Book Read Free

Mind the Line

Page 29

by Jennifer Domenico

  He lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it. “You’re welcome, Avery. Now, before morning, is there anything else you want to do whilst we’re in Paris? We never saw the Louvre.”

  “This is good.”

  He kisses me softly, before saying, “yes, this is good.”


  As we ride in the taxi back to real life, I mentally prepare myself to go back to our pre-Paris behavior. In London, we’re just colleagues, and I have to remember that. For now, anyway. The next couple of months will be about phasing me out, and slowly revealing a change in our status, but perhaps by the time anything is public, no one will give a shit. I can always hope.

  As the car turns the corner for our apartment building, my heart races at the scene in front of me. Ellis grips my arm, as we both stare out the window.

  “What the fuck…?” I murmur.

  “Shit. Is it about us? Could it be?”

  “Fuck. How?” My brow furrows. “How could it possibly?” The sizable crowd of paparazzi turns to face us as the taxi nears the building.

  The driver peers back at us. “Do you want me to keep going?” he asks.

  Ellis shakes his head. “We have to get inside. We have to get through them.”

  I rub my forehead wondering why they’re here, and how they knew we were coming home today. No way they’ve been stalking the place for two days. We’re not that newsworthy. I don’t think, anyway.

  Shifting into action, I turn to Ellis. “Ignore. Don’t say a word. Just push past them, okay?”


  The driver comes to a stop in front of the building, and jumps out to get our luggage, while Ellis and I try to block them out. The sunglasses we wear make it a little easier. I try to scan the crowd looking for any hint as to how this happened. When I find out, someone is fucked.

  The driver opens my door and we both exit the car, ignoring the crowd as we push through them. They yell so many things at us, it’s hard to decipher the questions, but a few stand out. How long have you been in a relationship? Is it a conflict of interest to represent him? Are you two officially an item?

  We make our way into the building and straight into the lift Penelope has waiting for us. “Welcome back,” she says. “We’re so sorry. We’ve tried to keep them at bay.”

  “How long have they been there?” Ellis asks.

  “Since early this morning. The building manager went out and asked what for, and they said for you. They’ve been relatively quiet until just now.”

  “Thank you, Penelope,” Ellis says. “We’ll try to manage it. We’re not sure what’s going on.” She nods as the doors close and we go up to our floor.

  “I don’t fucking understand it, but when I find out who’s responsible, they’re gonna wish they never heard my name.”

  Ellis nods. “This is very concerning. We didn’t leave our hotel room for two days.”

  “Exactly. If the hotel fucked up, I swear to god.”

  “I can’t imagine it was them. They have a stellar reputation for privacy. Celebs stay there all the time.”

  “Yeah, well, trust me, all it takes is one bad apple and the right offer.”

  “True. It would almost have to be someone from the hotel.”

  “Unless someone was really paying attention when we were in public, which means we were followed.”


  The elevator doors open and we both hurry inside my apartment. Ellis sets our luggage down as I go straight to my computer to start researching what’s happening. It’s an easy discovery.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  “What?” Ellis asks sitting next to me.

  “It’s that bitch Hannah from City Press. Look at this.” I point to the screen. “Hannah Winston breaks open Ellis Worthington’s secret relationship. Bitch.”

  “Who the hell is that? Should I know?”

  “Remember from the Mercy Auction? She got in my face right away?”

  “Oh, yes, I do now. She looked terribly out of place.”

  “Yeah, I had a feeling she wasn’t going to back down quietly, but that was so long ago, I don’t get it. Plus, I never saw her this weekend. I would’ve remembered her.”

  “Are you certain?”

  I nod. “I am. There’s no way she was around me and got under my radar. I can always sense trouble, and she is, capital T.”

  Ellis frowns. “Perhaps your defenses were lowered.”

  His words make me cringe. “Fuck.” I run my hands through my hair. “We should’ve kept our phones on. I would’ve known sooner.” I exhale slowly. “I failed you. I’m so sorry, Ellis.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My job was to erase your scandal. Not add to it. I fucked up.”

  “You were not alone in the decision. You cannot accept blame. We both knowingly walked in, fully aware of the risk we were taking. We accepted that risk, and I don’t regret it. I hope you don’t either.”

  “Of course I don’t regret the weekend we just had, but I got sloppy. I let them see.”

  “You let them see? Why are you blaming yourself?”

  “Because it’s my job, Ellis. My responsibility to you.” I stand and walk to the window where I peer down to see them still straggling on the sidewalk below us. “I just don’t know why they care so much. You’re not famous. I’m not famous. Why bother us?”

  He walks up to me, pulling me into his arms. “Slow news day?”

  I smile in spite of myself. “Stop trying to make me laugh.”

  “It’s all we can do at this point.”

  I shake my head. “We need a plan. Otherwise, it’s just gonna get worse. I’m gonna bury that bitch.”

  “She’s doing her job, Avery. As you are doing yours.”

  I sigh, nodding. “You’re right, but I fucking hate it. We were doing so well. I’m sure it was almost a distant memory, but now she dug it all up again. They’ll question everything I said, everything I did. They’ll question your integrity again. They’ll say you can’t keep it in your pants. It’ll be like everything we did was for nothing.”

  Ellis nods. “Yes, they’ll say those things, but perhaps it’s time I stopped caring. I’ve done everything I can do, and if you can’t fix it, I honestly believe no one can. I don’t want to hide. I just want to live my life, and I want to live it with you.”

  “They won’t let us.” I pull away from his arms. “That’s the problem. They won’t just go away.” I sigh, walking over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of scotch, just as inspiration hits. “Oh.”


  Twisting around, I smile. “Hear me out.”

  His eyebrow raises. “I’m listening.”

  “When we first met, I said, let’s ignore it. Go on as if nothing happened. Show them you have nothing to hide, but don’t meet it head on. Remember?”

  “Of course.”

  “We did that, and it worked, but now the stakes have changed.”


  I take a deep breath, knowing he’s probably going to flip out. “Let’s face it head on.”


  “I’ll arrange an interview where you can discuss—”

  “No.” He crosses his arms as his lips fall into a flat line. “Absolutely not. I said no press unrelated to Equis. Avery, I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

  I consider my approach. “Can you just listen for a minute?”

  “I will listen, but you will not change my mind.”

  “I know you don’t like this. I know exposing your private life is something you’re against, but if you don’t, they’ll keep digging, and we’ll never get any peace. If you take away the secrecy, then there’s no story.”

  “About us, perhaps, but what about that vile woman who caused all of this in the first place?”

  “Tell the truth. Tell them what you told me. Tell them how it made you feel. Tell them how it hurt you.”

  “To what purpose?

  I walk back toward him, pulling his hands into mine. “Maybe if they saw you for who you really are, even just a peek, they would know why I fell in love. They would know why we crossed the line, but mostly, Ellis, they would know you couldn’t have done what she accused of. You’re too good.”

  “I am not a good man, Avery. You know that.”

  “I don’t know that. You’re the best man I’ve ever known. You’re so many things the public doesn’t know.” Reaching up, I brush my fingers over his cheek. “Just think about what you told me last night. How you’ve carried a lot of weight too, Ellis, and it’s okay now, because I’m here, and even though I’m the cause of some of your problems right now, I won’t rest until it’s fixed. I can’t. I’m picking up my sword and going into battle for you, but I can’t do it alone. I need you to fight with me. You said you trusted me, and this is one more situation where I have to ask you to do just that. I really believe if we do this, there’s no story.”

  Ellis searches my eyes for a moment before his expression softens. “Why do you think anyone will want to interview me?”

  “Did you see the crowd downstairs? Someone will. Let me do my job, Ellis. Let me get us out of this.”

  “And if it doesn’t work?”

  “We move to Paris?” I smile, hoping I can coax his sense of humor to the surface.

  He finally cracks a smile. “Not a terrible solution.”

  “No.” I wrap my arms around his waist. “Will you think about it?”

  He shakes his head softly. “I don’t need to.” I start to object, but he continues. “Arrange it. My trust in you is not shaken. If you think this is the best thing to do, then I will do it, but I have one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “You’ll be my side for it.”

  “Of course. Where else I would be?”

  “I don’t mean figuratively. I mean physically by my side. If the world is to know that I love you, then I want them to see it.”

  I wasn’t expecting that at all, but how can I say no? “It’s a good idea, actually. If I’m there, they can get my side of the story too. Nothing to chase.”

  “Then it’s a plan. Who will you call?”

  I consider his question for a moment. “I’m not sure. I need someone in the industry I can trust, but I don’t have enough connections yet. We need someone who’s been a champion.”

  “A champion?” Ellis smiles. “I know just the person.”


  “Willis, London Daily. He was at the cocktail party on Friday, and was just as lovely as he was at the Mercy Benefit. What do you think?”

  My eyes light up. “I remember. Yes. We’ll offer him an exclusive interview. He’s sympathetic to you, so you’ll be presented in a good light.”

  “Sympathetic is a word we can use.”

  I laugh. “Okay, he wants to get in your pants, but we can use that.”

  Ellis laughs. “I made him blush.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I just told him I remembered him and he reacted like a young bird with a crush.”

  I laugh softly. “Poor guy.”

  “It is amusing for me.”

  “I bet. Let me see if I can call him.” Sitting down at the computer, I search for contact information while Ellis heads into the kitchen to make tea. When he comes out, he’s talking on the phone, but ends the call.

  “That was David. He and Annabelle received calls this morning about us. I briefed him quickly, told him we were researching options, and would call them later.

  “Dammit.” I sigh. “They are vultures.”

  “They are indeed.” He sets the tea down in front of me. “Any luck?”

  “I think so. I’m gonna call this number and see if it’s him. I dial and wait several rings for an answer.

  “Hello?” a man answers.

  “Hello. I’m looking for Willis Morgan please.”

  “Who’s this?”

  “My name is Avery Kennedy. I’m the public—”

  “Ellis Worthington’s publicist?”

  “Yes. Is this Willis?”

  “Yes. How can I help you, Ms. Kennedy?”

  “Please call me Avery, and I’m hoping you can help me. I’m sure you’ve seen the morning news about us?”

  “I have. Is it true?”


  “Ooh, you lucky bird.” He clears his throat. “I am so sorry. I lost myself for a moment.”

  I laugh softly. “I understand. Listen, Willis, I was hoping maybe you’d like to interview us about well, about lots of things.” I’m met with dead silence. “Are you still there?”

  “You want me to interview Mr. Worthington?”

  “Ellis, and yes, we do. He’s never done an interview about his personal life, but he’s ready now, and you’ve been so kind, you were the first person we thought of. What do you say?”

  “Oh my god. Bloody hell.”

  My eyebrow raises as I look at Ellis and shrug. “It would be exclusive if that helps with your decision making.”

  “You think I would decline an interview with the most amazing man in London? No, ma’am. What do I say? Abso-fucking-lutely yes. Emphatically yes!”

  I laugh at his response as Ellis stands and makes a call. “Wonderful. Could you come to us? It’s difficult to leave right now.”

  “I need a few days. I have access to professional lighting and sound. I can get this on the telly for you.”

  “You can?”

  “Oh yes, my sister heads a major network. She’s promised me that when my big break comes, she will help. You’re my big break, Ms. Kennedy.”

  “I’m glad to help. Let us know when we should make ourselves available. We can conduct the interview at Ellis’s flat.”

  “Ooh, can we tour it?”

  I scrunch my nose knowing Ellis will hate that. “I’ll work on that. We’d like to see your list of planned questions ahead of time of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “Ellis wishes me to be part of it, so if you have questions for me, please include those.”

  “I would love to.”

  “In the meantime you have my contact information if you need anything at all.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Time is of the essence, Willis, so sooner is better.”

  “I’m on it.”

  “Wonderful. Obviously, this is a secret, until it’s ready to be announced.”

  “Yes, I understand. I’ll be in touch shortly. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I won’t let you down.”

  “I have faith in you. Thank you, Willis.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Hanging up, I smile as Ellis ends his call and sits beside me. “It’s done. He’s in. He’ll work on getting it all set up and let us know.”


  “He called me a lucky bird.” Ellis laughs as I continue. “He wants to tour your flat. I think it would be nice. If you’re open to it.”

  “Why not?” Ellis answers still laughing, shaking his head. “How you’ve changed me, love. You do know that I’m doing this far more for you than for me. I want you to be happy and free, and I will sacrifice my need for privacy for that.”

  “We’re operating under the same motivation. I want you to be happy and free. I wouldn’t do this otherwise. I know it’s hard for you.”

  He nods. “It would be harder to continue to hide my feelings for you in front of others. I just spoke with the queen and told her what’s happening in case she’s contacted.”

  “How’d she take it?”

  “Oh fine. She was delighted when I told her it was true.” He smiles. “She said she already knew I loved you. She saw it in my eyes, and she’s happy I see it too. We are to report to dinner as soon as said scandal is under control.”

  “I’d like that. It means a lot to me that she likes me.”

  “She adores you, as do I.” He tilts his head, brushing his fingers over my cheek. “I hope I
can tear you away from your sister for a bit on Christmas. I’d very much like you to be part of my family that day. We’ll make some memories.”

  “I’d love to, Ellis.” My words come out in a whisper, as I smile. “I’d really like that.”

  “Then it is done.” He leans in and kisses me softly. “What do you say we order a bite to eat, then spend the day as we spent it yesterday?”

  I nod. “To borrow from Willis, abso-fucking-lutely.”

  Ellis laughs. “One of my favorite sayings.”

  “Mine too.”

  Chapter 35 Ellis

  I dial the number of my favorite kebab place, ordering under an alias and asking for it to be left at the front desk, a tip Avery provided before she went into the kitchen for more tea. The last three days have been the most unexpected of my life, but somehow, I know it’s all going to be fine. I felt so alone the first time it happened, but with Avery by my side, I feel invincible.

  Her idea to intentionally let people into my private life, frankly scares the shit out of me, but trusting her has worked out for me so far. I just want to know how Hannah was able to learn so much about us undetected. It doesn’t make any sense, really, unless someone at the hotel assisted her. It’s the only way


  The next morning, we wake to the sound of Avery’s phone ringing, seeing it’s well past nine. She grabs it from the nightstand, answering with sleep still in her voice.

  “Avery Kennedy.” She pauses for a moment, then sits up slightly. “Oh, morning, Willis.”

  I watch her as she nods and offers a few mm hmms. “Perfect. We’ll be ready. Thank you so much.” She hangs up and looks at me. “He wants to come tonight. The network agreed to show it as a primetime special on Sunday.”

  “Seriously? This is big enough for that?”

  “Apparently it is. He said his sister is super excited.”

  “I’m a bit gobsmacked honestly.”

  She laughs softly. “Me too, but it’s good. Everyone will be watching, and by morning the tide will be in your favor.”


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