards the caverns of inexplicable doom,

  But come what may; I will keep loving her till countless more births yet to unfurl; irrespective of what the spuriously monotonous society said and although the clouds blended with threadbare soil; as she was irrefutably and immortally mine .

  Call me stupid; not possessing even the most infinitesimal of tenacity to fantasize beyond my voice; stumbling like a pack of bizarre cards; at the tiniest stroke of intelligence,

  Call me lackadaisical; relinquishing every iota of exuberance to wholesomely blend with the winds of gruesome nothingness; snoozing worse than a capriciously stinking pig even as the first rays of Sun; flamboyantly caressed the ground,

  Call me venomous; inflicting astronomical misery and horrific pain upon every cranny of soil that I tread; poisoning the fathomless fabric of celestial mankind with the satanic hostility in my deleterious blood,

  Call me manipulative; ominously epitomizing the deplorably ghastly chapter of give and take; enviously plotting behind my very own kin’s back,

  But come what may; I will keep loving her till the last droplet of blood circulated in my impoverished veins; irrespective of what the mur
derously rigid society said and although hell rained uninhibitedly from colossal skies; as she was unassailably and

  immortally mine .

  Call me esoteric; a sleazily withering entity abstrusely hard to comprehend; rotting profusely towards the aisles of abominable condemnation,

  Call me diminutive; even more disastrously inconspicuous than parasitic white mice; whiling away my entire lifetime sucking innocent blood from this mesmerizing planet,

  Call me insane; aimlessly wandering like a diabolical lunatic through an endless labyrinth of meaninglessly dusty streets; diffusing unprecedented terror in innocuous households with my devilish deeds,

  Call me fanatic; obsessively chanting just a single mantra all day and sinister night; excoriating even the slightest of relation with the extraneous world,

  But come what may; I will keep loving her each time God bequeathed upon me a chance to philanthropically survive; irrespective of what the lecherously corrupt

  society said and although the earth heinously split even before I could alight a single foot; as she was unequivocally and immortally mine .

  Call me shy; astoundingly mortified by even the most infidel speck of breeze  that dared blow my side; indefatigably licking dust for breakfast; lunch and dinner; due to my extreme inhibition to melange with the eclectic world outside,

  Call me a mosquito; incessantly buzzing my unfathomable repertoire of pertinently cacophonic rhyme; before I was eventually exonerated to boundless bits; with the descending hands of my master,

  Call me far-fetched; perceiving the most unsurpassably worthless things in the tenure of my destined life; trying to clamber upon a mountain of dreams; that never did exist,

  Call me beggar; inexorable spreading my fingers for decades immemorial; and yet not able to pacify the astronomical pangs of hunger in my miserably bedraggled stomach,

  But come what may; I will keep loving her till the last puff of air; till the last heartbeat ebulliently lingered in my chest and although the witches of doomsday vindictively augmented their stranglehold upon all mankind; as she was perennially and immortally mine .




  I could perhaps snap her photograph into a countless halves of inane nothingness; screaming the last breath out of my lungs to express my unlimited exasperation,

  I could perhaps pulverize her engagement ring into the furthermost realms of

  the trash can; happily adorning my fingers with bucolic cow-dung instead,

  I could perhaps feed every morsel of tantalizing food that she’d prepared for me; to the frigidly wastrel pigs near the fetid lavatory seat,

  I could perhaps ruthlessly excoriate all the compassionate sweaters that’d she’d spun for me; incessantly imploring me to wear the same; everytime we met in

  our flirtatiously clandestine days,

  I could perhaps abjectly spit on every nimble footprint that she made; dismissing it into inconspicuous oblivion and far away from my sight; that very instant when she left,

  I could perhaps brutally ransack her delectably punctilious wardrobe; ominously staining every impeccable fabric that she wore; with atrociously disillusioning rust,

  I could perhaps hide her spectacles at a corner where she’d never be able to

  discover; leaving her groping in the asphyxiating dark; for cynically condemning the artistic profession that I had undertook,

  I could perhaps curse her to the most unprecedented limits of hell; for eloping at the slightest opportunity that she could conceive; to her parent’s place,

  I could perhaps make the most hideously distorted face of the morbid devil in her bathroom mirror; uninhibitedly using her favorite bar of tawdrily crimson  lipstick,

  I could perhaps astutely lay a feckless banana skin on every path that she would traverse upon; so that she plunged head-on towards cold floor; even before she could alight a single foot,

  I could perhaps lay a surreptitious handful of red ants beneath the very mattress that she slept; so that her entire night went in vituperatively groaning and scratching raw; whilst I celestially snored,

  I could perhaps give her the tightest of slap on her pristine cheek; for impudently pestering upon me to buy every beautiful thing on the limitless Universe; when infact all that rattled in my pockets were infinitesimally worthless stones,

  I could perhaps solely pinpoint upon her molehill of  ludicrously staggering

  deficiencies; making her indefatigably feel the most depressed entity on earth alive,

  I could perhaps proclaim her as the most perfidiously nonchalant girl on this Universe; to the entire society where we lived; for making ostensible passes at every handsome hunk that passed her step,

  I could perhaps pay a deaf ear to even the most of her hoarsely anguished cries; as she was the one who’d started it all; by baselessly poisoning the mind of my child towards my every decision in vibrant life,

  I could perhaps blend sleeping pills into her morning milk; so that she peacefully slept all day; and I remained wholesomely bereft of the tiniest of her perniciously slandering sarcasms; for apparently no fault of mine,

  I could perhaps viciously stamp her irascibly writhing foot in glaring public; as she started to shed every bit of her integrity like the withering leaf; in the center of

  the jauntily crowded street,

  I could perhaps uncontrollably kick her left; right and dead center; for deliberating sending me off on a unnecessary household errand; whilst she established new norms of infidelity; smooching every stranger she met; till unceremonious passions galore,

  But no matter how angry was I on her; for not living up to my expectations; for not being the ideal wife I had perceived; for mercilessly violating my spirit of truth and egalitarian humanity; for this umpteenth reason or that; it was impossible to erase memories of those poignantly fragrant moments when we’d first met; it was impossible to erase those words of Immortal Love which we’d confessed while we courted; it was impossible to erase even a minuscule fraction of her from my passionately throbbing heart; for an infinite more destined lives and lifetimes .



  The ultimate crown of my miserably impoverished eyes; was your eternally resplendent garden of symbiotically uniting empathy,

  The ultimate crown of my diminutively impoverished brain; was your fantastically endless ocean of enchantingly bountiful dreams,

  The ultimate crown of my ethereally impoverished eyelashes; was your timelessly unconquerable inspiration to exuberantly surge forward in every aspect of life,

  The ultimate crown of my traumatically impoverished lips; was your vivaciously untamed rainbow of eternally blessed sensuousness,

  The ultimate crown of my depravingly impoverished bones; was your inexhaustible temerity to fearlessly withstand even the most treacherous apocalypses of violent hell,

  The ultimate crown of my parasitically impoverished fingers; was your inimitably unparalleled festoon of tirelessly majestic artistry,

  The ultimate crown of my inconspicuously impoverished veins; was the poignantly indomitable flavor of your ubiquitously uniting blood,

  The ultimate crown of my haplessly impoverished palms; was the brilliantly

  enlightening sky of your royally infallible destiny lines,

  The ultimate crown of my asphyxiatingly impoverished ears; was the impregnable ingredient of unconquerable oneness in the cadence of your selfless voice,

  The ultimate crown of my preposterously impoverished throat; was the effulgently limitless sweetness of your Omnipotently ecstatic creation,

  The ultimate crown of my waywardly impoverished footsteps; was the insuperably redolent path of Omnipresent righteousness; that you timelessly traversed,

  The ultimate crown of my brutally impoverished intestines; was the fruits of

  panoramically pristine creation that you blissfully assimilated; every single unfurling minute of your victorious life,

bsp; The ultimate crown of my impotently impoverished persona; was the countless

  seeds of synergistically fragrant evolution that you sowed; as every night took heavenly control of the sweltering day,

  The ultimate crown of my obliviously impoverished skin; was the torrential

  rain showers of tantalizing rhapsody; that perennially promulgated from your harmonious existence,

  The ultimate crown of my squalidly impoverished conscience; was the miraculously mitigating essence of your unassailably liberating truth,

  The ultimate crown of my hedonistically impoverished soul; was your perpetually philanthropic spirit of timelessly coalescing with every fragment and sect of divine humanity,


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