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Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2)

Page 23

by Heather MacKinnon

  However, that was then, and this was now and now I needed to find a way to extricate myself from this situation and get back to my own bed.

  I wiggled toward the edge of the mattress and slowly lifted his heavy arm off my waist. Setting it down behind me, I carefully sat up, conscious of the fact that I was still very much naked. I used my hands to quietly push myself off the bed, when an arm wrapped around me and pulled me back onto the sheets.

  “Where are you going? It’s too early for church,” Remy said, his voice rumbling in the dark room and sending shivers along my bare skin.

  “Ha. Ha.”

  He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his lips finding the spot that drove me crazy almost immediately. “So, if you’re not late for church, why are you sneakin’ outta my bed?”

  My breaths were already coming in short pants as his lips trailed up and down my neck and his hand wandered from my waist to my chest. “Um. Just going back to my room,” I said, my voice breathy.

  “Hmm. But I wasn’t done with you.”

  My stomach twisted tight deep inside me as my heart hammered in my chest. “No?” I squeaked as he pinched one of my nipples.

  He shook his head, his beard scraping against the sensitive skin of my neck. “Not hardly.”

  He continued to kiss and nip my neck and jaw while his hand traveled. “I really should go, Rem,” I tried again.

  “Hmm. You want me to let you leave without coming again?”

  Well, damn. When you put it like that...

  His hand found my center and pressed gently against my clit. “Because I was gonna let you decide how you come this time.”

  My chest was rising and falling with my stuttering breaths as I tried to remember what we were talking about. “Huh?”

  He chuckled against my skin and I shivered again. “Do you want to come on my hand, my mouth, or my cock, beautiful? It’s up to you.”

  I could barely remember my name let alone make such an important decision. “Um.”

  He laughed again, the sound so deep it felt like it rumbled within me. “Well, you already know what it’s like to come on my mouth and my cock, so should we go with my hand this time?”

  As if to demonstrate, his fingers slipped between my folds, burying deep inside me. My back arched with the intrusion as my hands grabbed his arm.

  “Um,” I said again. It seemed I was only capable of making sounds and not actually forming words at that moment.

  He removed his fingers and grasped my hand before dragging it over to his body and wrapping it around his hard dick. I instinctually squeezed his length, making him grunt above me.

  “Or maybe you should come on my cock again so we can both feel good.”

  That sounded like an excellent plan.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He reached behind him, grabbing another condom and ripping it open before passing it to me. I took my time rolling it down his length, enjoying his groans. When I was done, he wrapped both hands around my waist and lifted me, setting me down on his thighs. I gasped with his quick movements.

  “I want you to ride me this time, beautiful.” He scooted back until he was leaning against the headboard before picking me up again. “Are you ready?”

  I nodded quickly, never more ready for anything in my life.

  With excruciating slowness, he lowered me onto him, entering me inch by inch until he was fully inside. His hands squeezed my hips as our loud breathing filled the room.

  “I’m gonna need you to start moving soon, or this won’t last long.”

  His words were like lightning through my veins as I did what he asked. I lifted myself up and twirled my hips before pressing down again. His groan was low and deep, and I felt it throughout my entire body. I continued those motions, over and over, as his hands skimmed up my torso to grasp my breasts.

  My movements got faster as his mouth found my nipples and his hands circled around to grab my ass. That was when he took matters into his own hands, lifting me up and slamming himself into me over and over again. My head fell backward as I ground harder against him.

  “You’re so fuckin’ sexy like this. So perfect,” he grunted, his lips on my neck and his deep voice in my ear. “I could watch you ride my cock all fuckin’ day.”

  And, hot damn, I could happily do this all day too.

  But neither of us were going to last that long. Even now, I could feel my orgasm just moments away, and I increased my tempo, lifting higher and pressing harder than before.

  “I can tell you’re close, Belle. We’re gonna come together this time, okay?”

  I nodded quickly, words completely beyond what I was capable of at that moment. He squeezed my ass hard, pulling my chest against his until I could feel his heartbeat hammering against mine. His head dipped low to kiss and suck on my neck again and I made sure to give him as much access as I could.

  “Are you there, beautiful?” he ground out between gritted teeth.

  I nodded against the side of his head. “So close,” I whispered.

  He kissed my neck again, dragging his mouth up to my ear. “What do you need?”

  The answer fell from my lips without screening or forethought. “Kiss me.”

  He pulled back far enough to meet my eyes, his dark brown and so open, my heart stopped for a split second. One of his hands reached up to cup the back of my neck before he drew my face toward him.

  The kiss was ravenous, his mouth taking from me as much as I was taking from him. My arms circled his neck as I drew him closer, and within seconds, I was gasping against his lips as my orgasm tore through me. Our kiss turned even hungrier as I came hard, my hips grinding into him.

  Within moments, he stilled inside me, his hands clenching where they held me and his arms drawing me impossibly closer. There was no space between us anymore, our bodies practically melded together as our chests rose and fell in tandem and we slowly came back down.

  I pressed my forehead against his as I tried to regain my equilibrium. Tried to pull all my pieces back together while simultaneously trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

  Because that wasn’t your average sexual encounter. That was so much deeper. So much stronger. So much more than anything I’d ever experienced, and I had no idea what to do with that.

  So, I did what Belle Garcia did best.

  I pulled my shit together so I could get the hell out of there.

  I was still struggling to breathe normally when I pulled out of Remy’s hold and climbed off his lap. Crawling to the end of the bed, I slid off and stood up, not even caring that I was still completely bare before him.

  “Hey,” he called. “Where you goin’?”

  I didn’t dare look back, knowing I wasn’t strong enough to turn him down to his face. I was a coward, and I was running scared. There were no two ways about it.

  “I’m going to bed.”

  He chuckled incredulously. “There’s a bed right here, Belle.”

  I slid my pants up my legs and pulled my tank over my head before grabbing my bra off the floor. “I’m going to my bed, Remy.”

  He was quiet for a moment as I scoured the room for my panties. Finally deciding that they were a worthy sacrifice to my cause, I gave up.

  “You sure you wanna go? I might wanna make you come again when I wake up.”

  A laugh bubbled out of me and I finally looked his way. I’d expected him to be upset or hurt, but he actually looked amused. I didn’t know what to make of that, but it was easier to leave him there knowing he wasn’t going to hate me for it.

  “That’s a chance I’m gonna have to take.”

  He sighed dramatically and leaned back against the headboard, revealing far too much of his perfect body for me to resist in the state I was in. I shook my head and walked quickly to the door.

  “See you in the morning, Belle,” he called.

  I glanced over my shoulder again to find him smiling at me. “See ya,” I called, my brows furrowed in confusi

  I slipped out of his room and speed walked over to mine, not taking a full breath until I was behind the safety of my door. Relaxing against the cool wood, I took a minute to let my heart rate return to normal and my brain try to catch up.

  I’d just broken my no-second-date rule with Remy.


  Well, technically it wasn’t a date. And technically we’d never been on a date, but this was close enough. This was even more than that. Worse than that.

  But despite the dread I knew I should have been feeling, none of it was anywhere to be found. I still didn’t regret spending the night with him. And I definitely didn’t regret all the orgasms I’d collected along the way.

  A stupid smile pulled at my lips as I crawled into my own bed and let out a deep breath.

  I really thought sleeping with Remy again would make things awkward between us, but if his attitude just a couple minutes ago was any indication, that wasn’t the case at all. He’d even made jokes.

  Maybe we could do this after all.

  Because I might lie to myself more often than was healthy, but I wasn’t going to try to deny the fact that we’d do this again. Probably a lot more times, actually.

  But, maybe we could. Maybe this was the exception to my rule. Maybe we could just hook up and have fun and leave it there until one or both of us were over it.

  Whenever that might be.

  The dumbass smile was still pulling at my lips as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

  The next time I woke up, it was to banging coming from the kitchen. It wasn’t very loud, but now that I was up, I could tell Remy was in there messing around.

  I climbed out of bed and walked across the room, my eyes half-closed as I opened the door and stepped into the kitchen.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  I cracked my eyes open further and found a shirtless Remy at the stove, those damn glasses on his face again.

  Now, that’ll wake me up.

  One corner of my lips curled into a smile, despite my efforts to suppress it. I walked further into the kitchen and leaned a hip against the counter as I greedily watched him cook.

  “I thought I told you not to call me beautiful anymore.”

  He snorted and shook his head. “Yeah, Belle, you’ve said a lot of shit. Doesn’t mean I listen to it all.”

  My jaw fell open at his ballsy answer and he chuckled when he turned and saw my face. Setting his spatula down, he crossed the kitchen, not stopping until he was in my space, his hands wrapped around my waist. With one quick movement, he lifted me onto the counter and fit his hips between my thighs. He dipped his head into the crook of my neck, kissing and sucking in all the best places.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I listen to the important stuff and I remember everything you’ve ever told me about yourself, but when you tell me I can’t call you beautiful, I’m not going to listen.”

  I gasped as he sucked on my neck and my hands involuntarily reached up to grip his shoulders. “And why is that?”

  He tugged me closer until his erection was nestled between my legs. I moaned softly as he pressed harder against me. “Because every single time I see you, I’m reminded of how fucking gorgeous you are. That’s not something a guy can keep all to himself.”

  My heart pounded in my chest as his lips worked their way up my neck and across my jaw. “I’m really not that good-looking, Remy.”

  He pulled back far enough that he could meet my eyes, his so open and honest, my heart clenched in my chest. “You’re wrong, Belle. I see you and I know exactly what I’m looking at.”

  My gaze was caught in his like a fly in a spider’s web. They bound me, held me captive as sincerity poured from him in spades. I swallowed once harshly as I tried to let his words penetrate. Tried to let them sink beneath the surface where they were meant to be.

  Finally, his lips quirked into a lopsided grin and he placed a small, chaste kiss on my mouth. “I hope you like scrambled eggs and sausage.”

  He turned around, and I almost fell forward off the counter at his abrupt change of direction. My mind spun as I tried to catch up to the turn in conversation.

  “I. Um. Yeah. That sounds great. Thanks.”

  He shot me another smile over his shoulder and my heart thumped in response. “Wanna grab plates and drinks for us again?”

  I hopped off the counter and did as he asked. “You know, it’s a little insulting that I’m only given menial tasks.”

  He laughed as he took the plates from my hands. “Belle, I’ve never even seen you cook toast.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and his eyes dipped to my breasts quickly before he focused on the cooking food again. “I can cook toast. I mean, I usually cook it too much but it sure as shit is cooked when I’m done with it.”

  He threw his head back, laughing harder, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sound. To be honest, it was fucking beautiful.

  He shook his head and shot me a look. “Tell you what, you wake up before me one Sunday, and you’re welcome to cook us any breakfast you want.”

  I raised a brow and twisted my lips to the side. “Does cereal count?”

  He laughed again before pressing his lips together to stifle the chuckles. “Cereal totally counts.”

  I nodded. “Then you’re on.”

  Chapter 27


  “Did you have any plans today?”

  Belle looked up from her plate, eyes wary and brows furrowed. “Um. I’m not sure. Why?”

  I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing. She was so predictable. There was no doubt in my mind that she thought I was going to do something stupid like ask her out on a date. As if I thought getting her in my bed again would negate the fact that she had a relationship intolerance.

  But I wasn’t an idiot.

  I knew last night had just been another battle won, but that the war was far from over. Belle was stubborn as hell and determined to stay out of a relationship at all costs. I knew I’d be able to change her mind eventually, but it wouldn’t be after just a couple of orgasms. I had my work cut out for me, but I had no problem rolling up my sleeves and getting dirty.

  Belle was worth it.

  I took a sip of my orange juice and shrugged. “Gramps wanted me to ask you to come over again.”

  She sat up a little straighter. “He did?”

  “Of course. I’m not even sure if he’s gonna let me in today if I don’t bring you.”

  Her pink lips curled into a grin making me want to kiss her, but I refrained. For now. “I doubt that, Remy.”

  I sighed. “Well, he was pretty pissed at me last night when I told him I hadn’t even asked you yet. I figured you might be too busy since it was your opening weekend and all.”

  She pushed around some fluffy eggs on her plate before peering up at me again. “I’d planned to take the day off, actually. Figured I deserved some time away from the gallery after this week.”

  I nodded. “You do. So that means you can come with me this afternoon.”

  She narrowed her eyes before focusing on her plate again and sighing. “Remy, I just don’t want to give you the wrong idea about what’s happening between us here.”

  I took a deep breath and thought about my answer before opening my mouth again. Belle was skittish, and I knew I had to say the right thing now or I’d send her running and I might never get her back.

  “You went with me last Sunday. What’s the difference?”

  She shot me a look. “The fact that we slept together makes a huge difference.”

  I leaned forward and smiled at her. “But we had sex a long time before you ever came over to Gramps’ house. I fail to see the difference.”

  She huffed out a breath and leaned back in her chair. “You know what I’m talking about, Remy. I don’t want you to think anything’s changed between us.”

  I scooted my chair back before grabbing hers and pulling it toward me. She squeaked in surprise, but I kept tugging until
she was close enough that I could grab her thighs and drape them over mine. Her eyes widened as I pulled her closer, cupping my hands beneath her ass and dragging her toward me.

  “But something has changed, Belle,” I murmured. “You said I can touch you now.”

  She gasped as I sucked on her neck and my dick twitched in my pants. “I did, didn’t I?”

  I smiled against her skin as my lips trailed up her neck. “You did.”

  “Okay, but nothing else changes. We’re still single people. We just have sex sometimes.”

  I shook my head, my beard scraping against her throat and making her gasp again. “No. We have sex all the time.”

  Her chuckle was breathy as her hands crawled up my arms to wrap around my neck. “Okay, fine. Sex all the time. But that’s it.”

  I trailed my lips along the length of her jaw until they hovered over her mouth. “And we still get to hang out like we did before. I’ll keep bringing you lunch, and now that you don’t have to work late every night, we can have dinner here when you get home. Deal?” She leaned forward to kiss me, but I backed up an inch, so I was just out of reach. “Agree to keep having lunch and dinner with me.”

  She groaned, her hands clenching my shoulders before she finally nodded. “Okay, okay. Deal.”

  I smiled as the thrill of victory sped through my veins. Belle could be a pain in the ass, but I loved every fucking second of it.

  I pressed my lips to hers, loving the way her body melted into mine instantly. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I hitched her up closer and stood with her in my arms.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  I marched across the kitchen toward the bathroom. “We’re taking a shower.”

  She pulled away, a smirk on her lips. “Oh, we are, are we?”

  I nodded. “Yes. And I’m making you come two more times while we’re in there.”

  She raised a brow, but I felt her body shiver in my arms. “That’s a lofty goal, Mr. MacAlister. I hope you can back it up.”

  I made it to the bathroom and closed the door behind us before pressing her against it. She was at the perfect height for me to grind my hard dick against her warmth and she moaned. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, Belle. Remember that.”


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