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Lady Pamela and the Gambler: The Merry Misfits of Bath - Book Three

Page 15

by Hutton, Callie

She leaned in until they were nose to nose. “I b-beat you to it.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes. “I was a fool. A complete idiot. I won’t even blame it on my own deep-seated fear of not being good enough. I know I’m good enough. Good enough for you because I love you so much and that makes me the best, happiest, and smartest man in Bath. Probably London, too.” He waved his arm around. “Hell, all of England.”

  Pamela traced her fingertip over his eyebrow. “I l-love you too, you f-fool. I don’t care that you own a gambling club, or th-that you started life on the streets of London. I love th-that part of you because that’s what m-makes up Mr. Nick Smith. The man I love.”

  “Everything all right, boss?” Ernest hurried into the room and taking in the scene stopped, a grin covering his face. “Well, it appears it is.”

  Pamela’s face flushed again as she looked from Ernest to Nick. “I’m afraid I was a b-b-bit out of control when I a-arrived.”

  Nick tried hard not to laugh. “Out of control?”

  “She means,” Ernest said, “that she arrived in a fury, almost knocked the doorman over, mumbled something about killing you slowly and painfully and raced up the stairs before anyone could stop her.”

  Nick’s brows rose as he grinned at her. “You did that? You, my sweet little, shy bride-to-be, did that?”

  “Br-bride-to-be? I d-don’t remember h-hearing a pr-proposal.”

  Nick shifted in his chair and looked over Pamela’s shoulder. “Ernest, you can leave now.”

  The man gave Nick a short salute and left the room. “No one is to disturb Mr. Smith.” He shouted as he walked away from the door.

  Nick stood, still holding Pamela and turned to deposit her on the edge of his desk. He patted his jacket pocket, pulled out the box with the ring and got down on one knee. “Lady Pamela Manning, I love you with my entire being. You are the air I breathe and what makes my blood pump.” He winked at her. “In more ways than one.”

  She blushed.

  He continued. “Will you do me the great honor of accepting my hand in marriage?”

  “Y-yes. I will.”

  He opened the small box and took out the ring he’d carried for two weeks. Thank God in his wisdom he hadn’t thrown it into the fireplace the few times he wanted to. He slid the ring on her finger. It was a bit too big but that could be fixed.

  “Congratulations!” The office door flew open again and several employees and a few patrons barged in.

  “I thought you told everyone I was not to be disturbed.”

  Ernest grinned. “We didn’t disturb you until you finished your speech. And a fine one it was, too.”

  “Were y-you all l-listening at the d-door?” Pamela gasped.

  Toby pushed through the crowd and deposited a bottle of champagne on the desk, along with two glasses. “Of course, we were listening. We weren’t going to let your man here mess it up again.”

  “All of you being here is not going to stop me from doing what I wanted to do since my betrothed marched through that door.” He stood and pulled Pamela up. Wrapping his arms around her he bent her over his arm and kissed her with shouts and whoops from twenty or more observers.


  “With this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” Nick’s words rang out firmly and clearly as he slid the wedding ring on Pamela’s finger.

  It had been a whirlwind two weeks from the time they’d become betrothed to the cheers of a crowd until the time they stood before the vicar. Nick was all for asking Marcus to obtain a special license to have a quick wedding, but Addie, Lottie and even Lizbeth, the newest member of Pamela’s group of friends who called themselves The Merry Misfits of Bath, had all shushed him and said Pamela deserved a nice wedding.

  Of course, he wanted his bride to have a nice wedding, but he also wanted to have her warm, soft, willing body next to him in bed each night. Mrs. Fletcher became an absolute tyrant, not allowing them any time at all alone.

  “But Mrs. Fletcher, we will be married in a matter of days. What difference does it make if we anticipate our vows a bit?” He hated the pleading note in his voice because, after all, she was his employee.

  When he pointed that out to her she merely laughed and walked away. When he shouted after her that she was fired she laughed harder.

  But all the waiting was worth it with the ceremony behind them and the wedding breakfast nearly over.

  The biggest surprise, and probably a nice one for Pamela’s sake was when Lord and Lady Mulgrave entered the church. It did appear to him that the man practically dragged his wife past the door, but at least Pamela’s brother was there for her.

  Nick had made his peace with the man, too. If they were going to be related, he might as well try to get along. Lady Mulgrave? Ha. That was an impossible feat.

  He looked over at his new sister-in-law. She was staring straight ahead, almost as if she was afraid to accidentally speak with someone beneath her.

  Since the ladies wanted to go all out for the wedding party, they had arranged for music, which provided dancing when the meal had ended. Nick was grateful for Lord and Lady Berkshire offering to host the wedding breakfast at their house, despite Lady Berkshire growing near the time she would give birth to their first child.

  When he thanked Grayson he pulled him aside and said, “You will be quite glad it’s at someone else’s house when you want to drag your bride off to the bedroom and you don’t have to ask your guests to leave.”

  Nick’s attention was taken by Marcus Mallory who was in deep conversation with Miss Davenport. The girl had been welcomed with open arms by Addie when she had arrived from London after her ordeal. From what Marcus had told him she was working part time hours at the bookstore Addie once owned, Once Upon a Book.

  Nick wasn’t aware that Marcus and Miss Davenport had become friends. Although right now their deep conversation had become quite heated, so maybe not friends at all.

  Lord Berkshire strolled toward them where they stood near the orchestra and said something that made them both laugh. Marcus nodded, and Miss Davenport grinned.

  However, Nick was more interested in catching his new wife’s eye. Pamela was busy chatting away with Lottie and Addie, which amazed him because when she was with them her stuttering was less noticeable. He still chuckled when he remembered how there was absolutely no hint of a stutter when she charged into his office ready to do him harm. It made him confident that eventually she would relax enough with him that the stutter would lessen.

  Not that he cared. He loved her just the way she ways, stutter and all.

  Just as he was about to walk across the room and throw her over his shoulder she turned and smiled at him. That was all it took.

  Within minutes he had wrapped his arm around her waist, said a quick goodbye to the guests and ushered her out of the house.

  “My goodness. Y-you are in s-such a hurry.”

  “Oh, yes, my love. Very much in a hurry.” He helped her into his carriage and pulled down the shade to block out the rest of the world. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her with all the pent-up desire he’d been holding onto for weeks.

  She leaned her forehead against his. “I love you, Mr. Smith.”

  “And I love you, Mrs. Smith.” He leaned back. “However, I have been doing some investigation and actually, you are The Lady Pamela Smith.”

  She rolled her beautiful eyes. “I don’t care, Mr. Smith.”

  That was all he needed to hear.

  And there was no stutter.

  The End

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  I hope you had fun reading Pamela and Nick’s love story. Coming next in The Misfits of Bath series: The Artist an
d the Rake.

  Will her ruination kill her chance for love?

  Life hasn’t been too kind to talented artist, Lizbeth Davenport for the last few years. Her entire family was wiped out by influenza, leaving her alone in the world. Then she was unfairly fired from the job that was her sole support which led to her being kidnapped and sold to a brothel. Now that she’s free she’s ready to move on with her life, but the anger still festers that no one paid the price for kidnapping her.

  Even though his family has been pushing him toward marriage, Marcus Mallory has no desire for the confinement of the wedded state. He enjoys the company of the ladies and likes his life the way it is. Since he is attempting to have a bill passed on sex slavery in the House of Commons he is requested to help in the rescue of Lizbeth from the brothel. Aside from the attraction he feels toward her, he also bears a sense of responsibility for her welfare.

  When he discovers Lizbeth’s plan to bring down the people who are running the sex slavery ring, he insists on working with her, but will his growing attraction to Lizbeth ever be returned by this woman who cannot stand a man’s touch?

  Get your copy today.

  You can find a list of all my books h on my website.

  For the special treat I promised you, click here to receive a free copy of A Little Bit of Romance, three short stories of lovers reunited.


  About the Author

  Callie Hutton, the USA Today bestselling author of The Elusive Wife, writes both Western Historical and Regency romance, with “historic elements and sensory details” (The Romance Reviews). She also pens an occasional contemporary or two. Callie lives in Oklahoma with several rescue dogs and her top cheerleader husband of many years. Her family also includes her daughter, son, daughter-in-law and twin grandsons affectionately known as “The Twinadoes.”

  Callie loves to hear from readers. Contact her directly at or find her online at . Sign up for her newsletter to receive information on new releases, appearances, contests and exclusive subscriber content. Visit her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

  Callie Hutton has written more than thirty books. For a complete listing, go to

  Praise for books by Callie Hutton

  A Wife by Christmas

  “A Wife by Christmas is the reason why we read romance...the perfect story for any season.” --The Romance Reviews Top Pick

  The Elusive Wife

  “I loved this book and you will too. Jason is a hottie & Oliva is the kind of woman we'd all want as a friend. Read it!” --Cocktails and Books

  “In my experience I’ve had a few hits but more misses with historical romance so I was really pleasantly surprised to be hooked from the start by obviously good writing.” --Book Chick City

  “The historic elements and sensory details of each scene make the story come to life, and certainly helps immerse the reader in the world that Olivia and Jason share.” --The Romance Reviews

  "You will not want to miss The Elusive Wife.” --My Book Addiction

  "…it was a well written plot and the characters were likeable." --Night Owl Reviews

  A Run for Love

  “An exciting, heart-warming Western love story!" --NY Times bestselling author Georgina Gentry

  “I loved this book!!! I read the BEST historical romance last night...It's called A Run For Love.” --NY Times bestselling author Sharon Sala

  “This is my first Callie Hutton story, but it certainly won't be my last.” --The Romance Reviews

  A Prescription for Love

  "There was love, romance, angst, some darkness, laughter, hope and despair." --RomCon

  “I laughed out loud at some of the dialogue and situations. I think you will enjoy this story by Callie Hutton.” --Night Owl Reviews

  An Angel in the Mail

  “…a warm fuzzy sensuous read. I didn’t put it down until I was done.” --Sizzling Hot Reviews

  Visit for more information.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Author.

  Author’s website:

  Cover design by Maria Connor, My Author Concierge

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  First Edition February 2020




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