Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2)

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Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2) Page 3

by Heather MacKinnon

  He shrugged, looking uncomfortable for the first time that night. “I guess.”

  I sat back in my seat and twirled the glass in my hands back and forth while I thought about that. I’d already known Remy was a decent guy, but I guess I didn’t know him well enough to know just how great he was.

  Being the CFO of a company was no joke. He had to be making plenty of money and yet he chose to live in an old ass house just so his brother wouldn’t struggle to pay his half of the rent. That was the kind of decency I just didn’t see too frequently anymore.

  “That’s really pretty great of you,” I said, breaking the silence between us.

  He shrugged again and took another sip of his beer. “He’d do it for me too. That’s what family’s for.”

  A man who valued his family. Another novelty in the dating scene I was a part of.

  I wanted to ask a dozen other questions, get to know this side of him more, but he interrupted me with one of his own.

  “And what do you do for a living?”

  I almost pressed it. Almost insisted on moving the conversation back to him and his life but I realized that wasn’t a good idea. I didn’t need to know more about him. I didn’t need more reasons to like him. All I wanted was one night. Knowing about how great of a guy he was and how well he treated his family was all extra shit I didn’t need crowding my brain.

  Thankful for the topic change, I answered, “I’m an assistant director at an art gallery downtown.”

  His eyebrows rose as his dark eyes raked my body. “An art gallery? I never would have guessed.”

  I snorted and took another sip of my beer. “Think I’m not cultured enough to work in an art gallery?”

  There was no edge to my voice and Remy noticed because his smile widened. “Never even crossed my mind, Belle.”

  “Good. ‘Cause I’m cultured as fuck.”

  He laughed, and the sound filled the room. “I have no doubt. I just never pictured the colorful and robust Belle Garcia working in a stuffy art gallery.”

  “My gallery is anything but stuffy.”

  He raised an unimpressed brow. “Every art gallery I’ve ever been in has been stuffy.”

  “And how many art galleries have you been in, hotshot?”

  His lips twitched with a smile. “Maybe one or two.”

  I scoffed. “Two galleries is hardly a fair assessment, MacAlister.”

  He grinned and shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to change my mind then.”

  A challenge?

  Hell, yes.

  “You’re on.” I took a sip of my beer and added, “In fact, there’s a new show opening next month. Come to that and see for yourself that my gallery isn’t stuffy.”

  His smile widened as he nodded. “I’ll be there.”

  My stomach flipped at his words and I wondered what I’d just done.

  Did I just invite him on a date?


  I’d just invited him to a show at my gallery. I invited dozens of people and Remy was no different. It didn’t matter that even now I could feel the excitement building inside me. It didn’t matter that his wide grin made my heart pound in a stupid way. None of that mattered because I didn’t do dates and I didn’t do relationships. Not now, not ever.

  Despite my reservations, I had too many questions bubbling up inside me about Remy to not voice them. What would it hurt to learn a little more about him?

  A tiny voice in my head whispered, famous last words.

  “How old are you?”

  Remy’s eyes widened. “Aren’t you never supposed to ask a lady her age?”

  I snorted. “Perhaps, but you’re no lady.”

  He leaned back on the sofa, one arm balancing on the back, putting it inches from my head. “Ah, that’s right. I guess there’s no harm in telling you I’m thirty-four then.”

  I frowned. “What insurance company do you work for?”

  His brows furrowed a little like he didn’t know where my questions were leading, but he answered anyway. “Ocean State Insurance Company.”

  My frown deepened. “That’s one of the big ones.”

  He just shrugged.

  I rotated further on the couch so I could get a better look at him. “So, you’re telling me at thirty-four, you’re the CFO of one of the biggest companies in the state?”

  He shrugged again, looking more uncomfortable than ever. “I guess.”

  “That’s pretty impressive, MacAlister.”

  And for some reason, also attractive. Not that he needed any help in that department.

  He chuckled and took a long sip of his beer before shrugging. “What can I say? I’ve always been good with numbers. I interned with Ocean State while I was in college and they hired me after graduation. It took a little while, but I climbed the ladder until I landed this position.”

  He made it sound so easy. Like college interns became high-ranking members of their companies every day. He also wasn’t bragging about it and, in fact, probably wouldn’t have mentioned any of this if I hadn’t pried. It was rare for me to meet a man who didn’t strut around like a damn peacock over every little accolade he’d ever received.

  Which just made him even more attractive.

  I took a sip of my beer and licked my lips. “Always been good with numbers?”

  He nodded.

  “Huh. I thought I saw a bit of nerd in you.”

  He laughed loudly, and I smiled as I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down in his throat. He really did have a nice laugh.

  “You’ve got me. I was always the kid too busy studying to get into trouble growing up. Even had the thick glasses to prove it. Thankfully, that all payed off though.”

  I swallowed harshly. “You wear glasses?”

  Suddenly images of the finely dressed Remy in a pair of studious-looking glasses filled my head. Pair that with his broad chest and what looked like thick arms under his Oxford and I was practically salivating.

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I wear contacts now.”

  “I’d like to see these glasses,” I said, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  He turned wide, surprised eyes toward me. “Really?”

  I swallowed again and looked down at my half-full beer. I really needed to cool it. With a shrug, I said, “Yeah. I think you’d look good with glasses.”

  Which was the understatement of the night.

  “Huh. Maybe I’ll have to break them out for you someday.”

  I snuck a peek at him, thankful he was focused on his beer and not me. He was looking better by the second and suddenly, alarm bells were going off in my head.

  What was I doing here?

  Was I really thinking about sleeping with my neighbor?

  I didn’t like messy, and this sounded like it’d end up looking like a toddler with a bowl of spaghetti. Messy didn’t even begin to describe it.

  I chugged the rest of my beer and stood up, knowing I needed to end this night before I did something I couldn’t take back.

  “I think I’m gonna go,” I announced.

  Remy scooted to the edge of the couch, a frown on his face. “Everything okay?”

  I nodded one too many times, having to rein in my bobbling head before I looked stupider than I already did. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just have an early morning tomorrow.”

  “On a Sunday?”

  “Church,” I blurted. Thankfully, the wince was internal.

  His frown deepened. “Church?”

  “Um. Yeah. I have church in the morning. Can’t be late.”

  He squinted up at me and it took all my willpower to stay still and not fidget under his gaze. Finally, he shrugged. “That’s something else I didn’t know about you.”

  Yeah, me neither.

  “Well, I’m full of surprises. I’ll just go put my glass in the sink and get out of your hair.”

  Without waiting for a reply, I hightailed it out of the living room and into the kitchen. Once there, I took my first real
breath in a while and tried to calm the erratic beating of my heart, but it was so torn.

  Part of me really wanted to stay. Like really, really wanted to stay. Remy had been so great all night and I couldn’t deny there was this attraction between us that I wanted to explore.

  But on the other hand, I didn’t shit where I ate, and sleeping with the dude who lived upstairs was doing exactly that.

  It seemed like I really didn’t have a choice and I hated that.

  I made my way over to the sink and rinsed my glass before setting it in the basin. I almost picked up the sponge and began washing it, but that would have just prolonged my time here. As the minutes ticked down, my will to leave ran thinner and thinner.

  There was a creak in the floorboards behind me, and I knew Remy was in the room too. I took a deep breath and spun around to find him just a few feet away. He was much closer than I’d expected, and it stole my breath, stopping my heart for a second.

  He stepped closer, bringing his intoxicating scent and the heat of his big body with him. Reaching around me, he set his bottle on the counter but didn’t immediately move away. I struggled to take in even breaths while I wondered what the hell he was doing.

  Finally, he sighed. “Listen, Belle, I really don’t do shit like this. I don’t have a playbook or a set of moves like I’m sure you’re used to. All I know is I really don’t want you to leave right now.”

  My heart pounded so hard in my chest I was afraid I’d crack a rib. Not able to stop myself, I tipped my head back and met his eyes. Without my permission, the truth spilled from my lips. “I don’t want to leave either.”

  His dark brown eyes widened for a split second before determination lit them from within. He closed the remaining inches separating us, his big hand reaching up to cup the back of my head. I held my breath as he leaned in close, the heat of his body scorching me. “Then stay,” he whispered.

  And that was all it took. I was spending the night with Remy MacAlister, consequences be damned.

  Chapter 4


  Time seemed to stand still as Remy’s face moved closer to mine. I closed my eyes and willed my heart to slow but it was pounding in my throat at that point, and I knew there was no stopping it. Even over the roar of my pulse, I could hear the small intake of breath Remy took before his lips met mine.

  In that instant, I knew no matter what happened, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. All the doubts and reservations I’d had took flight as his warm mouth covered mine.

  His lips were tentative and I felt the hesitancy in the way he touched me. Like I was fragile. Like I’d break if he pulled too hard or held on too tight.

  But I wasn’t fragile. Not at all and I wasn’t into taking things slow.

  I reached up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips harder against his. He gasped softly before his other hand gripped my hip and his lips opened with mine. All hesitancy was gone as he explored my mouth, his tasting like oranges and hops. I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck as he pulled me even closer, until the bulge in his pants pressed against me and I had to hold back a moan.

  My fingers wove through the silky strands of his dark hair, tugging when he bit my bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth. The hand he had at the back of my head slid down my body until he reached my waist. With one quick move, he lifted me onto the countertop and fit his hips between my spread legs.

  Now I was at a better angle, I took advantage and deepened the kiss further. His hands squeezed my hips and dragged me closer before wandering around my body. One went up my back, scorching the bare skin exposed by my dress, while the other moved lower, cupping my ass and bringing me even tighter against him.

  He pulled away from my mouth to run his lips down my neck, nipping and licking as he went.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he murmured against my skin, sending a shiver racing down my spine.

  Like he had a map drawn for him, his lips found the sensitive spot on my neck and he sucked hard, causing me to gasp loudly and grip his hair tighter. He grunted and pressed his hips into me again, harder than before and in the exact right place to make me moan.

  He nibbled up my neck until he reached my ear. “That feel good?”

  I nodded quickly, words failing me at the moment. He chuckled and pressed into me even harder. I gripped his hair and dragged his lips back to mine. This kiss was more frantic as he pressed against me over and over. Without my permission, my hips met his, increasing the pressure against my clit and driving me higher than I thought I could get with my clothes still on.

  He lifted my dress until it was above my waist, leaving me sitting on his kitchen counter in nothing more than a skimpy pair of underwear. The surface was cold against my ass, but I barely noticed.

  “We need to stop or I’m going to fuck you right here,” he murmured against my lips.

  “I don’t care where we are.”

  He chuckled as my mouth sought his again in a bruising kiss. His big hands slid underneath my ass and, in one tug, he lifted me off the counter and into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I gasped.

  His mouth found that spot on my neck again and my head fell backward to allow him better access. “I’m taking you to bed,” he rumbled against my skin.

  I wrapped my legs around his hips as he walked us through his apartment, expertly navigating around the miscellaneous furniture while his lips played a torturous symphony down my neck and across my heaving chest.

  He readjusted me in his arms and reached out to open what I assumed was his bedroom door. The air was cooler in here and it sent another shiver racing down my spine.

  He wasted no time as he stalked through the door, kicking it closed behind us. He strode confidently through the room, only stopping to lower me to his mattress. Crawling up next to me, his lips found mine again as his hand stroked the skin of my leg from knee to thigh.

  “Are you wet for me, beautiful?”

  My breath caught in my chest at his question, but I nodded. “Yes,” I whispered.

  His hand trailed higher up my leg until he reached my apex. Slowly, he pulled aside my damp panties and ran a single finger down the length of my slit.

  “Mmm, I see,” he said, his voice deeper than I’d ever heard it.

  I panted as I waited for more. Waited for him to touch me deeper, to take away the ache in my core I’d felt since the Uber ride home.

  “Remy, please,” I finally said when it seemed he was in no hurry to do anything more.

  He moved closer to me until his lips and warm breath were at my ear again. “What do you want? Tell me and I’ll do it.”

  My heart thundered in my chest as I felt the power he was giving me run wild through my veins. “I want you to touch me.”

  “I am touching you.”

  “No. More. Deeper,” I panted.

  Without hesitation, he slid one thick finger all the way inside me, making my legs quiver and the breath catch in my throat.

  “Like that?”

  I nodded quickly. “Yes. Please. More.”

  He chuckled and withdrew his finger, only to add a second and plunge them back inside me. My back arched with the intrusion, a moan spilling from my lips.

  “You’re so warm, Belle. And wet. I can’t wait to feel you on my cock.”

  Another moan shot out of me, this one louder than before.

  His fingers pumped steadily in and out as my belly knotted with pleasure. With his other hand, he pinched and rolled my puckered nipples, the dual sensations driving me even higher.

  I was on the cusp of an intense orgasm when he pulled his hand away and sat up. I opened my eyes and frowned. “What are you doing?”

  He smirked and shook his head. “It’s time to get you out of that dress.”

  You wouldn’t hear me complaining.

  He reached for my hands and tugged until I was sitting upright in the middle of his bed. His lips kissed across my chest as his fingers found my zipper and slid it down
its track. The straps of my dress fell from my shoulders as he worked to unhook my bra before tossing it across the room.

  He pulled away then and climbed off the bed. With his heated gaze on me, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his broad shoulders. Underneath, he wore a plain white t-shirt that he yanked over his head, leaving his chest bare for my hungry eyes.

  My presumption had been correct. Remy was built like a fucking god. His arms were toned, and his chest was wide, chiseled with muscles that must have taken serious dedication to maintain.

  Along one arm he had an intricate three-quarter sleeve of tattoos that I’d never seen before. They stopped well above his wrist which was why I’d never noticed them. I wanted to take the time to study the beautiful colors and imagery woven around his strong arm, but that would have to wait. My hungry eyes were eating him up inch by inch, and the mystery of his tattoos was taking a backseat to my libido.

  As he reached for his belt, I rose to my knees so I could shimmy out of my dress and panties. I kicked them to the bottom of the bed and laid back down so I could enjoy the show. He slowly unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his hips, revealing a dark pair of boxer shorts tented with his arousal.

  My mouth watered as I sat up again. “Can I?”

  One corner of his mouth curled with a smile. “You can do anything you want, beautiful.”

  I reached out and tucked my fingers in the waistband of his boxers before slowly tugging them down his hips and over his impressive erection. When they were out of my way, I met his eyes briefly, finding them just as hungry as I felt. With my bottom lip between my teeth, I wrapped one hand around his hard length.

  He was hot to the touch and so smooth. Like silk-wrapped steel. I squeezed tighter, and he hissed softly above me. Feeling bolder I wrapped my other hand around him and dragged them both up and down his length.

  “Belle,” he said, his voice sounding strangled.

  I met his eyes again and found them squeezed tightly shut.

  “If you don’t stop, this isn’t going to last long.”

  “But you feel so good.”

  He opened his eyes and smirked at me before pushing gently on my shoulders until I was flat on the bed again. “I can make you feel even better.”


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