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Delta Fringe Series Boxset: Books 1-3

Page 16

by Heather Lee Dyer

  Cool, moist air reaches us and we scramble up and out of the tunnel. Once we've gotten through, I pull the door closed. There's another wheel on this side and I have to crank it hard again to seal it. At least this time it doesn’t screech so loud.

  We find ourselves in a tiny enclosed space, but at least we can stand here. I stretch my arms and legs and start feeling around the wall until I find a door with a handle. I open it and step out onto soft earth. I breathe in deeply and smile.

  I turn and freeze in terror.

  Scott is staring at us from the other side of the glass. My heart stops.

  Adrenaline kicks in and I grab Derek’s good hand. "We have to run!"

  "It won't take long for them to catch up to us." Derek's words are interrupted several times by groans as we race over the uneven ground.

  "Yes, but then he'll have to find us. I'm hoping he'll think we're heading to the public dock exit."

  "And we're not?"

  "No. I need to get you to the comm room. You'll be safe there."

  "What about you?"

  "Yes, me too. But I need to get the evidence first. They can't just go after Scott on our word. We won't be safe until everyone knows the truth."

  The small green bushes along the path are soon crowded in by trees so thick we can't see the glass wall on either side of us. I slow down as we turn between two large trees. Placing my hand on Derek's shoulder behind me to stop him, I peek around the tree. A clearing opens up to the pond in the middle of the greenhouse. The area is filled with fragrant wildflowers and insects of various kinds flying around. I don't see anyone in the clearing or along the tree line. One thing I've learned from my many hours of enjoying the solitude in here is that insects and small animals know when a human is near. Right now, they seem perfectly unperturbed.

  Confident no one is here yet, I lead Derek across the clearing to the other side. We duck behind a large tree, and I motion for Derek to be quiet as I stand still and listen.

  Not hearing anything, we continue down the path. A bird darts out of the forest on the other side of the greenhouse. I stop and watch it fly overhead.

  "They're here. They made good time through the public docks." I frown.

  "Can we still make it?" Derek whispers.

  I glance at the blood dripping down his side and shake my head.

  He looks down and presses his hand to his injury. "You go on without me then. Bring help. You can figure out some way of making them believe you. Annie sounds like she trusts you."

  I grab his good arm and smile. "Yes, she does. But I have an idea."

  The trees get denser as I pull Derek along. We soon make it to my special tree, and I carefully part the lower branches and push Derek inside. We crawl to the middle and I lean Derek against one of the massive roots that surround us.

  "Come here often?" He smiles weakly up at me as I settle the pack behind him for support.

  "Yes, actually." I look up through cracks in the roots, past the trunk of the tall tree. A canopy of stars shines beyond the glass dome. "This is one of my favorite places." I smile back down at Derek.

  "Then I'm honored that you're sharing it with me." He smiles and leans his head back staring up at the stars.

  "I've got to go. I'll be back with help as soon as I can." I pull the cube from the pack and place it in his hands. "If they spot you, call Annie right away. And keep pressure on that wound." I hand him more gauze.

  "Be safe, Bren." Derek's previously pale face is pink with fever. My heart aches for him.

  "You hang in there, Derek. I'll be back." I pull another med tab out of my pocket and stick it on his tongue. I then kiss his lips quickly and crawl out of the tree, leaving Derek alone again.


  Trusted Friends

  Once I'm out of the dense trees, I listen for voices. It sounds like they're only coming from one direction, so I step off the path and force my way through the thick underbrush toward the comm door. It thins out, and I'm able to move more quickly.

  It seems a shame to have someone like Scott invading the peaceful refuge of the greenhouse. It makes me angry all over again. I angle myself toward where I can see a section of the glass wall and run full speed, hopping over rocks and small trees. I stumble upon the trail and glance back over my shoulder. I can just see a form making it out of the tree line. I look forward and put all my energy into running on the gravel trail.

  I spot the door and head straight toward it. I can hear running boots behind me, but they're still pretty far away. I put everything into making it to the door.

  Gravel gives way to flat cement and I smack my wrist against the scanner and push the door open with the momentum of my body.

  The doors swing open and I crash into a startled guard. I end up falling on my side and scraping my hand as I catch myself. I quickly disentangle from the guard who is also now sprawled on the floor.

  I ignore his shouts to stop and the pain in my side and sprint toward the comm door. I turn the corner in the corridor and spot Annie's brother still outside the door. His mouth gapes as he stares toward me with his hand on his weapon. I'm afraid he's going to stun me, but I can't stop my momentum. I tense for impact as he steps forward, but then I realize he's looking behind me. He turns slightly as I reach him and presses the comm door open. I stumble through into the chaotic comm room and run right into the corner of a console.

  I hold my side as I watch the doors close behind me. Turning, I look desperately around for Annie. Almost everyone in the room is staring at me. I find Annie at a different station than she was earlier.

  "Bren!" She stands up and rips her headset off.

  I limp over to her and she wraps her arms around me. My hand is still holding tightly to my bruised side, but I manage to hug her one-armed. "Oh, my gosh it's so good to see you, Annie."

  She steps back and looks me up and down. "You look like hell, Bren."

  I chuckle. "I've been through hell."

  The comm room goes quiet as we hear shouts outside the door. My heart starts racing. "Derek needs our help. That's Scott and a few of the guys on his side. Traitors. Were you able to reach your dad?" I'm talking so fast I get lightheaded.

  She shakes her head. "He hasn't woken up from surgery. And I don't know who to trust." She looks around the room. People are slowly getting back to their work, but a few are clearly wondering what's going on out there. I hear Scott yelling my name angrily.

  "I have proof saved on a data stick, but I've got it hidden. And Derek seriously needs help. He’s back in the greenhouse resting after I gave him a blood transfusion." I take Annie's hands. "Please help us. You've got to know someone here who'll at least keep Scott locked up long enough for me to go get the data stick for you."

  "If you can bring it back here, I can broadcast it to the fleet." She smiles and pulls me back to her station. "I've been able to reroute the comm systems to bypass the broken circuits. I can broadcast to all the larger vessels out there." She points to the vid screen, which shows the location of all the ships around Delta.

  "Yes, I can. But what about Derek?"

  She steps over to a tall blonde who's studying a map of Delta Station. "Carla, can you make sure those guards outside stay there? If they move, have our comm security put them somewhere secure." Annie points to a couple of large guys that I didn't notice in my dramatic entrance. They're dressed in black, not the normal maroon security uniforms and are standing to either side of the blonde.

  "Sure, Annie. I've actually pulled together quite a few vids showing Scott with that captain. But if she has further evidence, we can take that to trial. I've got enough to detain him right now." She flicks her hand in the direction of the two dressed in black, and they head out the door. Through the open door, we can see that Scott and the two guards are fighting Annie's brother and at least four other guards. It's hard to tell who is who with all the chaos, since they’re all wearing the same uniform.

  "Oh no!" cries Annie as she sees her brother. We watch the two
black uniformed guards walk right into the middle of the brawl. Their presence makes an immediate impact as Scott and his guys scramble to get away. Their sudden retreat allows the others to overpower them, and soon they're all on the floor underneath the two behemoths.

  I turn to Annie, who’s smiling as Scott and the others are restrained. "Thank you! Now I've got to get Derek. Have a med team waiting here when I get back."

  "Will do." Annie points her delicate arm toward the back of the room. "There's another door there that leads to a service entrance into the greenhouse. It'll be quicker, and you won't have to go near Scott again." She smiles at me.

  I head toward the door. "Thanks, Annie."

  I jog as fast as I can while holding my side. No longer worried about Scott, I take the direct route to the tree. I push my way through the dense foliage and crawl under the roots.

  I find Derek unconscious and on his side. I rush over and check his vitals. I pull the pack out from behind him and carefully place him flat on his back. I rummage until I find my emergency med kit. After giving him a strong shot of meds, I roll him slightly to check his back wound. His bandages are soaked through. My heart sinks.

  I look around. I'm not sure I can carry him all the way back to the comm room, but I'm afraid to leave him again. Although he's still breathing, his pulse is weak.

  My head turns quickly as I hear a sharp sound nearby. I squint as I see a shape coming toward us through the dense foliage. I place my back up against Derek's body. Not that I could do much to protect us in this small space.

  I hold my breath.

  "Brenna Teves?"

  Definitely not Scott's voice.

  "Bren, I'm Dr. Martinsen. I'm a friend of your father's. I'm here to help you."

  I see his outline crouch down and I hear shuffling. Soon he appears on all fours, his white beard and hair dotted with leaves and dirt. He frowns when he sees Derek's inert form behind me.

  "How did you know where to find me?" I ask.

  He smiles, the lines crinkling around his bright blue eyes. "Your dad said you like coming to the greenhouse. He figured you might be hiding the young man here." He looks around at the giant roots arching out of the ground. "And I know this kind of tree, they make great hideouts." He winks at me.

  I wasn't sure Dad even noticed when I was gone. I smile to myself.

  "How is my dad?"

  The old doctor pulls his body fully into the small dirty area and comes closer to Derek. I scoot to the side, allowing the doctor to get a look at him. "Oh he's good. He's refused surgery, of course. Told them all that you could sew him up better than they could." He chuckles.

  I feel Derek stir beside me. His eyes flutter open and he looks at me. Then his gaze catches the sight of Dr. Martinsen and he flinches away.

  I place a hand on Derek's chest. "It's all right. This is a friend of my dad's. He's going to help me get you to the comm room where an emergency med team is waiting."

  He looks up at the old man and narrows his eyes. "We can trust him?"

  I lean down to kiss his forehead. "Yes. Now let's get out of here. I've had enough excitement for one day."

  "Not like I'm in any shape to fight him off." He gives me a lopsided smile.

  Dr. Martinsen helps Derek sit up, and I reach behind him and brush aside the dirt. I close my hand around the data drive and slide it carefully into my pack. Although I'm sure I can trust the doctor, I don't want to take any chances after the day I've had.



  It proves a little difficult, but Dr. Martinsen and I maneuver Derek out of the tree. The three of us then walk back to the comm room where Annie, true to her word, has an emergency med crew waiting. They lift him onto a stretcher and start undoing all the messy bandages while rolling him toward the door. It’s quite anti-climactic after my race here the first time.

  Derek struggles to sit up. "Wait. I want to see the vid too. Please." He pleads with the med workers.

  They look over at me with raised eyebrows.

  I shrug. "As long as you're confident he's not going to die on us, you can dress his wounds here as well as at the hospital."

  They grumble, but park the stretcher and continue treating him right there in the middle of the comm room.

  I hand the data stick to Annie and look around the room. It's the same people who've been here all day, so they must be trusted.

  Annie plugs the stick into her console and opens the directory. She makes a clucking noise as she sees so many vids.

  I lean over and point to the two vids that not only show Scott demanding the data stick from the captain, but also the arrival of the boy and his parents.

  Her fingers fly over the console as she flows the image around the room onto everyone's screens. We watch in silence as we see the little family come aboard the doomed Tempest.

  On the vid, the father hands the captain something he has fished out of his pocket. "I bet that was the flash drive. That's who the captain got the data from. I doubt he knew exactly what he was delivering, but he sure paid with his ship and his life." I frown as I watch the nervous couple hold tight to their son as they walk out of view. That little family was probably just inter-planetary couriers desperate for money.

  Then we see Scott and the captain arguing, with the captain looking pale and scared. Was the captain supposed to deliver it to Scott and had second thoughts? Or did Scott somehow find out about the delivery and try intercepting it?

  "I'll splice these two together and send it out to the commanders. Security is going to have a difficult time trying to figure out who all was involved in this."

  I agree as sadness and exhaustion creep over me. "As well as how this data came here. I bet it'll take a while to trace back to the person who stole it from Ash Corp and then delivered it to that guy." I walk over to Derek. "That family might not be the only ones being used to smuggle stolen data all the way out here."

  I feel a hand on my shoulder before I can reach Derek's stretcher. I turn to find Annie, her eyes glistening. "Thanks, Bren, for helping solve all of this."

  "You're welcome. Although it wasn’t just me. I think we make a pretty good team."

  I feel like everyone is staring at me as Annie gives me a tight hug. She pulls back, makes a face and rushes back to her console. She hands me a new comm badge. "I almost forgot to give this to you. I've got the system working on this frequency. Your new friend, Markov, is anxious to hear from you. He's called here many times. I told him you were all right, but he says he's going to wait by your dad's bedside until you get there." She grins such a huge smile I'm afraid she's going to hurt herself.

  I grin back at her. "Thanks, Annie." I place the comm badge on my shirt, noticing belatedly that I'm smeared with dirt and blood. I really need a shower and clean clothes.

  She hands me another badge and nudges me with her elbow. "That's for your boyfriend." She tilts her head toward Derek.

  My face again betrays my embarrassment with heat warming my cheeks. "He's not my boyfriend," I whisper back.

  "Whatever." She winks at me and then sits back down, effectively winning the argument.

  I shake my head and go stand by Derek. The med techs are finished bandaging him and we all head out the door and down the corridor toward the public docks. Everyone we pass looks tired or in shock. I have no idea what time it is or even what day it is.

  We get to the docks and are ushered into a line at the first dock. As we're cycled through several seals, Derek grabs my hand and squeezes. His skin is still hot with fever.

  "How are you doing, Derek?" I attach the comm badge to his tattered shirt.

  "I've had better days." He smiles up at me. "But it hasn't been all bad."

  I smile back. Despite having our station almost destroyed, and Scott trying to kill us, some good things did come of the last few days. "True. Like not having to go to school today."

  Derek's eyes twinkle despite his pain. "Funny girl. Yes I can understand that you would see that as
a plus."

  "And maybe they'll let us take a few more days off. For reconstruction."

  "The school side of the station wasn't damaged."

  I try to look sad. "That's too bad."

  He chuckles and squeezes my hand. "What you are so obviously avoiding is the fact that you seem to have made a good friend." He winks.

  I flutter my eyelashes and smile. "Oh yes. I think Annie and I are going to be friends for a long time."

  Derek groans.

  "Oh, you mean Markov. It is nice having a friend who understands the work I do." I smile sweetly.

  He shakes his head. "You're going to make me say it, aren't you?"

  I lean down toward him. "Say what?"

  He lets go of my hand and pulls my head down to kiss me. It's a passionate, almost desperate kiss. When we need to catch our breath, I pull back far enough to say, "I like a guy of few words."

  Derek laughs and then winces as the movement pulls on the bandage wrapped around his back. "I'm glad. Cause I really like you." I blush as we're ushered onto a shuttle that will take us to the hospital ship.


  Return to a New Normal

  I feel like I'm going to throw up as I lean my forehead against the cool door jam. Going back to school shouldn't be causing me this much anxiety. It should be trivial compared to what's happened on Delta the last few weeks. I take a few deep breaths to calm my nervous stomach and remind myself that I should be thankful to just be alive.

  It took some arguing, but I finally got my dad to agree to let the doctors on the hospital ship repair the damage to his arm. I was able to bring him home a few days after the attack. It's really true about doctors being the worst patients. Especially Dad. Thankfully, I've had a lot of help around here.

  Dr. Martinsen has been helping me catch up on the autopsies so that we can release the Tempest's crew to their families. He's also the only one Dad will listen to when it comes to getting rest.


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