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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 45

by C. D. Gorri

  Before Quinn could respond the sound of a car pulling into the driveway had everyone’s hackles rising. The property was set way back from the road, so there was no logical reason for a vehicle to be arriving at this time of night.

  “Oh God, that has to be Arnie or his goons. How’d he find us so fast?” Paige whimpered her anxiety threatening to take over.

  “He had to have followed the snow mobile tracks.” Sebastian said.

  “Get Samantha,” Quinn told Aubrey, “Everyone to the garage. We’re leaving right now.”

  Car doors were slamming shut outside and the sound of men talking could be heard faintly. Aubrey reappeared with a sleeping Samantha in her arms while Quinn grabbed a diaper bag from somewhere.

  “Should we turn off the lights?” Aubrey asked, worry filling her voice.

  “Too late for that. They’re already circling the house.” Sebastian said, a growl echoing in his words as he held back his bear.

  Paige felt terrible. It was all her fault this family was in danger. If she’d have just told the FBI no, and quit working for Arnie…

  “We’ll take the SUV, it’s big enough and her carseat is already in it.” Quinn directed as they piled into the garage.

  The guys got in the front while the girls climbed in the back and Aubrey buckled Sammie into her seat. Just as they settled the sound of glass breaking from somewhere on the back side of the house made Paige cry out in surprise and fear.

  “I think that was the back sliding door.” Sebastian said.

  “Damn it, I just replaced that.” Quinn grumbled as the garage door lifted way too slowly.

  They backed out of the garage just as two large men came barreling through the doorway with guns raised. They each fired a couple of shots, but Quinn was driving down the driveway backwards so quickly that the shots went wide.

  Paige held onto her seatbelt for dear life as the car flew backwards down the driveway for several hundred feet before Quinn felt safe enough to turn around and go forward. They hit the highway at a high rate of speed and never slowed down.

  “I’m so sorry I brought this to your door.” Paige said, emotions swallowing her up from the inside out.

  “Shush now, it’s not your fault your boss is an asshole.” Aubrey said, “This also isn’t the first time someone has tried to kill us.”

  “Wait, what?” Paige frowned at her new friend in confusion.

  “Yeah, when I met Quinn I was nine months pregnant with this angel, and running scared from her sperm donor. He’d kidnapped me after I found out I was pregnant with the intention of breeding a whole new species of Tiger, Lion half-breeds. Ligers.”

  “I knew you weren’t a bear!” Paige said, feeling proud of herself for picking up on the unique smell of the other woman.

  “No, I’m a tiger.” Aubrey said with a giggle. “Anyway, Alex tracked me to Quinn’s house and did his best to kill me. Quinn was able to protect me, and we headed for the pack lands where things got messier.”

  Paige was captivated by the story and leaned in to hear more.

  “When Alex arrived at the pack lands in an attempt to steal me away again, the pack had my back and Alex was killed in the mayhem. I happened to go into labor and have our Sammie that same night. It was a two for one special on good luck.”

  “Wow, that’s quite the story for the grandkids someday.” Paige said with a laugh.

  “Just like ours will be.” Sebastian said softly from the front seat making her blush.

  “I hope we get to have grandkids someday.” She responded, reaching over his shoulder to stroke the side of his neck. His hand came up to cup hers and kissed her palm.

  “We’ll definitely have them, sweetheart. We just have to clean up this mess with Arnie first.”


  Their arrival at the Jameson family den was chaotic and Paige was feeling overwhelmed as she was ushered into a large home by an enthusiastic woman named Ruth and her husband August.

  “I’m Quinn’s mama, and Sebastian’s auntie. I know there are a lot of folks here, but you’ll catch on to names quickly, I’m sure. Have you eaten anything? I have some leftover roast beef in the fridge from dinner, I could whip you all up sandwiches.”

  “That would be great mom,” Quinn answered for Paige, and she gave him a small smile of appreciation.

  Sebastian took a seat on the sofa next to her, and gently drew her to his side. “I’m surprised my dad isn’t here waiting for us.”

  “He’s on his way,” Ruth called out from the kitchen. “Woke him up from a dead sleep after you guys called us. You know how hard it is to wake a bear.”

  Before they could continue their conversation, the front door flew open and Michael entered. “Bass? What the hell is going on?”

  Sebastian stood and hugged his dad before gesturing back toward Paige. “Dad, do you remember Paige Harth? She was at the art showing with Arnie Glasson a few months ago.”

  “Of course, Ms. Harth, it’s nice to see you again. I think?” Michael’s eyes bounced between them curiously.

  “Paige, please.” She told him, shaking his hand. “I’m sorry to wake you in the middle of the night like this.”

  “Arnie Glasson is trying to find Paige, Dad. He’s the art thief the whole world has been talking about for two years. She has evidence.” Sebastian blurted out. “We have to help her get it to the FBI.”

  “Shit.” Michael said, dropping down to sit in an armchair. “Explain.”

  Sebastian and Paige sat back down, and he took her hand in his, lacing his fingers through hers. “Paige has been working with the FBI for several months as a mole in Arnie’s life trying to obtain documentation of the stolen artwork. Tonight, she was able to put photo’s on a flash drive, but Arnie seems to have caught on. He was trying to find her when we ran from his house.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ruth said, “What were you doing with Paige at Arnie’s house?”

  “He held a dinner party last night and I accepted an invitation.” Sebastian explained. “Not because I wanted to participate, but because I wanted to be closer to my mate.”

  “Mate?” Michael’s eyebrows shot up. “Well, I’ll be damned. Congratulations to you both.”

  Paige felt herself blush under renewed scrutiny. “Thank you, but right now it’s a matter of life or death that I get this flash drive to the FBI.”

  “I can help with that.” Ruth said drawing everyone’s attention. “I have a lot of friends in low places.” She quipped with a cheeky grin. “I’ll reach out right now.”

  “Be careful, Aunt Ruth, if word gets back to Arnie that she’s here, he’ll come looking for her.” Sebastian warned.

  “I dare him.” Michael said, his eyes hardening into an ice cold blue. “What I don’t understand, is why you don’t just reach out to the FBI agent you’ve been working with.”

  “I have. I tried messaging him earlier tonight but the message wouldn’t go through. Then I sent it again while we were in the car heading this way.” Paige pulled out her phone and glanced at it. “Still no response to that message and it’s unread. Something has to be wrong.”

  “What exactly did you hear Arnie say tonight, sweetheart.” Sebastian asked.

  “I only heard bits and pieces, but he said someone was ‘taken care of’ and they would have to start questioning the staff to figure out the leak. My gut told me to get the hell out of there.” Paige explained, her body shivering as she heard Arnie’s cold voice in her brain again.

  Sebastian pulled her into his side, rubbing his hand up and down her arm over her goosebumps. “You did exactly what you should have. You came to me for help.”

  “Okay, I’ve got a connection. He’s supposed to meet us at the Mini-Market on Quail Road tomorrow night at six.” Ruth said, reentering the room with her cell phone in her hand. “No word right now on your particular liaison, but we can trust this guy to get the files to the right person.”

  “Why didn’t you just have him come here?” Sebastian

  “No, absolutely not. We can’t risk the rest of the pack getting caught in the middle of this mess if Arnie tracks you guys here.” Michael said. “Ruth was right in setting up an alternate location. For now, we all prepare for battle just in case.” He rose and headed for the door. “I’ll round up a couple of the Beta’s to join us for safety.”

  Without another word he left, and Paige felt a ball of anxiety growing in her belly. She’d brought this upon a family that she cared about it. It was unfair and wrong of her. A tear slid down her cheek and Sebastian growled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I shouldn’t have come here. There are families and children here.” She whispered.

  “That’s exactly why we did come here. Because this is my family, and soon it will be yours too. Family protects family.”

  “What would your Alpha say?” she asked, jerking her head around when everyone started to laugh. “What?”

  “My Dad is the Alpha, sweetheart. His word is law.” Sebastian explained, cupping her cheek and kissing her gently. “Stop fretting. We’ll get the evidence to the FBI and then come back here and hole up until Arnie is arrested. Everything will be fine.”

  “You’re the son of the Alpha?” she asked, dread filling her belly. She wasn’t an Alpha’s mate. She was much more Beta than an Alpha’s mate should be.

  Sebastian nodded, “Yes, but my brother, Dimitri, is destined to be Alpha next, so stop worrying you’re not good enough.”

  A shocked gasp slipped from her lips, and he chuckled. “You’re perfect for me, Paige. Exactly as you are.”

  She blushed at the compliment realizing that everyone in the room was listening to their intimate conversation. “Um, is there somewhere I can freshen up?”

  “I’ll take you upstairs,” Sebastian said before Ruth could respond. “We should all probably rest for a while before we go. That way we’re prepared for whatever.”

  “Take her up to the blue room, Bass,” Ruth instructed, as everyone else began to scatter.

  Following him from the room, she couldn’t help but worry about the ‘whatever’ he’d mentioned. If there was an actual fight, would these people really have her back? Could she ask that of them? It didn’t seem fair, and yet she felt trapped. She had no vehicle to leave, and besides she truly had nowhere else to go. She was a sitting duck for Arnie if she left their lands.

  “Relax, sweetheart, everything is going to be just fine.” Sebastian told her, as he opened the door to a bedroom and ushered her inside.

  The room was cozy and the bed looked amazing. She wanted to crawl in immediately and hide away from the whole world. She made quick work of using the bathroom before returning to find Sebastian with an oversized tshirt for her to change into.

  “I know it’s not much, but hopefully it will make you more comfortable to sleep for a bit before we go meet this FBI guy.” He told her, brushing her hair from her forehead before placing a gentle kiss there. “Go ahead and change and I’ll be right back.”

  He entered the bathroom leaving her in private to change into the tshirt, and she quickly climbed under the quilted cover of the bed. When he reentered the room wearing only boxer briefs, her heart fluttered in her chest.

  “Are you alright with me sleeping here?” he asked in a soft patient tone. “Because if not, there are other beds, or I can crash on a couch—”

  “No, it’s okay. I want you here.” She told him, holding up the quilt for him to join her.

  It was odd to have someone in bed beside her, but when he rolled her direction and pulled her into his arms, she felt her heart melt. His honeyed brown sugar scent filled her nose and she buried her face into his chest, inhaling deeply. She could hear him inhaling her scent too, and she smiled to herself. This was the first night of the rest of their lives. They were mates. Partners forever. It was unreal. Her eyes drifted closed of their own accord and she fell asleep with the scent of bear in her nose and a feeling of calm in her chest.

  Chapter Five

  The morning hours brought absolute chaos. Sebastian woke with a start to a loud pounding on the front door.

  “Bass, you’d better get out here.” Quinn’s voice called. “There’s a bunch of reporters on our front lawn.”

  “Reporters?” Paige repeated, her voice squeaking. “Why would there be reporters here?”

  “I don’t know.” Sebastian responded, pulling on a pair of gray sweats over his boxer briefs. He threw on a tshirt but left his feet bare as he headed out into the hallway. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart. Go ahead and get dressed in case we need to jet. I can’t risk reporters catching one of the family shifting into their bear.”

  Quinn’s face was pale, and his jaw clenched. “Arnie’s one step ahead of you.”

  “What do you mean?” Sebastian followed Quinn downstairs to the living room where the TV was playing the morning news.

  A flash of the screen showed two photos; one of Sebastian and one of Paige, before the reporter began speaking again.

  “Police are investigating an overnight art heist at local businessman, Arnie Glasson’s property. A painting of significant worth was reported stolen and police are searching for two persons of interest. Local woman Paige Harth and artist Sebastian Jameson. If you have seen either person, or have any information, please contact local Crime-stoppers at…”

  Sebastian’s stomach as twisted in a knot as the reporter went on to the next story and his and Paige’s images disappeared from the screen. Arnie was claiming they’d stolen a painting. He’d tried to throw the investigation off by pushing it onto them.

  “What the ever-loving hell?” He muttered, shoving his hand into his hair in frustration.

  The front door opened and everyone froze as the cacophony of flashing camera’s and questions filled the air. Michael pushed into the room his brows wrinkled.

  “Sebastian, you’ve got to get out of here.” He said, “The police are on their way.”

  “Where are we supposed to go?” Sebastian could feel his world imploding around him. If they stayed they risked exposing the world to their shifter side. If they ran they would look guilty.

  “It doesn’t matter where we go.” Paige’s voice responded from behind him. “The cops will catch us eventually.”

  “Why don’t you just go to the police in the first place? You have nothing to hide.” Quinn offered.

  Paige shook her head, “Arnie has too many of them in his pocket. I don’t know who can be trusted. I have to get this flash drive to the FBI.”

  “Did your contact ever respond?” Sebastian asked, knowing the answer before she shook her head. “Then we go on the run until we can meet with Aunt Ruth’s friend tonight.”

  His gaze clashed with Paige’s for a moment before she nodded her agreement. It was the only way to keep his family safe from this whole mess.

  “How are we going to get you out of here with that gaggle of clowns out front?” Quinn asked, tousling his own hair with his frustration. “We can try sneaking you out the back, but they’ll see you when you get to a vehicle.”

  “We need a distraction.” Michael said, “A bear would be great right about now.”

  Slow smiles crept over faces in the room. They couldn’t shift to play distraction because everyone knew there weren’t polar bears in Colorado. They needed a brown bear.

  “I’ll do it.” Paige said firmly. “If I’m down on my paws no one will know I’m a sun bear and not a small brown bear. They only need to see me long enough to freak them out and send them running.”

  Sebastian’s inner bear growled at the idea, “What if someone catches you somehow?”

  “It’s our only shot.” She replied.

  Michael nodded, “She’s right, Bass. This is our only option. If we can get her out the back door into the woods she can circle around. A bit of clamoring, and growling and we should see those clowns clear out pretty quickly. Then we can get you both out of here without being seen.”

  Ruth gestur
ed to Paige to follow her, but Sebastian wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye. Snagging her by the wrist he pulled her into his arms for a hot kiss. When they broke apart her pale cheeks were flushed and her pupils dilated.

  “Play it safe, sweetheart.” He told her, and she nodded, rising on her toes to kiss him one last time before she followed Ruth through the house.

  Sebastian could only sit back and wait it out now. He hated having no control over their circumstances. If he ever got his hands on Arnie Glasson he was going to make him pay for all of this.


  Paige trembled as she slipped out the back door and dashed into the tree line. She anticipated hearing someone call out that they’d spotted her, but all the reporters were in front and she went unseen. Once her heart slowed down for a moment she began pulling her clothes off and shifted into her bear. Shaking out her fur she swallowed hard and began making her way around the big house, forcing herself to move slowly enough that she remained unnoticed until she was ready.

  The crowd of reporters seemed to be growing and there were cars lining the gravel road as far as the eye could see. When she got close enough to smell the coffee on the air they were drinking, she decided it was time to make her presence known.

  Purposely she butted into a tree making it rattle and shake as she let out a loud growl and chuffed. It only took a moment before one of the reporters spotted her in the trees and let out a loud yelp.


  That one word sent up a shrill cry of panic and suddenly people were running as fast as they could toward their vehicles.

  Determined to play it up and make sure no one stuck around, Paige ambled a bit closer and chuffed again and again, swinging her head back and forth as if she was aggravated. When all of the reporters were gone, she turned and high-tailed it back through the trees to her clothes.

  She’d barely gotten her skin covered when Sebastian was at her side, checking her over for injuries.

  “Are you alright?” He murmured.

  “Perfect. Just ready to get out of here.” She responded. Ruth appeared behind them with a pair of tennis shoes and a fistful of cash.


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