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Beyond Always (Lex and Amanda Series)

Page 39

by Carrie Carr

"It's just pretend, Eddie. Mommy won't let me use real tea."

  Eddie pounded the plastic table with his cup. "No!" He shook his head until the hat fell. "Ha! Bad, Meemee."

  "Eddie, you can't have a tea party without the hat. It's just not right." Melanie bent to pick it up, only to be hit by a flying cup. "Eddie, stop it."

  "Meemee, ha!"

  Amanda decided to intervene before there was an all-out brawl. "How's it going?" she asked as she stepped into the room.

  "Mommy!" Eddie upturned his chair in his eagerness to get to her. "Meemee, bad." He tossed the boa to the floor.

  Melanie pushed her hat back on her head. "He's not playing right, Mommy."

  "Well, little boys aren't known for their tea party manners, honey."

  Amanda lifted Eddie and rested him against her hip. "Have you been giving your sister a bad time?"

  Eddie chewed on his index finger for a moment then pointed it at Melanie. "Bad."

  "No, Eddie. Meemee isn't bad. She just wanted to play with you." She smiled at her daughter. "Thanks for watching him. I'll take him off your hands, now."

  "That's okay, Mommy. He didn't like wearing the hat, anyway." Melanie gathered Eddie's castoffs and adjusted her hat. "I'll wait until he's older."

  Amanda solemnly nodded. "That's probably a good idea."

  She rubbed noses with Eddie, who giggled. "Let's go see what Lorrie's up to."

  "Leelee good."

  MARTHA VEERED FROM the paved path and ended up behind Lex, who stood beneath the tallest oak tree, staring upward. "What are you doing now?"

  Lex startled, turned. "Hey, Martha."

  "Don't you "˜hey' me, Lexie. What's going on under that hat of yours?"

  "Uh, well." Lex removed her black Stetson and scratched her head. "I was thinking of trimming that one branch, "˜cause it sticks out some."

  Martha's hands went to her hips as she glared at Lex. "Oh, really? And why would you do that today?"

  Lex shrugged, looking more like the teenager Martha had raised than the mother of three children of her own. She set her hat low on her head.

  Martha crooked her finger. "Come here."

  "Hmm?" Lex leaned closer, until her ear was grabbed in a vice-like grip. "Ow! Dammit, Martha. Let go!"

  "Now, you listen to me," Martha whispered. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Roy and Chet quickly escape through the gate. "You're going to stop all this nonsense and settle down."

  She released Lex's ear. "You have a choice."

  Lex rubbed her ear. "What choice?"

  "You can go in the house and relax, or you can come with me and help Ellie get ready for her ceremony. Hers, not yours."

  "I know that. I just want everything to be perfect for her." Lex followed Martha through the yard and out the gate. "She deserves it, after everything she's gone through."

  Martha stopped and looked back at the yard. She had to admit it looked nice. Lex and the boys had decorated the top of the fence with floral garland. Beneath the tree was a trellis arch, similarly adorned. "Honey, do you think that Kyle loves her?"

  Lex appeared shocked at the question. "Of course, she does. What kind of--"

  "Nothing else matters to her, I'm bettin'."

  "Oh." Lex grinned and swatted Martha on the rear. "Pretty smart, aren't ya?"

  Martha shook her finger at Lex. "You were good training, kiddo. Come on, let's go check on Ellie."

  AMANDA AND EDDIE both knocked on Lorrie's door.

  "Leelee! Naw naw!" Eddie said as he slapped the door.

  There was a furious shuffling sound behind the door before it opened and Lorrie appeared. "Hi."

  Eddie squirmed. "Down." When he wasn't released, he added, "Pease?"

  Amanda set him on the floor and laughed as he waited for Lorrie to move aside. She noticed the handset to the cordless phone in her daughter's hand. "I'm sorry, did we interrupt?"

  "Um, no. I was just talking to a friend. We're done, though." Lorrie stepped back. "Come on in."

  Eddie laughed and charged ahead. He saw Freckles curled up on the end of Lorrie's bed and made a beeline for her. "Lellels!"

  Lorrie chased after him and scooped him up before he could pounce on her dog. "Hey, want to sit at my desk and draw?"

  "Lellels," Eddie cried, until Lorrie's words registered. "Dwaw?"


  As Lorrie attended to Eddie, Amanda looked out the window. She watched as Martha grabbed Lex's ear, which caused Amanda to laugh.

  Lorrie soon joined her. "What's so funny?"

  "Just Mada keeping your Momma in line, as usual." Amanda put her arm around Lorrie and brought her close. "How are you doing?"

  "I'm okay." Lorrie turned into the embrace and wrapped her arms fully around Amanda. She had recently gone through another growth spurt. The top of her head was even with her mother's eyebrows and she rested her chin on Amanda's shoulder. "I think it's cool that we don't have to dress up today."

  Amanda laughed and kissed her cheek. "Me, too. Do you want to come downstairs and keep me company while I get things ready in the kitchen?"

  "Um, can I come down in a little bit? I promised my friend I'd call her back."

  "Sure." Amanda almost commented on the blush that covered Lorrie's face, but decided against it. "Let me just grab Eddie and get out of your way then."

  Lorrie shrugged. "He can stay here, Mom. I'll bring him downstairs with me."

  Amanda blinked, but didn't say anything. She wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "All right. Thanks."

  She left the room and closed the door. "Pod person. That's got to be it."

  CHARLIE PULLED UP short as he met Lex and Martha on the front porch of the cottage. "I was just on my way into town to pick up the cake."

  "Do you want me to go?" Lex asked.

  "Nah, I can handle it." Charlie clapped her on the shoulder before he kissed his wife's cheek. "Anything else you can think of, hon?"

  "I believe we have everything. Be careful." Martha brushed her hand down his arm as he walked away.

  Lex heard the small sigh escape from Martha's lips as she watched her husband walk to their SUV. "Is everything okay?"

  "Hmm?" Martha seemed to gather herself together. "Everything's good. I just sometimes get caught up in thinking."

  She went inside and headed for the kitchen. "Why don't you see if Ellie's up, and I'll check the coffee."


  The older woman turned around in the kitchen doorway. "I'm fine, Lexie. These past few months have reminded me how lucky I am, that's all."

  Lex understood exactly what Martha meant. She often spent time thinking the same thing. "Yeah."

  She stepped forward and put her arms around Martha and gently squeezed.

  Martha returned the hug and then swatted Lex on the rear. "Now, go on. We don't want Ellie sleeping through her own ceremony, do we?"

  "Yes, ma'am." Lex kissed the top of her head and darted out of the way before she could retaliate. "Whatever you say, ma'am."


  Lex chuckled all the way down the hall. She stopped in front of the closed guest room door and listened, but didn't hear a sound. Her light knock went unanswered, so she tapped louder. "Hey, Ellie. Rise and shine!"

  "Go "˜way," a grumpy voice growled.

  "You'd better be decent, "˜cause I'm coming in," Lex warned, right before she opened the door. She was hit in the face with a pillow as she crossed the threshold. "Good morning to you too, sunshine."

  The lump under the blankets groaned and Ellie poked her head out. "Since when did you become so damned cheerful?"

  Lex laughed as sat on the edge of the bed. "It's a gorgeous day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and one of my favorite people in the world is exchanging vows in just a couple of hours."

  "Yeah, well." Ellie popped up with a panicked look on her face. "A couple of hours? What time is it?"

  Lex looked at her watch. "A little after ten."

  "Oh, my God!" Ellie threw the cove
rs off and was on her feet in a flash. "Why didn't someone wake me sooner? I've got so much to do! I haven't showered or--"

  "Calm down, cousin. Everything's already set up, Charlie's picking up the cake and I'm here to help you get ready. It's not like you have to put on a fancy dress, or something."

  Ellie dropped back onto the bed. "Why did I agree to this circus, anyway?"

  "Don't worry about it. Just think about how much fun you're gonna have on the honeymoon." Lex laughed at her cousin's blush. "Aww, that's cute."

  "Shut up." Ellie swatted Lex with her spare pillow. She wasn't prepared for the retaliatory hit. "Hey!"

  The battle started in earnest, as both got to their knees on the bed and pounded one another with pillows. They laughed.

  ANNA LEIGH SAT on her new sofa as the kitten in her lap purred. Her hand kept a smooth motion on its fur.

  "You're going to have to come out of my guest room at some point," she said, her voice loud in the quiet house.

  "I know." Kyle walked into the living room and held her hands out away from her body. "I'm just not sure about this."

  "Oh, Kylie. You look wonderful."

  Kyle looked down at her clothes. Her jeans were faded and fit like a second skin, and the black, ribbed T-shirt hugged her muscular body. "I know Ellie wanted me to wear this, but I feel like I'm under dressed."

  "Hmm." Anna Leigh placed Derry on a cushion and stood. She slowly walked around Kyle and hummed to herself. "Did she say why?"

  Kyle blushed and lowered her head as she mumbled her answer.

  "I'm sorry, dear. What was that?" Anna Leigh stood behind Kyle and tried to keep from laughing.

  "She likes the way I look in a tank top and jeans."

  "I don't blame her. You do cut a dashing figure."

  The comment caused Kyle to rub her face with one hand. "Oh, God."

  Anna Leigh took pity on her and patted Kyle on the back. "Go put your socks and shoes on, and I'll have a calming cup of tea waiting for you in the kitchen."

  "Shoes?" Kyle glanced at her feet. "Damn." She scampered back to the guest room.

  Anna Leigh was almost to the kitchen when she heard Kyle yell.

  "I can't find my socks!"

  Reversing her course, Anna Leigh followed the panicked voice. When she reached the room, she saw Kyle bent at the waist, looking under the bed.

  "I can't get married without socks," Kyle cried. "I'll never hear the end of it from Ellie." She had her shoes in one hand while she used the other to balance against the bed. "I could have sworn I brought my damned socks."

  Anna Leigh cleared her throat as she took the boots away from Kyle. "Are they white tube socks?"

  "Yes!" Kyle rose so quickly she almost slammed into the older woman. "Do you see them?"

  Anna Leigh held up the boots, which had a pair of white socks stuffed into one of them. "Do these look familiar?"

  "Good God, I'm an idiot. Thanks, A.L." Kyle sat on the edge of the bed to finish dressing. "You're not going to tell anyone about this, are you?"

  "Oh, I don't know. I'm sure Eleanor would enjoy this story."

  Kyle shook her head. "You wouldn't, would you?"

  Anna Leigh winked at her. "That should give you something else to think about," she teased before she turned away.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  ELLIE CROSSED THE small living room and peered through the front window. "What time is it?"

  "Thirty seconds after the last time you asked," Lex responded drolly. "Calm down."

  Her phone beeped and she glanced down at the display. "Ellie, come sit down for a few minutes, before you wear a hole in Martha's carpet."

  "I see Lorrie out there. Maybe I should go--" Ellie squawked when Lex grabbed the back of her shirt. "Damn it, Lex!"

  Unperturbed, Lex none-too-gently pushed her cousin toward the closest chair. "Sit down."

  "Do you always have to be such a jerk?" Ellie brushed her hands down her white silk shirt. "Are you sure these jeans look okay with this shirt?"

  The new, black jeans she wore molded perfectly to her body, much to Ellie's embarrassment. She wasn't used to standing out. She usually dressed to blend in with everyone else.

  Lex perched on the end of the coffee table, which put her directly in front of Ellie. "For the one-hundredth time, it's fine. Now that I have your attention, I need to talk to you about something."

  "What? Is it Kyle? Is she okay?" Ellie tried to stand, but a firm hand on her shoulder kept her grounded. "Lex?"

  "She's fine. Your clothes are fine. Everyone and everything," Lex sighed, "is fine." She took a deep breath. "I know you wanted me to stand by you today, but--"

  Ellie's eyes grew wider. "Oh, no. You can't back out, now. I need you."

  "Are you sure about that? Wouldn't you rather have someone closer to you?"

  "Lex, the only one closer to me than you, is Kyle. And she's kinda busy."

  Ellie didn't notice the man coming out of the kitchen until he spoke.

  "I see how I rate," he joked. "I fly all the way from California, and this is the thanks I get?"

  Ellie nearly bowled Lex down as she charged the newcomer. "Snot face!"

  William Gordon, Ellie's younger brother, caught her as she leaped into his arms. "It's so damned good to see you." He buried his face against her shoulder to hide tears of happiness.

  "Oh, my God. I can't believe you're here. How did, I mean, what--" He pointed to Lex. "Ask my fairy godmother about it."

  Lex held up her hands. "Oh, no. I didn't do it. Amanda did." She pointed at him. "And don't be calling me a fairy."

  Ellie laughed through her tears. "You've been called worse."

  She looked into her brother's eyes. "When did you get here? How did you get here?"

  "Mr. Bristol picked me up at the airport." William kept one arm around Ellie's shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me that you were getting married? We just talked on the phone last week."

  "I know, but I didn't want you to waste your money on airfare. And you've told me before how you can't afford to lose any time from work." She touched his cheek. His blond hair was short, but in a more respectable style, and his nose and eyebrows were no longer adorned with metal rings. "What happened to all the crazy jewelry you used to wear?"

  "I outgrew it." He squeezed her again. "I've missed you."

  Lex stepped by them. "I'll see if Martha needs any help in the kitchen."

  She shook William's hand before making her escape. "It's good to finally meet you."

  "Thanks. I really appreciate everything you've done for my sister."

  "Family means a lot down here," Lex said. "That means you, too." She winked and left.

  William shook his head. "Wow, sis. Photos don't do that woman justice."

  "Forget it, Billy-boy. She's very taken."

  "Hey, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that she's kind of, you know, intense."

  Ellie laughed at the redness in his face and poked him. "Uh-huh."

  She pulled him into a one-armed hug. "Damn, I still can't believe you're here." Spying the clock on the mantel, she gasped. "Oh, God. It's time."

  Martha stepped out of the kitchen. "For goodness' sake, girl. Don't just stand there with your mouth hangin' open. Get yourself out there!"

  "Yeah, you look like a ghost," Lex added helpfully from behind her. "Try not to pass out before the I-do's, Ellie."

  "Shut up, Lex." Ellie glared at her, then swatted her brother when he laughed. "You too, Billy."

  KYLE NERVOUSLY SHIFTED from foot to foot as Anna Leigh brushed imaginary lint from her shoulder.

  "I can't believe I'm this nervous," Kyle muttered. "What do you think that says about me?"

  "I believe it says that you're taking the commitment seriously, dear. That's a good thing."

  When Ellie and her brother came through the gate, Kyle turned and stared.

  Anna Leigh tapped her on the back. "Breathe, Kylie."

  "Uh." Kyle had always thought Ellie was a beautiful woman. Toda
y her light brown hair framed her face like a fine portrait. Ellie's pale, brown eyes seemed to always look directly into her soul and give her the peace she always craved.

  Kyle had felt like an outsider her entire life. She had never fit in with her gregarious family, preferring solitude to the awkward silences her presence would bring. She loved her family, and would be the one they always went to when they needed something, but when she finally came out to those that professed to love her, their outrage and disdain tore her apart. But the day she was chewed out by a feisty nurse in the driveway of a duplex was the day her life changed for the good.

  Lex snapped her fingers in front of Kyle's face. "Don't go passin' out on us." "What?" Kyle's eyes never left Ellie, who continued to move closer to her. "Where'd she get those clothes?" "I took her shopping," Amanda whispered. "She looks great in black and white, doesn't she?"

  "Oh, yeah."

  "Please, take your places," Reverend Hampton directed. He stared at Lex until she sat on the front row with Lorrie and Melanie.

  Lex leaned close to the girls. "Where's Eddie?"

  "With Mada." Lorrie pointed her thumb over her shoulder. "She's back there sitting by Pawpaw."

  "Oh. Okay, thanks." Lex turned to look and couldn't keep from grinning. "I'll be right back."

  She jumped up and hurried to the third row, where Martha and Charlie were talking quietly with a new arrival. "Hubert!"

  Hubert Walters stood and wrapped his arms around his sister for a mighty hug.

  "You're looking a lot better than I expected." He had been kept up to date on her injuries via Amanda.

  "Thanks." Lex pulled away and lightly poked his stomach. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

  "I asked Amanda to keep it a surprise, in case I couldn't get away."

  Lex nodded. "How's your father-in-law? Any better?"

  When Reverend Hampton loudly cleared his throat, everyone, including Lex and Hubert, quickly settled onto their chairs. "Thank you all for being here today."

  He smiled at the two women in front of him. "Kyle and Ellie. Are you both ready?"

  Kyle looked at her lover. "Ready as we'll ever be, Reverend. Right, El?"

  "Rrr," Ellie had to clear her throat. "Right." She ignored the laughter of her friends and family, and kept her eyes on Kyle. "Yes."


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