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Crimson Secrets

Page 33

by Garnet Davenport

  I looked carefully around at the mac tire stones. The Gael Fearg sword, the chained silver cuffs, and the basin that still contained the blood from the Morrígan’s bloodlines were gone. We both searched in panic and disbelief. Then across the bloodstained river’s embankment, the Morrígan appeared; her eyes glowed that same orange-red holding the basin.

  We heard footsteps. Duncan and Alex were rushing up behind us as we watched her from the other side.

  “There is no victory,” I whispered quietly as we watched her, her eyes grew darker to the red I had first seen. I didn’t turn my head away from her, but glanced at the pack that surrounded me. There was anger on their faces and their eyes glowed a fierce blue. I narrowed my vision back to her as I realized that there would be no end to my fight. My pack would never understand that this war was not truly their war. I was alone in this fight—the alone that only one could be while still alive with interaction of others.

  I survived today with sadness and hope only to live the rest of my life in a battle, to endure sorrow and loss, to protect my pack, my followers.

  I stood there and watched as our eyes connected for a brief moment, and then she turned and disappeared into the darkness. My pack stood silently in what was left of the moonlight as the snow started to fall harder. I took a deep breath and looked up at the stars in the sky. They started to disappear into the early morning. My pack stood strong and resilient as my mind went to Tommy. My brother had been there for me in a way that I could never have foreseen. His life ended because of me, and I would do whatever it took to make sure that he was remembered for the strength he gave to me.

  Alex turned to walk toward the Callamores’ estate, and Declan put his hand on my arm, and I turned to face him.

  “Let’s get you out of here.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  Alex put his arm around my shoulders and I looked up at him. “You came.” I almost whispered at him.

  “I didn’t have anywhere else to be.” He had a personality like Tommy’s, and that made me miss my brother even more. He whispered confidently, “We’ll get her.”

  I nodded slowly, still enjoying his brotherly embrace. Alex let me go and gave my shoulder a supportive pat as he headed back toward the others. This war was now just a memory that will never leave my past. My future was yet to be written, but I would fight this war for my species and for Tommy. Our blood had power, and there would be a victory from his sacrifice.

  I turned back to the river for a moment. I almost thought the Morrígan was going to come back for me, but when I looked, she was not there. It was a white shadow creature of a mac tire watching me. She had come for me. As she stared into me, I only wondered, at this point, will she help me in my fight, or will she be the undoing of me in the end?


  Mac tire: Wolf

  Teach ar an cloch dearg: Find the red stone.

  Cad a tharla di? Ní mór don chomhairle a chomhlíonadh: What happened to her? The council must meet.

  Aisling ag siùl: Walking dreams

  Stad, tá sé in am chun teacht ar ais: Stop, it’s time to come back.

  Thosaigh sí a aistriú go luath, tá mé ag a thabhairt di sreabhán a cool ar a teocht an choirp síos: She began to transition early, I have to give her fluids to cool her body temperature down.

  Tá tú i gceist le haghaidh rudaí móra. Beidh do amach anseo a líonadh le brón ‘s má leanann tú an cosán. Siúlóid faoi an ghealach, a leanúint do chroí, ná muinín an méid a fheiceann tú: You are meant for great things. Your future will be filled with sorrow if you follow this path. Walk under the Moon, follow your heart, do not trust what you see.

  Ná muinín an méid a fheiceann tú: Do not trust what you see.

  Tá tú rabhadh: You are warned.

  A dhéanann tú muinín dom?: Do you trust me?

  Adhaint bán: Ignition white.

  Chuid eile: Rest.

  Fágaim mar a tháinig mé: I leave as I came.

  Leis an aer breathe mé: With the air I breathe.

  Mar aon ní amháin: As one.

  Mo íobairt: My sacrifice.

  Tá tú dorchadas. Do am atá caite , i láthair , agus sa todhchaí a líonadh le dorchadas: You are darkness. Your past, present, and future filled with darkness.

  Bás leo go léir: Death to them all!

  Bás ó stair: Death from history

  Ionsaí: Attack!

  Words from the Author!

  Welcome to the words from the author where I get to say anything I want about the book you just read plus some upcoming fun stuff. But I do have some important things to say first:

  (1) My previous edition of The Mac Tire Chronicles: Crimson Secrets published through Green Ivy Publishing, will be known as those that cannot be named from here on out, swindled me along with many other people out of their hard work.

  Please don’t purchase any version published June 23, 2016

  ISBN- 10: 1945379510

  ISBN- 13:978-1945379512.

  This company is no longer in business and is not distributing royalties. They also are unwilling to take down the product for sale.

  (2) There is a special sneak preview of The Mac Tire Chronicles: Sapphire Secrets as a bonus for purchasing this book from the Author (that’s me) and not from those that cannot be named.

  Thank you for supporting me!!! ;)

  (3) This is going to be a four book series. And with recent setbacks from those that cannot be named The Mac Tire Chronicles: Sapphire Secrets will be delayed in release. Boo! Be patient… it’s coming!

  (4) As you know there is a lot of “secrets” that have to be revealed in order for Shay and Declan or Duncan to have their HEA (Happily Ever After) No spoilers here but LIKE me on Facebook and get updates on The Mac Tire Chronicles and other series coming soon!

  (5) I do love HEA and have a Romantic Comedy series coming soon for adults called the NHL Seasons. Book 1 is Rising Summers. These will not be appropriate for the YA audience, however, there will be more to come with your favorite characters in some shorts! Striker, Nomad, Fancy, Gauge and a few others have some crazy backgrounds. I’ve had lots of request to find out more about Shay’s extended Farm family.

  Btw, Striker is up first! I know everyone is interested in his past! It’s exciting and heartbreaking so get the tissues and fall more in love with my Jolly Green Giant!

  (6) And finally, if you’ve gotten this far I must say you’re a true MAC TIRE! So LIKE and message me on Facebook to be entered into a contest to receive an autographed advanced copy of Emerald Secrets coming 2018. Must enter to win before December 31, 2018 at 11:59 EST!

  Now on to the good stuff.

  Let me start by saying this series is a labor of love. I had begun this series some time in 2012 after my daughter was born. It all started after I read a series that depicted wolves/werewolves as irrational crazed beasts. WTH? Nope. I will not accept that. Have you ever seen a wolf? A pack of wolves? They are amazing and majestic. Protective of their pack but not known for random attacks of violence. I wanted to show the emotional side of these beautiful creatures plus add some of the folklore I’ve heard for years. So yes, some of these characters are gods and goddesses out of history. Are the facts true? No. Is there some coincidences? Of course. But do not confuse mythology and fiction. And of course, I wanted my characters to be strong. Shay being the lead was important to show young girls that even if you have this deep connection with someone you do not have to be so reliant on them that they become your whole world. She goes through such horrible events during one of the most emotionally stressful years of young adulthood. That, plus finding out that you can transition into a wolf definitely makes for some interesting situations. Hiding something that makes you who you are is one of the hardest things any young adult has to do. My hopes are that we will all be accepting of anyone even if they can transition into a wolf.

  I know everyone wants the dish on w
ho Shay will choose… ugh. You’ll have to continue reading the series for more secrets. Honestly, as I was writing Sapphire Secrets I wanted to change my decision. I’ve gone back and forth so much that I refuse to say anything else. But as the series progresses you will find Shay leaning on either Duncan or Declan more. Now that doesn’t mean she will choose him!

  She still has so much to struggle through before the Morrígan can be stopped—if she can be stopped. And as of now you’re still trying to uncover the secret to her master plan. Dun-dun-duuun!

  And to end this out… Questions from fans!!! YAY!

  (Q) Does Shay have another brother? And how will that effect her abilities?

  (A) Wow! Thanks for putting me on the spot… Okay so simple answer—Yes. Shay has a half brother and she can be effected. Complicated answer—Yes. But, finding out this secret becomes her mission to learn more. She finds out who he is and if the Morrígan finds out he could technically be sacrificed to give more power and abilities to Shay. The end goal was for the Morrígan to want Shay so powerful that when she consumes Shay’s abilities she can… sorry spoiler… I can’t go any further.

  (Q) What is Striker?

  (A) He’s a big dude. Not that I purposefully created any of my characters after people in my life. WINK WINK. However, some people do resemble real-live people in my life past and present. Striker is half based on a friend through looks and half on personality. Striker’s secret isn’t quite ready to come out but you do learn more about his past during Sapphire Secrets and learn more about him as a character. You will find out—I promise. Plus, don’t forget he will have his very own back story novella coming soon.

  (Q) Why are you killing off so many characters?

  (A) Yep, sorry/not sorry. Let me start by saying Disney did it first. You create an emotional connection with your character by going through their pain. I hope by the end of Crimson Secrets you have already fallen in love with some characters and have a big amount of hate for others. The killing off of characters will continue. My husband calls it “Game of Throning” my characters. Hopefully the YA audience won’t get that joke. TV-MA! I’ve introduced so many characters that some were just not getting enough screen time and others were too closely similar in personalities. Heads up—you’re going to be disappointed if you fall in love with any of the characters.

  (Q) What happened between Declan and Duncan for the mating challenge on Hellena?

  (A) Ah! So this one’s tough to answer without giving away a major scene coming up. Duncan and Hellena were mates. But secrets happen and a brother’s love isn’t as important as his life. Declan did it for his brother so don’t hold anything against him for that.

  That’s all I have for now. Don’t forget to pick up Sapphire Secrets coming soon to continue the story!

  Thanks for reading!

  The Mac Tire Chronicles

  Sapphire Secrets

  Chapter 1 Preview

  1 Storms Coming

  Storms passed overhead, the flurries were falling from the sky like a thick blanket, my eyes found the icy river. I saw her again, the white wolf, her eyes followed me while I watched Cas thrust the Gael Fearg sword into my own torso. I felt a sharp pain through my abdomen and looked down, there was blood covering my hands, soaking my clothes. I looked back to the tree where I had almost died. No one was there. The snow had stopped and all I could feel was the pain.

  Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the white wolf run, I tried to follow her, but couldn’t move. She was gone. Blood was flowing down my legs from my wound.

  “You can't run.” a deep, mathematical, voice came from behind me that belonged to Declan. I had never heard him like that before. I started to walk towards him. I was focused on his eyes; everything else was a blur. The forest faded away around me until there he was sitting at his dining room table. He picked up a wine glass filled with a vibrant red liquid that suspiciously did not look like wine and he lifted it to me. “Here, drink.” His voice was different—it was cold, uncaring. I shook my head and started to back away from him. My bare feet went from making bloody footprints on the ground outside to the hardwood floors of the Callamore’s mansion as I backed toward the foyer.

  I was grabbed firmly from behind, just below my shoulders on my arms. I twisted against the restraint only to see that it was Duncan. His nails extended at his fingertips, growing in size and length, then darkened and sharpened as they dug into my skin tearing open my arms. I tried to fight back and pull away, but I couldn’t get away from him. His aggressiveness and strength had been much more than I imagined. I turned, feeling the pain of his claws ripping at my skin, and pushed my palm into his chin then started to run—just to stop right in front of Declan. They had me cornered. I turned back and forth between the two of them as they took a few steps toward me, circling me, as their eyes turned red and they closed in.

  A wild, aggressive bark came from the doorway—the white wolf. She had come for me again.

  What did she want? I tried to speak, but no words escaped from my mouth. I put my hand up to my mouth with surprise.

  A creaking step came from behind me—panicked I turned my head and Cas Corach placed his frigid fingers on my shoulder with his right hand and then with a quick grip he plunged the Gael Fearg sword into my chest. My eyes widened as I tried to take a breath in. When I did, I felt warmth pour into my lungs and then I felt my blood come up my throat and out of my mouth to drip down my chin. I reached forward clinging to him as I dropped kneeling to the floor. “Beidh tú bás mar ba mhaith liom tú a bás.”


  I woke panicked, gasping for air, and gripping my fingers into the brown leather sofa in the Callamore’s library. I looked around recognizing my surroundings and within a moment I realized that I was safe in the Callamore’s mansion. But how safe was I really?

  I was soaked in sweat and hot to the touch but felt cold all over. I was feverish. My eyes were tired and sore and my body felt like it had just been thrown from a truck. This wasn’t the first time I woke feeling like this, but it was the first time that I had such a vivid dream about that night. The white wolf would continue to haunt me along with Cas—my worst nightmare.

  Beidh tú bás mar ba mhaith liom tú a bás. I thought while I rubbed my eyes trying not to let moisture come. “You will die because I want you to die.” I whispered. I couldn’t figure out if this was a nightmare or some kind of aisling ag siúl, walking dream, my subconscious was forcing on me.

  I had at this point learned of the multitude of types of walking dreams. I could leave my body, make myself unconscious and roam a different plane in existence. Then, there is always the ones that happen while I’m asleep, I would physically get up and take part in my dream in reality. And then, as Edness had graciously shown me, she was able to pull me from my own dream, and into hers. This one freaked me out the most. I was hoping this one was more of a nightmare; mainly because if it was a walking dream, then whose dream was I in? I shook my head. I had to focus. There was still more fighting to come. I sighed. How can she complete the blood ritual? The winter solstice had passed. What ritual can be done now? What does she want now? My questions still aren’t getting answered here. I felt my arms where Duncan had grabbed me in my nightmare. I shook my head, scared of Duncan, of what he had done to me. Then I started to overhear a commotion just outside the library door. It drew my attention back to the conversations happening in the mansion. I stood with the unusual feeling of being out of body as I made my muscles walk forward. I reached for the doorknob, holding it, and listened while they were arguing.

  “Don’t disturb her.” Duncan demanded from Alex.

  “It’s not your place to be in charge of her.” Alex said with his characteristic arrogance and boldness to a royal. He didn’t shock me, but he shocked and angered Duncan. No one should question a member of the royal family. The finich would address that.

  “You don’t order me around, peasant.” He growled as he snapped at him.

n!” I heard a distant furious voice that made my heart pound.

  Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned their attention to Declan. “You have no right. And if you must know she is already aware of your foolishness on both your parts. Leave her be.” They rumbled around a second, “Leave. Now.” His voice bit in the stale air.

  I couldn’t believe that Duncan would treat my pack like that. I was furious at the disrespect that had been shown from the majority of the Callamores since that night. A piercing pain came from my gut. I decided that pressing up against the door was enough, I twisted the old door knob and swung open the door. I looked directly at Duncan. His face almost caught me off guard as my nightmare was brought back to me in that instant. It sent shivers up my spine and I swallowed hard, wetting my lips before I spoke. “What’s going on?” I said with a weak demand. I shook my head once more to clear my vision and rubbed my forehead feeling a migraine coming.

  Declan took a step toward me with his hand extended outward to me, “There is nothing going on, it’s been dealt with. Why won’t you come back to your room? Mary made it up for you.” His glossy brown eyes sparkled at me.

  I pulled back from him with the same nightmare in mind, “I will be fine in the library for now.”

  “I can stay with you if you want some company?” Alex spoke up and smiled at me.

  “Uhh… don’t worry about me. Has Matt and Angelica returned yet?” I turned back to Declan.

  He ran his hand through his hair and looked away for a brief second, “Grandmother doesn’t want Angelica to come back just yet. She said she would be safer in the Northern Territory with the Garretts. Their guards are high ranking within our own military and she feels safer with them there.” I nodded my head in agreement and disappointment. I really wanted him back here not just for me, but he had always helped me sort through the confusing things in life. Especially since Tommy wasn’t there for me, at least in the way that I wanted him. I put my hand up to the necklace that Aodhan had given to me.


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