Dragon’s Forbidden Mate (Dragons Secret Society Book 2)

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Dragon’s Forbidden Mate (Dragons Secret Society Book 2) Page 10

by Serena Meadows

  Branches and leaves began to clog the road, which was becoming more of a path, but Adam drove through it expertly. They emerged from jungle next to a freshwater lake and a little village, and he knew from Vivian’s reaction that she was just as charmed as he’d been the first time he’d seen it.

  “Oh, I wish I had my camera,” Vivian said, taking the hand he offered. “This is amazing.”

  Adam smiled, knowing that he’d made the right decision, that Vivian was the right woman for him. “Just wait until you see the rest,” he said, leading the way to the center of the village.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Vivian couldn’t believe what she was seeing; it was like she’d stepped back in time. The huts of the village looked as if they’d been built a hundred years before; the boats pulled to the shore of the lake were clearly homemade. But then she really looked around and saw that the village wasn’t quite as old-fashioned as it looked, and the people weren’t at all.

  Most were dressed in bright colored shorts and shirts; some of the women wore flowing dresses that looked cool and comfortable. Under closer inspection, some of the huts were substantial structures built to withstand even the fiercest storm. Still wishing she’d thought to bring her camera, a strange thing since she was rarely without it, she followed Adam.

  When they reached the largest building in the village, he opened the door and led her through into what looked like a common room. At one end there was a huge fireplace, on the other a kitchen, and in between tables and benches where people had gathered to talk and play games.

  The room fell silent when they walked in, and for a second, she wondered if they weren’t going to be welcomed. But then a man sitting over by the fireplace let out a whoop and got to his feet.

  “Adam, it’s been ages. Where have you been?” he asked, coming toward them.

  “Oh, I’ve been around, just not here,” Adam said, shaking his hand then turned to her. “George, this is Vivian.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Vivian,” George said, looking at each of them for a long time. “What brings you out to see me?”

  “We have a favor to ask,” Adam said, taking Vivian’s hand in his. “We want you to marry us.”

  George stepped back a couple of steps in shock, “What? When did this happen?” he asked, then said. “We’d better go someplace where we’ll have some privacy.”

  He led them over to the kitchen and pulled three glasses out of a freezer, then poured a pink-colored drink into each. “Let’s take these and go sit out on the deck; it’s a bit hot today, but we’ll be in the shade.”

  Once they were settled, he leaned back in his chair and said, “I am guessing that this is when I get to hear a story, and I think it’s going to be a good one. I’ve known you for a couple of years, Adam, and I’ve never known you to do anything this unexpected.”

  It was taking them less and less time to tell their story, and it wasn’t long before they got to the reason they wanted to get married. “So, you can see that this is the only way we can be together for sure; if we’re already married, they can’t keep us apart. Daniel is behind us; he thinks it’s wrong that they kept us apart too,” Adam finished, then sat back and waited.

  George was silent for a long time, and Vivian held her breath, afraid that he was going to refuse. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked them.

  They nodded in unison, and Vivian said, “I know it seems a little fast, a little crazy, but I’ve loved Adam since I was a child. He was my first kiss and no one since then has touched me the way he does.”

  Adam had a huge grin on his face, and she thought she saw a few tears in his eyes, but he took a deep breath and became serious. “I love Vivian, and my heart has been waiting for her since that day in the woods, waiting for the only woman who makes me feel complete,” he said, then lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

  Vivian thought her heart was going to explode out of her chest, and she felt dizzy as wave after wave of love spread through her. She was speechless, the feeling drowning her, so wonderful and powerful, she felt stronger.

  George cleared his throat, breaking the spell between them, and Vivian felt her face getting hot. “Sorry,” she said, “but you asked.”

  George laughed and said, “We haven’t had a wedding around here in a while, but we’ve got a couple of hours before sunset. Are we inviting your family or doing this alone?”

  Adam looked at her, and it took her a second to come to a decision. “Alone.”

  Pulling out his phone, George said, “Let me make a few phone calls, see what I can arrange.”

  Five minutes later, the patio was filled with people, and before she knew it, Vivian was swept away with a group of women who seemed intent of fixing her up for her wedding. Adam was surrounded by a group of men who wanted to know what he wanted to kill for the wedding banquet, and by the look on his face, the answer was nothing.

  Before they carted her away, Adam pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “Have you changed your mind yet?”

  Vivian pulled back and looked at him, then smiled. “Nope, I’m afraid you’re not getting out of this.”

  “Well, then I guess I’d better go kill something like a good provider does,” he said, then kissed her for so long the men began to make cat calls at them.

  Vivian finally pushed him away, her face flaming again. “You’d better go,” she said, letting the women lead her away.

  “It’s been so long since we had a wedding, this is going to be fun,” one of the women said. “I’m Betty, by the way, George’s wife. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to be your maid of honor.”

  Vivian was touched, and couldn’t help think of her sisters, but the women’s excitement soon drove her sad thoughts away as they traipsed out of the village on a little path. They climbed up a small rocky hill that flattened out at the top, and right in the center was a calm blue pool of water.

  Several of the women set down the packs they were carrying and began removing towels, soaps, oils, and an assortment of other bathing accessories. “This is part of our ritual,” Betty explained, letting the dress she wore fall to the ground.

  Vivian looked around and saw the rest of the women doing the same, and quickly stripped out of her clothes, embarrassed but determined to make the most of her wedding day.


  Adam stood on the beach watching the sun go down and wondering if he’d been wrong not to invite his family. They were all going to be very angry when they found out, but he was afraid if they knew what he was planning, they’d try to stop him, and the last thing he wanted was a fight.

  The longer he waited for Vivian, the more his conscience began to fuss at him. But finally, the sun set and the fires on the beach were lit. George had spent the afternoon setting everything up, and he’d set a beautiful scene for a wedding.

  The pig he’d killed earlier that day was roasting on a fire just down the beach, and huge pots of wonderful things bubbled next to it. Large tables had been set up not far from the cooking fires, the food sent intoxicating scents into the air, and he was thankful for the generosity of the village.

  He hadn’t seen George for a while, but knew that he would be back to perform the wedding ceremony. But his absence wasn’t helping the nerves that had suddenly sprung to life when the sun went down. He had no doubts about what he was doing, but he was still nervous, afraid that Vivian might change her mind.

  As true darkness began to fall on the island, the torches spread out around the beach were lit and the villagers began to fill the seats George had set up. Soft drums played in the background, accompanied by instruments he couldn’t identify, and he took a deep breath, knowing the moment was upon them.

  He stepped up to the altar, again wishing he’d invited his brothers, but it was too late. Then, to his shock, they came walking out of the jungle with George. “I didn’t really think you meant it when you said you didn’t want your family here.
James and Natasha are with Vivian.”

  Adam couldn’t help the tears of relief that came to his eyes. “I’m sorry, you guys, I was afraid you’d try to stop us.”

  Daniel slapped him on the back. “We wouldn’t want to have missed this for the world and we have a little surprise for you after the ceremony.”

  Alex and Taylor gave him knowing smiles, then George motioned for them all to take their places. The music changed, and he saw the women who had whisked Vivian away earlier that afternoon come walking out of the woods, all dressed in white flowing gowns, flowers in their hair.

  Natasha and Betty were leading them, as one by one, they filed down the aisle, some taking seats, a few walking all the way to the front. The music changed again; this time James and Vivian emerged from the jungle, her arm tucked in his, a huge smile on both their faces.

  When they got to Adam, James gave him a stern glance but handed Vivian off to him. She looked so beautiful, it was hard for him to breathe; the white dress was a striking contrast to her red hair and green eyes. He realized that she’d never looked more beautiful, and for a second, he wondered if this was really happening.

  But then Vivian looked into his eyes and all the love they shared washed over him, leaving his head swimming and his heart pounding. If he’d had even the slightest reservation about what they were about to do, it vanished when he looked into her eyes.

  He smiled at her and asked, “Are you ready?”

  She nodded. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  George began the wedding ceremony, and as Adam listened to his words, his eyes locked on Vivian’s, and he knew that whatever they faced in the future, they’d do it together. When he pronounced them husband and wife, and he leaned down to kiss Vivian; a sense of well-being flooded him, and he knew that no matter what happened, they were going to be okay.

  He wasn’t sure where the feeling came from, but it sprang to life and grew as he kissed her. When they parted, and the crowd began to whoop and holler, he said, “I love you, Vivian.”

  She looked at him, tears in her eyes, and said, “I love you too, Adam.”

  That was the last private word they had together for a long time, as one after another the guests came forward to greet them. When they’d spoken to everyone, the feasting began, as well as speeches of good wishes from nearly everyone assembled.

  It was late that night before the villagers began heading back to their homes, leaving only George and the family behind. “This was wonderful; thank you,” Vivian said when he came to say his goodbyes with Betty on his arm.

  “It was my pleasure; there’s nothing I enjoy more than uniting two people who love each other,” he said. “You have a difficult time ahead of you, but remember that together, you’re much stronger than you are alone.”

  Betty smiled at her. “It was wonderful meeting you, Vivian. I think we’re going to be good friends.”

  Vivian nodded, thinking that it had been a long time since she’d had a real friend. “I hope so,” she said, giving her new friend a hug.

  After they’d walked away, Daniel and Natasha started grinning at them. “Now for our little surprise,” he said, leading them over to a four-wheeler that had been parked on the beach. “I think it’s better to show you than tell you.”

  The four of them climbed into the four-wheeler, and Daniel started driving down the beach. Adam felt a growing sense of anticipation as they drove through the night, the stars guiding their way, the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore the only sound besides the engine, and he knew that he’d never been happier.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When the four-wheeler came to a halt, Vivian looked around wondered why they’d stopped. The beach stretched in front of them like a long golden road; on one side the ocean lapped against the shore in gentle waves, and on the other, a cliff stretched high into the sky.

  She was about to ask why they’d stopped when she caught the glint of the moon on glass by the cliff and turned to look closer. Daniel and Natasha got off of the four-wheeler and headed in that direction, so she got off, taking Adam’s hand when he offered it to her.

  “We built this place as a getaway,” Natasha said, stepping up to a button attached to the cliff wall.

  When she pushed it, hidden lights popped to life, and the glass panel fitting in the cave opening slid open. Daniel stepped into the cave and switched on a light, illuminating the biggest bedroom Vivian had ever seen.

  Stepping inside, unable to stop the sigh that escaped her lips when she saw the room, Vivian looked around. “This is amazing,” she said, looking up at Adam, who was just as enchanted as she was.

  “I didn’t know this was here,” Adam said, walking over to the enormous bed.

  “It’s kind of a secret,” Natasha said, “and it’s all yours for a few days, our wedding gift to you.”

  Vivian gave her a big hug, “Oh, thank you, Natasha. It’s wonderful.”

  “There are a bathroom and kitchen through there, fully stocked with anything you might want,” Natasha said, pointing to an opening at the back of the cave.

  “You’ve got about thirty-six hours until dad shows up; make the most of it because things are going to get worse before they get better,” Daniel said.

  “What about Lucas?” Adam asked.

  “Let us worry about Lucas for now; you don’t have much time, so don’t waste it,” Daniel said, turning toward the door.

  “There’s a phone in the kitchen that connects directly with the main house; someone will always answer it. Call us if you need anything, and if we need you, we’ll call,” Natasha said.

  They stood, Vivian wrapped in his arms watching the four-wheeler disappear down the beach. When it was out of sight, the only sound was the waves lapping against the shore, and Vivian sighed happily.

  Daniel was right: they didn’t have much time, but they did have this night, and she didn’t want it to end. It was a bit of a shock to realize that she and Adam were married, but they’d signed the paperwork, and first thing in the morning, George was going to file it.

  “Well, I guess this is our honeymoon,” she said, suddenly feeling nervous.

  Adam swept her off her feet and into his arms. “I think this is the custom, isn’t it?” he asked, carrying her inside.

  Vivian laughed, and love washed over her, chasing away her nervous feelings. When they got inside, he set her on her feet, then reached for the switch to close the door. “Leave it open so we can hear the ocean,” she said.

  Adam took her hands in his and emotion bubbled up inside her; happiness, love, and hope all vied for top spot, leaving her unable to speak. Needing to make him understand what she was feeling, she reached for him, pulled his head down, and kissed him.

  He groaned, pulled her closer, smashing her breasts deliciously against his chest, and kissed her back. His tongue invaded her mouth, kissing her like it was the first time, tasting and exploring until, out of breath, he pulled back.

  Chest rising and falling, her body humming, every nerve alive, Vivian reached up and unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. Trailing her fingers up and down his hard chest, she purred deep in her throat, then dropped her hands lower and brushed them across the swelling in his shorts.

  Adam gasped, and pleasure shot through her, creating a throbbing deep inside her that only he could satisfy. Lifting his hands to her shoulders, he slid the straps of her dress off, letting it slide to the floor in a puddle of white. The breeze from the ocean floated into the room, bringing the scent of salt and making Vivian’s nipples pucker into stiff peaks.

  Groaning, Adam grabbed her and pulled her to him. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he whispered in her ear, making goosebumps erupt on her skin.

  Then he lowered his mouth to one stiff nipple and drew it into his mouth, his teeth biting down just a little, making Vivian gasp and cling to him. Pleasure washed over her, making her tingle between her legs, and the t
ight knot deep inside her grow bigger.

  His hand slid between her legs, his fingers probing her tender flesh until she was slick with moisture and desperate for more. Sweeping her off her feet again, he walked over to the tall bed and set her on her feet next to it, then made her sit down on the edge.

  Kneeling down in front of her, he looked up at her, then gently parted her knees. Vivian’s heart began to pound with anticipation, and the knot deep inside her grew, making her squirm with need.

  Adam slid his hands up the inside of her legs, then slowly pushed one finger inside her, twisting his hand so he could use his thumb to stroke her swollen nib. Pleasure shot through her, and her body began to throb as the knot deep inside her expanded.

  Leaning back on her hands, she spread her legs further but whimpered when he withdrew his finger. Reaching out, he grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him, then lowered his face between her legs. At first, she was startled, and tried to pull away, but then his tongue swept between her folds and settled on her pleasure center.

  She threw back her head and cried out with lust as his tongue bathed her, and wave after wave of pleasure stole the breath from her lungs. Panting his name with each ragged breath, she felt the knot of expectation deep in her loins grow until it burst inside her.

  Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, making her body tremble, as Adam continued to lap at her. As the feeling began to fade, it was replaced by a need so primal, so deep, that she was suddenly desperate to have Adam inside her.

  Arm and legs trembling, she crawled up on the bed and reached for him. “I need you, Adam. I need you inside me,” she said, her face flaming, her body clenching deep inside in anticipation.


  Adam wanted to crawl on top of Vivian and bury himself deep inside her, but then had another idea. Climbing up on the bed, he laid down on his back and said, “It’s your turn to be on top.”


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