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Spiked by Love: Bellevue Bullies

Page 8

by Aleo, Toni

  I shake my head. “Actually, there is a girl who is totally wanting to get down.”

  “Awesome. Get it done, bro.”

  “But I told her I wanted to know her better first.”

  “Jesus, Lord almighty. Come on, Ash. Don’t be a pussy.”

  “Hey, that’s rude,” I scold, and he laughs. “I don’t want to sleep around. It’s not my jam.”

  “You remember when you said Mom and Dad fucked me up?”

  I groan. “Here we go.”

  “You may have been right, but Mom fucked you up, too. You were there when she was preaching to the girls about knowing their worth, and now you’re scared to disrespect that. I promise you, if you ask Mom if she wants you to fuck around or settle down, she’ll tell you to fuck around.”

  I laugh hard. “You’re insane. She would not! She doesn’t want to be a grandma.”

  “Hello. Condoms, dumbass.”

  “Hello. Only a 98.9 percent chance of protection, dumbass.”

  He pauses. “Eh, those odds never stopped me. Enjoy being a young, newly single dude. Go fuck around.”

  I make a face. “I really don’t want this advice. I just want your condo.”

  He laughs. “For what? Peace and quiet? Because we both know you aren’t bringing ladies home.”

  “So? I deserve it after spending days with Emery and Stella.”

  “You’re not wrong,” he agrees with a chuckle. “Listen, my mortgage is paid up until the end of May, and so you’ll be rent-free until then. If you want to stay, though, you’ll need to buy it off me and have a job since I live that posh life.”

  I snort. “You mean, you blow money?” He laughs. “Yeah, sounds good. We’ll see if I like it. And I should have a job soon. I’ve got that interview with Elli, and I actually just got an email from the athletic director at Bellevue. They need someone on the jumbotron. So, I may have two jobs.”

  “Overachiever. But for real, I know the one in the rink at Bellevue needs you. It’s shit.”

  “Well, then they definitely need me because the one in the volleyball gym is disgusting too.”

  “Why were you…? Oh yeah, Ally. Duh. How’s she doing? I haven’t seen her in a while.”

  “Good. Though, I think she’s back with that dumbass, Taco.”

  “What the fuck? Why? Does Jakob know? He’s gonna kill him, or her, or both.”

  “Pretty sure they saw them together last night, and they did not look happy. I don’t know why she does that.”

  “Me either. She’s pretty hot, and she’s cool as hell.”

  “Exactly. It pisses me off.”

  “Why? Yeah, it’s annoying, but it isn’t your problem,” he asks, and I shrug. Why am I being asked this again?

  “I want what’s best for her, and he isn’t that.”

  “Sure, but why does that piss you off? Be annoyed, but pissed isn’t an emotion I would feel about a friend unless they did something to me. Unless—”

  “Don’t. I already heard it from Angie and Stella.”

  “Angie? The girl from last night?” I groan inwardly. Aiden used to babysit Angie. “Please don’t tell me you mean Angie Paxton. Do not sleep with her. I will kick your ass. She’s a baby.”

  If he heard some of the things she was saying last night, he’d think differently. “I didn’t, and I don’t know her well enough yet to sleep with her.”

  “Thank God. I forgot you’re a sensitive dork and not me.”

  “Wow, thank you.”

  “No offense intended. But really, don’t sleep with her.”

  “Five seconds ago, you were telling me to fuck around.”

  “Yeah, with other girls except Angie. It’s weird. I watched her, and she’s like a little sister.”

  “So, I’m not good enough for her?”

  “No, no one is. The same for you and Stella and Emery.”

  “Well, that’s nice.”

  “I can be sensitive too. Sometimes.”

  “Sometimes being the key word there,” I say on an exhale. “She’s a cool chick, but she’s coming on so strong.”

  “Ew. Please stop.”

  I laugh. “Sorry.”

  “My boy Wes, who I play with, is interested in Stella, and she keeps flirting with him. I threw a breadstick in her hair the other day when she winked at him.”

  I snort. “Wow, that’s some real protective brother shit.”

  “Right? I don’t even know what came over me. It was weird.”

  “You’re a sensitive guy.”

  “Fuck you.”

  We share a laugh. “You know what you should do?”


  “Not sleep with Angie.”

  “Thank you for that reminder.”

  “And since you want to know the chick you get it on with, sleep with Ally. You guys really know each other and already like each other.”

  I roll my eyes. “As a best friend, yes.”

  “Nah, man. More. I think you care so much because you love her, but you’re fighting it.”

  “What the hell? What is wrong with everyone? When I wasn’t home, no one said this. Now, though, everyone is saying it. We’re best friends. That’s it.”

  “Dude, girls and guys can’t be best friends.”

  “Not true according to a study Ally read—”

  “It is a complete bullshit study she is using and preaching so she doesn’t hump you. I’m telling you, I’ve hung out with you two. It’s the Ally and Asher Show, and you guys are one sideways glance away from attacking each other like cats in heat.”

  I find that I’m forcing laughter. Not sure why. “You’re delusional.”

  “I’m telling you, I’m in love, and I may have ignored things like this before. But now, I know all.”

  “Aiden, you don’t know your head from your asshole,” I say dryly.

  He laughs. “Actually, I do, thank you very much.”

  “You’re so far from the truth, it’s pathetic. We’re best friends. Drop it.”

  “Whatever, dude. You care too—”

  “When can I get the keys?”

  Aiden laughs. “I’ll have Shelli drop them off to you.”

  “Great. Thanks, bye.”

  I don’t even give him time to say goodbye before I hang up and put down my phone. I swipe through my alerts, checking my messages, but still nothing from Ally. What the hell? It doesn’t matter, though; I won’t text her. But I’m seriously confused. This isn’t like her. I’ve bitched at her before about Taco, and she didn’t care. She does what she wants. Why is this time so different?

  As I finish cleaning up, I text Shelli about meeting up for the key. I’m waiting for a response when a text from Angie comes through.

  Angie: Hey, wanna meet up tonight?

  I don’t have anything to do, and I’m mad at Ally, so what the hell. A text pops up from Shelli, and she says she’ll give it to me this weekend at the tux fitting. I almost forgot about that. Damn it. Last thing I want to do. Oh well, I have more important things to worry about right now.

  Me: Sure, what time?

  Angie: There is a party here on campus. Wanna go?


  Me: I’m not really into parties. Want to go to the movies? Dinner?

  Angie: Eh, the whole team is supposed to go. I already said I would.

  Me: Cool. I’ll catch you later, then.

  Angie: You sure?

  Me: Yeah, maybe we can do something tomorrow.

  Angie: Okay…

  Ugh, the dreaded dots. Yup, this is going great. I should be worried. I should be trying to smooth it over.

  Instead, I’m wondering why Ally still hasn’t texted me.

  Chapter Nine


  I slam my fist into the ball, making it bounce hard against the floor as I stare at the net.

  I’ve changed. I promise, baby. I’m going to do right by you this time. You’ll see. We’re a forever kind of couple.

  It’s hard to believe Taco’s wo
rds. Our relationship wasn’t the best before he left. There was lots of lying and lots of treating me like shit. I was always left on the back burner, never important. He cared more about his Call of Duty game than he did me. Our fights were toxic and uncalled-for. He called me a bitch more than once, and he wasn’t good to me. I don’t know why I think it’s a good idea to start something back up with him. I’d really thought after I told him I was going home alone when we were in the parking lot of Brooks House last night, he would have gotten upset. He’d call me a tease or something. Every time I didn’t want to have sex or give him head, I was a tease to him. It was obnoxious, but that wasn’t the case last night. To my surprise, he kissed me softly on the lips, only grabbed my ass a little bit, and then asked me to text him when I got home.

  It was weird, and I almost didn’t believe it was him on the other side of the kiss, but when I opened my eyes, it was. I didn’t want it to be, but it was. He sent me a grin and went on his merry way. It was crazy weird. We texted throughout the night, and he was funny and wonderful, yet I was waiting for a text from Asher. I knew he was upset, and I fully expected him to text me or try to call, but he hasn’t. Radio silence and it’s giving me a complex. It’s not like us not to talk. We can talk about the color of dirt, and it will still be entertaining. That’s how we are. Yet, nothing. Is he really that mad at me?

  Which poses the question. If he is that mad, then does that mean he has feelings for me? Of course, he gets annoyed with me when I date dudes who are not up to his standards or who don’t appreciate “my worth,” as he says, but he’s never not talked to me over a guy. We can push our romantic relationships to the side because we care for each other. I’m so confused, and it’s making my head ache. Because of this, and the fact that I can’t turn off my brain, I am at the court, working on my serve. I have a good serve, efficient, but I want to be able to put the ball wherever I want. I’m almost there; I just need a bit more practice. I throw the ball up and serve it hard to the right corner. I reach for another and then another, hitting each one harder and with more anger.

  I don’t even know what I am angry about. It could be because of Angie. When she got home, all excited and happy, it did not do anything for me. I ignored all the talk of Asher. I couldn’t handle it. But then she made it clear that he is looking for a relationship and, “Isn’t that just the cutest? I might have to change my thinking for him.”


  I wanted to be an asshole and convince her to sleep around, but that wouldn’t be kind of me. Lucy trusts me to keep an eye on Angie. If I were honest, Asher would be the most amazing guy for her. He would treat her so damn good and really show her what it’s like to be with a good dude. Any girl would be lucky to have him. Her parents would think he’d hung the moon and the stars for her. He’d be kind to them, be a part of the family, and so damn faithful. While I have a good feeling things won’t work out between Angie and Asher, I’m already jealous of the next girl who does come along. Pathetic, yes, but I know she’ll be amazing, funny, and gorgeous because Asher only wants the best.

  I wish I was the best for him.

  I sulk a bit as I gather the volleyballs with the basket where they’re held when they’re in the closet. It has wheels, so it’s easy to push around and fill with balls. I don’t like how I feel. It isn’t becoming of me. I could change it all, but what’s the point? It’s safer to be just friends with Asher.

  Once I’m done, I move back to the serving line and grab a ball. I have time to kill. I don’t have to be to my next class for another hour, so might as well knock the shit out of some balls. Plus, Angie is back in the dorm, texting Asher and making oohing noises.

  That’s a big hell nope for me.

  I’m three balls in when the side door opens. I hold up the ball, stopping my hand from smacking it as I furrow my brow. No one is ever in here at this time. This is my quiet time. Asher walks in with no cares whatsoever. He has a beanie low on his head, wearing a black hoodie and fitted, ripped jeans. I can see part of his thigh and a little of his knee. It’s pitiful how turned on I am by those little peeks of skin. His gray gaze meets mine as he pulls off his beanie, his hair unruly underneath it.

  I take in a deep breath, dropping the ball, and then slamming my fist into it when it bounces back up. When he doesn’t say anything, I find myself glaring. “What are you doing here?”

  He walks toward me, his strides so carefree and sexy. “I have an interview with Tony.”

  I bring my brows in more. “Tony? The athletic trainer?”

  “Yeah, I’m wanting to work on the jumbotron.”

  “Ah, that makes sense.” I hit the ball again. “What about the Assassins?”

  “I want to do both.”

  “Busy man.”

  “I like being busy.”

  I hate small talk.

  “Why are you in here? No class?”

  “I have a little break. I usually come in here, hit balls, and eat my lunch on days like this.”

  He nods, looking uncomfortable. I bang my fist into the ball again, watching as it bounces back up so I don’t have to look at him. The tension is tangible, but neither of us speaks. I bite the inside of my cheek as I smack the ball over and over again.

  But I can’t take it.

  When I look up, he’s watching me, and at the same time, we each say, “Can’t text me?”

  It’s like the tension just evaporates, and we’re both grinning. Then, again at the same time, we say, “Jinx!”

  Now we’re laughing. “I said it first,” I claim, and he scoffs.

  “The hell you did. I was a second faster. You owe me a Coke.”

  “No! You owe me one!”

  As our laughter fills the gym, he leans on the basket, bouncing on it while looking down at me. “You sleep with him?”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s none of your business.”

  He gives me a dull look. “Don’t be like that.”

  “Did you sleep with Angie?”

  He scoffs. “No. My choice completely. Pretty sure she would have done me in front of everyone.”

  I give him a “Yeah, right” look, and he grins.

  “I’m irresistible. I can’t stop all this.”

  When he winks, I groan. He may think I’m joking, but in reality, I’m in distress because I know how hot he is and I can’t have him. Nor can I handle all of it. “Get a life.”

  He laughs, but it gradually subsides. “Actually, Aiden told me I couldn’t sleep with Angie.”

  I perk a brow. “Really? That’s surprising. I thought he’d come bearing a Costco-size pack of condoms and a bottle of tequila to get things started.”

  “One would think,” he says with a grin. “He got weirded out by it. You know he used to watch her.”

  I shrug. “So? He babysat all of us.”

  “Well, I don’t think he’s trying to do you.”

  “But he is doing Shelli, and he babysat her.”

  He gags. “Hmm. That’s got me thinking. I wonder if we can sell their love story to someone?”

  “We could make millions!”

  Asher holds up his hand. “Whoa, now. Maybe thousands, but not millions. They aren’t that great.”

  I snort with laughter as I shake my head. “Yeah, you’re right.” He nods as we each look away again. The silence stretches, and like before, I can’t handle it. “I didn’t sleep with Taco, but he does claim he’s changed.”

  He rolls his eyes very dramatically. “Into what? A burrito? Or did he take my advice and go with nachos? I’m telling you, nachos are the way to go.”

  “For the love of Pete.” I give him a dry look, but he just grins. “He was really good to me last night. He paid for dinner, and he made me laugh. He didn’t get upset that I didn’t want to sleep with him.”

  He gawks at me. “Oh, how great that the guy you went on a date with doesn’t get upset when you don’t want to have sex. Wow, that’s amazing.”

  “Your sarcastic comment isn’t ne

  “He’s trash, Ally. You deserve more.”

  I shrug. “He’s comfortable.”

  “So? You’re better than this. Don’t settle for trash because you’re lonely.”

  “Wow. That’s rude,” I say, furrowing my brows. “I am just fine alone.”

  “Whatever. You’re lonely. And I’m telling you, running back to a toxic relationship won’t fix that.”

  I look down at the ball I’m holding. “Maybe it’ll be different this time.”

  “It won’t,” he decides. “But you do what you want, and when it blows up in your face, I’ll only say ‘Told you so’ once.”

  “Just once?”

  “Just once,” he promises, and when I meet his gaze, he smiles. “I only want the best for you.”

  “I know, but I’m a big girl. I’m actually the older one of the two of us.”

  He strokes his chin, deep in thought. “I feel that’s a technicality that doesn’t matter.”

  I shake my head. “You’re impossible.”

  “And you love me,” he claims, pulling me to him for a hug. I drop the ball and wrap my arms around his middle. If only he knew how much I loved him. He smells like a freaking dream, and I nuzzle closer for longer than I should, but I can’t resist. I hold him until he starts to let go, and slowly, we part.

  “I do.”

  “I know,” he says, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. “I like your hair like this.”

  It’s in a braided bun, but it’s nothing to get excited about. When he pulls his hand away, he touches my jaw lightly with his finger, and I hold my breath. “Thanks.” I swallow hard, swooning, needing to change the subject so he stops looking at me. “Bet you thought Angie was hot last night.”

  I know, it’s pathetic, but I don’t want him to think I’m into him because I swooned at his touch.

  He chuckles, a sexy look taking over his features. I love when he smiles like that. That bashful grin that shows his deep dimples. “She is. But man, she’s thirsty as fuck.”

  I scoff. “Well, duh. I thought you were irresistible?”

  He nods. “You’re right,” he says, pointing to me. “I told her I wanted a relationship, that I don’t fuck for free.”


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