Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2)

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Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2) Page 25

by Heather MacKinnon

  A little while later, I decided I’d waited long enough. “Gramps, I think we’re gonna get going. Do you need anything before I leave?”

  He shook his head, eyes still glued to the screen. “I’m fine, Rem.”

  I stood up and held out a hand to help Belle to her feet. “There’re leftovers in the fridge and some cold cuts for lunch tomorrow. Call me if you need anything.”

  He waved dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Quit babyin’ me. I’m fine.” He finally looked over, and I didn’t miss the twinkle in his eyes. “You two go on and have a good night.” I glanced at Belle, but thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice the double meaning in his words. “Belle, I hope to see you back here next week,” he continued.

  She smiled wide, and I almost felt jealous of my grandfather for a moment. “I’ll be here.”

  We said our goodbyes and let ourselves out. As soon as we climbed into the car, Belle reached over and grabbed the back of my neck, dragging my face to hers and kissing me hard. When she finally pulled away, we were both out of breath. “I hope you know a shortcut home.”

  I grinned and started my car.


  Bailey: Hey, can I swing by for lunch? I wanted to go over some wedding stuff.

  I tried not to, but my chest deflated as disappointment set in. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see my best friend, because I did. We’d spent less and less time together lately and I knew that was only going to get worse. Besides, her wedding was in just a few weeks and we had a ton of shit to figure out before then.

  But Remy was supposed to stop by for lunch and now I’d have to cancel with him. I shot her a quick text telling her to stop by whenever before I pulled up Remy’s number.

  Me: I have to cancel our lunch date today.

  I only waited seconds for his response.

  Remy: I thought you didn’t date.

  I rolled my eyes, but the corners of my lips pulled into a reluctant smile.

  Me: Ha. Ha. Smartass. You know what I mean.

  Remy: Yeah, yeah. Why do you need to cancel?

  Me: Bailey’s stopping by to go over wedding things.

  I hoped that it was implied that I didn’t want the two of them within ten feet of each other. Bailey was too observant, and she’d sniff us out within minutes. It was a friggen miracle she hadn’t caught on yet.

  Remy: But I was planning on making you come twice before my lunch hour was over.

  A shiver went racing through my body and I glanced around my empty office to make sure I was still alone.

  Me: You got a thing about doing things in pairs I should know about?

  Remy: I just like to be thorough.

  I could attest to that.

  When we’d gotten back from Gramps’ last night, we’d barely made it to his room before our clothes were strewn across the floor and we were writhing on his bed. He’d made me come twice before I’d fallen asleep in his arms and then another two times when I woke up and tried to sneak out. I finally pried myself out of his bed when the sun was just beginning to rise and managed to get a few more hours of sleep before my alarm went off.

  It wasn’t the best night’s rest I’d ever had, but you wouldn’t hear me complaining.

  Me: That I am well aware of.

  Remy: If I can’t make you come during lunch, I’ll just have to make up for it tonight.

  I crossed my legs, my panties already damp.

  Me: I’ll hold you to that.

  Remy: I’m a man of my word, beautiful.

  I set my phone aside and fixed my eyes on the monitor in front of me. If I let it, thoughts of Remy could consume me for hours and I couldn’t afford that. The big opening was behind us, but the work was never done, and I needed to get a bunch of it completed before Bailey got here.

  I must have lost track of time because it seemed like only a little while later when there was a knock on my door and my best friend popped her head through the crack.

  “Is this an okay time?” she asked.

  I stood up and walked around my desk to wrap my arms around her shoulders. “Of course! I just got caught up.”

  We ordered a couple subs while she unloaded binder after binder of wedding shit and started to go over it all with me. By the time the food arrived, my eyes were crossing, and I’d vowed to never get married.

  “You think you’ll be able to get all this done in just a few weeks, Bay?”

  She sighed and closed the last binder before picking up her sandwich and taking a big bite. “I have no friggen clue,” she admitted around a mouthful of Italian sub. “I feel like I’m biting off more than I can chew.”

  I laughed and chucked a napkin at her face. “No pun intended?”

  She shrugged and wiped her mouth. “I’m just glad I have you to help. My mom is trying, but with her being so far away, she’s limited.”

  “I’ll do whatever you need me to do, Bay. You know that.”

  She nodded and shot me a grateful smile before taking another bite.

  “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about the bachelorette party. Are you sure we can’t do a strip club? There are so many great ones to choose from in Providence!” I whined.

  She shook her head. “Nope. No strip clubs. Figure something else out.”

  I sank back in my chair and picked up my own sandwich. “Fine. I have another idea up my sleeve, but it won’t be half as fun.”

  Bailey rolled her eyes. “Fun is subjective.”

  “Fun is naked men in thongs.”

  She tossed that napkin back at me, hitting me right between the eyes. “You’re a perv. Go to a strip club on your own time.”

  I clenched the wadded-up piece of paper in my fist as I thought about the fact that I really had no need to see strange naked men dancing around a stage. For the first time ever, I had easy access to one who’d get naked for me any time I asked. That thought brought a small smile to my face that I hid behind my sub.

  “Oh, actually, I almost forgot. Ryder and I were going over the guest list and I wanted to know if you’re going to be bringing a plus one.”

  I tried to swallow my bite too quickly and wound up getting it lodged in my throat. As I coughed, I eyed Bailey, trying to figure out if there was a deeper meaning to the question, or if it was as innocent as it seemed.

  Could she know something was going on between Remy and me? Was this her way of ferreting out that information? She was slick, and both of those options were definite possibilities.

  When I’d finally swallowed and could breathe again, I said, “No plus one for me. You should know that.”

  She pursed her lips to the side as she examined me. “Really, Belle? Not even for a wedding.”

  “Especially not for a wedding. I’m quitting dating for a while.”


  I shrugged. “Really.”

  “So, you’re not seeing anyone at all right now?”

  I took a sip of my water, hoping the extra time would help me pull off this lie. “Nope. Single as a Pringle.”

  Which wasn’t exactly a fib, right? I was technically single, even if there was someone I was kind of seeing. I wasn’t seeing him as in dating him, it was more like I saw him naked. A lot.

  Still, even telling half-truths to my best friend didn’t sit well with me and I wondered how long I’d be able to keep this up. How long I’d be willing to lie to her and myself about what was going on with Remy and me. And worst of all, what kind of drama there would be when it all finally came to light.

  Chapter 29


  “Oh, my God, you’re hilarious!”

  I looked up from my monitor and toward the empty doorway. A loud giggle reached me from down the hall and I strained my ears to hear more.

  “Stop it! No, you didn’t!”

  It was Sonia, tittering like an idiot out there, but who was she talking to? Listening real hard, I thought I caught a note or two of a deep voice, but I couldn’t be sure.

  Her loud laugh echoed do
wn the hall again and I grit my teeth as she came into view. “Hey, Belle! Remy’s here!”

  He stepped through the doorway, his chocolate gaze on me and a small smile on his face. My heart pumped faster for a moment before I turned back to my employee.

  “Thanks, Sonia.”

  She stood still in the doorway, her eyes watching Remy like a hawk. “Belle, did you know Remy took a painting class in college? He was just telling me about it a minute ago.”

  I ground my teeth together and turned to Remy. “No. I didn’t know that.”

  Sonia giggled again. “You’ll have to ask him about it. His stories are just so funny!”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, but her gaze hadn’t left Remy yet. “Thanks, Sonia. Go ahead and lock up for lunch.”

  She finally turned toward me, a dazed smile on her face. “Oh, sure. See you later, Remy.”

  He nodded at her with a smile I wanted to smack off his face. As soon as she was gone, he shut the door behind her and turned toward me. I looked away from him and began shuffling the already organized piles of paper on my desk.

  “You usually text me to let me know you’re here. I could have met you out front.”

  I heard his heavy steps come closer. “Yeah, I know. I just thought I’ve been here often enough to let myself in by now.”

  I nodded once, my eyes still fixed on my desk. “Seems like you needed Sonia’s help today, though.”

  Even saying her name left a bad taste in my mouth. I still hadn’t forgiven the little tart for telling Remy that I said he was gay and now she was working my very last nerve. Her stupid high-pitched giggle was still ringing in my ears.

  “I didn’t need her help. She offered to walk me back here.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, because you’re incapable of finding this office on your own.” I scoffed and shook my head.

  The fucking nerve of that woman. Couldn’t she keep her damn claws to herself?

  Remy stepped into my space, but I was still looking down at my desk so all I saw were his black leather shoes. He leaned in close until I could feel the heat of his big body. “Are you upset about something, beautiful?”

  I shook my head and moved a couple inches away from him. It was too hard to think when he was close like that. His presence alone scrambled my thoughts, but as soon as he was near enough that I could smell that sexy cologne, I was done for.

  “I’m not upset.”

  “Hmm. It seems like you’re upset about something. Tell me what it is so I can fix it.”

  I sighed and finally glanced up at him, finding his face a lot closer than I’d anticipated. “She just irritates me. She can’t keep a fucking secret to save her life and her laugh is annoying.”

  Remy chuckled once, moving closer again. “You know you’re the only one I’m here to see, right?”

  I shrugged a shoulder, my eyes fixed on my desk again. “Yeah.”

  “You’re the only person who could get me to leave my office in the middle of the day,” he continued. Slowly, he reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, his fingers threading through the long strands. “I push back meetings, I blow off colleagues, I let paperwork pile up, just so I can come have lunch with you every day.”

  I swallowed and shrugged again. “No one asked you to do all that.”

  “I do it because I want to see you.” His voice was so deep, I could feel it vibrate along my skin.

  I fought off a shiver as I tried my best to remain unaffected, but I knew I was sinking fast. "Sorry to be such a burden, then.”

  He laughed softly again. “Not a burden. It’s the highlight of my day.”

  My heart beat faster as he closed the distance between us and slid his fingers around the back of my neck.

  “It seems like you need me to remind you why I come here every day and who I come here for.”

  I swallowed again and glanced up at him. As soon as I met his dark brown eyes, I knew I was a goner. They were so deep and open, I was lost almost immediately. With gentle pressure, he pulled me closer until his mouth was hovering over mine.

  “Do you want me to show you why I’m here every afternoon?” he asked, his warm lips grazing mine.

  I nodded once, and he finally kissed me. It started off slow, but before long, I was panting and grasping at his shirt, trying to drag him as close as he could get. All too soon, he pulled his lips from mine and nudged me until my ass hit the desk.

  “Hop up, beautiful.”

  I did as he asked and he immediately stepped between my legs, his erection straining against me. He brought his mouth back to mine and kissed me again, this time deeper and for longer as his hands roamed my body. Before I knew it, my skirt was above my hips and my panties were around my ankles.

  He pulled his mouth away again, and I swayed forward, mourning the loss of contact. He chuckled and pressed one more swift kiss on my lips before dropping to his knees.

  “What are you doing?”

  He grinned up at me, hitching one of my thighs over his shoulders. “I need a taste.”

  Using both hands to expose me to his gaze, he leaned forward and pressed his mouth against my mound. My head fell back as I tried to keep my moans as quiet as possible. I dug my fingers into his dark hair and held on as he licked and sucked and nipped at my sensitive flesh. It was like he’d already aced a course in my anatomy, because within just a couple minutes, I was writhing on my desk, coming with such an intense orgasm, I had to hope no one was nearby my office.

  When he stood back up, there was a smug smile on his face. “Ready for more?”

  I nodded, unable to form words because I could barely catch my breath. He grabbed one of my hands and pulled me off the desk before spinning me around. “Climb onto your chair like this.”

  I did as he asked, kneeling on my office chair with my back to him. He drew my blouse up and over my head before unfastening my bra and tossing it aside. “I want to see all of you,” he explained.

  I was still lost for words, my skin tingling wherever he touched. Finally, I heard the zipper of his slacks and the crinkle of a foil packet. My heart raced faster as he grabbed my hips and entered me in one swift motion.

  All the air rushed out of my lungs at Remy’s intrusion, and at this angle, he seemed to reach deeper than ever before. I only had moments to revel in the feeling of him filling me before he pulled out and pushed back in quickly.

  I dug my fingers into the back of my chair while Remy set the pace behind me. His hips slammed into my ass over and over as I hung on, my stomach clenching with another impending orgasm.

  “You’re the only one I want, beautiful. You know that, right?”

  “Uh huh,” I panted.

  “You’re the one I think about all day. You’re the only one I want to spend my time with. Just you.”

  His words swirled around my head, soothing me in places I didn’t even realize were raw. My heart thundered in my chest and the knots in my belly twisted tighter as my orgasm loomed ahead of me.

  He reached forward, wrapping his arms around my chest and pulling me upright until my back was against his hard body. One of his hands plucked at a straining nipple while the other cupped my jaw and turned my face to his. He kissed me hard, his lips and tongue almost out of control as he plunged deeper inside me.

  He pulled back but kept his face next to mine. “Now, I want you to come with me.”

  I closed my eyes and rested my head against his, but he pulled back and said, “No. Keep your eyes open. I wanna watch you fall apart on my cock.”

  Those words were like a detonator and I exploded around him, my orgasm consuming me as I clenched and shook in his arms. He pumped faster for a few moments before freezing, his hands digging in where they held me against him. Our chests rose and fell together as we fought to catch our breaths and come back down.

  He recovered before me and placed a soft kiss on my lips before pulling out and stepping away. I almost fell over without his strong frame keeping me upright, but I just
managed to catch myself.

  I figured he’d turn away to clean himself up, but he surprised me by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back toward him again. He pushed the hair out of my face and pressed his lips against the racing pulse in my neck.

  “You don’t need to be jealous of anyone, beautiful. I don’t even see them.” I turned and caught his eye, the sincerity in them making my stomach knot again. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek before pulling away with a broad smile. “Okay?”

  The arguments were on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to tell him I was the furthest thing from jealous. That he could look at whoever he wanted to look at. That I didn’t care what he did with his time because it was none of my business, but all that would have been a lie.

  So, instead, I nodded. “Okay,” I whispered.

  He smiled wider and let go of me. This time I was strong enough to stand on my own and I quickly cleaned up before shrugging my clothes back on.

  “You know, I wouldn’t object to having lunch with you just like that,” Remy said from across the room as I slid my skirt back down over my hips.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you wouldn’t, but I’m not sitting in my office naked any longer than I already have.”

  He sighed dramatically and crossed the room to pull me into his arms again. “Okay, we should have dinner naked then.”

  Butterflies swarmed my belly as I pursed my lips. “I doubt we’d do much eating then.”

  His smile turned mischievous. “I might get to do some more eating. I don’t know about you, though.”

  I slapped his chest and pulled out of his arms. “You’re a pervert.”

  He tapped me on the ass before taking his seat at my desk. “Maybe, but you love it.”

  My heart stopped at the L-word, but I kept my body moving on auto-pilot. I know what he’d said hadn’t been that serious, but just hearing that word come from his mouth stopped me dead in my tracks. To be honest, it scared the shit out of me.

  I shook my head and tossed those thoughts aside. I was making a big deal about nothing and I needed to rein myself in. Get control of my racing heart before I did something stupid.


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