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Hidden Page 16

by Ancelli

  “Who?” Ethan asked, remembering vaguely that Jenny had mentioned his name before.

  “Your little girlfriend, Jenny.” She huffed. “I’m being accused of misconduct.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Is that the question you should be asking me?” Rayn took a deep breath. “I didn’t do a damn thing. She’s accusing me of sleeping with a doctor.” Ethan stared at her, afraid to ask the question floating around in his head.

  “I’m sorry this is happening to you because of me.” He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll fix this.”

  “Her actions are not your fault.” She returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tight. “I get why she’s angry, but I didn’t know. And I wouldn’t fuck up someone’s career over jealousy. We had a working relationship.”

  “I’ll talk to her.” He inched back and cupped her soft face. “She’s mad at me, not you. Jenny doesn’t seem like the vindictive type.”

  “A woman scorned can be anything she wants to be.” Rayn grabbed her purse off the ground and sat in his spare chair. “I had a feeling my happiness was temporary.”

  “Our happiness,” he grabbed a chair from the side and sat next to her, “isn’t temporary. A job is.” Ethan touched her arm. “At the end of the day, you can walk out of that hospital and get another job where you’re valued.”

  “You’re right.” She finally smiled. “I’m blessed regardless whether I’m suspended or not.”

  “They suspended you?” He narrowed his eyes to stare at her. “Over a suspicion?”

  “The anonymous person,” she rolled her eyes, “reported that she saw us in the act. Go ahead and ask me.”

  “What?” He acted like he didn’t know what she was talking about, and she glared at him. “Okay, did you sleep with him?” It would be a bitter pill to swallow but he couldn’t be mad at her.

  “No.” Rayn rolled her eyes at Ethan. “I knew you needed to get that question off your chest.”

  Ethan touched her knee. “She’ll listen to me.”

  “Or kill you,” Rayn joked. “Thank you for letting me vent.” She looked around his office. “Nice.” It was her first time actually entering the building. “I told you you would make your parents proud.” Rayn stood and inspected the pictures on the wall of him in uniform, and his awards and certificates.

  “You believed in me.” He leaned in and gave her a feathery kiss on the lips, “when I thought I wasn’t going to make it. Because of your rejection, I fought harder to be the best me.”

  Rayn moved away from him.

  “I’m not saying this to hurt you. I’m telling you that you were my cheerleader, and then you became my motivation.” Ethan invaded her personal space. “We went our separate paths, because we needed to grow as individuals, to finally unite as one. I don’t think we would’ve made our goals if we had remained together.”

  “I agree.” She circled her arms around his neck. “It was time I got my shit together.”

  “You can say that again.” He chuckled. “Jenny’s been hurt before and I added to her list of pains. I need to explain myself to her, or try. I owe her that. Are you okay with me paying her a visit?”

  “I trust you…”

  Ethan grabbed his cell phone and sent a text. You wanted to talk. I’m on my way.

  Chapter Twenty

  The door swung open. “We don’t have anything to talk about.” Jenny crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you want?”

  Ethan rubbed his hands together. He made this mess; he needed to clean it up. “Why are you making false accusations?”

  “I have no idea what you’re referring to.” She watched him.

  “I was the one who hurt you, not Rayn or Dr. Stuart.”

  “Oh, that’s what you’re talking about.” She played stupid, theatrically examining her glossy pink fingernails. “I heard the rumor weeks ago that they’d been sleeping around, but I didn’t care. Your baby mama was interested.”

  “Was she?” Ethan stared at her. Jenny was obviously trying to get under his skin.

  “I introduced them,” she made a point to say. “I didn’t expect them to carry on right in one of the hospital supply closets,” she said nonchalantly. “I thought she was classier than that.”

  “She is. Rayn doesn’t deserve the lies you’re spewing.” Ethan loomed closer. This wasn’t the woman he knew. Jenny was always kind and compassionate. “You are also tarnishing the doctor’s reputation.”

  “What reputation?” She laughed sarcastically. “He’s a womanizer. Everyone knows that.”

  “Did he hurt you too, lead you on?”

  “Like you did?” Jenny rolled her eyes. “It’s just a claim. Nothing will come of it.” She put her hand on her hip. “Cut the shit. You’re not here because of Alvin. You’re here trying to protect her. I’m so sick and tired of being used by men like you.” She cleared her throat. “I thought we had a good thing, then comes along Rayn and ruins it. We would still be together if she hadn’t come to town with a surprise baby.”

  “Why are you mad at her?” He tried to get through to the woman he’d cared for. “Rayn didn’t know we were seeing each other. I knew you both worked at the same hospital, but what were the odds that you two would meet and become friends?”

  “I’m a nurse and she’s a PA! We were eventually going to cross paths,” Jenny lashed out, pointing at him. “I’m fucking mad at you too! You led me on. If what you wanted was a fuck-buddy, you should’ve said so instead of letting me fall in love with you.”

  Ethan sighed, placing his hands in his front pockets. “Jenny, I sincerely didn’t know this was going to be the outcome.”

  “Well it is, and she deserves everything that’s coming her way.”

  “Do you honestly believe what you’re doing to their careers is justified, just because I broke your heart?” Ethan’s words were a bit harsh; however, they were the truth.

  Jenny’s nose began to flare. He’d hit a nerve. “I didn’t report her.”

  “I apologize,” he added honestly. “You’re a good woman, and any man would be lucky to have you.”

  “Not you.” A tear dropped and slid down her cheek.

  “My heart has always been with someone else.” Ethan knew his words would sting, but he had to tell her. “I tried to erase her from my memories. I tried to move on for years, but something in me knew that the love we shared wasn’t over. You don’t want to be with a man that couldn’t give you all of him? You deserve better than what I was giving you. You are a beautiful, educated woman who can have any man she wants.”

  Listening to him, Jenny bit her bottom lip.

  “You don’t have to stoop this low to prove your point. Rayn didn’t betray you, I did. Come after me.” He brushed his fingers through his hair. “I should’ve warned you of the train wreck you were dating. My baggage isn’t worth your dignity.”

  She watched him with a blank expression, not saying a word. Was she even listening to him?

  “Think about my son. This affects him too.”

  She wiped her tear with the back of her hand. Her jaw tightened and her eyes snapped up and connected with his. “You and Rayn can both go to hell.” Her words held venom as she said them. Jenny stepped back and slammed the door in his face.

  “Fuck,” he said, underneath his breath. He’d started this shit, and now he couldn’t stop it. Maybe he and Rayn should’ve hidden their new relationship, too.


  Ethan watched Rayn’s house from the driveway. He thought he could get through to Jenny, but instead it appeared to backfire. She was obviously more upset when he left than when he’d arrived. Maybe if he and Rayn hid their romance, Jenny might drop the accusations. Who am I kidding? He jumped out of his truck and slowly walked up the pathway to the house. He didn’t regret anything that had happened in the past year, up to and including Jenny. Things happened in life to prepare you for the future.
br />   He keyed in the door code and waited for the green light, then turned the knob and pushed the door open. Ethan strolled into the house, looking for Rayn, and found her laid out on the living room floor.

  He rushed over. “Rayn!” Ethan got down on his knees next to her. “Hey…” He touched her neck.

  Her lips curled up in a smile, but her eyes remained closed. “I had a bad headache.”

  “So, you lay on the floor.”

  “Yes.” Her eyes fluttered open, and she gazed back at him through red-rimmed eyes. “The marble floor is cool; it adds to my crazy comforts.” Rayn had some insane remedies. Lying on the hard, cold floor was one of them. In college she would lie on the floor in a fetal position when she was cramping. According to her, it made her feel less pain.

  “How could I forget?” Ethan tapped her nose. “My talk with Jenny didn’t go as I thought,” he said regretfully. He felt like he’d let Rayn down. She wouldn’t have been in this predicament if it weren’t for him.

  “I told you so.” Rayn giggled softly. Her eyes crinkled at the edges.

  “It didn’t hurt to try.” He sat next to her.

  “Stop blaming yourself for the actions of others.” She glanced up at the ceiling. “Jenny feels betrayed by both of us. We were forming something like a friendship. Believe me,” she turned her head to look at him, “it stung me too. All Jenny did was talk about you, and what a perfect man you were.”

  “Perfect,” he repeated sarcastically. He’d made so many mistakes, starting with not telling Rayn the truth about Colton and then letting her walk away from their relationship without a real explanation. “Far from it.”

  Rayn chuckled. “You and me both. I told her to fight for the man she loves, like I was. Who would’ve thought that man was you? I guess that’s what she’s doing.”

  Ethan gave her a once-over. “You two talked in depth about me?”

  “I didn’t know we were talking about you.” She chewed on her cuticle. “I actually feel sorry for her. My heart broke all over again when I thought you’d chosen her.”

  He caressed the side of her neck. “You’re it for me.”

  She gave him a lopsided grin.

  “Maybe we should keep our secret to ourselves for a while.”

  “No.” Rayn’s nose crinkled. “I’m done hiding. If this bogus accusation makes her happy, then so be it. There’s nothing I can do about it but wait.” She grabbed the fluffy pillow off the couch and placed it on her living room floor. Rayn’s temple had been throbbing since Dr. Barbara’s office, and now she was fighting a migraine. After going to see Ethan, she’d come home, taken a cold shower, swallowed a couple of pills, and fallen asleep on the floor.

  Ethan stared at her. “She’ll drop it if she thinks we’re no longer together.”

  “That’s giving her power.” She covered her eyes from the sunlight shining through the tall window. “And who says she’ll drop it?” Rayn twisted her head to the side, away from the glare. “Nope.” Her lips popped as she pronounced the letter P.

  Ethan grabbed one of the pillows and lay on the floor beside her. “Can you continue working with her?”

  “I’ve never worked with Jenny before.” She sighed. “And I don’t think we will in the near future, but I can be professional.”

  He traced her nose down to her lips. “Sorry.”

  “This is just a phase in my life. I’ve been through worse and survived.” Rayn entwined their fingers together. “There’s no stopping us.” She kissed his knuckles. “Separated, they couldn’t stop us. Do you think they can now that we’re united?” She lifted her left hand, letting her diamond band glitter in the sun. “I think I may have a job offer coming my way very soon.”


  “Yes, Dr. Barbara, one of the attending physicians, has been talking about her and her husband opening their own practice. It might take a couple of months, or even a year.” Rayn spoke excitedly. “I don’t mind waiting. I can get a job somewhere else in the meantime. Things worth having require the most work.”

  “But will you be happy?”

  “I’m already happy no matter where I work. I’ll have a set schedule,” she continued. “I’ll get to spend more time with my husband and son.”

  “Husband,” he repeated, gazing back at her. “Husband and a father.”

  Rayn rested up on her elbows. “Your parents are so proud of you. Magda knew this is how we would end up. You didn’t notice,” she showed him the ring on her finger. “Your mother asked for my hand to marry you. She even told me how she envisioned our wedding.”

  “Me too.” Ethan stared at the silver ring she was sporting. His eyes widened with recognition. “My mom’s ring.”

  “Yes.” She played with the band. “Your mom added a few details to it.” Rayn pointed at his birthstone and two small diamonds.

  “That’s why I didn’t recognize it.” He continued staring at the silver piece. “I thought you were married when I saw this ring at the funeral.”

  She sat up and inched closer to him. “Ethan, I made a huge mistake years ago, and every day since—”

  He placed his finger against her lips. “We both didn’t fight for us, but now here we are.” Ethan rubbed her thigh. “No more dwelling in the past.”

  “You’re right,” Rayn agreed. The future was brighter than ever. “You never said if you liked your birthday gift.”

  “The balloons and cupcakes?” Ethan mentioned.


  “You mean the bottle with sand in it?” He squeezed her thigh, then traced the tiny mole she had on her leg. “It’s a nice decoration.”

  “That’s a no?” She giggled as his fingers tickled her sensitive skin. “Did you see the document in the sand bottle?”

  “What document?” His eyebrows drew together. “You mean the wood inside?”

  “Why would I give you just a bottle with sand?” Rayn giggled.

  “Exactly.” He chuckled.

  “I was trying to be spontaneous.” She stretched her legs. “Haven’t you ever heard of the message in a bottle?”

  Ethan clasped his hands behind his head, watching her. “What was the message?”

  “A voucher for a vacation at a beach resort.” Rayn narrowed her eyes at him. “Can you get some time off?”

  “Depends on how many days are we talking about.” He gazed at her. “I might be able to come up with a good excuse.”

  “Three.” Rayn puckered her lips. “Before Alex comes home. I want to be your first.”


  “You don’t remember?” Rayn got up on her knees. “I told you a while ago, I wanted to be the first to take you to the beach. I may be late, but we both need some time away from everything.”

  “You’re not too late.” the corner of his mouth quirked up. “I still haven’t made it to the beach. My mother couldn’t travel back to Cuba, so I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “The wait is over.” She slipped off her shorts and panties.

  Ethan’s jaw dropped as he stared at her half-naked body, and then he gave her a naughty smile. “Damn,” he said, underneath his breath. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He touched her softly. “Are you ready?”

  Rayn couldn’t keep her hands off Ethan. “I’m always ready for you.” She took his hand and let him feel the effect he had on her. His fingers tickled her wet neither lips. “I know a great way to help with this migraine.”

  “What’s that?” He smirked, continuing to tease her. Ethan’s digits played within her core, making her gasp and moan.

  “A nice ride,” Rayn uttered, and then she pushed his hand away and straddled him. Ethan was already aroused as she pressed down on his bulge, rotating her hips from side to side. Rayn bent down, softly touching his jaw. “I love you…”

  “I love this spontaneous side.” He gazed into her eyes and smacked her bare ass. “Where are we going?”

  “Anywhere you want.” She eased up and played with his belt and button. />
  “Somewhere you haven’t been.” Ethan helped her free his eager manhood from its confinement. “I want to be your first.”

  “You are my first…” Rayn shivered as she took in inch of inch of his rod. She closed her eyes and began riding him slowly. “My first, and only.” She groaned as Ethan pushed up into her, making her cry out in ecstasy. Rayn wasn’t ready for the sensation radiating through her body as his dick rubbed against her G-spot. Her entire body started convulsing, even her toes.

  “Quickie…” Ethan banged his head against the soft pillows and gripped her hips, guiding her down as he thrust up multiple times. “Fuck!” he growled as her pussy started pulsing around his dick. “I’m com—” His body tensed up and his fingers dug into her sides, and he came deep in her canal.

  Rayn lay her head on his rapidly heaving chest, listening to the fast pace of his heart.

  “That’s the fastest,” he said between breaths, “I’ve ever come.”

  She chuckled. “My headache’s worse.” Her head was pounding after that intense quickie.

  “You asked for my medication.” He caressed her ass and gave her a light smack. “When do we leave?”

  “Saturday, baby.” Rayn yawned before falling asleep in his arms.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Two days later

  Ethan was a little annoyed as he pulled in to his parents’ farm. He’d had a long day at work, trying to leave everything in order before going on vacation with Rayn. He’d been on his way home when his father had called, needing help with some farm animals. He didn’t have the heart to tell his dad no.

  He parked behind his father’s truck and grabbed his cell phone. He hadn’t heard from Alex all day, and every time he’d called Mrs. Rhonda it had gone straight to voicemail.

  He stared at the barn and memories of his mother petting the horse resurfaced. He missed the old lady. Ethan took solace in knowing that before she’d died, she’d known he would finally be happy. His mother knew he’d never stopped loving Rayn, and as soon as she saw Alex, she must have known what the outcome would be.


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