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Obsessive Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 16

by Peyton Banks

  I left the through the back door and wasn’t sure if they noticed my departure. I knew my family loved me, but they were often clueless about my desires and needs. I supposed that was partially my fault. Since my mother’s disappearance nearly ten years ago I’d made it my personal mission to care for my father and brothers. I did the majority of the cooking, planted a garden and tended it, and organized most of the social activities within our pack. It had become a habit to put myself last and I let that happen.

  Laughter caught my attention as I walked across the backyard of Cole and Briar’s house. They were cooking dinner together and kept finding little ways to touch one another with light caresses or stolen kisses. Briar waved as I crossed beyond their property line and headed south toward the creek. Some small part of me wished I would bump into Theo, but I knew it would be a bad idea. He was angry with me and I was certain that he didn’t want to speak.

  The creek was lovely this time of day. The sun was beginning to descend, and the bright array of colors reflected upon the glassy surface. Rocks were strewn across the shore and I stooped to pick up a few. Skipping them across the water I was reminded of hiking with my brothers in my youth. The Baxter brothers were often seen with Lor and Elias. The group of teens had a gift for making mischief but when I tagged along, they managed to behave themselves. Renleigh and Briar Lovell were often at my side as we did our best to ignore their wild antics. That was years ago now, long before Renleigh died. Cole and Briar had found their way to one another and were happy.

  I envied their connection.

  For the next few days I continued with life as if the last few weeks hadn’t occurred. I smiled at the right times and convinced my father and brothers I was moving on. They didn’t dig too deeply, and I didn’t have to lie. We all pretended that my red puffy eyes weren’t proof that I was dealing with everything poorly. Denial was much easier than giving into the despair that held on with sharp claws and stole my peaceful rest in the darkness of night.

  It was after breakfast the following morning when loud banging interrupted the family meal. Lor opened the door to a frantic Elena. Elias ushered her inside as she rubbed her belly and began to pace anxiously.

  “Have you seen Theo?”

  Shaking my head vehemently, I answered her with trepidation. “No. Why?”

  “You’re certain?” She asked again, her gaze roaming over my father before turning back in my direction. “I need to know for sure, Becca.”

  “No, I haven’t. Is he alright?”

  She shook her head and bit her bottom lip, a small sob escaping her throat. “He hasn’t been home.”

  “Since when?” Lor asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  She frowned. “Since the moment he brought Becca back. We haven’t seen or spoken to him. Not once.”

  Trembling, I sank into a nearby chair. “How is that possible?”

  Her jaw locked as our eyes met. “You tell me.”

  Guilty, I looked away. “We had a small disagreement.”

  Elias whistled low. “He probably got pissed. I’m sure he’ll turn up soon.”

  Elena smacked him as I smirked. “Don’t be stupid, Eli. This is serious.”

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

  “We can go search for him,” my father offered as my eyes widened. “If I find him, I’ll send him home right away.”

  Elena relaxed. “Thank you. There’s a small group gathered outside with Rinnick.”

  I jumped up and headed toward the door when my father stopped me. “Why is Theo running, Bec?”

  “Don’t ask questions, Daddy. It’s better this way.”

  He shook his head, pulling me closer into a hug. “I know I’ve been harsh, but I only want what’s best for you. You know that, right?”

  “I do,” I confirmed, “but sometimes a girl knows her own heart better than her father.” I reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m not a little girl anymore. I’ll have to fix my problems without your help.”

  “You can always use my help,” he contradicted, “it’s my job. I love you. A father is always protective over his daughter, no matter her age.”

  “I know.”

  He let me leave as I ran outside and straight to Rinnick, concerned when I saw the look on his face. This wasn’t like Theo. He didn’t ditch his family or responsibilities. He didn’t run off and avoid his problems. We both knew the only reason he would leave had to do with me.

  “Becca, why don’t you stay with Elena? She could use the companionship.”

  I read between the unspoken lines and knew that if Theo returned home, it was best I was with his cousin. The search lasted another two days before Cole found Theo. He had been in wolf form this entire time. Stripped to his base nature, Theo was nearly feral.

  By the time Rinnick commanded his return the large gray wolf resembled something much more animal than man. Only the orders of his alpha brought Theo back to his humanity. Realizing I was to blame for his current state, I ran forward as Rinnick held up his hands.

  “Don’t be foolish, Becca. He barely understands who we are right now.”

  “He knows me,” I whispered, shaking my head. “Theo.”

  Theo’s wolf snarled and nearly lunged in my direction as the powerful beast began to pace back and forth, his canines dripping saliva and oozing hate. Rinnick must have ordered him to return home. Theo whined slightly and shook his massive head. Our eyes locked for a few brief seconds as pain sliced through each one of us. As his paws thudded across the ground in departure, I yelled pathetically after him.

  “I’m sorry, Theo.”

  Once he was gone, I was finally able to inhale a deep breath. Rinnick and I both stayed where we were as everyone else headed home. A few seconds lapsed before he cleared his throat.

  “You need to make this right, Becca. One way or another. Theo can’t take much more.”

  “I know,” I answered softly as he placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “It’s just not that simple.”

  “Isn’t it?” He contradicted. “If your heart knows, how complicated can it be?” His hand dropped away as he turned toward the creek. “Theo isn’t the only one suffering. I care about you, too, Becca. Don’t make him wait any longer. He’s loved you as long as I can remember.”



  The sunrise peaked over the horizon in a dazzling display of color. The warm hues of orange, yellow, and gold spread across the sky as I stood at the back door and contemplated how I would approach Becca. The last few days had left me in little doubt that we needed to talk. No matter what decision she made I needed closure. My heart would always belong to her and I made my commitment. Becca was my mate and the only one for me. No other would ever take her place. If she wasn’t going to stand by my side, I would leave Cedar Creek and give her the freedom to live life as she chose.

  No matter the outcome I had to hear it from her own lips before I decided to leave the pack.


  For a few brief seconds I thought I imagined her sweet soft voice before reality smacked me in the face and her luscious scent drifted across my nose with the morning breeze. “Becca.”

  “I want to say I’m sorry,” she began as I turned around, her voice trailing off as our eyes met.



  “You’re going to have to be more specific,” I growled, not willing to make this easy on her.

  “I wasn’t lying when we spent the night together.”

  Taking a step in her direction I stopped with confusion at her words. “Are you saying you meant what you said? That you want to mate with me?”

  “We already mated that night, Theo. I gave myself to you and I don’t regret that choice.”

  My heart soared but quickly plummeted when I remembered her reaction once we returned to Cedar Creek. “You said it was a mistake,” I spat, my fists clenching tight.

  “Not our
lovemaking,” she blurted in a rush, a crimson stain appearing on her cheeks, “just the part about my father. I don’t know if he’ll ever accept you, Theo.”

  “And this is the reason you won’t be with me? You are choosing your family over me?” I was trying to understand her thought process not condemn her choices. At her nod, I continued, “I would never ask you to choose between us. I know the importance of family.”

  “And when it comes time for children? What then? How will we raise our young with such conflict?”

  Children? For a few seconds I was lightheaded. Why did she bring that up? Was Becca pregnant?

  “Do you have something to tell me?”

  She immediately looked at the ground. “It’s a little early, Theo.”

  “Yes, but . . .” I rushed forward and pulled her into my embrace. “You think you are, right?” I wouldn’t let her look away as I captured her chin and forced her gaze to mine. “Tell me,” I growled.

  “It’s possible. I’m late.”

  Holy shit.

  Swinging Becca around I laughed as I hugged her tight. “I’m going to be a father.” Leaning in, I inhaled her scent and caught something slightly off in the undertones. A hint of foreign musk that had never been there before now.

  “I burn for you, my Becca, but I can’t do this anymore. I can’t pretend there’s nothing between us. I won’t.” There were many things that could drive a man to the edge of his sanity but losing Becca was the one reality I couldn’t face, especially now. “I’ll stand by your side and never leave. I’ll be the man and father you need for our child. I swear you can always count on me. You’re mine, baby.”

  Becca was mine. She always had been. If that made me obsessed, I didn't care.

  “Theo,” she blubbered, “I don’t want to live without you anymore.”

  “Do you love me, Becca?” This was the first time I outright asked.

  “Yes, Theo,” she exhaled, “I love you so much it hurts to be apart for even one minute.”

  My lips lowered to hers in a scorching kiss as I drew her in closer. “You’re not leaving my side. Not today. Not ever. The pack may as well know. We’re already mated.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Rinnick’s voice interrupted our private moment as I lifted my head and scowled.

  “Leave us alone.”

  He smirked like this was way more enjoyable than it should be for him. “I’m afraid that’s not possible. Lor and Eli already overheard, too.”


  I hoped Becca wasn’t going to be upset. In her condition it was a bad idea to stir the pot but that was exactly what Rinnick was doing, the bastard. “The whole clan may as well know. Becca is my mate. We’ve already completed the –”

  “Do not finish that sentence,” Lor growled. “That’s my sister.”

  Becca giggled. “I love him, Lor.”

  “I know, Bec. I wish you would have spoken up sooner.”

  Eli walked forward and pulled her into a hug. “What’s this about a baby?”

  Well, that was it. Not a secret anymore.

  “I’m not certain but I suspect Theo will be a father soon.”

  Lor and Eli clapped me on the back as infectious grins spread across every face.

  Lor grunted as he smirked my way. “Better wait to tell Jedd.”

  Fuck. If I valued my balls he may not find out until the birth.

  Rinnick was laughing so loud I glared in his direction. “Fuck off, Rinnick.”

  “Better enjoy that baby, Becca. Theo may be unable to produce another!”

  I ran after him as he nearly stumbled, laughing so hard I didn’t have trouble catching him. We barreled into one another and the ground and rolled, throwing punches as Lor and Eli jumped in. A minute later I was already back on my feet and ditching the guys as I returned to my mate.

  Scooping up my bride, I headed back toward the house and slipped inside, carrying Becca all the way to my room. Locking the door behind us, I dropped to my knees and pressed my cheek against her stomach. “You’re stuck with me now. I don’t plan on letting you do a thing until our cub is born.”

  Her light laugh sent chills of desire down my spine. “That’s completely ridiculous.”

  “Is it?” I challenged. “Just wait. I’ll shower you with gifts and kisses and as much sex as you want.”

  Shaking her head, she pushed me away. “Who mentioned sex?”

  “Well, I did. I can’t stop thinking about how I want to taste you again.”

  “Theo,” she chided with a blush, “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Of course,” I admitted, stalking her slowly as she backed into the bed.

  “Then I guess you better come here, handsome. I need you.”

  Three words had never sounded sweeter in my life. My mate needed me.

  “As I need you.”



  My father was the last to know as word spread fast throughout the packs. He bellowed my name downstairs as Theo and I straightened our clothing and rushed down to meet him.

  “Are you going to explain this, daughter?”

  “Explain what?” I asked sweetly, squeezing Theo’s hand.

  “Why the hell I’m hearing that Theo is your mate.” My father’s expression was thunderous.

  “Theo is my mate.”

  His face turned red as he glared in Theo’s direction. “I refused to give my consent.”

  Theo shrugged. “I love her, Jedd. I’ve loved her as long as I can remember. Becca is my one true mate. I hope you’ll finally agree to our union, but I’m done living without Becca in my life.”

  Silence fell as I heard Theo say those magical words. Fated mates weren’t supposed to be real but the way we felt about each other was proof enough that it was a possibility.

  “You’re going to have to accept him because I’m pregnant,” I blurted. The half-truth slid easily from my tongue as my father’s eyes widened. He didn’t need to know I wasn’t sure about the baby.

  My father’s sharp intake of breath was proof of his shock. He sank into a chair and remained silent as he processed my words. “Becca? You’re going to have a baby? Are you mated properly?”

  “Yes, the night before I returned to Cedar Creek.”

  His head dropped into his hands as he groaned. “How did I miss something so important?”

  “Daddy, you didn’t want to see it.”

  He lifted his head and I thought I saw tears glisten in his eyes briefly. “You’re my little girl.”

  I walked up to him, stopping only a few inches away. “You took my choice away from me five years ago. I lost the only man I’ve ever truly loved. I’m not willing to lose him again. Theo is my choice, Daddy. He always has been, even when you tried to separate us. He’s my one true mate and it’s time you stopped fighting against us.”

  Jedd worked his jaw, trying to find the words to say. He didn’t like the idea and maybe he never would. As I stared into his dark eyes, I reached up to tug lightly on the salt and pepper beard that hung from his proud chin.

  “And he’s the father of my child. Nothing else matters.”

  Those words seemed to have a profound effect. My father wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandfather.”

  Theo’s uncle David clapped my father on the back as he entered through the back door. “It’s big news.”

  “I can’t believe it either,” Ted exclaimed as he glanced at his son. He rushed in and hugged his son with excitement.

  “Dad,” Theo joked, “I’m pretty sure you were hoping it was soon.”

  “Maybe so, Theo. I’m not getting any younger,” he declared as he poured a shot of whiskey and downed it, filling two more glasses and passing them along. “To the future!”


  * * *

  Stunned, I stood completely still. Did Becca really say those words, or did I imagine it? Did she finally stand up to her father express her wishes? After all this time I final
ly had my mate at my side.

  Becca Harlow, my mate and soon to be mother of my cubs, was full of surprises.

  It didn’t matter if she was already breeding or not. I’d fix that problem soon enough. In fact, I planned on keeping her in bed until I was certain my seed had planted. No more games. No more lies. Nothing was coming between us ever again, even the stubborn young woman I loved with all my heart and her selfless decisions for family.

  Her fiercely loyal nature was one of the things I adored about Becca even when it kept us apart. That was the past now. It could stay buried there. When she turned and her eyes sparkled with hints of violet, I could see my entire future nestled within those sparkling irises.

  Holding out my hand palm side up, I offered my love, my life, my every hope and dream. They all began and ended with Becca. While our fathers drank a toast to our union, I led her quietly up the stairs and shut the door, this time determined not to have any interruptions as I flipped the lock.

  “No more lies or partial truth,” I whispered, pulling her closer as my mouth hovered by her ear. “I’ll give you that baby, Becca. We’re staying in this bedroom until I’m certain I’ve accomplished the task.” She shivered as I pressed a kiss to her temple, my lips trailing lower until I whispered huskily in her ear. “Don’t worry, my love, I plan on making every moment as pleasurable as possible.”

  “Theo,” she moaned as I tugged her closer to the bed, slowly removing her shirt as I pulled it over her head. My fingers made quick work of her bra and dropped it on the floor without a second thought. Feasting on the full globes of her breasts, a wicked grin split my lips.

  “I’m going to taste every single inch of your body and lick at your core until you scream my name as you climax, just like our wedding night.”


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