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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Cala Riley

  He growls, “Anyone can see you if they walk this way.”

  “Then you better be quick, because the only way I’m getting off your lap is when I’m spent from coming all over that gorgeous cock of yours.”

  He thinks about it for a moment before his hand pulls away from me. I’m disappointed, thinking maybe I went too far, but then his hands reach down, tearing my leggings in the center. Within a moment, he’s pulling himself out, stroking himself.

  “I don’t have a condom, Tin. This is a terrible idea,” he warns, but I can see his self-control slipping.

  “I had Sage take me for birth control last month. You can pull out. Double the protection and all.”

  “When did you get all badass and demanding?” he questions as he lines himself up with my entrance.

  “About the same time I decided that I was done waiting for your ass to wise up. Now are you going to fuck me or—”

  The sentence isn’t even out of my mouth when he slams up into me. We both let out an animalistic moan as we savor the feel of each other.

  “Are you tighter? You feel tighter than the last time,” he breathes into my ear.

  I don’t respond, feeling my body clenching around him, his dick jumping with each twitch. He waits only a moment before he moves my hips, grinding me down on himself as he thrusts up to meet me.

  This isn’t the slow, sensual sex we had before. This is dark, dangerous, and sexy as fuck. He pounds into me hard as I ride him harder. My nails bite into his skin as his lips latch onto my neck. We’re both so lost in each other that nothing else exists.

  My body coils with tension as it begs for its release. Each of his thrusts knocks his pelvic bone into my clit, bringing me even higher. I can hear my high-pitched moan, but I can’t stop it. Finally, I break, my body going rigid as it jerks with my release. Finley continues to pump into me at an unrelenting pace, prolonging my pleasure almost to the point of pain. He pulls out from me suddenly and reaches between us to jerk his cock until he comes all over my leggings and his lap.

  He sighs and pulls me to him once he’s done. “You’re too good to be true, baby. That was hot as fuck.”

  I smile against his neck, feeling the familiar slumber pulling at me after a good orgasm. He lets me lie in his lap for a couple of minutes before making me get into my seat to get dressed.

  The only thought in my mind as he holds my hand on the way back to my house is that I’m madly in love with Finley Abbot.


  Chapter Nine


  “Good to see you, Mr. Abbot,” Boswell greets. “Mr. Brooks and Mr. Reed and Keaton are in the theater room.”

  “Thanks, Boswell,” I say as I pass him into the house and make my way towards the theater room. As I approach, I can hear them laughing. I stop in the doorway and stare at my three best friends, my brothers. The guys I would do anything for.

  Hopefully, they feel the same way about me.

  “Dude, are you wearing a baby?” I tease Sterling as I walk over to the giant bottle of hand sanitizer sitting beside Amethyst’s diaper bag. I squirt some onto my hands before rubbing them together.

  “She loves it.” He looks down at her and says in a baby voice, “Don’t you, baby girl? You love being close to Daddy.”

  Amethyst coos.

  I walk over to him and run my finger along Amethyst’s cheek. “He can believe whatever he wants, can't he, sweetheart? But we know the truth. You prefer your uncle Fin.” She gives me a gummy smile before burying her face into her dad's chest.

  I walk over to one of the couches and sit down. When I look up, I see Reed staring right at me.

  “You ready to talk?” Reed asks.

  I rub my hands over my face before looking him in the eye. “Yes.”

  He nods once before leaning back into his chair and steepling his hands.

  “Now, boys, remember to stay calm. I don’t like it when things get tense. I feed off your energy, and I’m only into positive vibes,” Sterling says in the baby voice again while getting comfortable in his seat.

  “You and V need a break away from the baby, huh?” Keaton teases.

  Before Sterling can respond Reed says, “Talk.”

  So I do.

  “My mother’s bipolar. All those times you thought I was off traveling the world; I was actually at home helping her through her more difficult episodes. When she’s taking her medication regularly, she’s good. She’s the mom that you guys probably remember from when we were kids. The problem is, since my dad left, I can barely get her to take it. She would rather live in manic episodes than live without him. I’m not enough for her to stay straight. I never have been. Not to mention the fact that she’s too busy fucking her way through the county to even care who the person is. When she’s not fucking, she’s drinking, or, hell, getting high for all I know. When I was ten, I found coke in her nightstand drawer.”

  I take a deep breath. “Fuck, I don’t even know anymore. All I know is that I have been keeping this from you. Not only have I given up my social life for her, to care for her, I’ve given up my mental health for her too. Always worrying about her and how far she will go this time.”

  You could hear a pin drop at the silence in the room. I look to each one of them, shock clear on every face.

  “Fuck, Fin. I knew something was up with you, but I didn’t expect that. Why haven’t you ever told us? Told me?” Keaton’s eyes are filled with hurt.

  I shrug. “I didn’t want to burden you guys. Maybe I was embarrassed. I don’t really know why. It’s scary having a mother who has so many personalities they are hard to keep straight. I didn’t know what to do when I was a kid. By the time I grew up, I was used to it. Just another fucked-up routine I had to follow.”

  Sterling continues to pace, bouncing the baby. “We would have understood, but I get it. Your secrets are yours to keep. Why are you telling us this now?”

  I look to Reed and Keaton. “Tinsley knows. She’s been my rock lately. She pushed me to tell you guys. I’ve been disconnected from you all. I was doing it on purpose. Do you guys know much about bipolar disorder?”

  When they all shake their heads, I continue. “It can be hereditary. Can you imagine that? I could have this disease. I love my mother, but at the same time, I kind of hate her. She could have passed the gene along to me. Then what? I pass it along to my child? Fuck no. I can’t even have children. Even if I don’t develop the disorder, my child still can. It would be selfish of me to curse my child like that.” After shaking my head, I let it fall into my hands.

  “This is some heavy shit. I can’t believe you’ve been dealing with this on your own.” Keaton says.

  I shrug. “When we were younger, I didn’t know how to tell you. Then you guys found your happy. How could I ruin that?”

  Reed walks over, clapping me on the back. “Bro, you’re part of our happy. You’re family. Never hold this shit inside again.”

  I nod.

  “I have a question,” Keaton starts.

  For the next hour, I answer all of their questions, laying it all out on the table. Telling them every dark thought I’ve ever had. All my worries for the future. Everything except the light in my world.



  I’m sitting on the kitchen island, legs crisscrossed, eating salted caramel ice cream when I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see Finley.

  “Hey, I didn’t know you were here.” I set the ice cream carton down next to me.

  Finley steps in front of me. “Yeah, I had to talk to the guys.” He grabs the spoon and takes a bite of my ice cream.

  “Who said you could have any?” I tease.

  Finley smirks. “Like you’d say no.”

  “How did your talk go?”

  “As well as expected.” He sighs. “Sterling brought Amethyst, so they all had to stay relatively calm for her benefit. Baby girl’s already saving my ass.”

  I bring my hand up t
o his face and cup his chin, rubbing my thumb along the corner of his lip. “Hey, turn that frown upside down. They said they’re here for you, right?” I ask softly.

  “They did, after ripping me a new asshole about how I shouldn’t keep shit from them.”

  “See, all is well. It can only go up from here.” I slide my thumb from the corner of his lip to the middle. Finley opens his mouth and nips at it, making me gasp.

  “You miss me, sweetheart?” he murmurs while staring at my lips. He grabs my hips, pulling me closer to him.

  “When do I not?” I lean forward and kiss him softly. Finley’s hand comes up to the back of my neck and keeps me in place as he kisses me harder, deeper.

  He pulls back a little. “God I love your lips.” He nips at my bottom one, making me moan.

  “That’s enough,” Reed growls.

  Next thing I know, Finley’s being pulled off me and is pinned against the counter next to me.

  “Reed!” I screech.

  “It’s okay, Tin,” Finley says calmly.

  “There is nothing fine about finding you with your hands on my sister and your tongue down her throat.”

  “Oh, come on!” I jump down off the counter and start pulling at Reed, trying to get him to back off.

  “What did I miss?” Keaton comes running into the kitchen with Sterling wearing Amethyst right behind him.

  “I found this asshole all over Tins,” Reed grinds out.

  “It was mutual,” Finley says calmly.

  “You’re a fucking playboy,” Reed growls.

  Finley cringes. “I was.”

  “She’s my sister.”

  “She is,” Finley confirms.

  “I mean, if you think about it, I do a lot worse to your sister nightly,” Sterling offers, trying to defuse the situation.

  Reed ignores him. “You're not good enough for her.” Reed pushes off Finley and starts pacing.

  Finley moves to stand up straight. “You’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right!” Reed roars.

  “But I want to be,” Finley whispers.

  “Knock it off, you big fucking oaf! Isn’t that up to me?” I demand.

  “No,” all four men say in unison.

  “You're being unreasonable!” I push at Reed’s chest. He’s as solid as an oak tree and doesn’t even sway.

  “You made me a promise. Do you remember that promise, Finley?” Reed crosses his arms, glaring at Finley.

  Finley’s chest deflates. “I do.”

  “Do you think, after everything you just told us, you’re what’s best for her?” Reed’s words break my heart.

  Finley trusted them, brought this to them because they are his family, and Reed throws it back in his face. I’m fuming.

  “I can be better for her, Reed. I can make her happy,” Finley attempts to argue.

  “You promised to always protect her. That means protecting her from everything, Fin. Even yourself.” Reed’s words are soft this time, the anger draining from him.

  Everyone goes quiet.

  “He’s right, you know? I mean, I don’t deserve you.” Finley’s eyes meet mine, a blank stare in place. “I’m destined to be a fuckup. No matter how much I try, I’ll never be good enough. You deserve the best, babe,” Finley says resigned. “Don’t worry Reed, it won’t happen again.”

  I step right into Finley’s space. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Deadly,” he says calmly, the loving look from before gone. The weight of the world settled back on his shoulder.

  “Then we’re good,” Reed says behind me.

  I turn to Keaton and Sterling. “Are you guys going to stop this nonsense?”

  “Not my place, Tins,” Sterling says while bouncing Amethyst.

  “I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it.” Keaton shrugs. “But unless something has changed, aren’t you with Xavier? Don’t you think he would be pissed if he knew what happened tonight?”

  “No, he wouldn’t care because it’s not like that between us!”

  “Are you sure?” Keaton asks with a raised brow.


  “It won’t happen again,” Finley says again. I turn around and see him and Reed in a staring contest.

  “Good.” Reed nods.

  “Good.” Finley nods.

  It’s then that the weight of what I’ve lost hits me.

  Unable to contain the emotions inside, I pound on Finley’s chest. “You’re supposed to fight for this. For us. Remember? You made promises to me too. You’re going to throw this all away?”

  When he doesn’t stop me from hitting him, Keaton does. “That’s enough, Tins. He’s made his choice.”

  Who was I kidding? Finley Abbot was never mine to begin with.

  “What happened to the brother who would do anything in the world to make me happy? Who surprised me with a pony on my eighth birthday, only to have to find it a new home two months later because I lost interest? Is that brother still around?” I glare at Reed, tears blurring my vision. “Or how about the one who told Xavier that if he hurt me he knew how to make him disappear? Is he still there? If he is, then I need him to make all three of you disappear.”

  With one last look at Finley, who won’t meet my eyes, I turn, pushing out of Keaton’s grip to storm out of the room.

  Once in my room, I let the tears fall. Keaton comes to my door a while later, but I ignore his knocks. When Sage stops by not long after, I answer only long enough to tell her I want to be alone.

  Grabbing a blanket, I step out onto my balcony, pulling my knees to my chest, staring at the stars.

  I’ve always loved the night sky. It reminds me how insignificant my problems are. There’s an entire universe out there, and I’m just a speck in it.

  “Why?” I ask the moon shining brightly above.

  Of course it’s a full moon. Terrible things always happen on a full moon.

  Deciding I need to purge the feelings inside, I continue talking to the moon, knowing it will keep my secrets.

  “I’m in love with him.” My voice cracks. “He doesn’t want me. Why am I not enough for him? I gave him my everything.” A sob escapes me. “I gave him my first time. I gave him my heart. Why can’t I be enough? Why couldn’t he stand up for me?”

  I let my head rest on my knees as my unanswered questions whirl in the silence.



  “Hey, I came as soon as you called. What’s wrong?”

  I smile as Morgan appears at my door, looking disheveled, like she just rolled out of bed.

  “I needed some best friend time. Did you have plans?” I hate bothering people.

  Laughing, she settles on my bed next to me. “Same shit I do every day pretty much.”

  I snort. “So fuck my brother?”

  We burst into laughter.

  “I will neither confirm nor deny that statement.”

  My heart aches at the wistful look on her face. It’s obvious that Morgan and Keaton are in love. They have been for most of their lives.

  “Really, T. What’s going on?”

  Shaking my head, I turn on the TV. “I miss you. Can we have a girls’ night?”

  She stares at me, but eventually nods. “Girls’ night it is.”

  She picks up her phone, sending a text before turning her phone off and placing it on my nightstand.

  “Did you turn off your phone?” I shoot her an odd look.

  “Yep. Otherwise Keat would be texting the entire time. I said girls’ night, so girls’ night it is.”

  Even with the emotional turmoil inside, I give her a genuine smile.

  “Thanks. So, movies?”

  “Fine. We can watch some romantic comedies.” Morgan rolls her eyes as I celebrate my small win.

  After putting on Dirty Dancing, we get comfortable. I try to focus on the movie, but as Patrick Swayze plays a bad boy Jennifer Grey can’t help but love, I think about Finley, my own bad boy whom I can’t help but love.
br />   I watch as Baby fights for Johnny, showing him what she would give up to be with him—losing her father’s respect and alienating herself from him only to lose Johnny at the end.

  “Tin, are you okay?” Morgan’s abrupt question coupled with her sitting up startles me.

  “Yeah,” I mumble.

  “You’re crying. What’s wrong?”

  I wipe at my face. “Nothing.” I sniffle.

  “Tinsley, I’m your best friend. I love you to death. You can tell me anything.” Holding my hands, she sits patiently while I mull over her words.

  It’s not that I don’t want to share this with her. I only wanted to keep this to myself because I didn’t want to share Finley and our experience together.

  Sighing, I decide I need to tell someone.

  “I’m in love with Finley Abbot.”

  She gives me a sad smile. “I know, honey. I know.”

  I nod. Everyone knows that I love him—everyone except him.

  “It’s more than that. I finally had him, Morgan. He was mine for a little while. I got to know the him we never get to see. He’s kind and charming. He’s so smart too. He has a lot of issues he hides that I don’t think even Keaton knows about.”

  Morgan bites her lip, thinking. Finally, she speaks. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Tin. Finley isn’t known for being monogamous.”

  I bristle at her words. I know she’s right, but I can’t help but defend him. “Only because he can’t be. He refuses to let himself care too deeply for anyone. He holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. You don’t know what he’s gone through.”

  Morgan sighs. “Think about this logically. If you get with him and he breaks your heart, Keaton and Reed will never forgive him. If he’s gone through as much as you say, then you know he needs those guys. He needs this family. Are you willing to chance that?”

  Standing, I move away from her. “Don’t you think I know this? Why do you think I’ve kept our relationship a secret?”


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