Dragon’s Forbidden Mate (Dragons Secret Society Book 2)

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Dragon’s Forbidden Mate (Dragons Secret Society Book 2) Page 11

by Serena Meadows

  Vivian’s eyes got big, but she climbed on top of him, straddled his hips, and braced her hands on his chest. He reached between her arms and took her nipples between his thumb and finger, then gently squeezed them. They hardened between his fingers, and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning up and taking first one and then the other into his mouth.

  Gasping with satisfaction, Vivian arched her back, and his throbbing erection slid between her folds. He rocked his hips, letting the tip rub against her tender nib, making her gasp again, then rock her hips.

  Desperate now to be inside her, he grabbed her hips and lifted her just enough let him slip inside her, then he slowly lowered her until he was buried deeply. Vivian took a huge, shuddering breath, as her body accepted his, moisture seeping between them.

  Adam began rocking his hips, driving himself into her with each upward stroke until Vivian took over. Releasing her hips, he let her ride him, each downward thrust of her hips, met by an upward one of his until he felt the ecstasy begin to consume him.

  He reached between them, and using his thumb, stroked her slippery button, only satisfied when she cried out as an explosion ripped through her. As she trembled above him, her body clenching around him, he drove himself into her over and over, unleashing pleasure unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

  Vivian cried out his name, then clutched his shoulders as he drove himself into her over and over until she crested again, then he let go and poured himself into her. His body trembled uncontrollably as he spilled his passion deep inside her, pleasure rushing through him until he was breathless.

  When Vivian collapsed on top of him, totally spent, he wrapped her arms around her and held on tightly for a long time. “I think I must be the luckiest man alive,” he finally managed to whisper in her ear.

  He felt her smile. “Then that makes me the luckiest woman in the world,” she said.

  They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms; the sound of the ocean lulling them both into a deep and soothing sleep. All their worries and fears had been blocked, at least temporarily, by the love they shared, and the passion between them.

  The next morning, they woke refreshed even though it had been a short night; the ocean was calling to them, the sound of the waves a little louder than the day before. “How about a swim before breakfast?” Adam suggested, getting out of bed and walking naked across the room to look out at the water.

  There was a long silence from the bed, so he turned around and looked back at Vivian, who was staring at him. He grinned at her. “Am I distracting you?” he asked, a playful smile on his lips.

  She grinned at him. “A little.”

  He crossed the room, took her hand, then pulled her out of bed and into his arms. “It’s a beautiful morning; let’s go for a swim before breakfast,” he repeated, then scooped her up in his arms and started for the water.

  Vivian wiggled in his arms. “Adam, what if someone sees us?” she asked, looking up and down the beach when they emerged from the cave.

  He grinned at her. “There’s no one for miles around,” he said, then walked right into the water, which swirled around them, warm and inviting.

  When he got deep enough, he let her go, but then pulled her into his arms. “This is my idea of the way to start the day,” he said, letting his hands roam over Vivian’s body, feeling need beginning to build inside him.

  Vivian giggled, then pushed against his chest and swam away. “Oh, no you don’t; you dragged me all the way out here, so we’re going to swim,” she said, splashing him playfully.

  They played a game of chase in the water, swimming around like children, then coming together like the adults they were. Their hands exploring one another in the water until, near the point of desperation, they came out of the water. Adam laid a towel on the ground, and they satisfied their need for each other there under the brilliant morning sun.

  Spent and starving, they climbed back up the beach and into the cave, headed straight for the kitchen, and raided the refrigerator. When they’d finished eating, they climbed back into the big bed and fell asleep, again deeply and soundly until the sun was beginning to make its descent in the sky.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Vivian woke, a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, and opened her eyes. She was curled up against Adam’s back, her arm thrown around her chest, and from his deep breathing, she knew that he was asleep. Snuggling closer to him, she pushed the feeling away, not wanting to think about the scary things quite yet.

  What Vivian couldn’t know was that the feeling she had was caused by the man speeding toward the island, his mind on her. He’d decided that she was the key to bringing down, first Daniel and then the rest of the family; she was a weak link he hadn’t known about.

  She couldn’t know that he was going to use that to his advantage, and that in only a few short hours, he’d put his plan into action, starting with her. She couldn’t know that evil would be showing up on her doorstep, threatening to destroy all that was precious to her.

  So, she closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep, letting the comfort of Adam’s bare skin against hers melt away the negative images. When they woke later, nothing remained of the feeling and she wondered if she’d dreamed it, then pushed it from her mind.

  They were in the kitchen trying to decide what to make for dinner when Adam said, “I know, I’ll go down the beach and dig up some clams; there should be plenty around here since no one uses this beach. I might be able to catch a few crabs off some rocks I saw further down the beach too.”

  Vivian’s mouth began to water. “That sounds yummy,” she said, rummaging around in the refrigerator. “We’ve got potatoes, and there’s fresh corn; we can boil it all together over a fire on the beach.”

  Adam hustled around, gathering what he needed for his fishing expedition, while Vivian bustled around the kitchen. While he was gone, she planned to bake a cake: a big, multilayered chocolate cake that would make him groan with pleasure the way he did in bed.

  Just thinking about his groans of pleasure made her blush, and Adam didn’t miss it. He crossed the room and took her into his arms. “What are you thinking about that’s making you blush like that?” he asked, nibbling on her neck.

  Vivian giggled and pushed him away. “None of your business, but if you’re a good boy, I might show you later tonight,” she said. Then she gave him a shove. “Go catch our dinner before we end up just eating out of the refrigerator again.”

  Adam kissed her soundly on the lips, then turned and, whistling, walked out of the kitchen. Gathering the ingredients for the cake, she started baking, looking forward to the night to come and keeping her worries of the next day at bay. She and Adam had so little time, she wasn’t going to let worry intrude.

  She slid the pans full of deep, rich batter into the oven, then went out to the bedroom to find something to wear that night. The closet was full of clothes, and it didn’t take her long to pick another long flowing dress, this time printed with bold, bright flowers.

  She slipped into the shower, lathering up with the luxurious soap she found, then coated her skin in a layer of silky lotion. When she slid the dress on over her naked body, she felt that familiar throbbing begin deep inside her, images of making love to Adam on the beach springing to mind.

  Grabbing a blanket to take with them down to the beach, she started for the door and the pile of supplies she’d left there. But when she looked out, she froze in place, then looked around her, but there was nowhere to run.

  Dropping the blanket, she squared her shoulders, wondering where Adam was, and stepped up to the glass just as it slid open, and Lucas Davenport walked into the room. “How nice to see you, Vivian. I missed you in my room that night,” he said, looking her up and down.

  She heard a hiss behind Lucas and looked beyond him to see two women; one was giving her dirty looks, and the other was staring at the back of his head in admiration. “Shut up, Amanda; we talked about this,
” he said, taking a quick glance over his shoulder at the woman who was scowling at her.

  Vivian could only stare at the three, her brain telling her that there was no way out. But she knew that she had to stall, had to buy some time so that Adam could come to her rescue. “What do you want?” she asked boldly.

  Lucas smiled at her. “Oh, I want lots of things, Vivian,” he said, stepping up to her and curling a strand of her hair around his finger. “And I’m going to start getting them by taking you with me on a little ride.”

  She knocked his hand away, her heart pounding in her chest, and stepped back a few steps. Lucas looked over his shoulder at the other woman, “Willow, would you please make our guest a little easier to handle?” he asked.

  “Anything you ask, Lucas,” she whispered, raising her hands into the air, and reciting a spell.

  Staring at the woman in shock, Vivian began to feel weak, the energy draining out of her body as the witch spoke. When her legs collapsed underneath her, she cried out and reached for the table, but her fingers slipped and she landed in a heap on the floor.

  Lucas crossed the room, a pleased smile on his face, and picked her up, but not before he squeezed one of her breasts and ran his hands over her body. Wanting to scream at him to get his hands off her, she lay weakly in his arms, unable to make herself speak.

  “I might have Willow keep you this way for a while; you’ll make a very willing partner,” he whispered in her ear as he strode out of the cave and down the beach toward a boat.


  Adam woke to a pain in the back of his head and opened his eyes, then cringed when the pain doubled. Staggering to his feet, he tried to remember what happened, only coming up with a vague memory of someone knocking him off the rock he’d been perched on.

  He walked a few steps down the beach, taking deep breaths to hold back the nausea, and saw the traps and shovel lying in the sand and remembered that he’d been getting dinner. Perched on the rock, he’d been dropping the crab nets into the water when a shadow caught his attention, but before he could react, a hard shove knocked him off the rock.

  His mind beginning to clear, he remembered Vivian, alone in the cave, and began to run down the beach, his panic blocking the pain in his head. He began screaming her name as he got closer to the cave, his panic growing each time he got no response.

  As soon as he stepped into the cave, he knew that Vivian wasn’t there; the bedroom had an empty feeling that made his stomach sink. He looked for her in the kitchen and the bathroom, knowing that he wasn’t going to find her, then went back into the bedroom and stood there.

  Trying to block the panic that was stopping any logical thought process, he took several deep breaths and ran the possibilities over in his mind. Walking outside, he headed down the beach and found four sets of footprints in the sand, leading out into the water.

  His brain finally kicked in; since he and Vivian hadn’t been down to the beach since the last high tide, someone must have taken her away in a boat. Racing back inside, he ran into the kitchen and picked up the phone, listening to it ring and hoping someone would answer.

  When it was finally picked up, he didn’t recognize the voice on the other end and barked out, “This is Adam. I need you to find my brother and get him on the phone now.”

  “Yes, sir,” the man said, and he heard the phone being set down.

  Only a few minutes later, Daniel was on the phone after a few clicks and one alarming silence that lasted too long. “What’s the matter?” he asked, not even greeting his brother.

  Adam took a deep breath, knowing that time was critical. “Someone pushed me off the rocks and knocked me out. When I came around, I found that Vivian was gone. There are footprints leading out into the water, and no one’s been down there since high tide,” he said.

  Slumping down in a chair as the reality of what he’d just said took hold, he felt the urge to cry, to sob like a little kid until he was spent. “Lucas has her,” he said, not hiding the emotion in his voice.

  “Okay, I’m on my way to come get you,” Daniel said. “I’m putting the island on high alert. I’ll have Natasha call dad and see if he can get here any faster.”

  A sob escaped before he could stop it, then he said, “I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose her again.”

  “We’ll get her back, Adam, I promise.” Daniel said. “Watch for me. I’ll be there soon.”

  Adam paced up and down the beach, his anger growing with each passing minute, so when Daniel pulled up on the four-wheeler, he was ready to fight. “I want to kill him myself,” he said, getting in.

  “I don’t care who does it; I just want him dead,” Daniel said, then roared off down the beach.


  Vivian lay tied to the bed in the main cabin of the boat, trying to make her arms and legs work again, not sure if she was angry or scared. When the cabin door opened and Lucas stepped through, she’d just managed to start moving again, her strength returning. Pulling against the bonds that held her tied to the bed, arms above her head, legs spread, she wanted to scream.

  Lucas grinned at her. “It’s good to see the fight is back in you. I decided to have Willow take the spell off; this way it’ll be more fun,” he said stepping up beside the bed.

  Vivian thrashed a little more, scowling at him, but not saying a word. Lucas reached down and began sliding her dress up her legs. “I must say, it was quite a pleasant surprise to find nothing under this pretty dress of yours,” he said, sliding his hand up the inside of her leg.

  Her stomach clenched in fear, nausea washed over her, and her skin began to crawl where he touched her. “It’s a shame we have to postpone our little fun, but I want to take my time with you,” he said, reaching up and tracing a path with one finger between her breasts.

  Bile rose in her throat, and she couldn’t help but shudder with revulsion, but Lucas misunderstood her reaction. Leaning down, he took her face in his hand, and looked right into her eyes. “I’m going to make you do things you never imagined you would do, and you’re going to enjoy it. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a plaything like you and it’s going to be fun training you to give me pleasure,” he said, letting go of her face and running his hands over her body.

  Vivian thrashed against the bonds that held her, then spat at him. He wiped the spit off his face with the back of his hand, then raised it to strike her, then seemed to think better of it, and put it down again.

  “I’ll save your punishment for that for later; it’s going to be fun showing you who’s in control, and if you’re lucky, you’ll figure it out fast,” he said. “If not all the more fun for me.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  When they came into the main compound, it was strangely quiet. “It’s awfully quiet around here. Where is everyone?” he asked, getting off of the four-wheeler.

  “I’ll explain when we get inside,” Daniel said, scanning the jungle around them before heading inside.

  The rest of the family was there to greet them, and the look on James’s face spoke volumes. He opened his mouth to say something, but Daniel held up his hand. “We all have some blame in this, so let’s not start pointing fingers; we need to be a united front.”

  James sat back in his chair, but Adam knew they’d be having a discussion sooner or later. Thinking about talking to James made him think of his own father and his stomach clenched. “What about dad? When will he be here?” he asked, sinking into a chair.

  “Probably not for a few more hours,” Daniel said. “Until then, we sit tight and wait to hear from Lucas.”

  Adam jumped to his feet. “You want just to sit here and do nothing while Lucas takes Vivian God knows where and does...” his words trailed off, the picture in his mind too horrible to verbalize.

  Natasha got up and walked over to him, put her hand on his arm, and said, “Sit down, Adam; we’re not doing nothing. We’ve got boats out searching for them, and our contacts on the bigger
islands are watching for them too.”

  Adam sat back down, but was still determined to go out and search himself, but then Daniel spoke. “We need to stay here and wait for Lucas to contact us; if we’re out in the ocean, we might miss his call.”

  He knew that his brother was right, but there was so much anger and fear pent up inside him, he was sure that he was going to burst, and action, any kind of action, would have burned up that energy. “I’m just frustrated because I feel helpless,” he finally said.

  “We all do,” Daniel said. “That’s part of Lucas’s plan: the longer he waits, the more willing we’ll be to do what he asks.”

  Adam looked over at his brother who had a grim look on his face. “He wants you,” he said.

  Daniel nodded. “I think he’s going to try and arrange some kind of trade in the middle of the ocean, give himself an advantage.”

  Adam sat back and thought about that, then remembered something that had been bothering him. “How did Lucas know where we were? I thought the cave was a secret?” he asked.

  “I think Lucas had someone slip onto the island after you got here. I should have thought about that possibility,” Daniel admitted.

  “So, someone’s been watching us the entire time?” Adam asked.

  “I’m afraid so, and I can’t be sure that they’re not still here; that’s why I sent everyone to the village. If someone’s out there lurking, it’ll be much easier to spot them with everyone gone,” Daniel explained.

  Then something occurred to Adam. “Lucas is waiting until we’re all here,” he said. “Kidnapping Vivian isn’t the only part of his plan; he’s got to do more than just kill you. He has to kill us all.”

  There was a long silence in the room, then Natasha broke it. “Yes, that’s the logical conclusion,” she said.


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