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Mated to the Alien Beast: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Fated Mates of Adonia Book 1)

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by Ivy Sparks

  If he wanted a response from me, he wasn’t getting one. I didn’t find toying with the humans to be amusing. It was more pitiful than anything.

  “Completely understandable.” Ryan paused, then glanced at his associates quickly, before turning toward me. “Would you like us to give you a tour of the Orion?”

  Oh, to the eleven hells of Lucious, please no, I thought, rising from my seat. “I’m sure that’s not necess—”

  “We would be glad to,” interrupted Valk.

  I could kill him. I could really, genuinely kill him for prolonging this torture.

  “Wonderful,” Ryan said, rising and clapping his hands together. His associates, who were hardly even adult men, filed in line behind him. “Follow us.”

  I ducked under a rafter, keeping my wings close to my body so they didn’t brush along the dirty walls. When the humans were a safe distance away, I turned to face Valk. “What is the point of this?” I asked him in Adonian, keeping my voice low just in case one of these humans had managed to learn our language.

  Valk smiled at me, making his already thin lips thinner. “Aren’t you curious, Vorian?” he whispered while patting some sort of yellow vehicle we walked by. “To see how the humans live in squalor. How desperately they offer everything they have in order to use a sliver of your technology.” The ceiling rattled, making the humans around us look up, watching the rafters as if they expected it to burst.

  How did this base even last this long?

  “I could think of several other things I’d rather be doing.”

  Ryan looked back, his sly gaze making me wonder if he understood me. He stopped at a grungy door and typed in a code. The tunnel was dark with blue bulbs lighting as we passed. There was some noise thumping faintly in the background. It sounded electronic. A fast tempo, which I could only assume was their version of music. The closer we got, the louder it became.

  “What is this place?” I couldn’t keep myself from asking even if I wanted to.

  Ryan smiled at me. The men around him chuckled. “I thought we could have a little fun before you flew off.”

  Valk clapped his arm around my shoulder. “Women,” he whispered in my ear. “Exotic human women. Isn’t that a treat?”

  Great, so toying with these poor hopeful men wasn’t enough for Valk. He wanted to have a laugh at the women too.

  Ryan punched in the code to another door. As it slid open, I was overwhelmed by neon blue light. Dots momentarily pervaded my vision. The music pounded in my ears. When my eyes adjusted, I looked around, finding women dancing in blue-lit tubes. Some wore heels. Others wore thigh high boots. Several women danced around poles. Two women shared one tube, kissing each other. Men surrounded them, watching. Some women wore short dresses with their backs exposed. Others wore simple bras and panties. Many wore nothing. They touched themselves seductively while men around them jeered.

  Dirty blue bots hovered around, carrying trays of drinks. One abruptly stopped, clanging as it malfunctioned, before quickly lighting up again and returning on its path. Men sat on sofas with women in their laps, kissing them, touching them. Off at a corner were metal doors. One woman wearing nothing but heels led a man inside, typing in a code before they disappeared behind the door.

  Ryan nudged me with a smile, gesturing at the whole display. “Seen anything like this before?” he asked proudly.

  I certainly had not. Adonian women had a bit more class.

  I needed to leave immediately. I wanted to. I turned to speak with Valk, but he was already moving farther into the club, stalking toward a tube. I looked back toward the exit, wondering to myself if I could just leave him. This was wrong and anything we did could possibly stir up tensions between our race and the humans. Not wanting to leave Valk unattended, I sighed, running a hand through my hair, before following him into the club.

  Several humans watched us. Some turned away, nearly dodging to avoid encountering us. Valk strutted toward a tube with a woman dressed in a blue g-string and nothing else. The men who surrounded her immediately stood and left. Valk pressed a hand against the tube. The woman stepped away from him, her back hitting the other side. The poor creature was scared.

  “Wouldn’t this make a lovely little play thing?” Valk called.

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “I want to go.”

  Valk stalked toward me. “Hasn’t it been a while, Vorian?” He sniffed at me and I stifled an urge to throw him across the room. “Wouldn’t you like a little…. fun? These girls wouldn’t mind a defective Adonian.” I snarled at his barbed comment, baring my teeth at him, which only earned me a chuckle. “They wouldn’t notice,” Valk insisted.

  I turned, intent on leaving with or without Valk, when my eyes met the delicate freshness of a leafy green forest after rainfall. The creature’s eyes were captivating, the green entrancing. Her yellow hair was short, cut close to the edge of her jaw. She was malnourished, yet still had a feminine curve to her body. Her attire covered more flesh than the others with a simple black bra and matching panties. She wore dirty boots rather than heels.

  I didn’t realize I was walking toward her until I found myself at her tube. The chairs surrounding her were completely empty. She stared down at me with a look of confusion, as if she had never seen an Adonian before. And maybe she hadn’t.

  I inhaled deeply, the smell of rainfall overwhelming me. Somehow I could smell her through the clear walls of the tube. I instantly wanted her, but why? She was small and frail. There were fairer creatures of her kind, yet all I saw was her. Maybe it really had been a long time. Or maybe, possibly, there was something more to her.

  It hit me like a bolt of electricity. What was going on?

  “Find something you want?” Valk asked behind me. “Interesting choice, Vorian. Should we take her out to play?”

  Valk turned back to Ryan, who stood there twiddling his fingers. “What is the procedure? How do we take it out?”

  Ryan looked at the girl, rubbing the back of his head. “You should offer her money. Agree on a price for her services.”

  Valk pressed on the button of her tube. “How much do you want?”

  I felt something inside me stirring, like blood boiling. The fact that Valk was even talking to her made me want to slam him to the floor and tear his wings from his back. I didn’t want her anywhere near him.

  I shook my head. Something was definitely wrong with me.

  The woman tapped her boot, looking back and forth between Valk and me. She seemed surprised to even have an offer, let alone eyes on her. Hesitating, she leaned forward and pressed on a button inside her tube. “5,000 units.”

  Ryan scoffed, stalking toward the tube and tapping the glass. “Like you’re worth that much. Don’t insult my guests. Give them a fair price.”

  The woman responded with a wry laugh. Something told me she didn’t want to be here, yet here she was, putting herself on display. She hesitated a moment more, and I thought for sure she was going to give in. Instead, her eyes narrowed and she said, “The price remains.” She turned her beautiful gaze to me specifically. “Want me to come out? Then pay my price.”

  I had to hand it to her. The girl had fire, and didn’t seem the least bit intimidated by Ryan or Valk. It made me curious, perhaps even a little aroused. Adonian women weren’t ever this direct.

  Valk took out his card. The female typed in something on her side of the tube and he beeped the card, transmitting the money over. The tube opened and she stepped out, putting her hand into Valk’s outstretched palm. Rather than help her down though, he pulled her and she tripped, landing on her knees. I instinctively helped her up as those emerald eyes met mine, her smell wafting over me.

  I could bury myself in her.

  I immediately let go and backed away.

  Valk laughed, then threw himself into a nearby yellowed cushion chair, stuffing coming out the side. He tapped the seat next to him, but I crossed my arms and remained standing. “I think we should go,” I said.

  Valk clapped his hands. “But we just paid for the girl. Dance for us, human. Let’s see if you’re worth 5,000 units.”

  The girl gathered herself then danced to the beat of the music, her hands in her hair. The way she danced wasn’t fluid and she stumbled in her boots. Valk sighed, unimpressed, which made her redouble her efforts. She bit her bottom lip and turned around, bending low to expose her ample ass. Valk smacked it and she whirled, her hand raised.

  I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to me, the feel of her against me warm, the smell of rainfall washing over me. I ignored the urge to smell her hair. “Careful,” I whispered in her ear, tempted to nuzzle her neck. As much as I would have loved to see her smack Valk across his plastic face, I knew it wouldn’t end well. I glanced at Valk. “All right, you’ve had your fun. Now it’s my turn.”

  Valk smirked, cocking his head. He seemed giddy at the idea of me taking this human woman for myself, probably so he could hang it over my head in the future, but I had to get the girl away from him.

  “Of course, Vorian,” he said. “My apologies.” He glanced at the metal doors in the back, then turned to face Ryan. “Private rooms, I take it?”

  Ryan clenched his jaw, his gaze following Valk’s before looking between me and the girl. “Yes. That’s a separate price, though.”

  Valk’s smile grew, exposing his fangs. He nodded at the girl in my arms. “How much is it for a room?”

  “10,000 units.” The girl didn’t hesitate, didn’t blink.

  Ryan shook his head. “Ridiculous.”

  Valk smiled, handing his card over to the girl. “It’s on me, my lord.” He chuckled. “Go enjoy yourself, Vorian.”

  I wanted to say no, but I didn’t want Valk anywhere near her and I was sure he would stay away if I took her to the room. I didn’t have to do anything with her. Just a few minutes, then I could finally go home.

  And she could get the money she clearly needed for some reason.


  I turned to face her, my eyes apologetic, but she didn’t look at me. Instead, she grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the rooms. Once we were outside the doors, she scanned the card, then typed the code into the doors. I watched them open with a buzz, slamming closed behind us. She moved with such hurriedness that I half wondered if she was worried I’d change my mind. She needed the money, clearly.

  The room was small, barely blocking out the sound of the club outside. In the corner was a bed. It was the only thing inside, besides some mirrors and graffiti on the walls. I glanced at her. She stared at the bed while readjusting her bra strap over her shoulder. Her teeth worried her bottom lip. Whatever bravery she held before seemed to be completely gone now.

  I sighed while running my hand through my hair. We needed to at least last a few minutes before we returned. Several more if I wanted to keep my dignity. I leaned against the wall. “What’s your name?”

  She turned and faced me with those beautiful green eyes, making me feel like my world could be swallowed whole by them.


  Chapter Three


  Staring at the bed, I wondered how I got myself into this mess. I knew when I called Lucy I was going to regret this decision, but I didn’t know I was going to regret it this much. I had half wished that I’d be passed up, so that I’d abandon this foolish whim and find some other way to pay for the tuition.

  But I knew no other way existed on the Orion.

  I glanced at my new Adonian acquaintance, who towered over me like a giant. Better him than the slimy one with the ponytail. If it hadn’t been for this one, I might have clocked that asshole, and then I’d be in an even bigger mess.

  I had seen drawings of Adonians, heard descriptions, but nothing prepared me for how stunning the beasts were. This Adonian in particular was a sight to behold. It surprised me how similar to humans the Adonians looked—but they were more of an idealized human. He was muscular, with thick beautiful hair I wanted to run my fingers through. He wore a business suit, which left me wondering if Adonians really did have shimmering scales on their arms and backs like the illustrations. But his wings were undeniable.

  The black clothes he wore did nothing to hide the muscles in his chest, while the exposed flesh of his back showed the rippling muscles when he moved, and hints of the shimmering scales. My eyes lingered on the device attached to one of his wings, reminding me of the bolts, wires, and plates found in cyborg arms. The longer I looked at it, the sooner I realized half his original wing was gone, and what remained was marred with scars.

  It looked like someone ripped his wing off. Or possibly clawed it off.

  What sort of battles had he survived?

  I quickly glanced away when he moved, hoping he didn’t notice me staring. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, the biceps bulging over his chest. His skin was tanned from the sun and I found myself gazing down at my own sallow skin, wondering how it would feel to have the sun on me.

  “What’s your name?” His voice was husky and soft. He had a slight accent, but unlike his friend, the words weren’t heavy on his tongue.

  I gazed up at him. His sapphire eyes stared at me. A shudder ran down my spine and I was shocked to discover it wasn’t unpleasant. The heat behind his eyes made my face feel unusually hot. Was I blushing?

  “Ellie,” I breathed.

  His hair was short and dark, with a few locks falling into his eyes. I watched him push his hair away. His strands looked so soft that a part of me wanted to run my hands through it to find out.

  My gaze traveled the length of his body, settling on his belt for a moment too long. I wondered, what would it be like? What did it even look like? He was large all over. Was he large down there? Would he even fit? I looked over at the bed. I picked at my nails, a nervous habit I had been trying to break for years now.

  Would he break me?

  “My name is Vorian,” I heard him say, yet my attention was still on the bed.

  I knew I needed to earn the ludicrous 10,000 I had asked for. Would a seductive dance be enough, or would he expect more? Was 10,000 units just a drop in the bucket for an Adonian?

  “Vorian,” I said while walking over to the bed. I tried to sway my hips, hoping I looked sexy. I felt ridiculous. Maybe I should have borrowed the heels from Lucy after all. Doing a catwalk across a gritty floor to a stained bed while wearing boots was not what I would call sexy.

  I looked over my shoulder and forced a smirk onto my trembling lips. I sat on the bed and leaned toward him, patting the empty seat next to me.

  Those blue eyes watched me but he didn’t say anything. My stomach plummeted when his gaze shifted to the door. Was he going to leave? Would I have to give back the money? I looked down at my body, at my exposed cleavage and my broken nails. I didn’t come close to competing with the beautiful healthy Adonians he was used to, did I?

  Even among my own kind, I wasn’t a big hit. There were far more attractive women in the tubes tonight, and before the Adonians approached me, I hadn’t made a single unit. A few men came to watch, but none were interested in pursuing anything more than that. I ground my teeth, touching my pale thighs, my chest, my face. I wished I was more than just… this.

  My gaze returned and I found him watching me. He pushed himself away from the wall and strutted toward the bed. His weight made the mattress dip and propelled me forward into his lap. He caught me, his hold gentle. I bit back a whimper, my hands trembling in his. My gaze turned slowly. He was so close. His eyes watched me intently. He leaned in and I remained still, waiting for his lips to meet mine. Instead he inhaled deeply.

  “Did you just…?” I paused and pushed myself away so I was sitting on my knees next to him. “Did you just sniff me?”

  Vorian’s eyes widened. “What of it?”

  So he liked that. Whatever that was.

  I shrugged and slid my bra strap down my shoulder. “Nothing,” I said, looking away. “It’s just… differ
ent.” I leaned in close, baring my neck. “Do you want to smell me again?”

  Vorian pushed me away. “I better not.”

  I raised my leg and straddled him. He didn’t look so big and scary when I was looking down at him. I needed to do something in order to earn the money. If he left and nothing happened, someone would find out and I would lose the 10,000 units. 10,000 units would be enough to pay for Lyra’s flight to Artemis and the 5,000 for the first semester. It was a good start.

  His hair fell into his eyes once more, so I took the opportunity to stroke the locks from his face. The strands were soft, just as I had imagined. I touched his neck lightly, watching him close his eyes and lean his head back. My hands caressed a path to his shoulders, kneading the muscles there. I looked at his wings. They were dark and dragon-like, with talons at the tips. My hands slid from his shoulders down to the tip of his unmarred wing, which I caressed gently.

  His eyes snapped open and he grabbed my hand. “Not there,” he said.

  “Where would you like me to touch you, my…” I paused, trying to think of something to say. “Sexy man?”

  One eyebrow arched and his lips twitched. “Sexy man?”

  Even I knew that was a sad attempt. “I mean, you big, sexy…” I was at a loss for words and completely out of my league. “Adonian… lord. Yes, my lord.” I licked my lips and leaned in close to him. “Where would you like me to touch you, my big, sexy lord?”

  Vorian burst with laughter. His hand smacked the bed and I held onto his shoulder to remain steady. “Big, sexy lord?” he asked, wiping a tear from his eye. “I have never heard such…”

  I pushed him away, clambering backwards and nearly falling face first into his crotch, until I was standing. My hands rested on my hips and I scowled down at him. “It’s not funny.”

  “It’s quite funny.”

  “What would you like me to call you then?”

  “Oh, no, I’m quite fine with ‘big, sexy lord,’” he said between his gorgeous chuckles. He looked at me, snickering and clenching his jaw, before bursting into more laughter, a hand hiding his face while the other clutched his stomach. “I’m not laughing at you, I swear.”


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