Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 13

by Jennifer Domenico

  “It’s okay.” He smiles. “You’re sure you aren’t famous?”

  “Very sure. I’m a publicist. That’s all.”

  “Okay. Well I just want to make sure you get out safely.”

  “We’re fine now. Thank you for walking us out.”

  “Certainly. Call anytime.”

  “Thanks, Luke.”

  As Annabelle pulls out of the space we’re in, I see Luke push through the group of media, hurrying back inside. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

  “What the actual fuck was that about?”

  Annabelle glances at me. “I was hoping you knew.”

  “No.” My phone starts buzzing like crazy, so I swipe the screen to read several updates about Ellis. Three sites show him and David walking out of a restaurant together looking happy and relaxed. I scroll through my newsfeed, landing on a video from a popular celebrity channel here and click play. David and Ellis walk out of the restaurant to a waiting mob of people. Ellis doesn’t even flinch as he keeps his focus on David and they head to Ellis’s car. The paps yell stuff at him, but from what I can tell it’s just his name being called out. One of them asks where his American publicist is, but he ignores them, disappearing inside his car just as I coached him to do. As I read, the phone rings in my hand.

  “Hey, Ellis.”

  “Hi. I did it.”

  “I know. I just saw the video.”

  He laughs. “That was fast. I’m not even home yet.”

  “I have you set up on my phone for alerts.”

  “Ah. It went well. I had a good time tonight, and they didn’t even bother me.”

  “Good. Did you hear anything bad when they asked you questions?”

  “No. Just my name, asked me about you, I think.”

  “Good. You looked amazing.” I squeeze my eyes shut, then glance at Annabelle who holds back laughter. “I mean, you looked how I hoped. Relaxed and happy.”

  “I was both of those things. Perhaps you should come over tonight to debrief.”

  “We are debriefing right now.”

  “Over some scotch would be better.”


  “What? I’m so happy right now, Avery. It’s the first time I’ve been out socially in months without feeling like I had a Scarlett letter on me. Is it so bad that I want to celebrate with the woman who made it possible?”

  “No, but…” I can’t.

  “You’re afraid of me.”

  “We’ve talked about this,” I reply, quietly, as I turn away from my sister.

  “Did we find resolution?”

  “You know what would happen.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “That’s not what we want.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  A smile tugs at my lips. “I’ll see you Monday.”

  “Why not for breakfast tomorrow? A business breakfast.”

  “Um, okay. Can you show me the properties you said you had available?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Okay then.”

  “I’ll pick you up at ten.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Good. Sweet dreams.”

  “You too.”

  “Always. Oh, and Avery?”


  “Thank you for suggesting this. It was good for me. You certainly know what you’re doing.”

  “I know.”

  He laughs. “Good night.”

  “Night, Ellis.”

  Hanging up, I turn to look at my sister as she drives. “And?” she asks. “You got quiet.”

  “He asked me to come over and celebrate.”

  “Celebrate what?”

  “That he had a successful drama free evening. I said no, but agreed to breakfast.”

  “Yeah, I heard.” She grins, but keeps her eyes on the road.


  “I’m sorry, Avery, but this is so funny. It reminds me of the time you had a crush on Preston. Do you remember him, from ninth grade science with Mrs. Collins?”

  “Yes, I remember Preston. How could I not? I became a household name because of him.”

  She laughs. “Yep, after him I was the sweet one, and you were the—”

  “The slutty one, yes, I remember.”

  “Oh, come on, it’s funny. You avoided him, refusing to admit you were into him. He avoided you, acting like he didn’t think you were pretty, but then all of a sudden at Nikki Brown’s birthday party, the both of you were perfectly fine with making out in the closet for five minutes.”

  “I remember, Annabelle,” I repeat, rolling my eyes, but holding back laughter.

  “When you came back out we all knew a lot more than kissing happened in there.”

  Finally, I give in to my laughter. “It was ridiculous. We paused for all of two seconds before we were all over each other. His hand was under my shirt and I was grinding all over him. We gave zero fucks that all our friends were on the other side of the door waiting for us to come out.”

  “Zero fucks is right. I was a nervous wreck waiting for you to come out. I didn’t want you losing your virginity at a party in a closet.”

  “We weren’t even close to that.”

  “I know, but the funny part is how you both avoided the obvious for so long, just like you and Ellis are doing, but when you finally give in, it’s gonna be epic.”


  “When.” She nudges my arm. “Definitely when.”

  As we ride, my thoughts wander back to Ellis wishing I had the nerve to go to his place right now and do all the things I want to do. One thing’s for sure, I’ll be spending some time with my battery operated boyfriend tonight. Just like every night since meeting Ellis.


  In the morning, I look outside to see cold, drizzling rain falling. Not conducive weather for apartment hunting, but it rarely is here. I thought I’d miss the sunshine, but actually, London’s weather kind of suits me. I bet a sunny day around here feels like finding a pot of gold.

  Opening my wardrobe, I grab a pair of jeans, and my long, gray sweater. It’s comfy and makes me feel good. I’m going super casual today. I don’t want Ellis thinking I’m trying to impress him. This is just breakfast. Nothing more. As I pull on my socks, I try to convince myself that’s true.

  After dressing, piling my hair up in a messy bun, and applying light makeup, I spritz myself with perfume and smile at my reflection. I can handle Ellis. I can handle anything. Even the sexiest man in London.

  Hearing the doorbell ring, I take a deep breath, then walk down where I see Annabelle and Ellis talking. He looks up at me, dressed in jeans and whatever’s under his coat and scarf. God, he’s attractive. His face is tense, and I wonder if he’s as nervous about today as I am.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Morning. Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. Just let me grab my coat.”

  My eyes shift to Annabelle’s who watches us with a crinkled brow. She must notice the tension too. Ellis walks out without waiting for me. What the hell is his problem?

  “What’s got his panties in a bunch?”

  Annabelle shrugs. “Who knows. Good luck.”


  I follow him to the car and slide in the passenger side. Ellis is staring straight ahead with his hands planted on the steering wheel.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Were you taunting me?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Last night. Were you intentionally taunting me?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Avery,” he says, with a tense jaw. “The man you were with last night. Who the fuck is he?”

  Man? “Oh. Luke?”

  “Luke. Who is that? Is he the reason you wouldn’t come over last night? Did you fuck him?”

  My eyes open wide in shock, and for a moment I consider if I should just get out of the car. Instead I decide to stand my ground and remind him who the fuck he’s dealing with.
  “Hold on a second here, Ellis.” I turn toward him and glare. “First, none of your fucking business. Second, Luke is no one. I don’t even know him, and I’m only telling you so you pull your panties out of your ass and calm down.”

  “Don’t talk to me like that.”

  “Don’t ask me if I fucked someone last night! You have no right. I could fuck everyone in London if I please.”

  “You know I’m jealous. Did you do that intentionally? Get your picture taken with him?”

  “How did you even see that?”

  “I have alerts too.” He hands me his phone.

  I read the article titled ‘American Publicist Avery Kennedy out with mystery man’. “This is so dumb. They don’t even mention that my sister was standing right beside me.”

  “I’ll ask you again. Who is Luke?”

  Shaking my head, I open the car door and get out. I don’t have to put up with this. Just as I reach the door to the house, Ellis pulls my arm, twisting me around until I’m facing him.

  “Don’t walk away from me.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do. Back off, Ellis.” I poke his chest with my index finger. “You are way out of line.”

  We stand completely still, staring at each other. Finally, he releases his grip from my arm, sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair.

  “Will you please tell me who Luke is to you?” His tone is desperate, but the hostility he had moments ago has faded. “Please.”

  After studying him for a moment, I reply. “Some guy who walked up to us.”

  “Why was he with you?”

  I sigh, staring ahead for a moment. “He walked up to me and asked me for my number, which I declined by the way. Then he offered to walk us to the car because he said there were muggings in the area. I walk outside and there the fucking paps are interested in me. They took their pictures and asked their stupid questions and I ignored them. I thanked Luke for escorting us and then he went inside the bar again. That’s it, Ellis.”

  “Then why did you say no to me, and why didn’t you tell me about him?”

  “I didn’t tell you about him because he is insignificant, and I’ll remind you, I have no obligation to tell you about anything I do in my private life.”

  “But I have to tell you mine.”

  “For good reason and you know it.” He looks past me, still clearly agitated. “Look at me, Ellis.” He slowly looks down at me. “I said no because as much as I might like to share your bed, I’m trying to look at the big picture.”

  “That’s the only reason you said no?”

  “Of course. It’s good that happened with Luke last night. They saw me with a man who wasn’t you. It’s good.”

  “Jesus, Avery.” He turns away again, rubbing his forehead. “I don’t know what the fuck happens to me around you. I have no right to be jealous, but…” He looks at me. “I can’t help myself.”

  I reach out and pull his hand into mine as we search each other’s eyes. His look almost gray, matching the sky above us. He moves closer, as if he’s going to kiss me, but instead he kisses my cheek.

  “I’m so sorry,” he says softly. “I overstepped. Can you forgive me?”

  “Yes. Honestly, I’m weirdly flattered.”

  “Right. Can we start over? I’ll take you to breakfast, and then we’ll go look at a few properties.”


  He looks down at our entwined hands and then back at me. His eyes say so much, but his lips remain silent.

  “Does it bother you that I’m holding your hand?”

  “No. I was just…” He smiles. “Well, I was thinking about how good such a simple act can feel.”

  “Sometimes the simple things are the best.”

  “Yes.” We search each other’s eyes again for a few silent moments. “I want to kiss you so desperately I can feel it in every part of me.” I avert my eyes before looking back at him. “I won’t. I agree with you that we have work to do, and we’re a great team, but if the day comes that you feel your work is done, will you tell me?”

  “What will you do then?”

  “Kiss you.” He moves closer. “Everywhere.”

  “I think I might like that.”

  “I will ensure that you do.” He smiles, his lips now so close to mine, it would take nothing to touch. “Will you tell me when you’re done?”

  “You could always fire me.”

  “I’ve considered it.” He grins, moving back. “But, contrary to popular belief, I am capable of controlling my impulses.”

  “Of course you are.” Thank god.


  “I’m starved.”

  “Let’s get you fed.”

  “Are we going somewhere I can get a full English?”

  He grins as we walk back to the car. “There are so many inappropriate things I could say in response.”

  I laugh. “I’m talking about breakfast.”

  “I could still make it dirty.”

  “So could I.”

  “I have no doubt.” Once inside the car, he glances at me as he puts it in gear. “Full English, coming right up.”

  Chapter 15 Ellis

  As we drive, a new realization settles over me that I never expected. What I’m feeling is far more than simple carnal attraction. The jealousy that coursed through my veins when I saw that article this morning, the fear I felt that she spent the night in another man’s arms, the desire whenever she’s near, it’s almost too much to take. I want more than just a night in her bed. I want all of her time. I want those blue eyes only looking at me, those pale pink lips smiling just for me. I want her body, her thoughts, her desire. This is not good.

  Whilst driving, I glance at her as she looks out the window, wide eyed like a child, as she takes in all the sights. She’s so beautiful all stripped down like that. I wonder if she knows she’s far more alluring like that than she is even in a stunning evening gown. What she must look like in the morning, after she’s been made love to, would likely leave me speechless. She hums to the Italian classical music playing, surprising me that she knows it.

  “Are you familiar with this music?”

  “Andrea Bocelli? Definitely. One of my favorites.”

  “Mine too.”

  She smiles at me, and as she does, I can suddenly see why a man decides to trade in a life of many for a life of one. My eyes open wide as this thought passes through my mind, and when Avery gasps, I look ahead as the car’s breaks automatically activate just before slamming into the back of a Range Rover. She grips the door, staring straight ahead, but breathing heavily.

  “I’m so sorry, Avery. I was momentarily distracted.”

  “It’s okay.” She nods, clearly shaken. “It happens.”

  Taking a moment to compose myself, I say a silent thanks to the technology that just prevented me from killing us. I have to get my head in the game, right now. We continue on, arriving at the restaurant a few minutes later. Just as we start to get out of the car, she lightly touches my arm.

  “Remember we’re in public. Treat me like a colleague.”

  “Right. Thank you for the reminder.”


  We exit the car and walk inside the restaurant with sufficient distance between us. Once seated, Avery looks around, then whispers. “I don’t see any media.”


  “Good. Maybe we can relax a little.”

  Maybe she can. I’m a fucking wreck right now. I don’t know exactly when or how she flipped my world upside down, but she did. Suddenly, I’m thinking of things I never have before. It’s unnerving, but somehow exciting.

  “What’s on your mind?” she asks.

  “Nothing important.”


  I need to steer the conversation away from my desire. “Tell me about your life. Where do your parents live?” Her face falls as she glances down at her hands. “What did I say?”

  “I’m okay, I just assumed you knew. My parents
are deceased.”

  My brow furrows. “Oh, Avery, I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you. They, um, they died three months apart.”

  “Three months?”

  “Yeah. My mother died of a rare blood disorder. She was born with it, and they said she would never be able to have children, but she did. Two.” She smiles and I return the smile. “She was very sick though after having us. I remember staying in hospital rooms a lot. She died two weeks before our seventeenth birthday.”

  I don’t even know what to say.

  “My dad, he developed a drinking problem in the years since we were born. He just couldn’t take the stress of watching his wife die in front of him and trying to care for two girls at the same time. One night, after mom died, he brought us over to our grandmother’s house for a sleepover. He never came back.”


  “He drove his car off an overpass and died.”

  “On purpose?”

  She shrugs. “Hard to say.”

  “You lived with your grandmother after that?”

  “For a while. She had a stroke and died in her sleep when we were nineteen. She was our last living relative.”

  “Avery, my god. You were all alone.”

  “No. I had Annabelle.”

  “Of course.” We pause when our server comes to take our order. Once she’s gone, I turn my attention back to Avery. “Is that why you’re so independent? You had to be.”

  “I guess so. We handled it differently, Annabelle and I. Both of us studied hard, but she became very controlling of her environment. I felt like she was trying to take my mom’s role, you know.” She sips her orange juice. “She would scold me and basically judge my lifestyle. It put a little bit of a wedge between us. I wanted to live every moment, because I saw firsthand how quickly life can change. I did everything. I partied, I tried drugs, I drank too much. I traveled. I experienced life sometimes in dangerous ways, while Annabelle did just the opposite. I was afraid to tell her I lost my job, but I had to. It was kind of all over the news.”

  “Did she judge you?”

  “No.” Avery smiles. “She loved me through it. She invited me here, and helped me see my worth. She’s the best friend I’ve ever had.”


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