Book Read Free

Mind the Line

Page 23

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Unbelievable. It’s amazing, Ellis. Thank you so much.”

  “My pleasure.”

  She walks back to me throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me close. Slowly, my hands run down her back. I feel her lips against my cheek, pressing a soft kiss into it. When she steps back, I have to force myself to release her.

  “Do you want to go stop by your room, and then we can head out?”

  I nod. “Yes. You can freshen up, and I’ll be by shortly to get you.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I leave Avery and find my room, sinking into an armchair once I’m inside. My eyes shift out the French doors that lead to the balcony overlooking a breathtaking view of Paris. Suddenly it pales in comparison to the woman just down the hall from me. How I’ll make it through this weekend, hell, through this day is beyond me.

  Chapter 26 Avery

  Oh my god, this room. This unbelievable room. It’s so European and pretty and feminine. I walk around dragging my hand over every surface. The palette is soft creams and muted grays in thick heavy fabrics. It’s exactly what I envisioned. Stepping out onto the balcony, I feel my eyes tear up from happiness. It’s cloudy, but I can just make out the shape of the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I hope it clears up enough so I can take a good picture of it before the weekend is over.

  Pulling myself back inside, I grab my toiletry bag and enter the marble covered bathroom where I brush out my hair, brush my teeth, and apply a light layer of makeup. I want to look like a sophisticated woman even though I feel like a giddy child inside. Dragging my fingers through my hair, I smile at my reflection. I’m in Paris. With Ellis. All I need now is scotch and my life is pretty damn perfect.

  I turn to the door when I hear a knock and hurry over to answer it expecting Ellis, but it’s the bellhop bringing up my luggage. I grab my handbag and grab a few Euro to tip him with just as Ellis appears in my doorway. I pause, just taking him in for a moment, and realizing he’s probably the only man who can give the sexy allure of Paris a run for its money. Standing there in his wool coat and scarf, with his dark hair slicked back, and those sometimes sapphire, sometimes pale blue eyes, he smiles, and my breath catches slightly. Jesus, this man is stunning.

  The bellhop leaves and I get my coat. Ellis takes it from me helping me into it. When I twist around, we’re standing close to each other as he wraps my scarf around my neck.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks softly.

  “Yes.” God yes.

  “What would you like to eat?”

  Him. “I don’t know. A croissant?”

  “I know an excellent place we can get just that.”


  We head out together, and I’m glad the rain has stopped even though it’s still very chilly. To be expected this time of year I guess. We walk several blocks and I mentally take pictures of everything. It reminds me of how much I wanted to be a writer when I was younger, but never followed through. Being here makes me want to try.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  Ellis looks down at me. “Of course.”

  “When I was fourteen I saw this documentary on the Palace of Versailles. To me, it was the most magnificent thing I’d ever seen, and I couldn’t believe something like that existed. I wanted to see it, experience it firsthand, and it made me think about being a travel writer when I grew up. Annabelle would tease me and tell me that I hated history class, but there I was falling in love with history.” I smile at the memory. “But it wasn’t the history that drew me to it. It was the splendor and opulence, and how I thought the people who made that documentary didn’t know they were changing someone’s life as a result. I wanted to do that. I wanted to change someone’s life in a good way.”

  “Did you ever write anything?”

  “Nothing. I didn’t think I was good enough, and we never traveled beyond Disneyland. Annabelle even bought me a journal, but the only thing I wrote in it was my name.”

  “Being here revives that desire for you?”

  “It does. I mean it’s a silly dream, but it reminds me of a time when I thought I could be anything.”

  “You don’t think that now?”

  I shake my head. “No, I guess not.”

  “Well, my darling Avery, you are wrong. You are still young, still vibrant, you can still do whatever you want, but you already change people’s lives. You’ve changed mine.”

  I smile as we walk on. “Is Versailles far from here?”

  “Less than an hour, I believe. Would you like to see it in person?”

  “More than anything, but if there’s not time this weekend, I can come back some other time.”

  “We’ll try to make time for it. It’s obviously important to you, and I wouldn’t mind seeing it myself.”

  “You mean it?”

  “I do.” He smiles, stopping in front of a building. “Our destination.”

  I turn around to see the adorable café before me, and it makes me smile. We walk inside and find a table to sit at while Ellis goes to the counter to order food. I feel like I’m in a dream. I’m in Paris with a man I really like about to eat croissants and brie. I hope there’s brie.

  Ellis returns a few minutes later. “We’ll have croissants, a bit of meat and cheese, and two glasses of their best red.”

  “That sounds heavenly.”

  “Wait until you taste it. You will be ruined after.”

  I laugh softly. “That’s okay.”

  When our food is delivered, I dig right in, making soft moaning noises as the buttery pastry seems to melt in my mouth. “Oh my god, this is amazing.”

  “Told you.” He takes a bite of his and chews it watching me. “You know I do believe this is the happiest I’ve ever seen you. Genuine happiness.”

  “I’m in Paris. How could I be unhappy?”

  “A fair point. I like seeing you happy. You are incredibly sexy when you’re angry, when you’re frustrated with me, when you’re in full business mode, but Avery, you are breathtaking when you are happy.”

  I stare at him in disbelief for a moment. “Yeah, well, Paris makes you even sexier.”

  A smile tugs at his lips. “Is that so?”

  “You’re not the only one who can give out compliments.”

  “It’s not a competition. I am genuine in my appreciation of you.”

  “I know. So am I.”

  “I know.” He drags his finger across the table between us. “The ever present line is still intact, but I assure you, if it were not…” He smiles as his words trail off.

  “What would you do?”

  “Kiss your beautiful mouth. Right now, in front of all these people. I wouldn’t care at all that they stare because I would be so proud that you allowed me such pleasure.”

  “Yeah, Paris definitely makes you sexier.”

  He grins. “Finish your meal. We have towers to climb.”

  “We do.”

  We finish eating and then grab a taxi to the Eiffel Tower. As it comes into view, nearing closer with each passing minute, my stomach flutters. I’m really here. We get out of the car and Ellis pays the driver, while I just stand staring up at the massive structure in front of me.

  “How would you like to go up?” Ellis asks, appearing beside me.

  “What are my options?”

  “By foot or by lift.”

  “By foot?” I look up at it again. “How many steps is that?”

  “Over 600, I hear.”

  “Uh, pass. Lift please. I need to be able to walk in my gown tomorrow.”

  “Smart choice. Lift it is.”

  We get in the line for the elevators and I use my phone to snap a few pics and text them to Annabelle. When it’s our turn, I jump in overjoyed that I’m really about to go the top of the Eiffel Tower.

  “Whilst we’re here, you should try to retain your memories as best you can to note it later. You could try your hand at writing.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“Maybe Paris will get under your skin and you will have no choice.”


  We arrive at the second floor, and I push my way through the crowd to get to the edge where I stand in complete awe at the view. Even with the clouds, it’s beautiful. I can see everything up here. I lean against the railing with a smile on my face. A moment later, I feel Ellis pressed against me as his arms come from behind me and he grips the railing in front of me. He nuzzles his face against my hair, then gently moves it away with his chin so that his cheek touches mine.

  “It’s stunning up here,” he whispers. I nod, unable to speak. “If you were mine, Avery, if I were yours, oh how I would love to kiss you up here in this most romantic spot.” My breath catches as his lips drag across my neck. “I am so drawn to you, like the proverbial moth to the flame, but I don’t fear getting burned.”

  “Why not?” I ask, finding my voice.

  “Because I know you won’t harm me.”

  “I won’t.” I twist around so that I’m facing him. “But if you don’t stop what you’re doing, I can’t promise to mind the line.”

  “I know I shouldn’t get so close to you. Sometimes it seems as though I cannot stop myself. Sometimes I do not want to stop myself.”

  “Sometimes I don’t want you to stop either. More than sometimes.”

  “Perhaps…” He leans close. “One kiss would be okay.”

  As I gaze up into his eyes, I nod unable to stop it from happening. Bending his head, he starts to move in, and I close my eyes in preparation for what’s about to happen. As soon as I’m expecting our lips to meet, the mood is broken by a loud screech. My eyes shoot open as the child who made the noise comes running toward us and his terrified mother fights the crowd to reach him screaming at him in French. Ellis jumps into action, swooping the child up in his arms, and holding him until his mother reaches us. The boy kicks and screams trying to get away from Ellis with no luck. Ellis bounces him softly, whispering in French, and the child actually starts to calm down. When his mother makes her way to us, she profusely thanks Ellis and the two have a conversation, until something Ellis says makes the boy giggle. He gingerly hands the boy back to his mother, and as they walk off, I can’t tear my eyes away from this incredible man.

  “What did you say to calm him down?”

  “I told him he looked like such a good boy and good boys don’t run from their mums in crowded places. Then I asked him if wanted his mum to be sad and he said no.”

  “What made him laugh?”

  “I told him you thought he was a handsome boy.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes and he said you were belle meaning pretty.”

  “They start them young here in France, huh?”

  “He will be a heartbreaker someday.”

  “He already is. You were really sweet with him. I didn’t expect you to have a way with children.”

  “Why? Because I’m a pompous arse?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Ellis chuckles. “I don’t know that I do have a way with them, but I don’t hate children. I just tried to reason with the boy on a level he would understand.”

  “It worked.”

  “Yes, but I was interrupted once again. I haven’t decided why my plans to kiss you are always blocked, but one day, I will be successful.”

  I drag my foot between us. “Oh look. The line just showed up again.”

  He laughs. “It did. Let’s take your photos and buy ridiculous souvenirs, then we’ll go back to the hotel and rest before tonight’s events. How does that sound?”


  Chapter 27 Ellis

  Hours later as I stand in front of the mirror straightening my bow tie, my thoughts drift to what the evening might be like. Will we kiss tonight? God, I want to even though I know I shouldn’t. One kiss couldn’t possibly be enough. I told myself that we would maintain our relationship in its current state. We’ve both agreed to this, but it’s becoming more difficult with each interaction. Exhaling slowly, I straighten my shoulders and smile at my reflection. It’s time to go pick her up and start the evening.

  Exiting my hotel room, I pause for a brief moment before heading in her direction, reminding myself that tonight is business. It’s not a date and I have to treat her as a colleague, not as the woman I long for every moment of my day. When I reach her door, I knock softly and as she opens it, nearly gasp at her incredible beauty. The black dress she’s wearing is form fitting with a thin belt around her dainty waist. The bodice is sheer until it skims the very top of her cleavage, then is solid from there. On her feet are some of the highest heels I’ve seen her wear along with black stockings. Her hair, all that beautiful hair falls in waves around her face and over her shoulders. Her face, so spectacular when bare, is subtly adorned with light makeup with only the deep red lipstick she chose as the standout feature. She is, in a word,


  She smiles. “Hi. You look debonair tonight.”

  “You look stunning, Avery. Truly.”

  “Thanks. Ready?”

  “I am.”

  As she exits the room and closes the door behind her, she looks up at me. “A few reminders.”


  “I’m your colleague. Nothing more.”


  “I will redirect if it comes up just like I did at the Mercy Auction. You can defer questions to me.”


  “I’ll stay near at all times.”


  “Be yourself and let me handle the media. That’s my job.”

  “Got it.”


  We walk towards the lift, and although I want to wrap my arms around her, pull her close and inhale her perfume, I fight the urge. I’ve become quite skilled at doing just that.

  We ride down in silence, stopping at each floor as more and more people join us. Once we’re back at the lobby, we follow the signs for the cocktail hour and as Avery walks slightly in front of me I notice the seam on the back of the stockings she wears. God, I love those. I want to drag my tongue to the destination that hides underneath her dress. I sigh deeply catching her attention.

  She looks back at me. “Something wrong?”

  “Not at all. I, um, just have a bit of a fetish with seamed stockings.”

  She shakes her head. “Focus, Ellis.”

  “I’m trying to, but you are quite the distraction.”

  Her eyebrow raises as we pause in front of the ballroom. “Colleagues tonight.”

  I can’t fight the smirk on my lips. “Just tonight?”


  “I know, Avery. I will be on best behavior. You have my word.”

  “Let’s go inside.”

  I nod as we enter and look around the packed room. Straight away we are greeted by a young woman who checks us in and directs us to the various areas for drinks and hors d'oeuvres.

  “Remember,” Avery whispers, “Find someone influential.”

  “Right, I remember. I’ll get us a drink.”

  “I’ll be right here.”

  I wander off and join a queue for drinks, nodding and smiling at the various people who greet me. The energy is so different in Paris. Here, I’m treated just like everyone else, without the suspicious glances beyond the artificial smiles. A few minutes later, I make my way to the bartender and order two scotch and sodas, and then turn around to make my way back to Avery, but pause when I see her laughing and talking with Eric Harrington. She doesn’t know his reputation, but I do. As founder of one of the leading hotel chains in all of Europe, his net worth makes me look like a pauper. He’s ruggedly handsome, and I’m told could charm the knickers off a nun. He’s a devilish cad, and he’s clearly sets his sights on Avery. I feel my heart racing as she throws her head back in laughter once more, and he leans in close whispering something to her that causes her to fix those pretty blue eyes of hers on him. I must control the jealous r
age threatening to bubble over. It wouldn’t do in this environment to throw her over my shoulder and drag her away from him. I watch helplessly as he slips her a piece of paper. Jesus Christ. I cannot stand here and let him take her away from me. I march towards them, unable to suppress my growing anger.

  “Hello.” My voice sounds harsher than I wanted it to, but I’m literally simmering with anger and envy.

  Avery smiles at me, doing little to calm me. “Hey, you’re back. Have you met—”

  “We’ve met. Nice to see you again, Eric. I’d shake your hand, but mine are full.”

  “Good to see you too, Ellis. How have you been?”

  “Fine. Yourself?”

  “Great.” He fixes his eyes on Avery. “Much better now after meeting the lovely Avery.”

  She smiles, and as her cheeks blush crimson, I feel like mine might be turning green.

  “You’re too kind,” she murmurs.

  “I’m quite jealous of you, Ellis,” Eric continues. “Avery tells me that all her attention this evening is yours. I couldn’t lure her away even for just a drink.”

  “I’m working,” she explains.

  “Yes, well, work or not, I’m still quite envious that you hoard her for yourself.”

  “She’s a free woman.” I smile, even though I don’t mean it at all.

  “Of course she is,” Eric says, allowing his eyes to roam over her in a way that makes me want to punch him in his face. “I’ll let you get back to work, as you say, but please do consider my offer, Avery. I hope to hear from you.”

  “It was nice meeting you.”

  “You as well.” He glances at me. “Ellis.”


  As he walks away I hand Avery her drink and then shift my attention from her as I try to calm myself. I cannot make a scene right now, but that doesn’t mean I won’t.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, touching my arm.

  “He’ll just use you for sex. That’s what Eric Harrington does. He just wants to fuck you.”

  “What are you talking about?”


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