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Property 0f The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 3)

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by Luna Voss

  Property of the Babymaker

  Luna Voss


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Author’s Note

  Also by Luna Voss

  Chapter One

  Tomorrow I will experience my most deeply-ingrained fantasy.

  Also my greatest fear.

  Something I’ve been both dreading, and looking forward to with shameful fascination.

  An experience that I’ve been picturing in my mind ever since I was thirteen years old.

  Tomorrow, I am going to be sold as a Kyrzon Bride.

  This is not uncommon in my world: it’s a fate that befalls one in every ten women living in Human Territory here on Planet Kyrzon. It’s how we sustain our way of life. This planet is viciously hostile, swarming with horrifying, predatory creatures that view humans as nothing more than a tasty snack. Without the aid of the Kyrzons, the alien race native to this planet, our ancestors never would have survived when their spaceship landed here hundreds of years ago.

  But that aid came at a heavy price. Because when humans arrived all that time ago, the Kyrzon race was dying. Female births were rare, and the Kyrzon women that did exist were increasingly infertile.

  And so our ancestors made an arrangement: in exchange for the Kyrzons’ protection, one in every ten human women would be designated a Kyrzon Bride, to be sold at auction to whichever Kyrzon warrior could pay the most.

  Oh yeah, did I mention that the Kyrzons are warriors? Well, they are. It’s like their whole species was designed for violence. Honestly, if they weren’t so good at killing each other, I don’t think the number of human Brides sold to them would be nearly enough to satisfy them. As it is, most Kyrzon males live their entire lives without knowing the touch of a woman.

  These aren’t the kind of aliens I’ve seen in Earth movies. No little green men here.

  More like Conan the Barbarian.

  The Kyrzons are big. Seven feet tall at the shortest. And muscular. Like, rippling abs, bulging biceps, everything. Even a small Kyrzon is far, far more jacked than the strongest human I’ve ever seen.

  Most human women find the Kyrzons terrifying.

  That’s what they say in public, anyway. That’s what I say in public. Admitting to finding these brutish aliens attractive would be social suicide. Especially for a Kyrzon Bride. I got teased enough growing up without the other kids knowing that I actually fantasize about the idea of being purchased by an alien warrior.

  It’s not something I thought about very much until my name came out of the lottery when I was 13. But after that, it was all I could think about.

  For the first few years, I was deeply embarrassed about my attraction to the alien species. To this day, it’s not something I’ve ever shared with anyone. As I got older, though, my ideas on the matter became more practical: if I’m going to be sold to a Kyrzon, I may as well make peace with the idea that I’m kind of into it. It would be a waste of mental energy to keep denying the fact that these brutish warriors are basically sex on legs.

  Sex on three legs, not two, if my friend Cleopatra is to be believed.

  Cleo is my best friend. Her Auction Day was a year ago, and she was sold to Chief Drokal, the fearsome leader of a warrior clan. Since then, she and I have been able to keep in contact by using a radio communicator, and she’s been telling me about her experiences in the Kyrzon world.

  Experiences that apparently include learning that a certain part of the Kyrzon anatomy is much, much bigger than it is in humans.

  Even thinking about that topic brings a warmth to my cheeks. Cleo has refrained from being overly explicit in our conversations, but I can tell from her tone of voice whenever the subject comes up that she is very satisfied with the way her Kyrzon mate treats her in the bedroom.

  Such discussions have only added to my fantasies, making them impossible to ignore. Truth be told, I’ve spent the last week in a state of nervous, horny anticipation.

  Which honestly, is silly. Because unlike every other woman to be sold to the Kyrzons, I already know exactly who my mate will be.

  I will be purchased by Kalish, the brother of Cleo’s mate.

  We worked it out months ago. Not wanting to be separated again, or to leave the identity of my buyer to chance, we arranged for Kalish to come to Human Territory on my Auction Day and bid for me. At the time, it had seemed like a clever arrangement: I would guarantee my future with a friendly tribe, and Kalish would get to have a mate. Win-win.

  Now, though, I find my excitement lacking. Maybe it’s silly, but I want to be purchased by someone who knows from the moment he first sees me that he needs to have me. That’s the way Cleo described her Auction Day with Chief Drokal, anyway. Intense attraction at first sight, that ultimately led to love.

  That’s what I want.

  The idea that Kalish is only buying me because he agreed to do so kind of kills the vibe, you know?

  I want to be purchased by someone who finds me so desirable, he’ll bid whatever it costs to make me his. I want to know what it’s like to be chosen. I want to be amazed when the auction ends and I find out how much my future-mate is willing to pay for me.

  I suppose giving up those fantasies is part of growing up. This isn’t about fulfilling a fantasy, after all, this is about securing my future. The plan I’ve made with Cleo and Kalish will ensure that I’m sent to a safe, comfortable place, and that my mate will be someone who I can trust to treat me well.

  That’s more important than romance, or excitement, or pleasurable sex, I remind myself, swallowing.

  Much more important.

  I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a voice crackling through my radio communicator. I rush to turn up the volume, and am pleased to hear my best friend’s voice:

  “Julia? It’s Cleo, calling you from Clan Drokal Territory. Julia, are you there?”

  Chapter Two

  “Cleo! I’m so glad you called!”

  I curl up on my bed holding my communicator, glad to hear my friend’s voice.

  “I thought we would go over things one more time before your Auction Day,” she says.

  “Is Kalish there?” I ask, somewhat hopefully. It would be reassuring to talk to him before he buys me tomorrow.

  Cleo laughs. “No, he left yesterday morning. It’s a long journey to Human Territory from here. I imagine he’ll get to the city tonight just in time to make camp.”

  The human settlement of New Sutter in which I live is walled, and I’ve often seen the Kyrzons setting up camps at the outskirts on the nights before an Auction Day. It’s interesting, to think that my soon-to-be mate will like likely go to sleep tonight no more than a mile away from me.

  “Don’t be disappointed!” says Cleo. “You’ll get to meet him tomorrow.”

  “You’re sure he’ll have enough power units to buy me?” I ask nervously. I don’t want to sound arrogant, like I’m expecting to be the subject of an epic bidding war, but the thought has crossed my mind that we don’t actually know what pr
ice I’m going to fetch.

  “Definitely,” Cleo reassures me. “Drokal is sending him with enough charged power cells to run New Sutter for a month. It will be more than enough to cover the auction, no matter how expensive the bidding gets.”

  This reassures me somewhat. Here on Planet Kyrzon, energy is our only currency, and I’m glad to know that Kalish will be bringing enough to be sure he can accomplish his mission.

  “Thanks,” I say to my friend. “I know this can’t be cheap. I’m really grateful to you and Drokal for making it happen.”

  “No need to thank me!” comes Cleo’s voice through the communicator. “Do you know how excited I am to see my best friend again? This is basically Drokal’s anniversary present to me. I would come along myself, if I wasn’t so damn pregnant right now.”

  I laugh. Although I haven’t actually had the chance to see Cleo with her baby bump, I’ve been getting updates on her pregnancy every time we’ve talked lately. As far as I can tell, Drokal pretty much got her pregnant within a couple weeks, or at most a month, of buying her. Every time I think about it, I’m filled with a certain tingly anticipation at the idea of my own mate doing the same to me.

  If the Kyrzons are as vigorous lovers as Cleo makes it sound, I might have a baby bump of my own pretty soon.

  After all, that’s what being a Kyrzon Bride is all about.

  Cleo’s voice interrupts my thoughts: “So from what Drokal has been able to figure out, the main other clans at the auction tomorrow should be Clan Burdda and Clan Gurrak. There might be some warriors from smaller clans there too, but they’ll probably be priced out early. Don’t worry if you don’t see Kalish bidding at first. He won’t let the auction end unless he has the high bid. We know we have the power units for it.”

  I have a question I want to ask Cleo, but I hesitate, unsure how to phrase it.

  “Something on your mind?” my friend asks, reading my silence correctly.

  “What are the auctions like?” I finally spit out. “I have no idea what goes on in that auction house. I’ve been thinking about it since I was 13, and I still don’t have a clue. Is it true that I have to step up to the auction block naked?”

  I hear a terrible crackling sound coming through the communicator, and a moment later I realize that Cleo is laughing uproariously. “Naked? Where did you hear that?”

  “I don’t know,” I admit, my cheeks reddening. “It’s just a rumor. I think one of the other Brides told me. So it’s not true?”

  “No, you don’t have to step up to the auction block naked,” my friend chuckles. “But to be fair, the outfit they give you is pretty skimpy. You know those one-piece bathing suits that we print from the clothing fabricator? Imagine one of those, but the fabric is way thinner, and it’s practically see-through.”

  My face goes even redder at the idea of wearing that in front of a crowd of riled-up Kyrzons.

  “Relax,” says Cleo, her voice amused. “It’s not as scary as it sounds. Every Kyrzon Bride has to do it at some point. And besides, you have the added advantage of knowing exactly who is going to buy you. All you have to do is stand there looking pretty until Kalish wins the auction.”

  I’m about to answer, when I hear some kind of rustling sound on the other end of the communicator, and then a gasp from Cleo.

  “Cleo? Are you okay?”

  More rustling, and then a muffled groan. A man’s voice this time.

  She must be with Drokal.

  Cleo returns to the communicator, her voice breathless. “Sorry about that. I—oh—Anyway, I’m really looking forward to seeing you when you get here.”

  “Me too,” I say, torn between awkwardness and amusement. “Bye, Cleo! Say hi to Drokal for me when you’re done getting pounded.”

  I turn off the communicator without waiting for Cleo’s inevitable retort, a little smile on my face.

  I’m glad my friend is happy.

  Hopefully, I’ll have that same kind of happiness to look forward to tomorrow.

  Chapter Three

  I wake up early the next day, and I’m so filled with anticipation that there’s no chance of me going back to sleep. Eventually, I hear the knock on my door that indicates my ride to the auction house is here. Gathering the small bundle of clothing and personal items that I’m allowed to take with me, I take a deep breath and head outside.

  As an orphan, I grew up in a small apartment on the Ship, the enormous space vehicle that our ancestors used to travel to this planet. Now grounded, the Ship acts as something of a city center for New Sutter, housing all of our most important utilities, as well as two residential decks. I spent my childhood exploring this spaceship, frequently along with Cleo.

  Now it’s time to say goodbye.

  For most of my life, I had assumed that this was the only spaceship on the whole planet. It’s what I was taught in school. Now, though, I know from Cleo that certain Kyrzon clans have ships of their own. None of these once-powerful ships are still capable of flight, but they provide shelter and protection, much like the one here in New Sutter.

  The next time I see a spaceship, I will be mated to an alien.

  Swallowing my emotions, I turn my attention to the hover-cart idling in front of the Ship. The driver, a strict-looking woman, waves to me, and I approach.

  “Auction Express,” she says dryly, barely looking at me. “You’re…” she consults her clipboard. “…Julia?”

  “That’s right,” I tell her.

  She gestures for me to climb into the back of the hover-cart, and I do so. We drive through New Sutter, making stops to pick up other Brides, and soon, I’m sharing the cart with three other young women, each of them looking intensely nervous. We all stare at our feet, none of us talking. The girl in the seat across from me is someone I recognize from school, but I don’t bother trying to interact with her. What’s the point? It’s not like any of us will ever see each other again.

  When we get to the auction house, the driver stops the cart, and we all walk as a group toward the building.

  Humans in New Sutter tend to avoid the auction house. This is the closest I’ve ever been. As we reach a door on the side of the building and our driver knocks, the reality of my situation hits me in a way that causes me to tremble, and makes my legs feel like jelly.

  It’s really happening. I’m really about to be sold.

  Another woman greets us inside the auction house, and then leads us down a hallway into a room that’s set up like a classroom. She gestures for us to take a seat, while she stands at the front of the room.

  “What you are about to do is both your sacred duty, and a great honor,” says the auction worker, addressing the room at large. Her voice sounds almost bored, as though she’s delivered this spiel hundreds of times before. I don’t doubt that she has, and also that I’ve heard it just as many times. Growing up as a Kyrzon bride, there are certain things that get repeated to you a lot.

  The auction worker continues: “As a Kyrzon Bride, your path will be more difficult than most. You will be sold to a warrior, or if you are lucky, a war chief. You will become his wife, and you will bear his children. You may not ever have a chance to return to Human Territory, or to the life that you have known.”

  Yeah, I know. I practically have this thing memorized. Let’s get to the auction already. My attention begins to wander as the auction worker finishes her speech.

  I tune back in just as she’s finishing: “… on behalf of every human living on the Planet Kyrzon, I thank you. Every single one of us is in your debt.”

  The auction worker glances at us, as though waiting for a reaction. Nobody so much as twitches.

  “Okay, all of you come with me,” she orders, her voice brusque. “I’m going to lead you to your dressing rooms. You will change into your auction clothes, and then wait until it is your turn to be sold.”

  I gulp.

  I guess it’s time to find out if my auction outfit is really as skimpy as Cleo says it is.


  As soon as I step into my dressing room, my eyes land on the little white bundle of fabric on the counter. My auction outfit. I can tell without even opening it that it isn’t big enough to cover much of my body. I suppose it figures. They want me to fetch the highest price possible.

  I feel goosebumps on my skin as I strip off my clothes and stand naked in the tiny room. When I slip on the little bodysuit, which is just as thin and revealing as Cleo told me it would be, I can see my hard nipples poking through the fabric, fully on display.

  The idea of a bunch of Kyrzons staring at me in this skimpy little outfit turns me on even more than I had expected. My whole body tingles with excitement. I feel a stirring within me, a longing for a type of intimacy I’ve never had the chance to experience.

  Soon. Soon, I will know what it’s like to be claimed by the rough hands of a Kyrzon male.

  As I think about the upcoming auction, my heart begins to race. I know that the final result is that Kalish will buy me, but that doesn’t erase the intensity of standing up on the auction block and letting seven-foot-tall aliens bid to claim me.

  I’ve been waiting almost half my life to be sold.

  To become a Kyrzon warrior’s property.

  To let my husband claim me as he pleases, and fill me with his seed until my belly is swollen.


  I hold my breath as I hear footsteps coming down the hallway toward my door. It sounds like more than one pair of feet. Is it time already for the auction to start? It doesn’t feel like it’s been very long. I close my eyes, anticipation pouring over me.


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