Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2)

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Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2) Page 2

by Heather MacKinnon

  I’d seen her standing in front of the restaurant looking like she needed someone to save her, and I hadn’t been able to stop myself. Maybe Ryder was right, and I had a hero complex. Maybe I’d decided to stop keeping my distance from the beautiful woman that lived downstairs from me. Or maybe I was just jealous of all the happiness my brother had found and was looking for some of my own.

  Whatever the case, I’d given her a ride home and then invited her up to my apartment. Despite my reservations and my desire to keep her at arms’ length, she’d fallen right into them and I was having trouble pulling away. With her warm little body beneath my hands, I knew exactly how I wanted the night to end, consequences be damned.

  Belle was still looking up at me, her honey-colored eyes wide and her white teeth biting down on her full bottom lip. Finally, she laughed, the sound breathy, and pulled away. I instantly missed the contact.

  “Sorry. I think it’s time to admit I’ve had too much to be walking in these shoes.”

  She reached out for my arm again and I watched her kick off her black high heels. It was then I noticed she wasn’t wearing stockings, and the golden hue of her legs was her natural skin color. I swallowed roughly as my eyes trailed down to her bare feet. I wasn’t usually a guy who gave a shit about that kind of thing, but there was something about her red painted toenails that was making my dick twitch.

  She pulled away, and I did my best to hold still. To not reach for her. To not pull her back against me.

  I cleared my throat. “How about that beer?”

  She wrinkled her nose and my lips twitched with a smile.

  “I’m still not sure about this beer shit,” she said.

  I laughed, I couldn’t help it. She was so real and honest. I’d noticed these things before but had never spent this much time alone with her. She was like a smart-mouthed breath of fresh air.

  I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her farther into my apartment. I knew I should have kept my hands to myself, but that didn’t seem to matter tonight.

  “Listen, I think you’ll like Blue Moon. I even have oranges.”

  She looked up at me, questions clear in her light brown eyes. “Oranges?”

  I nodded once and sat her down at a chair in the kitchen. “Everyone knows you have to have an orange slice with a Blue Moon.”

  She rolled her eyes as she settled her small frame on the seat. “Well, excuse me.”

  I grabbed a cutting board, knife, and an orange off the counter. “I’ll let it go this once.”

  She laughed, the sound higher pitched than her normal voice, but musical in a way. “I appreciate your leniency, Remy.”


  There was something about the way she said my name that made me want to ask her to say it again. I shook my head and sliced up the orange. When I was done, I pulled a cold glass out of the freezer and rubbed a slice of the fruit along the rim before settling it on the edge.

  “You’re really pulling out all the stops here, aren’t you?” she asked from behind me.

  I shrugged as I pulled a bottle of Blue Moon out of the fridge and poured it carefully into the glass. “If I’m going to make you try my favorite beer, I’m going to make sure I do it right.”

  She laughed again, this time softer than before.

  When her glass was full, I brought it over to where she was seated, setting it before her with a flourish. She laughed once more, and I knew it was a sound I could become addicted to.

  I shook my head to rid myself of that thought. I had no business thinking things like that. Not about Belle. Not about anyone. I had too much on my plate as it was. There was no room for a woman. Especially not one like Belle.

  I watched as her dainty hands wrapped around the frosted glass. She looked up at me with a smile. “Are you gonna watch the whole time?”

  I nodded. “Of course. I need to see the moment you realize I was right.”

  She pressed her lips together like she was fighting off a smile. When she broke eye contact, I was glad she did because I didn’t think I could have done it. She lifted the glass to her full lips, her pink tongue darting out once and almost completely undoing me. Finally, she took her first sip and set the glass back down.

  I waited and waited, but she was silent as she stared into the foamy glass of beer. “Well?”

  She looked up at me, her brows furrowed. “It’s sweet.”

  I nodded, my lips pulling into a smile. “I know, right? I told you it was delicious.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t say delicious.”

  “You might as well have.”

  She scoffed. “Listen, pal, it’s no pinot grigio, but I suppose it’ll have to do for tonight.”

  I shook my head and turned back toward the fridge. “That didn’t sound anything like a thank you.”

  She laughed again and my heart thumped in my chest.

  “I suppose thanks are in order. After all, you’re the one responsible for how drunk I’m getting tonight.”

  I grabbed another bottle from the fridge and popped the top off before taking a swig. “Not too drunk I hope.”

  The double meaning was there, but would she pick up on it?

  She raised a single brow as she took another long sip of her beer. “No. I’m not that drunk. Just drunk enough, actually.”

  My heart beat harder at that information. This night wasn’t ending with either of us going to bed alone and I wanted to make sure she was sober enough to make that decision. Apparently, she was, and my dick hardened at the thought.

  I raised my beer toward her. “To just being drunk enough.”

  She laughed and held up her glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

  She took another long swig, and I watched her as I drank some of my own.

  “How come you’re not using a fancy glass and a garnish?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Real men don’t need fruit in their beer.”

  Her eyes widened comically, and I knew if I was standing closer that she’d have slapped me again. She really was pretty feisty. Why was that so appealing?

  “Real men don’t need fruit? Then why’d you have the orange here to begin with?”

  Ah, she had me there.

  I shrugged and took the seat next to hers, my leg brushing against her bare knee. “It’s for when I bring home beautiful women and get them to drink my beer.”

  Her lips pressed into a thin line again and, this time, I knew it was to suppress another smile. “Do you bring home a lot of beautiful women, Remy?”

  I took another long sip of my beer before answering her. “You’d probably know if I did.”

  She nodded as she took a drink of her own. “Yeah, I guess I would. There aren’t many secrets when you live on top of someone else.”

  My dick twitched at her choice of words, but I told him to settle down.

  “Not really. Except of course what an awful driver you are.”

  She rolled her pretty eyes before taking another sip. “I wish I hadn’t told you that.”

  “Why? Because I’ll use it against you now?”


  I laughed as I watched her drain her glass. When she was done, I hopped up and grabbed her another beer. She eyed it speculatively as I poured it into her glass.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Remy?”

  I shook my head. “I thought you were already drunk.”

  She chuckled as she took another sip. “Not that drunk.”

  I smiled wide as I finished my beer. “That’s right. Not that drunk.”

  I grabbed myself another and walked back over to the table with my hand stretched out to her. “Let’s go sit in the living room. I’ve had enough of uncomfortable chairs for the night.”

  She took my hand and let me lead her into the next room.

  “The restaurant’s chairs really were uncomfortable, weren’t they? My ass was hurting all night, but I thought it had to just be me.”

  At the mention of her ass, I couldn�
��t help but take a peek. I made sure to keep it short though. Who knew what would happen if I got caught checking out a woman like Belle? She’d probably have my nuts for breakfast.

  “Who’s the fuckwit who picked that restaurant?”

  I laughed loudly, the sound filling the quiet apartment. I couldn’t help myself. “You know damn well it was me.”

  She turned around with wide, innocent eyes that I didn’t believe for a second.

  “Was it? Huh. I guess you should do your research better next time you take us to an expensive restaurant. Make sure the chairs don’t give your guests’ asses permanent damage.”

  I laughed again and, this time, it felt like the humor loosened something in my chest. Something that had been wound tightly that was slowly untangling. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it had to do with Belle and I also knew I liked it. A lot.

  “You have my apologies. I’ll try to do better next time.”

  She took a seat on the couch and crossed her long, golden legs. “You do that.”

  I would have laughed again, but all the air fled my lungs the second I got another look at her legs and bare feet. What was this woman doing to me?

  I took a seat next to her and leaned back. Today had been long, but it was something I was used to by now. I’d worked in the office that morning before meeting Ryder and Bailey at the graduation ceremony. I felt guilty that I hadn’t made time to visit Gramps, but his nurse should have stopped by and he’d assured me he’d be all right.

  Actually, he’d more or less told me to stop babying him and take care of what I needed to. The old man was stubborn as hell, but that was where I’d gotten it from, and I was even worse than he was.

  Taking care of him and Ryder was my job, and I took it very seriously. They were the only family I had left, and I was determined to make sure I did everything I could for them.

  “Hey, where’d you go?”

  I turned to see Belle watching me and I sighed. “Sorry, I was just thinking about what a long ass day this was.”

  She turned on the couch, so she was facing me. “You mean the graduation?”

  I shrugged and took a long sip of my beer. “Nah, that was the easy part. I also had to put in a few hours at work before then and I’ve been pretty much nonstop since seven this morning.”

  She nodded slowly, her teeth digging into her bottom lip again. “You must be tired then. I should probably go.”

  I sat up quickly, the movement startling her. “No!” I cleared my throat and tried again. Tried to get back that cool confidence I’d had just a few minutes ago before she threatened to leave and end this night for good. “No, you don’t have to go.” I held up my half-full beer. “I’ll be finishing this one and probably one of his brothers whether you’re here or not. You might as well keep me company.”

  She smiled softly and settled back onto the black leather couch. “Okay, but just until I finish my beer.”

  I’d have preferred more time with her, but I’d take what I could get. I had a feeling that this night with Belle was a one-time thing. Once she walked out that door, all this would be over, and I wasn’t ready for that yet.

  I took another swig of my beer as I watched her drink hers. My mind spun with ways to keep her a little longer and I was coming up empty. What could I say that would entice her to stay? What could I do that would keep her here longer?

  Then it hit me.

  I could argue with her.

  I settled my beer on my thigh and raised a brow at Belle. “Are you ready to admit you’re a beer drinker now?”

  She scoffed. “Not even close.”

  “I just saw you licking your lips.”

  “They were dry.”

  “They look fine to me.”

  She raised a brow in my direction, and I knew she’d picked up on the double meaning of my words.


  “Just admit you like beer now.”

  She rolled her eyes and drained the rest of the contents of her glass. “I’ll admit that I can tolerate this beer, but that’s all you’re getting from me, MacAlister.”

  I grinned. “I think you more than tolerated it.”

  She shook her head. “Keep dreaming.”

  “I will.”

  There was an edge to those words too, and I knew it hadn’t escaped her notice. She slowly set her glass on the coffee table and rose to her feet.

  “I should probably get going. I don’t want to have to explain to Bailey and your big-mouthed brother what I’m doing here.”

  I stood too, noticing her head only reached my pecs. For some reason, she’d always seemed taller to me. Larger than life. It must have had more to do with her personality than her stature because she was actually pretty tiny.

  “They’re not coming home tonight.”

  She looked up at me, her light eyes clear. “Why not?”

  I shrugged. “Ryder booked a suite downtown. Said he wanted to bone his fiancée in private.”

  She rolled her eyes so hard her eyelashes fluttered. “What a pig.”

  I laughed because she wasn’t wrong. My brother was a pig who also happened to have a heart of gold. I knew that was the only reason he still had Bailey by his side. Like her old roommate, that girl was a pistol and didn’t take much crap from anybody. But my focus wasn’t on Bailey. My sole attention was on the little spitfire in front of me and what I could say to make her stay.

  “Have one more beer with me.” I tried to keep my tone light and not at all like this was a demand. This needed to be her decision.

  She twisted her pursed lips to the side as she eyed me. Finally, she sighed. “I guess I could drink another one of your beers.”

  My chest loosened further knowing I’d have at least a few more minutes with her. Now I had to figure out how to make them count. And how to get her to give me the rest of her night.

  Chapter 3


  “Let me get you another one,” Remy said as he stood up.

  I grabbed his arm to stop him. “I can get it. I’ve got legs.”

  He cleared his throat loudly and shook his head. “Yeah, I’ve noticed.” He paused for a moment before going on. “Just sit still and I’ll grab it for you.”

  I settled back onto the soft couch and watched Remy disappear from the room. Honestly, I wasn’t really used to being taken care of. Most men I hung around were all too happy to let me jump up and serve them, not the other way around. Was this just a characteristic of Remy’s? Or was there more to it?

  I wasn’t naïve. I knew where this night would likely end up, but I was still debating whether or not that was a good idea.

  One of my rules was to always make sure the men I got involved with understood what was happening between us up front. No mysteries, no delusions.

  I didn’t do relationships. Ever. If a guy wasn’t okay with that, then I wasn’t taking him to bed. It was as simple as that. And even though my ball-busting younger brother liked to call me a heartbreaker, I really didn’t leave a trail of men behind me. Anyone I spent my time with knew this all before we got involved.

  I didn’t even do second dates because I didn’t need anyone getting the wrong idea. I wasn’t going to be their girl. I wasn’t going to date them. I was nothing more than a night of fun and that was the way I liked it.

  Could Remy live with that?

  He’d already had to sit through my why relationships are bullshit speech, so he couldn’t say he wasn’t warned. But we did live in the same building. Would this be pushing the casual thing too far? Would we be able to go back to the friendly acquaintances we were before? Was I willing to take that chance?

  Remy walked back into the room with two bottles of beer and I took the time to study him. He was still wearing his crisp button-down shirt and dark pants, looking like he just stepped out of the boardroom, which was nothing new for him. I’d never seen him dressed anything less than impeccably.

  His facial hair was trimmed neatly, framing his strong jawline a
nd pink lips. He had a thick head of dark hair that looked just long enough for me to run my fingers through. Overall, he was exactly my type, and I knew resisting him was going to be tough. Especially when he kept looking at me with those dark brown eyes I wanted to get lost in.

  But Isabelle Garcia didn’t get lost in any man and I needed to remember that.

  This might have been a risky decision, hooking up with someone so close to home, but the longer I spent in his apartment with his manly cologne filling the heated space between us, the less likely it was that I’d be going home anytime soon. And I wasn’t complaining.

  Remy poured one of the bottles of beer into my glass and handed it to me. I thanked him before taking a sip of the cool, bubbly liquid. It really was pretty friggen good, but I wouldn’t let him know that.

  “So, what is it that you do that had you working early on a Saturday morning?”

  Remy sat back on the couch with a sigh and took a sip of his beer before answering. “I’m the chief financial officer for a life insurance company in Providence. The work never ends, really.”

  I frowned as I thought over his words. “Chief financial officer? Isn’t that kind of a big deal?”

  Remy shrugged. “I guess.”

  I worked to put the pieces together, but something wasn’t adding up. Finally, I asked, “Then what the hell are you doing living here?”

  There was nothing wrong with where we lived, but it certainly wasn’t the nicest place in Providence. Bailey and I had chosen it for its cheap rent at a time when both of our careers were new and our finances a bit up in the air. I’d assumed Remy and Ryder had been in the same situation, but apparently not.

  Remy took another sip of beer before turning toward me on the couch, his knee brushing against my hip.

  When had he gotten so close?

  “I guess I could be living somewhere fancier, but it’s not necessary. I don’t need much, and this place is good enough for me. Besides, I didn’t want to put Ryder in a situation where he was struggling to make rent every month. It just doesn’t matter that much to me where I live.”

  I turned his words over in my head for a moment before speaking again. “So, you moved to a mediocre apartment when you could be living in a penthouse downtown all for your brother?”


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