Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 14

by Jennifer Domenico

  “So you’re happy you came here?”

  “For lots of reason, Ellis.”

  “Thank you for telling me your story. I hope I didn’t open an old wound.”

  She shakes her head. “A wound like this never heals. You just learn how to deal with it.”

  I nod, smiling as our food is delivered. I learned more about her in that brief conversation than I could in a lifetime.

  “Avery?” She looks up at me, holding her piece of toast. “It’s important to feel like you have someone in this world. I know firsthand how true that is. It may sound a bit, I don’t know, cliché, but I’m here for you too. Your sister, David, and me, all here for you. I just want you to know I’m part of that.”

  “I already do, Ellis.”

  Chapter 16 Avery

  After finishing breakfast, we walk outside, blissfully alone. No lurking media anywhere. I glance at Ellis as we walk to his car recalling how pissed he was over Luke. His jealousy is amusing on some level. I guess because it reveals how much he likes me. I like him too, as much as I wish I didn’t. All of this would be so much easier if I didn’t want to ride him like a mechanical bull.

  “Ready to see your potential new home?”

  “I am.”

  Sitting in the car, I stare out the window again. “This neighborhood is really cute.”

  “I like it. I grew up not far from here. My mother lives ten minutes away.”

  “And your father?”


  Wow, that was a harsh answer. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He was a good man, a very hard worker who provided well for his family, but he never approved of my choices. He looked down on my ambitions, never understanding why I wouldn’t follow his path.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Plumbing. A noble and necessary profession, but not one I aspired to. From a young age, I knew I wanted more than just a middle class lifestyle. I wanted to see the world, not just my little village in London. I wanted to own the finest things, live in the best areas, drive a Jaguar.” I smile when he says the word. “He thought I was materialistic and posh, which I am.” Ellis laughs. “But there’s nothing wrong with it as long as you don’t hurt others, which I never have.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting a good life.”

  “I know. I just wish he could’ve seen that. He died, leaving my mother to fend for herself, and guess what?”


  “His materialistic and posh son who makes millions bought her a home and makes sure she has everything she needs for the rest of her life.”

  “She must be proud of you.”

  “She is. She encouraged me in school. She would tell me that someday I was going to rule the world, and I believed her.”

  “And you do.”

  “My piece of it, yes.”

  “Do you want more?”

  “No. Equis makes me happy.”


  “You can imagine how terrible it was for me to go to my mother and tell her the accusations aimed at me.”

  “Yes. How did she take it?”

  He smiles as we pull up to a stoplight. “She said she knew the man she raised. She knew I would never, and furthermore, she knows I will rise above it.”

  “And you do.”

  “Aided by you.”

  “It’s what I do.”

  “I know. I’m thankful you decided to do it for me.”

  “Me too, but we can’t rest on our laurels. We can’t be sure we’re out of the woods yet. We’ll have to test it out more.”

  “Of course.” He pulls up in front of a gorgeous, modern high rise where two men hurry to open our doors. I step out, looking up to the sky. “Here we are. I thought I’d show you my favorite property first.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I had hoped you would like it.” Ellis leads me inside where the lobby is gleaming white marble, chrome, and mirrors. A woman stands behind a huge stainless steel desk. She looks like a flight attendant wearing a blue sheath dress and her brunette hair tucked neatly into a bun.

  “Good morning, Mr. Worthington.”

  “Good morning, Penelope. This is Avery. I’m showing her 2014.”

  “Excellent, sir. Do you need any assistance?”

  “Thank you, no.”

  “Have a pleasant day.”

  As we walk to the elevators, I nudge Ellis’s arm. “Everyone is so polite in London.”

  “On the surface, yes. Underneath it all, we can be decidedly impolite.”

  “I have yet to see it.”

  “Stick around.” He pushes the button as a sleek elevator appears in front of us.

  This building is like nothing I’ve ever seen, and I’m starting to wonder if I can afford it.

  “Um, Ellis?”


  “I don’t exactly roll like you.”

  “Roll like me?” He squints his eyes. “Explain.”

  “I don’t make millions.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t think I can afford this place.”

  “Ah. Why don’t we decide if you even want to? We’ll see it first.”


  As the elevator shoots up the height of the building, my nerves start to rise knowing we’ll be alone soon. When the doors open, Ellis smiles, leading me out by pressing his hand gently against my low back. The gesture sends a shiver of desire up my spine. We walk down another marble covered foyer to the door, where he unlocks it, stepping to the side as I enter.

  Once inside, I pause, looking around in complete shock. I’ve never seen a place this nice in my life. All the furniture is white, setting off nicely from the dark wood floors. It’s spacious with one whole side of it made of glass overlooking the London skyline. Every detail is perfect, from the offset stack of books on the glass coffee table, to the various vases, books, and other items lining the built in bookcases on either side of the massive gas fireplace. The materials and fabrics used are exquisite.

  I step in more, guided by Ellis, but I can hardly process everything. My apartment in L.A. was nice, but it looks like a closet compared to this.

  “It has everything you could need,” Ellis begins. “Linens, dishes, cookware, everything.”

  I nod, still taking it all in. “Do you like it?”

  ​“Do I like it?” I look up at him. “This is spectacular.”

  ​“You belong here.”

  “Here?” I laugh softly. “I’m not sure I do.”

  “Believe me.” He steps closer. “A space like this can only be enhanced by beauty like yours.”

  I fight back a smile. “Thank you, Ellis.”

  “You’re welcome, Avery. Look around.”


  I walk to the kitchen, finding sleek stainless steel appliances and white lacquered cabinetry, then on to the marble covered bathroom, before walking into the master bedroom. It’s dominated by a huge bed with a taupe upholstered headboard, and the most luxurious looking linens in pale blues and creams. It immediately makes me want to lie down in it.

  “Try it out. Make sure it’s comfortable.”

  “I’m sure it will be.”

  “Lie down in it. I won’t join you.”

  Unfortunately. Smiling, I sit on the edge of the bed, bouncing lightly, then twist around so that I’m lying down but keeping my boots off the linens. Ellis hovers over me with a seductive smile on his lips.



  He extends his hand to help me sit up. “So, would you like to live here?”

  “Who wouldn’t, but Ellis, there’s no way this is affordable for me.”

  “What’s your budget?”

  I shrug, standing up. “I don’t know. I was thinking maybe two thousand a month.”

  “How convenient. That happens to be the going price for this.”

  Shaking my head, I smile. “Come on, Ellis. It can’t be.”

  “It is.” He steps closer, causing my breath to catch. “I could refuse to accept any payment at all.”

  “I wouldn’t allow that. I don’t need a handout.”

  “It’s not a handout. I would feel better if you were in a secure building and a nice neighborhood whilst you learn your way. In fact, it helps me if you were to live here. We desire to have one hundred percent occupancy in this building. It adds to the exclusivity, yet here we are at only ninety-nine percent.” He smiles. “It costs me nothing but monthly association fees. If you want it, Avery, it’s yours.”

  Looking around, I start to feel a trickle of excitement at the idea of living in a space like this. “Are you sure?”

  “Do I seem at all unsure?”


  He takes my hand and drops the key into it. “Done.”

  “Do you want a contract or something?”

  “Why don’t we just do a month to month situation? I’m fairly certain I know where to find you.”

  I laugh softly. “Thank you. This is amazing.”

  “I’m glad it pleases you. I can help you bring your things over when you’re ready. I’ll have the apartment cleaned tomorrow. It’s been vacant a long time.”

  “Who lived here before?”

  “I did.”

  “Oh.” That makes it even better.

  “Then I moved about six months ago. It’s been empty since.” He grins. “Would you like to stop by my place?”

  “Yes,” I say, way too quickly.

  “Come on. It’s close.”

  “Oh. So we’ll live in the same neighborhood?”

  “Yes.” We exit the apartment, and I lock the door. When I turn around, Ellis is grinning at me. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He starts to walk the opposite direction from the elevators, confusing me, until he stops in front of the door next to the one where I’m still standing.

  “What are we doing?”

  “You said you wanted to see my place.”

  My eyes open wide. “You live…” I look at the door behind me, then back at him. “You live next door?”

  “I do.”

  “You tricked me.”

  He tilts his head. “How did I trick you?”

  “By not telling me.”

  “Would it have changed your mind?” He walks back in my direction. “Are you so afraid to be this close to me…at night…whilst you dream?”

  “I’m not afraid of you.” Liar.



  “Then it shouldn’t matter where I live.” Now he’s so close I have to tilt my head to meet his eyes. “Do you want to come in?”



  He takes my hand, which is both unnerving and intoxicating. I’m dying to see the space he occupies. When he opens his door, as soon as I walk in, a smile spreads across my lips. It’s everything I would expect. Dark, sensual, masculine, but elegant and sophisticated. His floors are also dark, but instead of white furniture, his is cream with lots of neutral accents of browns and tans. It’s more lived in, with a newspaper and laptop sitting on the coffee table. An empty teacup sits on the kitchen island next to unopened mail.

  “Excuse the mess. I wasn’t expecting to have you over.”

  “This is a mess?”

  “To me it is.”

  “The space is stunning. It suits you.”

  “Are you calling me stunning?”

  “If you want to take it that way.”

  “I do.” He approaches me, keeping his eyes locked on mine. “Would you like to see my bedroom?”

  Hell yeah. “Sure.”

  I follow him down the hall and enter his room, inhaling the scent of his cologne that still lingers in the space. Everything is dark, the furniture, his bedding, the drapes.

  “This unit is such a contrast from the other one. That one is light and airy. This is dark and sophisticated.”

  “The other was redecorated when I left it. I prefer things dark, like my personality.”

  I laugh softly. “You don’t have a dark personality.”


  “No. I think you want to, but I see hints of the gentleman you are inside.”

  “Indeed I am a gentleman or I would’ve thrown you in that bed already.”

  I swallow hard. “Right.”

  “It is tempting, having you so close to the place where I dream of you, where I fantasize about touching you, where I touch myself in response.”


  “What? My honesty is too much for you?”

  “No, but we shouldn’t flirt with the topic.”

  “I’m not flirting with the topic, Avery. I’m flirting with you.” As he steps closer, and I step back, I find myself leaning against his bed. “How I’ve longed to have you in my bedroom. If only…” He pauses, playing with a tendril of my hair as he searches my eyes. “If only you were mine.”

  “What if…” I can’t even get the words out.

  “What if what?”

  “What if we…gave in…then, you know, once we got it out of our system, it would be weird, you know? To work together after that.”

  “Yes, I know, but you know what would be even more weird?”


  “If we didn’t get it out of our system. If we couldn’t get enough of each other. If I had to make love to you every night before I could rest. If I couldn’t keep my hands off of you during the day. How would we get any work done?”

  “Yeah, that would be weird.”

  Ellis slides his hand to the back of my neck. “I want you, Avery, like no one else I’ve ever met. I want you enough to break my own rule. I want you in this bed, beside me as I sleep, waking with me in the morning. I want to kiss you so badly I feel as though I might pass out if I don’t.” He moves closer as my breathing quickens. “Please don’t stop me.”

  My brain is screaming at me to make him stop, but my body won’t make a peep. Just as his lips brush over mine, and I close my eyes, his phone rings loudly startling us from the moment. I open my eyes as he pulls the phone from his pocket, answering.

  “Hello, mum.”

  His mother? Oh god.

  I walk back to the living room, desperate to get away from his bedroom. We almost gave in. I rub my forehead. I wanted that kiss so badly. I want everything about Ellis. Maybe I should just admit that I’m too attracted to him to be objective. Maybe we both should just end this working gig and fuck like rabbits.

  Oh god.

  I have no idea what to do. I can’t remember ever being this attracted to a man. Ever. He’s so sexy, so charming, so… fuck. He’s so perfect.

  Sitting on his sofa, I stare outside trying to compose my thoughts. If he kisses me, that’s it. I’m done. I’ll be all over that. My body tenses when I hear the sound of his shoes approaching.

  “Would you like a cup of tea?” he asks.

  “Um, sure. Thank you.”

  “Be right back.”

  Once he’s gone again, I exhale, wondering how to navigate this. A few minutes later, he returns carrying two cups of tea and handing me one as he sits beside me.

  “That was my mother.”

  “I heard. Everything okay?”

  “Oh yes. She was asking if I was coming for dinner later.”

  “You have dinner with your mum often?”

  “Sometimes on Sunday.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “Yeah, I don’t go every week, but it’s been a bit since I’ve gone. Would you like to join me? You can have a proper Sunday roast.”

  “Go to your mum’s house with you?”


  “Will she think we’re dating?”

  “I’ll introduce you as my publicist.”

  “Why do you want me to come?”

  “Because, Avery. I just do.”

  I consider his offer for a moment as my stomach flutters. “Okay. I’d be honored.”

� He sips his tea so I do too. “Do you like it?”

  I smile, nodding. “Actually, I do. It’s really good.”

  “I told you I could find a tea you’d like.”

  “You did.”

  He sets his cup down on the table. “What happened in my room, I apologize, Avery. Obviously, my attraction to you gets the better of me at times. I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable to be around me.”

  “I am uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. Just, I mean, obviously, I share your attraction. I want…” I exhale, smiling. “Under different circumstances…”

  “Yes. It’s such a conflict. I admire your work, and clearly, needed it in my life, but I think about you constantly. I don’t know if a time will come when I don’t, and I don’t know what to do about that.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “But whilst speaking with my mother I had a thought.”


  “I consider you to be a friend of mine, not simply a colleague. I hope you feel the same.”

  “I do.”

  He nods. “Good. Very good. I don’t have many friends, Avery. I can count the true ones on one hand, so I value it very much.”


  “So, as difficult as this is, I have to suppress my desire for you. I don’t want to endanger my friendship or my working relationship with you, and I fear that taking you to my bed would do just that. I don’t know how to be a romantic partner, but I do know how to be a good friend.” He smiles, taking my hand in his as I set my cup down. “I sense this will likely come as some relief to hear I will do my best to cease my seduction of you.” He cups my cheek. “Even though I can hardly think of anything else.”

  “It’s a good plan. I’m the same as you, Ellis. I don’t have relationships with men. I’d be afraid of fucking everything up if we…” I smile. “Even though I can hardly think of anything else.”

  “Perhaps, someday, as we discussed, our work will be complete, and the day after that, I will no longer restrict myself. I will beg you to come to my bed, and I will spend as long as it takes to meet your every need.”

  “You could stop being so goddamn sexy about everything. That would help.”

  Ellis laughs. “I will try, if you could try to stop being so goddamn enticing.”

  “I’ll try.”


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