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Delta Fringe Series Boxset: Books 1-3

Page 49

by Heather Lee Dyer

  "What's going on up there, Red? You guys all right?"

  "Not exactly, but we've got help now."

  "Commander Guram?"

  "Yes, him too. But some of his galactic buddies have finally joined us to defend the domes against the pirates."

  My whole body flushes cold.

  I look around Zion's room until I find what I'm looking for. I hurry across the room and engage the comm speakers so both Derek and Zion can hear.

  "The domes? They're attacking the domes?" I ask as I make eye contact with Derek.

  "Yes, it looks like maybe they already got what they wanted out of the mines and are now going after the domes. Probably trying to take out the council members. Whole fleets of pirate ships came up out of the mining docks. Glad you guys are still safe in the mines."

  I swallow. "Red, the mines were still full of pirates. They're planting charges. Zion, Derek, and I are in the domes now." I bite my lip as silence fills the comm.

  And then a string of miner's curses fill the air.

  Zion grins. "I like him."

  "You already know him as Anton Sky, Zion," I say. I smirk as the name registers in Zion's foggy head. He clamps his mouth shut, his eyes wide.

  "You sure seem to get yourself into a load of slag, Brenna. Where are you, and did you get what you were looking for?"

  "Yes, we have exactly what we need. I sent some vids to Guram, but we have more information now."

  "Even more than those horrible vids? Brenna, I'm so sorry I allowed you to go down there." Red's voice trails off.

  "You know I had to finish this investigation, Red. I'm all right. In my line of work I'm used to the dead bodies. But it's the way those men had to die and why, that angers me. We need to stop this." I hear Zion stand up and I turn around to see him holding on to the back of the couch while staggering toward the door.

  I step in front of him. "We're not going anywhere yet, Zion." I place both hands on his chest and he stops, one hand steadying himself on the couch.

  "Brenna, what's going on down there?"

  "We're fine, Red. Zion has a concussion and he's not in his right mind." I pin Zion with a tight glare. "What are your plans now, Red?"

  "These pirates aren't going to stop, Brenna. We need the Earth council to give us help. Commander Guram's friends are no match for the amount of ships the space pirates somehow snuck down here."

  I frown and pull out my tablet from my backpack. I pull up the connection to the Mars mainframe and put it in 3d mode. I hear Derek swear from across the room. I watch as it only takes him a few large strides to reach me. He's staring at the image of thousands of pirate ships above us, all below the radar and defensive lasers of Mars.

  "They're everywhere, Bren." Derek's gaze meets mine. Here we are, fugitives from our own government, the only ones who know the whole story of the attack on that very same government, yet we can't even get to our ship to fight.

  I look up at the ceiling as I run everything we've learned and seen here today through my head. There's got to be something I'm missing. I close my eyes and picture myself back in the mines, sneaking down into the warm, burnt tunnels, and then the moment when I first saw the bodies hanging on the wall. I embrace the mixture of terror and sadness that I felt. The smell of decomp and energy weapons. Then I see the three of us running through corridors to escape from the pirates.

  "That's it." I snap my eyes open. "Red?"

  "Still here, Brenna."

  "How much longer can you hold the pirates away from the main domes without more help?"

  The sound of chaos drifts over the comm as Red leaves it open to consult with Captain Fukuda. I hear them arguing, then Red comes back to the comm. "Captain thinks only another hour or so. Although the pirates are all over the planet, it looks like they're starting to all head this way. They should be here within two hours."

  I've never before heard fear in Red's voice. I look at Derek. His lips are clamped in a tight line and his arms are crossed tightly in front of this chest.

  "And what did the council say to you? Why won't they summon help? Zion says every single one of them is down here." I look to Zion, who is now leaning against the back of the couch. He nods.

  "Charon's ice, Brenna. They didn't say anything about being here. They just won't take our calls or respond to any of our messages. Or any calls from Commander Guram, even."

  "They probably know by know that Guram helped Derek and me get down here. Not only are Derek and I fugitives, but they probably see Guram as one too."

  "Brenna. You guys are a huge target down there if you're anywhere near that council."

  It's like he knows my next step. I grin to myself as I place everything back in my pack, including the flash drives and papers we've found. "Exactly, Red."

  "No, Brenna."

  "It's the only way, Red."

  "Do those two have some sort of telepathy or something?" Zion looks over at Derek. "Either that or my head is worse than I thought. I have no idea what they're talking about."

  Derek steps close to me. "No, Zion, your head is just fine." He places a hand on my shoulder. "Want to explain to us what you and Red are talking about, Bren?"

  I check my wrist and see that the red glowing time is back on track. I step back from Derek and place my wrist over Zion's computer near the door. When I hear a beep I place my wrist implant face up and tap it to enable the 3D projection. It shows the map of the domes with a blinking dot where my implant is.

  I look up at Derek and Zion. Zion is shaking his head.

  "We're going to go save the council." I point to a spot on the 3D map not too far from us.

  "What?" Red says at the same time as Zion says, "No way."

  Derek just takes a deep breath. I smile at him.

  "It's the only way, Red. We need to get the council to talk to you, and to see what we've discovered. And they need to get to a safer place. If we know they're here, so do the space pirates."

  "That's exactly why we don't want you going there, Brenna. They're the target now that they've destroyed the research."

  "I understand, Red." I step toward the door. "I'll let you know when we find them. You just keep those pirates away from the main dome for as long as you can. I'll get you help."

  "Your dad's going to kill me, Brenna." Red's tone is flat and dark.

  "Not if you make sure we don't get blown up," I quip back, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

  "Fine. But I'm keeping an open tracker program on your implant."

  I shrug. "Our comms should work in the domes, Red."

  "I know, I just want to be certain I can find you."

  My chest tightens. "Thanks, Red."

  Red clears his throat. "One more thing Brenna. How do you know the council will talk to you? After all, you are the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy."

  "Really? The most wanted? Above all the murderers and psychos across the galaxy?"

  "Yep. So watch your back. If the council can do that, there must be someone there that is in league with these criminals."

  "Great. I'll figure something out, Red."

  "Be careful, Brenna."

  "Will do. See you soon." I cut the comm and open the door to the corridor.

  The corridor is quiet so I motion for Derek and Zion to follow. I look back expecting to see Derek helping Zion along, but Zion seems to be more balanced and is walking slowly on his own.

  I follow the diagram toward where the council chambers are marked. When I get to a secure double door, I wait for Derek and Zion to catch up.

  "I'm not sure even I can open that door, B. Only top security clearance personnel can get through here."

  I run my hand over the cool metal door with gold lettering across it. "Why would the council chambers be so well marked, Z? Although not much usually happens down here on Mars, you would think they would still want absolute security for Earth's ruling council members when they visit."

  Derek turns his head to study me. "You're right. They wouldn't. We aren'
t going to find the council members here. Any security chief with experience wouldn't ever make it known where the real chambers are located. Even without space pirates attacking us, there would normally be people unhappy with the way the council is running Earth, or the outer planets, or even how they pay themselves. There's got to be another place, this is just un engaño ingenioso, an ingenious deception."

  I chew the inside of my lip as I turn the 3D diagram around.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't think of it that way. I just thought since they're government officials, they would be accessible to the public. I never doubted that they were here." Zion leans against the wall next to me, exhaustion in his eyes.

  Something on the diagram gets my attention. "Well it could be this is where the council is when they do want to be seen. When they have public meetings, they're here, right?"

  Zion perks up. "Yes, I've been to several of their planning and overview meetings this year. They hold the meeting in a large chamber inside these doors." He points his thumb at the doors behind us.

  "Makes sense. I think the pirates will have figured this out too." I point to the map projected above my wrist. "Where does this corridor go?"

  Zion looks at my implant and frowns. "I never thought you'd give in to one of those."

  I shrug. "They're mandatory on Delta. And I've gotten used to it. Now forget about the implant and look at the map, Z."

  His stare lingers on my wrist before his eyes follow the red projection to the map of the dome. There are three layers of corridors before the top dome atrium.

  "We're here." He points to the blinking dot. "And if we continue around the corner to this corridor we reach the bay of lifts that either go up to the residential levels, or down to the public mine access."

  "And this other way." I point in the other direction.

  He squints, the wrinkles deep between his eyebrows as he concentrates past the concussion fog. "I think I've only been that way a few times. Maintenance corridors and storage mostly, I think." He looks up at me. "Did we ever explore that way when we were younger?"

  I smile and place my free hand on his arm. "No, we didn't Z. Your memory is just fine. I think that section is all new." I look up at Derek. "See how the corridors and all the doors along them are unmarked past a certain point. They are either new, or—"

  "Security clearance only areas," Derek finishes for me.

  I nod. "I think that's the way we need to go." I close the projection and pull my pack on tighter. "Zion, how are you feeling?" I turn his head so I can examine the bandage. Other than dried blood matted in his curls, there doesn't seem to be any new bleeding or swelling.

  "Good enough to go with you, B." He stands up straight and looks down at me.

  "Don't get all tough with me, Z. I know how old you were when you finally slept with the light off." I wink at him as his face pales.

  "On that note, let's go." Derek starts down the corridor chuckling.

  I laugh and grab Zion's arm and pull him after Derek. "You know I can match you or take you down."

  "Always so competitive, B." Zion pretends to look distraught, which only makes me laugh more as we hurry down the empty corridor.



  The strip lights at the ceiling turn from solid to blinking red. My smile fades and I clamp my mouth shut. I pull up the Mars communication on my implant. A silent alarm was just issued for all the domes, not just the residential levels.

  "About time they realized there was danger here," I whisper.

  "Does it say if the pirates are inside the domes yet?" Derek asks in a hushed voice ahead of us.

  "No. There are no details. Just a shelter-in-place warning."

  "Great, that may make it harder to get to the council," says Zion.

  I shake my head, stray curls bouncing around my face. I really need to find another hair tie. "No, I think they were already sheltered in place. They've probably been in a safe area since the first attack. It would be too dangerous to try to fly them out of here. We just have to figure out where they are, and how to communicate to them." I make a face because now that I say all that out loud it sounds impossible. I push curls out of my eyes as we walk.

  Think, Bren. Where would the safest place on Mars be?

  "We're almost to the unmarked area, Bren." Derek slows his pace so Zion and I can catch up.

  "From here I don't think the official diagram will do us any good. We just need to figure out where would miners put them?"

  Zion looks around the corridor. We're at an intersection and have three choices to choose from. "I think that way leads to the oxygen maintenance areas. It's enclosed in its own fortified dome. That would be a safe place to hide people."

  I shake my head. "No, that's too obvious. And besides, if someone blew that up, it would not only be a huge explosion but would take away all the oxygen supply to all the domes. The bomber would die at the same time."

  "They might be crazy enough," Derek suggests.

  "True, but I don't think the miners would take that chance. They would want the council not only safe, but away from anything that would harm the domes and industry of Mars. Miners aren't going to jeopardize their lives for politicians."

  Zion gives me a crooked grin. "Smart. So very true, B."

  "So what are in the other directions?" asks Derek.

  Zion points to the left. "I'm pretty sure that one leads to the emergency space dock for the main dome. There are supply rooms, mechanic quarters, restaurants, and of course the space dock itself."

  "Too public," I say as I catch myself from biting a nail. I push my hands into my pockets and lean against the wall.

  "So the other direction," Zion points right, "is just the water storage, the greenhouses, and farming domes."

  I look at Derek and grin. "Greenhouses."

  He looks at me sideways. "We don't have time for field trips, Bren."

  I smack his arm and start down the right corridor. "Not what I meant, Derek. Remember where I hid the flash drive from the captain? And where I hid you?"

  I hear his steps quicken behind me. "In the greenhouse on Delta. You think that's where the council is hiding?"

  "Think about it. It's not a high priority target, not explosive naturally, and has everything the council would need to survive for days, weeks if needed."

  "And if you're right, you don't expect them to just be out in the open lounging by the waterfall, do you?"

  I stop in my tracks and allow Derek to run into me on purpose. After he recovers I place a hand on either side of his face and kiss him.

  He pulls back, grinning. "You kiss me for being sarcastic?"

  I sigh dramatically and as I drop my hands I shove him back against the wall. I grin and start jogging down the corridor.

  "Competitive to the core, she is." I hear Zion say, followed by Derek's laughter.

  I keep going, knowing Derek will help Zion if he needs it. It's only a matter of time before the EPL figures out what I have, and I need to get to the council first. I round another corner and skid to a stop.

  The corridor just ends. No doors.

  I frown as I wait for Derek and Zion.

  "Of course," says Zion as he rounds the corner and sees the blank wall.

  I walk around the small space. The corridor and the dead end wall seem to be the same as all the others. I look up to see the red strip lighting flashing rapidly between yellow and red, which makes my heart beat faster. I point up at the lights. "They raised the threat level. The pirates and possibly the EPL could be right behind us."

  "And what are we supposed to do? There are no other doors for several corridors back." Zion stands next to me and punches the wall flat-handed in frustration.

  "Your friend here has a bit of an anger issue." Derek motions to Zion whose face is tinting an undertone of pink.

  I narrow my eyes at Zion. "Do that again."

  He lifts his head and stares at me. "What?"

  "What are you talking about, Bren? You want
more attention drawn to us now?" Derek looks around the corner.

  "Just do it."

  Zion shrugs and hits the wall again. It gives a satisfying hollow sound.

  I grin at Derek.

  "Of course. Another hidden corridor or room or entrance. Whatever it is, how do we get to it?"

  I start feeling around the edges of the wall. As I'm reaching as high as I can, I notice the flashing light strip. I follow it to the wall where a corridor should be. The strip keeps going. Through the wall.

  "Here. Look. Derek reaches up there to see if there's any kind of spring loaded mechanism."

  Derek squeezes past me and runs his fingers carefully underneath the red strip light. He starts working his way down to the corner where the walls meet.

  My heart is racing knowing we could have company at any moment. And that the people on the other side of this door won't be too happy to see us either. I shuffle from one foot to another as I watch Derek.

  "Why do you think the release would be that high?" Zion wraps an arm around me and we watch Derek work.

  "Because most miners and most people like space pirates raised on space ships their whole lives aren't as tall as us. Another strange security precaution."

  "But you and I are miners and we're taller than most of our friends."

  "Mom made sure that you and I had extra supplements, Z. And remember all the times she would have us practice low gravity ball at the fitness dome?"

  He nods but looks confused.

  "She was trying to make sure we had the best chance to grow normally. A lot of the miners had deformities or generational sicknesses from the high gravity here. And most space pirates can't afford to run their gravity generators. So they're brought up mostly in zero gravity. Same problem. Deformities and generational sicknesses."

  "And she just happens to have a really tall father," says Derek.

  Zion and I both look at him and see he's grinning like he ate a whole cake to himself. I look where his hands are and I can see the outline of an embedded door.

  "You did it!" I whisper-shout.

  He brings his arms down. "Yes, but now what? You know they're not going to just let us waltz in there."


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