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Truck Me How I Like It

Page 2

by J. D. Walker

“Come, baby,” he ordered. “Cream my crotch.” And I did.

  “Goddamn,” I whispered, spilling my seed into my underwear, my head thrown back as I gripped his shoulders, riding out the storm.

  Seconds later, I was limp and sated, and Paul carried me to his bedroom then laid me gently on the sheets. “I’ll be right back,” he said, and disappeared.

  * * *

  I awoke a little while later to find myself cuddled against Paul’s warmth, and naked. I lifted my head from his chest to find him watching me, a small smile on his face.

  “You couldn’t wait for me to strip so you did it yourself, huh?” I said, pushing his nude body back onto the mattress.

  “You looked like a fallen angel while you napped, and I didn’t want to wake you,” he replied, keeping me still when I sat on top of his dick.

  “What about you? What can I do for you now?” I caressed his furry pecs and the hairy trail that led down to what felt like a monster cock beneath my ass.

  “I want to fuck that tight hole of yours. It’s been in my dreams a lot lately.” Paul squeezed my glutes, then used a hand to pump my already hardening prick.

  “It’s yours,” I said, gyrating my hips on his dick, causing him to grunt. “How do you want me? Like this?” I bounced on his fat rod. “Or from behind?” I turned around and wiggled my butt at him.

  “Shit, baby. Any angle is good, but I want you under me.” He quickly flipped us over so that I was on my back, spread-eagle on the bed, arms out to the side where he told me to keep them, and my legs as far apart as I could stretch them so he could have his wicked way with me.

  “Do you know how hot you are, Derrick? I bet you get hit on all the time, with those eyes of yours, and that hair. And don’t get me started on that ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude you’ve got going on. It makes me want to bring you to heel.”

  “You think you could?” I asked, taunting him by humping the air and licking my lips. My dick waved at him.

  “I know I could.” Without warning, he dove between my thighs and latched onto my hole, sucking on it with all his might.

  “Jeezus!” I shouted, fisting the sheets and keening at the sensations he encouraged with his mouth. He took it to another level when he stuck his tongue inside me and thrust it in and out, the warmth of that agile muscle burning me up completely.

  “Your fingers, Paul. Please? I need more,” I said as I writhed against him.

  He complied, and soon there were fingers slick with lube from somewhere fucking and widening my channel, preparing me for entry.

  “You’d better be ready, baby, ‘cause I’m takin’ you now,” Paul said, growling deep in his throat as he jacked my cock a little with lube then put a condom on his dick, adding some slick. All I could do was whimper.

  “I’m gonna tear you apart, Derrick,” he said, and I could hardly wait. Grabbing onto my hips, he pushed inside me, while I moaned. He kept going all the way to the root.

  “Ah, fuck!” I exclaimed, my head thrashing from side to side as I struggled to take his thick cock. It was the biggest that had ever pierced me, and my channel fluttered wildly.

  “I know you can do it, Derrick. Just breathe, baby,” Paul said as he stroked a hand down my chest, pumped my cock and pinched my nipples again, trying to get me to relax the death grip on his pole. “Come on, sweetie. You can do this,” he murmured in my ear, leaning in to kiss my forehead, lick my nose, and nip my chin.

  Slowly, under his ministrations, I felt my ass loosening enough so Paul could move.

  “There you go, hon. Now hold on,” he said, and pulled back out. Then, after rubbing the head of his cock around my bud to tease me a little, Paul pushed back in and the dance of sex began.

  Over and over, he took me, soothing me between hard thrusts, claiming that my ass was just perfect for his dick, and that he’d never had any better. Soon, I was frantic, my aggression matching Paul’s as we both headed toward an explosion that would change everything.

  I grabbed his head and yanked him down to me for a kiss that took our combined breath away, causing us to gasp when release hit us both like a freight train, wrenching noises from me that I’d never made before. We sounded like wolves howling at the moon, and God, it was amazing.

  When we were done, Paul fell to the side but pulled me with him, keeping his sheathed cock inside me for as long as he could. I felt owned and mastered, and I never knew I’d like it that way, that I’d crave that sensation. I was addicted.

  * * * *

  I awoke the next morning to an empty bed, and the smell of coffee coming from somewhere in the apartment. I almost freaked out, but then I remembered where I was and cradled Paul’s pillow close, the better to get his scent into my nose.

  The memory of our night together had my cock hard again, and I needed release. I turned over onto my back and kicked away the blanket, spitting on my fingers to ease the slide as I slowly jacked my dick from balls to tip.

  I arched my back as I rolled my sac just the way I liked it. I hummed as the sensations built in me, moving faster as I thrust into my fist, my ass clenching with each stroke until I came in a flood, a soft grunt escaping me as I shot all over my chest, some of the seed dripping down onto the sheets.

  Breathing heavily, I relaxed, raising my hand to my lips to taste my cum.

  “Fuck, that was hot,” I heard, and my eyes, which had fallen closed, opened to slits to see Paul leaning against the door frame of the bedroom. “You should have called me. I’d have helped you out.”

  I watched him while I finished licking every last bit of jizz, then stretched out on the sheets, making sure my body was fully displayed for his viewing pleasure. He smiled and shook his head.

  “I couldn’t help myself,” I said. “The smell of our sex together last night was just too strong for me to resist.”

  “I suppose I shouldn’t say anything, since I lost a load in the shower this morning.” It was then that I noticed Paul was dressed for work, holding a cup of coffee.

  Paul walked over to me and sat on the edge of the mattress. I sat up to give him a “hello” kiss, flavored with coffee, morning breath, and cum. “You made my night, Fontana. Thank you,” I said, then rested my head on his shoulder.

  “You made mine, believe me,” he replied, rubbing my naked back gently. After kissing my cheek, he got up. “I have to be at work in an hour. You got plans today?”

  I swung my legs onto the floor and stood. “I don’t work again ‘til Monday. I plan to visit my brother today, see how he’s doing. Then I’ll be cleaning my place. The weekend’s the only time I get to do that. I’m too tired otherwise.”

  “Yeah, well, there isn’t much here to clean, as you can tell, but I typically do that on Sunday or Monday, the days I have off from work. Feel like hanging out later?” he asked, running a hand over my disheveled hair to cup my cheek.

  “Sure, I don’t mind,” I replied. “The place where I live has a barbecue on the weekends, so if you want, I can come back here tonight, stay over and then we can hang out at my place tomorrow. Deal?”

  “Sounds great, hon,” he said. “Why don’t you shower and I’ll get you some breakfast before I go.” He reached around and swatted my ass before leaving the room.

  “Will do,” I replied, rubbing the sore spot and not caring in the least.

  Forty-five minutes later, after cleaning up and a hot meal, Paul and I went our separate ways, our respective phone numbers programmed in our cellphones, and the promise of another great night together in our future.

  * * * *

  That afternoon, I sat outside the rehabilitation center with Joey. It was sunny, though a little cool, since it was mid-October. It felt nice. My brother had gained a little weight, and his face appeared fuller. He wasn’t as pale as he’d been before coming here, and his hair looked healthier.

  “You look good, Joey,” I said as we lounged together on a bench by the pond.

  “I feel better,” he said. “I think I’m finally beginning
to see the light, you know?” He plucked at a hole in his jeans. “The therapists here really listen to me. They don’t talk at me or put me down.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. You been taking your meds?” I asked, knowing it had been a sore topic and point of contention between us in the past.

  “Yeah, and they don’t make me feel funny, either, not like the old stuff did.” He scratched his jaw. “I don’t know how to thank you, Derrick. How can I ever repay—”

  “Don’t even go there,” I said, cutting him off before he went down that well-used road. “You’re my brother, my only family, and I love you. I would go to the ends of the Earth for you, same as you would for me. There’s nothing to repay, ever.”

  Joey breathed in and out. “It’s just…” I watched as he nibbled on a fingernail, a habit he had when he was nervous.

  I nudged him. “What?”

  “What do I do when I leave here? How can I…how do I make a living? All I’ve ever known is combat. All I’ve ever wanted was to be a soldier. I don’t know what I’m gonna do, Ricky.” That had been his nickname for me when we were kids, something he hadn’t used in years.

  I put my arm around him. “You can do anything you want to, love,” I said. “The world is yours for the taking. So what if you can’t fight in the army anymore? Guess what, you’re still a fighter. It’s just not on the battlefield with guns, bombs and insurgents, right? It’s you against the world.”


  I kissed his forehead. “I’m here for you, but I know you can handle it.” I hugged him closer to my side, his head on my shoulder as we just let the afternoon pass us by.

  Sometime later, Joey sat up and slid a leg under his butt, his body now angled toward me. “How’s the trailer park?” he asked.

  “Oh, it’s fine. Everyone sends their love, even Adrian.”

  Joey laughed. “Adrian acts like such a hard-ass, but he’s really a softie, especially when it comes to people he cares about. I mean, look at him and Brandon, and what they went through.” He stared out over the water. “I’d like to have a relationship like that someday.”

  I brushed the hair back from his face. “And you will, sweetie. No doubt about it. Any guy out there would be lucky to have you.”

  “Maybe.” He cleared his throat and faced me again. “What about you? You still a monk?” Living as close together as we had been, Joey knew just exactly how much sex I’d had in recent years, and it had been slim to none.

  “Believe it or not, I got lucky with a guy last night.”

  Joey’s eyes rounded. “You? No way! The sky should fall or something.”

  I felt my face heat. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up.”

  My brother studied me and said, “You like this one, don’t you?” He was always too perceptive for my own good.


  “Huh.” Joey pulled on his left earlobe. “Where’d you meet him?”

  “Funny thing, I actually knew the guy from one of the places on my regular route. He’s the manager at the place where I almost decked that twerp, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember,” Joey said, grinning. “Fuckin’ dumbass.”

  “Agreed. So anyway, I decided to go out last night to a club, relieve stress, you know? And there he was, on stage with this band. He plays guitar, and he’s wicked good. Frickin’ blew my mind, man. He could have fucked me in the crowd and I wouldn’t have cared.” I flushed at the memory of the things we’d done last night.

  “Are you blushing?” Joey asked, and I looked away, embarrassed. “Oh my gosh. Was the sex that good?” He nudged me with his foot.

  “I’m not telling,” I said, poking him in the side with a finger.

  “You don’t have to, bro. You’re practically buzzing with pheromones. You’re meeting him again, I hope. Anybody that can affect you like this is worth keeping.”

  “What do you mean? I’m no different than I’ve ever been.”

  “Hell yeah you are. You’re always so controlled, trying to keep things together for us, take care of me, put a roof over our heads. Well, except when you lose your temper. Still, I figured it would take a really strong-willed man or woman to get you to let loose. When am I gonna meet him?” he asked, eyebrow arched.

  “What? It’s not like that. What the fuck, Joey? It’s just been one night.”

  “Please. I know you. It’s sooo much more than that.”

  * * * *

  I spent the rest of the afternoon after my visit with Joey cleaning our home. I hung out briefly with Bud and Sara, two of the other residents at the trailer park, in between taking out the trash.

  “Joey sends his love,” I informed them as I sat for a minute near the barbecue pit while Brandon cooked burgers.

  “Is he doing okay?” Sara asked, after drinking some of her coffee.

  “Yeah, he is,” I replied. “The flashbacks aren’t happening as often, and he’s more relaxed. He’s even gained weight.”

  “That’s great news, dear. We look forward to seeing him back home, healthy and ready to start anew.”

  “He’s worried that he won’t know how to cope, after being a soldier for so long. It’s all he’s ever wanted to do.” I shook my head and stood. “Well, let me get back to cleaning up. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the cookout. I’ll be bringing a friend.”

  As I walked back to the trailer, I heard Bud say, “It’s about damn time that boy got laid. He’s too young to be a hermit.” I chuckled and continued on my way.

  Around seven that evening, I got a text from Paul saying the band would be playing again at the club where we’d hooked up. I replied that I’d meet him there around ten.

  I styled my hair so it hung over half of my face, leaving only one eye visible. The clothes I wore left nothing to the imagination, my tightest jeans with the holes in strategic places hugging my ass, and a low cut V-necked, deep purple T-shirt molded to my chest and arms, with my nipples already perking up.

  I dug out the leather arm bands that were gathering dust in a drawer and added a clip-on nose ring to my left nostril. Black eyeliner and shadow brought out the brown of my eyes, and a hint of blush emphasized my cheekbones. I was ready.

  This feeling inside of me was new and exciting. I hadn’t felt like this in a long time, my body practically humming in anticipation of what was to come. Not since I had fallen in love with the twins, Bernice and Bernard Todd in my senior year of high school, had I experienced such need. It was as if I could do anything I wanted to. Paul had returned me to the land of the living—and horny.

  I didn’t really know how to categorize what I was going through, but I wanted more, and I planned to enjoy every second of it that I could, no matter where that took me.

  I got a cab to the club this time, knowing I’d be riding with Paul to his place after the show, and we’d be going over to my home sometime tomorrow.

  The joint was even more packed than it’d been the previous night. I didn’t have to pay to get in, since apparently Paul had told the guy at the door I was his guest for the night. I hung out at the bar, ordering a Dos Equis as I observed the mating dance of the humans before me.

  I got a lot of looks and come-hither offers from people nearby, but I just smiled and shook my head. I was already spoken for, and none of them could match the man I was taking to bed that night.

  Speak of the devil, the crowd parted, and Paul came toward me, bold and confident in his stride as he made his way to where I waited. He was resplendent in a silky, ice blue shirt that valiantly hugged his frame, unbuttoned to display the hairy chest I’d nuzzled against the night before. His leather pants were snug and sexy, and I wanted to ride the bulge shamelessly pushing against the material.

  Hands grasped at him as he passed through the fawning mob, but he only had eyes for me. When he came to a stop before me, Paul leaned in and kissed me like I was his last drink of water on Earth. I heard sounds of disappointment around us, but I didn’t care.

  I returned his kiss, my arms wrapping
around his neck as I pushed into him, and he into me. When we came up for air, I clutched his biceps and breathed him in, trying to remain standing after that sensual onslaught.

  “Hey, sexy,” he said, nuzzling my ear while his huge hand slid down to squeeze my butt. “Fuck, but you are a walking temptation, baby.” He bit my neck then hemmed me in on both sides with his hands on the bar, and me in the middle, just where I wanted to be.

  “Thank you. So are you.” I ran my palms down his chest and latched onto his waist. “You know everybody here wants to screw you, right?” I tilted my head to the side. “But you’re mine, aren’t you, Fontana?”

  “Hell yeah, baby. You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.” Paul leaned in to kiss me again, a light peck this time, then he stepped back. “Thanks for coming tonight. I’ll see you later, yeah?” I nodded and watched him disappear into the crowd again.

  I turned back to the bar, fanning myself as I tried to cool off. “Another beer?” The bartender asked with a knowing smile.

  “Shit, yeah,” I agreed. I needed a drink to calm me down.

  When he brought my beer, the guy asked, “How’d you do it?”

  I paid with cash and added a tip, then replied, “Do what?”

  “Get in Paul’s pants? He never dates, or at least, I haven’t seen him with anyone, regular-like. He’s real choosy. Hardly anybody ever gets as far as you have, to two dates.”


  “You’d have to ask him, man,” I said, and went back to enjoying the show.

  * * * *

  The band was as good as ever, and Paul was on fire. I writhed with the crowd, screaming along with the rest of the fans. It was such a rush!

  When the concert was over and the musicians were breaking down the equipment, Paul gestured for me to come on stage and help him carry stuff to his car, which I did, gladly.

  In between trips, he introduced me to the rest of the group, all great guys, who made me feel welcome. Once we were done, Paul and I waved goodbye to the other members, and he took me back inside the club to relax a bit and get a few more drinks.

  “Bud,” he told the bartender, and I asked for a soda with lime. I wanted to be wide awake for the rest of the night’s activities.


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