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Hidden Page 15

by Ancelli

  Ethan’s arms wrapped around her waist and he bowed his head and kissed her neck. “Is that better?” He blew minty scent in her face. “The sunrise is beautiful.”

  Praying her father wasn’t here to ruin what they’d just fixed, she held her cell in a death grip. Alexandre sounded too upbeat—he wouldn’t allow her father to destroy their future.

  “Rayn…” Ethan came around and tipped her chin with his fingers. “What’s wrong? You were miles away.”

  She gazed into his loving eyes. Rayn didn’t want to ruin their happy reunion.

  “Who was on the phone?” he asked, obviously concerned.

  “Your dad.” Technically, she hadn’t lied. “He wants you come by the farm this morning.”

  “Is everything okay with him?”

  She could see the panic in his eyes. “Yes, he’s okay. He just needs to talk to you.”

  His demeanor changed once she reassured him that his father was physically fine. Rayn prayed that omitting the fact her father was there as well wouldn’t bite her in the ass.

  “Are you cooking us breakfast?” He wrapped his fingers in the sheet wrapped around her, and pulled her closer to him.

  “I don’t think you want me to do that.” Rayn chuckled. She was a terrible cook. She should’ve spent more time in the kitchen with her mom when she was younger. “And besides, your dad’s cooking you breakfast.”

  “I was planning on spending the day with you.” Ethan kissed her collarbone. “Make up for time lost.”

  Rayn closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations traveling through her body. “I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done at the farm.”

  “I thought you were coming with me. Give my old man the good news.” He entwined their fingers together. “We’re getting married.”

  “Did you really mean that?” She thought he was just talking on pure emotions last night.

  “I’m not letting you go.” Ethan guided her into the house. “Come on, let’s get ready. The faster we get there, the sooner we leave.”

  Rayn swallowed.


  “I’m going to check on the horses,” Rayn said before walking up to the main house. She’d been acting strange since his father had called earlier. She rushed away to the barn.

  Ethan was caught off guard when he entered his father’s kitchen. He stopped dead in his tracks, did an about face, and then stepped back inside, thinking he was in some kind of a trance. His dad was having breakfast with the one and only Mr. Jarod. Rayn’s father.

  “Come in, young man.” Jarod stood, extending his arm. “Good morning.”

  Ethan raised an eyebrow, gazing at the man’s hand. What was he doing here? Was he here to convince Rayn to leave with Alex?

  “Ethan.” His father gave him a look as if he was being scolded for not wanting to shake the man’s hand, and then he remembered what Rayn had shared about their fathers.

  He shook his hand. “Good morning.” Ethan rapidly released his hand.

  “I deserved that.” Jarod sat. “Have a seat.”

  Ethan felt like it was trap and though he complied, he sat away from the men, over by the kitchen island.

  Jarod grabbed his fork and continued eating. “I made a few mistakes raising my daughters. I wanted them to have what I didn’t, growing up. I came from humble beginnings, too. I wanted them to be able to sustain themselves without the support of a man.” He placed the utensil down and stared at Ethan. “Where I was raised, the white man was the enemy. I became a defense attorney because of things I witnessed as a child, and I wanted to help my community. I defend people who are treated unfairly because of the color of their skin and mistakenly, I judged you based on the same thing I swore to defend against.”

  His father stood. “Son, listen to the man. We all make mistakes.” He stepped out of the kitchen.

  “You gained some of my respect when you got up on that stage and declared your love for Rayn.” Jarod leaned back in his chair. “It takes guts to tell a room full of bigots that the very girl they hate is the one you love.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “But then you lost all my respect when you didn’t fight for her.”

  “Excuse me?” Ethan watched him with his jaw clenched.

  “You let my actions derail your future.” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m here to let you hear my side of the story. That day, Rayn said something to me that, to this day, hurts my ego and pride. After we had our confrontation, she had some tough words for me. I was once her superhero, and in that moment, I became the biggest hypocrite, in her eyes. Someone she couldn’t trust or believe in.

  “She screamed at me, ‘How could you preach about love and protect the unjust, and be one of the people executing hate? You are judging him based on your stereotype of what you think. You are just as prejudiced as those racists on campus.’ She was right.” Jarod cleared his throat. “I judged you based on my past. I should’ve given you a chance.” He stared at Ethan. “I expected you to find a way to come and fight for her and your son. I was pissed when I found out she was pregnant, and you didn’t step up.”

  “I didn’t know!” He blurted out, angry.

  “I now know that.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “My wife convinced Rayn to keep quiet, based on her belief that I would love my grandson less because of who his father was. I speak a lot of shit, but I would never turn my back on an innocent child, especially my own flesh and blood. My wife should know me better, but I can’t blame her because of my words and actions.” He picked up the mug in front of him. “As a father, how would you react if Rayn was your daughter?” Jarod took a sip of coffee, waiting for his answer. “I wondered where you were when she was being threatened and harassed by that piece of shit?”

  “I didn’t know.” Ethan swallowed, remembering what Rayn told him. Colton had continued harassing her. “If I knew, I would’ve done something about it. I would’ve moved mountains to protect her and our baby.”

  “That punk got what he deserved. How could you come after a pregnant woman?” Jarod’s nostrils flared.

  “I won’t let anything happen to Rayn or my son.”

  Jarod gave him half a smile. “I’m here to apologize for the part I played in keeping you apart.”

  It took guts for Jarod to fly all the way to Oklahoma to clear the air.

  “Rhonda said you’ve talked to her about concerns on raising Alex. If you need advice about raising a black son through these trying times, I’m here. My daughter went through a pinch of what men like me endure every day. I don’t want my grandson to be a victim of society.”

  “With us by his side, I pray he won’t endure prejudice.”

  “He already has,” Jarod replied honestly. “We’ll teach him how to react, and walk away with his life intact.”

  Ethan was shockingly impressed by the man standing in front of him.

  “Your dad praises you and all of your accomplishments. You’ve proved me wrong.” The older man stood. “I asked you five years ago what you had to offer my daughter. You should’ve said, watch and see.”

  He was right. Ethan had taken the coward’s way out because his ego got bruised. He knew what he was getting into when he started their hidden relationship.

  “Rhonda speaks highly of you.” He smirked. “According to her, you’re my son-in-law to be. Is that true?”

  “Hopefully.” Ethan stood and walked over to his soon-to-be father-in-law. He extended his hand, wanting to start over. “To a fresh start.”

  Jarod solemnly shook his hand.

  Ethan released his grip and took a deep breath. “May I have your daughter’s hand in marriage?”

  Rayn’s father stared at him, and out of nowhere started laughing. “Of course.” He pulled him into a bear hug. “I pray for your union.”

  He embraced the man who’d raised the love of his life. “Thank you for being there for my dad.”

  Jarod moved back. “I lost my mother twelve years ago, and up to this day, I miss her. The grieving process d
oesn’t get easier, but you will learn to cope with the pain. Your father loved your mother for more than thirty years, and that kind of love is unforgettable. I have that type of love with Rhonda. If anything happens to her, I wouldn’t be able to breathe.”

  Rayn walked in as her dad spoke of her mother.

  “The woman of the hour!” Jarod strolled up to her. “I heard congratulations are in order.” Jarod wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. You knew what you wanted, and you went after it, just like your daddy.”

  Rayn held on to her dad as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Stop those tears.” He wiped her eyes. “Your happiness awaits you. I’m going fishing with Alexandre.” Jarod sidestepped Rayn and picked up a fishing pole, and raised the hook in the air. “There’s a first time for everything. Marriage isn’t for the weak. There will be tough times, but you fight to keep the pieces together. Don’t give up easily, like you did five years ago,” he said before joining Ethan’s father on the porch.

  “Did that just happen?” Rayn stared at their dads walking to the beat-up pickup truck.

  “Yes.” Ethan opened the curtain, watching the two old men laugh. Forgiveness did take a weight off one’s shoulders. He’d held resentment against her father, but had never taken the time to see things through his eyes. Ethan loved Rayn, but what had he really had to offer her, back then?

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rayn opened her locker and placed her personal items in it. She was walking on cloud nine as she entered the hospital. Ethan had finally forgiven her, and her father had surprised them with his seal of approval. They wanted to be married, and have Alex present when they did. Everything she’d longed for was coming together, little by little.

  She closed the locker as Jenny walked in. The woman stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Rayn. Watching her through narrowed her eyes, she ambled over to her locker and opened it.

  Rayn looked away. Nothing could dampen her mood, not even Miss Jennifer-Jenny. It was better to avoid any conflict. She moved toward the exit.

  “Bitch,” Jenny uttered as Rayn passed by. “I trusted you.”

  “This isn’t the place or time to talk about our personal issues,” Rayn replied sternly. She held no ill feelings for Jenny. It wasn’t her fault they were both in love with the same man, but she wasn’t going to back down. Jenny was right: Ethan was a one-of-a-kind man. Any woman would be a fool to let him go. She’d been foolish once, but not again. If a fight was what Jenny wanted, then a fight would be given—however, not at work.

  “You’re going to pay for betraying me.”

  “I didn’t deceive you.” Rayn inched closer, trying to keep their conversation between them.

  “What would you call it?”

  Rayn saw the look in her eyes, and decided to keep moving. She wasn’t going to entertain this woman.

  Jenny smirked. “I hope he’s worth what’s coming your way.”

  “Are you threating me?” Rayn didn’t take well to threats. She stopped and twisted to face Jenny. “I’m not going to apologize for loving Ethan. Whatever you two had is over,” she ground out between her teeth. “Hopefully we can be civil with each other, at least for the sake of the patients.”

  “What patients?” Jenny slammed the door to her locker. “You won’t be working here much longer.”

  “You want to bet?”

  “I always win,” Jenny chortled, leaving the room.

  “Hi, Rayn.” Ayesha, the head nurse, entered the room. “Dr. Barbara wants to speak to you before you start your shift.”

  The chief physician called her into her office. Wanda from HR was also in the room, with a folder in her hand. “Have a seat.” She pointed at the chair right in front of her desk.

  Rayn sat without asking what this meeting was about. She already had a feeling. After all, Jenny had warned her.

  Dr. Barbara slid her glasses back up the bridge of her nose with her index finger. “We’ve received a misconduct complain against you and Dr. Stuart.” She glanced down at a piece of paper on her desk.

  “What?” she blurted out. “I—we—haven’t done anything.”

  “It was anonymous.” Dr. Barbara returned her gaze to Rayn. “They claim you’ve been having sex with Dr. Stuart on hospital grounds.”

  “What!” She jumped out of her seat. “I’ve spoken to that man once, off shift, and that was in the cafeteria.” Rayn’s temple throbbed. She knew exactly who’d made the fraudulent report. A woman scorned wasn’t someone thinking logically but messing with someone’s career and livelihood was a game-changer. Alvin was a piece in Jenny’s bullshit game. Rayn wasn’t going to let her win. She needed to calm down. Just when my life is actually coming together, this happens. Methodically, Rayn inhaled and exhaled, counting to ten. She sat back down.

  Dr. Barbara studied her through intense blue eyes. Rayn had a lot of respect for the physician sitting in front of her. She’d taught her a lot since she started working at the hospital and Rayn didn’t want the woman to have a bad impression of her.

  “I don’t want to do this,” Dr. Barbara leaned back in her leather chair, “but we have to suspend you.”

  Wanda just sat without saying anything.

  “I understand,” she swallowed, “you’re doing your job. Following protocol.” She stared at one of her mentors.

  “It’s only until the findings from the investigation are done.” Dr. Barbara leaned forward. “You’ve been an exemplary PA.” The doctor paused as if she was rethinking what she was about to say and then glanced over at Wanda.

  “Dr. Barbara.” Rayn rubbed her hands together. “I didn’t do what I’ve been accused of.”

  “Look, you’ve made my job easier, and if I opened my own practice, I’d want someone exactly like you on my team.” Dr. Barbara gave her a quick wink, one Rayn thought Wanda probably couldn’t see, and then continued in a stern voice. “But this is the protocol whenever we receive a complaint against a staff member. I’ll call you when we receive the findings.”

  One second it feels like a job offer, and the next feels like I’m fired.

  The doctor stood abruptly and offered Rayn her hand, making her even more nervous.

  “Have a nice day.” Rayn turned on her heels and walked out the door, nearly running into Dr. Stuart.

  “If I offended you in any way, I apologize.” He spoke softly.

  Rayn knew she wasn’t supposed to talk or even be seen with Dr. Stuart, but she didn’t have anything to hide. This wasn’t the man she’d met in the cafeteria months before. Where was his arrogance? “Why are you apologizing to me? I should be the one saying sorry. Nurse Jennifer has something against me and now you’re someone she used to get at me.”

  “Nurse Jenny?” Alvin’s thick eyebrows drew together and the sadness in his eyes was replaced by anger. “I’ve worked my ass off to become the man who I am today.” There was the conceited man she’d met. “I won’t let a fucking nurse destroy what I’ve built for myself. I thought you reported me.”

  “What would give you that idea?”

  “Jenny…” He marched down the hallway toward the elevators.

  Rayn grabbed her cell from her front pocket and dialed. “Are you busy?”

  “What’s wrong?” Ethan’s husky voice calmed her down.

  “I need to vent, and I can’t do that here.” She walked past the break room. Beyond the doorway, she could hear Alvin yelling at Jenny.

  “You!” Jenny shouted when she saw Rayn. “First Ethan, and now you accuse me of something I didn’t do.”

  She didn’t have time for the extra drama. Any other time she would be in for a good ass-whooping, but she couldn’t beat anyone’s ass while at work. She would let Jenny sink herself in her lies.

  “Come by the office,” Ethan replied. “Whatever is going on, please keep calm.”

  “I am.” She ended the call and slipped the phone in her front pocket.

; “Rayn!” Kaliyah called her name making her look back. “Please tell me what I overheard isn’t true?”

  She stopped by the nurses’ counter. Rayn wasn’t in the mood to defend herself to any of her colleagues. “What did you hear?” she asked, annoyed.

  “I know it isn’t true.” Kaliyah faced her. “When you walk out of this hospital today, you make sure you keep your head held high.” She always found the correct words to say. “This is just a minor setback. I’ve worked with that fool for years. That man wouldn’t put his career on the line for anyone.”

  Dr. Stuart saw them talking in the hallway and turned back the way he came, walking away.

  “I just wanted you to know.” Kaliyah touched her arm. “I’m on your side.”

  “Thank you.” She gave her a half smile.

  “I’ve been working here for years, and you’ve been the only friend I’ve had. That says a lot.” Kaliyah grinned. “I would take this paid time to relax and enjoy your newfound happiness.” Her lips curled up as she gazed at Rayn’s left hand.

  “This accusation won’t make it past the investigation phase. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve spoken to Dr. Stuart outside of a hospital room.” Rayn touched her friend’s protruding stomach. “Take care of junior.” She was thankful for Kaliyah’s words, but she needed to get out of the hospital before all her self-restraint was gone. “See you when I get back.” Rayn waved her hand in the air to all the nurses talking behind her back.


  Rayn entered Ethan’s office and slowly closed the door.

  “What’s wrong?” he stood. Concern for Rayn was the only emotion he was feeling after her cryptic call. Aggravation was all over her face; her nose flared, and her lips were thin.

  She closed her fist around the strap of her bag. “Stupid bitch!” Rayn threw her purse at Ethan, and he ducked out of the way. It hit the ground with a thump. “Why did you have to mess with her?”

  He gazed at the purse on the ground, then up at her. What the fuck happened now?

  “She’s not only coming for me, she’s involving innocent bystanders,” Rayn continued on her rant. “I just started working there, but Dr. Stuart? That’s his reputation.”


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