Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4) Page 11

by Cala Riley

  Looks like that’s paying off now.

  Zeroing in on his coordinates, I’m confused.

  What could he be doing in the old industrial district?

  The sudden urge to check it out overtakes me. Jumping up, I get dressed quickly.

  I order a taxi to pick me up down the street, then do something I have never done before.

  I sneak out of my house—not that it’s hard. I know Sage and Reed are watching a movie downstairs while Morgan and Keaton are out tonight.

  They all think I went to bed early. I told them that so I could talk to Finley without interruptions. It’s become my dirty secret, talking to him every night, having him to myself for once.

  Being as stealthy as I can manage, I creep down the stairs, hoping Boswell isn’t hiding somewhere. My heart is pounding at the thought of getting caught.

  I have to admit, it’s quite exhilarating.

  Sliding from the front door, I thank the Lord that Reed hasn’t armed the system yet. Yes, I could turn it off, but then he would know I did.

  He’s probably waiting for Keaton to come home before he does. Ever the father figure, that one.

  Not wasting any time, I run down the driveway, past the gate, and down to the waiting car.

  “Thank you for waiting.”

  “Of course, ma’am.” The older gentleman smiles towards me.

  The drive takes thirty minutes. Thankfully, Fred, my driver, chats the entire way, helping relieve my nerves.

  I learn he has three daughters of his own, along with a couple of grandchildren from his eldest. That may be why he expresses his concern with letting me out at the building in front of us.

  “Thank you, Fred. I’m actually meeting a friend here. I’ll be okay.”

  He gives me an uneasy smile before handing a card to me. “Call me directly if you need a ride back. This isn’t the best area.”

  Nodding, I slide out. He waits as I walk towards the building.

  When I get to the door, I give him a small wave before smiling at the two large guards.

  “Can we help you?” The way the words are spit out, I have to say these men take their job seriously.

  “I’m meeting a friend.” I try to sound confident, but I’m nervous.

  For the first time tonight, I think about how stupid it was for me to come here. I have no idea what I’m getting myself into. I take a nervous step back, but one of the men reaches out, grabbing my arm.

  “Where’re you going, honey?” This one shoots a slight grin at me.

  The other scoffs at him, pulling his radio out. “Forty-three at the door.”

  “What’s forty-three?” I ask, pulling away from the guard, the sick feeling in my stomach settling.

  “Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about,” guard one, the rude one, sneers at me.

  “Well, okay then. Can I go? I must have made a mistake.”

  Guard two, the nicer one, gives me a pained smile. “I wish, baby doll, but you showed up here to an undisclosed location. Boss man will want to know how you found it.”

  Panic begins to set in.

  Boss man? Like a gang or the mob?

  “Don’t look so scared. He doesn’t hurt innocents,” guard two tries to comfort me.

  Before I can respond, the door opens and a familiar face pops out.

  “What’s the problem?” The man cuts his eyes to me. “Holy fuck. Tinsley, what the hell are you doing here?”

  I smile my sweetest smile. “Looking for Finley.”

  He rubs his neck, looking around. “You should go home. How did you get here?”


  His eyes widen. “Fuck, Abbot is going to kill me. Fine. You can come in, but you stay right next to me. Don’t talk to anyone and don’t make eye contact. Got it?”

  I sigh. “Sure thing.”

  To be honest, I’m not sure I want to go in anymore. I’m more nervous than I’ve been all night.

  “You sure about this, Nate? She looks like a snitch,” guard one gives me a disgusted look.

  “Enough, Jared.” Nate’s tone makes me jump.

  Neither guard makes another sound as Nate pulls me under his arm. “Let’s go find Finley.”

  As we walk into the warehouse, I’m assaulted by the smell—a mixture of sweat, blood, and throw up makes me feel sick.

  “Breathe through your mouth.” Nate pats my shoulder.

  “You’re friends with Finley?” I ask, aware that I agreed to come inside this weird warehouse with a relative stranger.

  I mean, I know who Nate is. I’ve seen him at parties, but I don’t really know him.

  “As much as one can be friends I suppose.” His cryptic answer doesn’t calm me.

  It’s only the knowledge that I’ve seen him at many of Rocky’s parties, talking to both Reed and Finley, that’s keeping me glued to his side.

  Well, that and everyone around me seems to be dangerous.

  The room is really a large, open warehouse with metal walls and fluorescent lighting above. There’s a cleared circle in the middle of thecrowd, but I can’t see what’s going on inside the circle. The crowd around me is filled with mostly men without shirts with many tattoos covering every inch of their bodies. The ones who don’t have as many tattoos have scars. One is even actively bleeding.

  “This way, sweetie. Don’t stop.”

  At Nate’s words, I realize the sight of the blood paused my steps, causing Nate to stop with me.

  I let him lead me around the crowd, over to crates stacked up on the other side. I let out a breath of relief when I see Rocky sitting on top, overlooking the crowd. He does a double take when he sees me before jumping down from his perch.

  “What the fuck, Nate?” Rocky gets right in his face.

  I recoil at the tension coming off his body.

  “She showed up at the door looking for Abbot. She took a fucking taxi, man.” Nate pushes him back.

  I brace myself for the confrontation I’m expecting, but Rocky turns his eyes towards me.

  “Finley will lose his shit when he sees her.” Rocky’s voice is certain.

  “I know, but he would kill me if I let her take another taxi home. I’ll watch her.”

  Rocky shakes his head. “Go do your fucking job. I’ll watch her.”

  Nate nods before leaning in to give me a half hug. “You’re in good hands. My brother will take excellent care of you.”

  “Brother?” I question, but he winks before turning to leave without answering.

  “Up you go.” Rocky grabs my hips, setting me on the top crate where he was just sitting. He steps up on one and leans against the one I’m sitting on, his attention going back to the center of the circle.

  From up here, I can see what has the crowd enamored. In the center, two figures exchange hits. One taller male, torso covered in tattoos looking like a damn tank, circles the other man. The other man is only a couple of inches shorter, but he is definitely not as muscular as the other. What he doesn’t have in muscle, he makes up in speed. I’m mesmerized by the way his body moves. When he launches to the other side of the circle, landing a punch to the larger man’s stomach, I can finally see his face.

  I gasp.


  “Shh. You’ll distract him.”

  I didn’t even realize I shouted his name. I saw him and lost myself as my heart started beating erratically.

  Finley Abbot stands in the center of a circle, fighting a man that is bigger than him. My hand reaches up to my throat as I hold in my screams, tears freely falling on my cheeks.

  Why is he here?

  Finley’s eyes meet mine, widening slightly in surprise, before he focuses back on his opponent.

  I watch as his body moves fluidly. He must have been playing with the man before, because suddenly, he ramps up his speed, landing hits left and right.

  The man tries to reach out for Finley, but Fin dodges each attempt and lands a carefully placed hit each time.

thin minutes the larger man falls, leaving Finley standing in the center. Another man comes out to lift his arm, but Finley pulls away, making a beeline right for me. His eyes lock on mine, and the world falls away.

  My eyes take in every inch of his body, cataloguing every injury I see. The cut on his eyebrow bleeding profusely, the bruises already showing on his ribs, and the blood lining his clenched fists.

  I don’t have time to move. Finley jumps up on the crate in front of me, caging me in with his arms.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Tin?” He is breathing hard.

  “I was worried about you. I wanted to check on you.” I reach out, wiping the blood from his face.

  “Fuck. How did you find me?” He leans his forehead against mine.

  “Find Your Friends app,” I whisper.

  “Shit. You shouldn’t be here.” His eyes meet mine.

  I see the worry in them, but there is also anger… and is that heat?

  “I want to be wherever you are. Let me stop this bleeding.”

  I’m well aware that I now have blood on my face, but one look at Finley and I couldn’t care.

  “Not here. Come on.” He grabs my hand, pulling me down with him. “I’ll come by tomorrow.” He shakes Rocky’s hand.

  Rocky nods, smirking as Finley pulls me behind him.

  “Going so soon, honey?” guard two asks when we exit, causing Finley to stop and glare at the man.

  “Watch your mouth. She’s not your honey. Don’t speak to her again.” Finley is coiled so tight, I’m scared he may burst.

  I pull at his hand, finally breaking his eye contact with the guard. When the guard laughs, Finley moves to turn around again, but I keep pulling him forward.

  “Take me home,” I whisper.

  He nods and leads me to his car.

  Once inside, he turns to me. “Why are you here?” His voice is gentler this time.

  “You sounded upset earlier. I wanted to check on you. Why are you here?” I throw his own question back at him.

  He shakes his head as he starts the car.

  “Tell me, Fin. It’s me. You can tell me anything.”

  Sighing, he glances at me before putting the car in gear. “You wouldn’t get it.”

  “Try me.” I reach out, grabbing his hand on the gearshift.

  He is quiet for a long moment before he says, “It clears my mind.”

  “Getting your ass handed to you clears your mind?” I can’t hide the anger brewing inside of me.

  He chuckles, causing my blood to boil. “I wasn’t getting my ass handed to me, babe.”

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me. You find this funny? I’m legit watching you bleed from several places on your body, and you’re laughing.”

  He turns his hand over, capturing mine with his. “I’m only laughing because you have so little faith in me. I let him get those hits in. It’s all part of the show. It’s why they pay big money to see me fight. I’m the best fighter Rocky has.”

  “Rocky? Rocky put you up to this? I’m going to kill him.” My hand clenches on his.

  “Ouch, babe. My knuckles are tender, you know.”

  My eyes fly to his hand, seeing them red and angry. I bring it up to my lips, lightly pressing a kiss on the only clean spot I can find. “I’m sorry.” I feel terrible for bringing him more pain.

  When he laughs again, I let go of his hand and cross my arms over my chest. “Why are you laughing now?”

  “You’re too sweet for me. You’re pissed that I’m fighting, yet you still kiss my fists. The same fists that beat a man senseless right in front of you. The whole situation is fucked up.”

  Turning, I glare at the side of his face. “It’s fucked up that you would even put yourself in that position. Fighting’s dangerous. You might be the best, but you never know when someone better will come along. You have already had so many concussions with lacrosse, and now you are risking one bad hit to end your life?”

  He lets out a humorless laugh this time. “My life may end in seven years anyways. Might as well live while I can, you know?”

  I sigh. “You don’t know if you have bipolar disorder. You could never get it, or you could show signs at twenty-five. Fuck, maybe you’ll get hit by a bus tomorrow. Is this how you want to live your life?”

  He’s quiet for a moment, considering my words. When he speaks, it’s a whisper. “No. I don’t.” Leaning over the center console, he reaches out, bringing my lips to his. At the first touch, my body reacts, moving closer without my permission.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he murmurs to me between kisses. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that. That you had to see this dark side of me.”

  Pushing him back, I attempt to climb over the center to get in his lap. As soon as he understands my plan, he pushes the seat all the way back, welcoming me with open arms.

  Settling on his lap, I lean my forehead against his. “It was scary to see you fight, but—” I pause, biting my lip. “—I have to admit, it was also kind of hot. Seeing you all sweaty with your shirt off.” I run my hand down his chest. “I could do without the blood, but it’s hot that you can take care of yourself.”

  He leans closer, capturing my lips with his, biting mine the same way I was a moment ago. “It’s not about protecting myself. It’s about protecting you. Your body likes that it knows that I can protect you. It’s a basic instinct to want a man who can provide for you in every way—emotionally, physically, sexually. Two out of three isn’t bad, huh?”

  Grabbing both sides of his face, I make him look me right in the eye. “You check all three boxes. You take care of me better than anyone.”

  I pull his lips to mine, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms squeeze against my lower back before he pulls away.

  “We should go, babe.”

  “I think you should take care of me like you promised.” I hope the smile on my face is seductive, because I sure as fuck don’t know what I’m doing.

  All I know is that that ache between my legs is slowly starting to throb, making me need him.

  “How’s that?” His eyes are heated as his hands explore my body. One hand over my ass squeezes lightly. The other hand slides up my spine, diving into my hair to cradle the back of my neck. Through my thin T-shirt, I can feel his heat as it travels up my body.

  Rocking my hips against him once, I moan as I realize he is already rock-hard.

  “Fuck,” he curses, pulling my head towards him to devour my mouth.

  I let my hands explore, rubbing down his chest, using my nails to lightly graze his skin. He shivers at the contact, causing my body to react in kind.

  When his hands find their way up my shirt, I realize this is going further than I anticipated. I know if he thought it over, he would tell me to stop, but I don’t want to. I want to experience this. I need this.

  Taking hold of the reins, I pull my shirt over my head. His eyes land on my chest, his tongue coming out to lick his bottom lip as he stares at my bra-covered breasts. I go to take the bra off, but he shakes his head no.

  “You’re so fucking sexy. This is the sexiest color on you. I could eat you whole right now.”

  My bra is a pink color with lace. I didn’t plan to wear it. Before I came here, I was planning to go to bed after having some dirty talk with Finley. I only pulled it on because I decided to come find him. I’m not even wearing any underwear under my leggings.

  “Then do it,” I taunt, answering his statement as if it were a question.

  Growling, he peeks out the windows before tugging my bra down to reveal my breasts.

  “Hold on, baby, this will be quick, hard, and dirty.”

  I moan at his words, loving the way he talks dirty to me. I’m not a porcelain doll anymore. I’m his baby. His girl to do whatever he wants to. I should be appalled, but as long as the playing is only in the bedroom, or in this case the car, then I’m turned the fuck on.

  As his lips wrap around one nipple, I jerk up, hitting my head o
n the ceiling.

  We both laugh, mine turning into a moan when he once again takes my nipple in his mouth, his hands holding my hips in place this time.

  He takes his time, giving both nipples equal attention until I’m a writhing mess on his lap. I can feel the moisture dripping out of me, soaking my leggings as I grind against him.

  When one of his hands reaches into the front of my leggings to slide down to my pussy, I know I’m not going to last.

  “You’re not wearing any panties?” His tone is angry, but his eyes still hold the same hunger.

  I shake my head, biting my lip.

  “You’re such a naughty girl, walking into a room full of wicked men with no panties on. What were you thinking?”

  His finger slips lower until it’s teasing my entrance.

  “I, uh, I was planning on having phone sex with you, but then I rushed here when you were abrupt on the phone.” I’m panting as his finger lazily rubs from my clit to my entrance, slipping in only a little before repeating the process.

  “You wanted to have phone sex with me, huh? Wanted me to tell you about all the dirty things I would do to you if I could?”

  His finger spears me, diving deep as he brings his lips to mine for a quick kiss. He pumps into me a couple of times before sliding back out to circle my clit.

  “Finley, I need you,” I moan, my head falling to his shoulder as my hips try to ride his hand.

  “You need me to what? Finger fuck you in the driver’s seat of my car like a naughty girl? You need me to make you come so hard that you can’t see straight?”

  He pauses as my breaths become more ragged, pressing against my clit hard but not moving the way I need.

  “No,” I answer him through gasped breath. “I need you to fuck me with your cock and show me how badly you want me.”

  His body goes tense at my words, but then his hand moves again. This time, he works me faster.

  “We can’t fuck here. I can get you off though,” he whispers, his breath hitting my ear before he kisses my neck.

  I’m climbing higher, but now that he tells me we can’t fuck, that’s all I want to do. I grab his arm, stopping his movements.

  He looks at me confused. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  I let out a laugh at his concerned look. “Not at all. You listen to me, Finley, and listen good. You are going to fuck me right here in this car. You will do it because you told me you would always do everything within your power to make me happy. So, fuck me and fuck me hard, Finley Abbot, or else I will be one pissed-off woman.”


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