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Rising Fate (Wolf Moon Academy Book 3)

Page 17

by Jen L. Grey

  I tried to yank free, but the guard only pushed the gun into my head harder. As he pulled me out, I glanced back and saw fear in Liam's eyes. I wasn't sure what was worse. My future fate or the look of the destroyed man I loved.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The guard grabbed a hold of my hair, fisting his hand right at my scalp as he dragged me up the stairs. Pain radiated from my skull as I stumbled, trying not to lose my footing.

  “He’s hurting her,” Liam yelled at the top of his lungs from back in the room.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Mr. Hale replied.

  When we reached the first floor, the guard continued to drag me away from the steps and forced me toward the huge crowd of alphas who still stood there. It was like I was on parade for all of them to see.

  As they marched me toward the elevator door to take me to the top floor, the alphas parted, allowing a center walkway.

  It didn't take more than two steps before the insults rang in my ears.

  "Look at the slut." One of the older alphas glared at me. "She must be good in bed for the heirs to follow her."

  If I ever thought I'd been hurt before, I was wrong. This was the epitome of emotional and physical abuse.

  "Harlot!" Another alpha spat on me as I stumbled by.

  "Good for nothing woman." An alpha who was only a few years older than me growled and kicked my legs out from underneath me.

  However, I wasn't able to fall to the ground since the guard had such a firm grip on my hair. At this point, I blocked out everything as I closed my eyes and reached for my connection with Liam.

  What are they doing to you? Liam's voice was so low in my head it was scary.

  I'm being walked through the alphas to the elevator to take me to the top floor. I wanted to cry; the tears burned my eyes, but I'd be damned if I let them have the satisfaction.

  Are you fucking serious? Simon said as he linked with us, and soon, I felt Micah and Evan as well.

  Yeah. I didn't have more to give them at this point. It was comforting that they were with me, but it only made me want to cry more. I had so much more to lose now than just Liam.

  When we get out of here, they'll pay for everything. Liam's words were a promise in my head. Remember their faces.

  Hell yeah, they will. Simon enunciated each word. Those pansies will be begging for forgiveness when we’re through with them.

  Don't worry. They’re sending someone to get us out. Liam's words were strong in my head. Nate just told Bree. They have to be careful though with everyone in the building.

  You guys realize when we do escape, we'll have to take down our dads, right? Micah didn't sound like he was against the idea but more like he was trying to resign himself to it.

  At this point, there isn't any other option. Evan's blunt demeanor shone through.

  It was one of his gifts. Cutting through all the bullshit.

  I know... just making sure we are all on the same page. Micah sighed the words even in my head.

  Now that we were at the elevator, the guard yanked my head, causing it to snap to the right as he pressed the UP button. Pain coursed through my neck into my spine.

  A growl echoed in my head, causing Liam to sound like Simon used to—unhinged.

  Just hang on. Evan’s voice cracked.

  Between Liam's frustration, Evan’s loud voice, and all the alphas behind us yelling so loud, it was like a buzzing inside my head that I couldn't get rid of.

  When the doors opened, the guard dragged me inside while four other guards surrounded me, all their guns focused on me.

  The door shut, and as we began to rise, one of the guards tilted his head to the side. "How does it feel now that everyone sees you for what you truly are?"

  If he thought I was going to humor him with an answer, he would be sorely disappointed.

  After a second, he must have realized I wasn't going to answer because his jaw tensed. "Bitch, did you hear me?" He raised his gun and hit the butt of it against the side of my head, causing it to jerk. Pain radiated down my face, and my scalp throbbed because the other guard still held my hair at my scalp.

  The world started to spin, and my stomach lurched. If I thought I’d had a headache moments ago, I was dead wrong. It felt like my head was going to implode.

  Mia, are you okay? Liam’s concern was clear through our bond, but it hurt to even think let alone talk even through our link.

  When the elevator opened on the top floor, the guard who grabbed me like a caveman chuckled.

  I tried to dig my feet into the ground, but it was useless and only made the idiots enjoy it more. There was a chair sitting in the middle of the room, and the four council members sat behind their table with huge smiles across their faces.

  They watched as the guard forced me into the chair. The guard who'd hit me with the gun tied my legs and then arms to the chair so I couldn't move. He tightened them as much as possible so the rope cut into my skin.

  "That's what you get for not answering me." He sneered.

  Without a second thought, I did the only thing I could. I hocked a loogie, making sure to get my blood mixed in from where he hit me, and spat it right on his face.

  The sneer that had been there morphed into one of disgust and rage. He went to strike me again when Mr. Hale growled, "Stop!"

  The look on the guard’s face changed so rapidly from vindictive to reprimanded that it almost made me laugh. Almost.

  "She's ours to discipline," Mr. Hale pointed to the door. "Now, all of you leave immediately."

  Like an army of puppets, the entire group of guards headed toward the door, leaving me behind.

  Just take a deep breath. Liam talked gently as if he felt my headache. We’re going to get to you soon.

  I hoped that was true. The room felt like it was spinning, and I had trouble keeping my head up.

  "Well, well, well." Mr. Rafferty grinned which made him even more terrifying. "It looks like history might repeat itself."

  The fact that he was taking pleasure in that comment made me somehow hate them even more. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

  "Don't play games with us." Mr. Green's eyes were wild like Simon's used to be. "We all know who you are."

  "If that's the case, why do something now?" I needed to figure out how long they'd known. There must be some sort of clue. I opened up the bond, linking with all four of the heirs. They needed to hear and see everything that their dads said.

  "To be honest, we'd been curious about you for some time." Mr. Hale stood and walked around the large desk that they usually hid behind.

  I guess a girl tied to a chair wasn't very threatening.

  "But it was earlier today when we came across the lectures Professor Johnson had gathered for next week that we knew something must be done. He had topics circled and had a line that connected with the words great-niece." Mr. Hale blinked and glanced at the ceiling. "So that was a puzzle. He has no living relatives, or so we had thought until then. And wasn't it a coincidence that a girl was causing so much hell, one stronger than she should ever have the right to be, a student in his class."

  "That doesn't prove a damn thing." That was why they searched Liam's dorm.

  That's why they searched my room. Liam growled the words in my head. They’ve been one step ahead the entire time.

  Try to get them to tell you as much as possible. Evan spoke quietly as if he could feel my pain.

  "Maybe, but then we thought another dorm search was needed." He chuckled and leaned toward me like we were good friends. "When we searched Liam's room, we stumbled upon a pendant that a girl like you shouldn't have." He held out his hands to his side. "That's a lot more than a coincidence."

  "You left it there so we wouldn't be alarmed." Dammit, they were smarter than we thought.

  Dammit, we should've known that. Evan's words were filled with rage.

  "We couldn't have you running off to the rebellion." He paused and then tapped his finger to his lips. "Oh, let's be real.
You were going to be at the rebellion headquarters regardless, but it's so much more fun to take you there personally."

  "You're out of luck." Did he think I would hand the location over on a silver platter?

  Do whatever it takes to stay alive. Liam's concern flowed into me. He was scared. Tell them the location if you have to.

  I was terrified like him; however, my life wasn't worth more than so many others.

  "Actually, we're not." Mr. Hale glanced at the other three council members behind him and then turned toward me with a huge smile on his face. "The girl leading the rebellion. You know, the one with the dark red hair."

  Holy shit. How did he know about Willow?

  This isn't good. Simon said through the link as if he needed to state the obvious.

  "Well, one night she was sloppy." Mr. Hale shrugged his shoulders. "She painted that horrid new logo that you all came up with to represent the rebellion. You know the one that is like the original symbol but altered?" He arched an eyebrow as he waited for an answer.

  I wasn't going to give the asshole one.

  They've known their location for God knows how long. Micah sounded as if he was about ready to give up.

  We've gotta get out of here. Liam's anxiety was rising, which was affecting me. Remember you’re stronger than each one of them. You’re the Overseer, for fuck’s sake.

  Right now, I couldn't handle his anguish, so I unlinked them all.

  "Not willing to play?" Mr. Hale sighed and shrugged. "Oh, well. Anyway, one of our guards followed her back home. I must say it was nice finding such a large number of traitors in one spot."

  "So what are you going to do?" They were here for a reason. "Kill me like you did my father?"

  "Oh, he wasn't the one to kill him." Mr. Rafferty now stood with a cruel glint of glee. "I was. He didn't have what it takes."

  "To kill someone in cold blood?" These men were monsters. "All three of the others stood by and watched you murder my father. I'm assuming you killed him over the alpha connection with the pack." I was going out on a limb, but I agreed with Professor Johnson; it was the only thing that made sense. I hated to do it, but I opened the bond back up with the other four. They needed to hear this. It wouldn't resonate with Micah as much if he didn't hear it from the source.

  "How do you know about that?" Mr. Hale deflated at my words.

  "It doesn't matter. You all were doing it and my dad tried to stop you." That was what happened.

  "Don't make him out to be too much of a saint." Mr. Green chuckled. "In all fairness, it was his idea."

  My stomach dropped. How was that possible? "Then why did you kill him?"

  There's more to the story. Liam's calm voice washed over me. Listen to it before you get upset. This may be your only chance to get answers.

  "Because it was the perfect idea." Mr. Rafferty shouted the words. "We'd even done it a few times with the full moon, and we were getting stronger and wiser. But then, he had to run into your mother."

  "That's why we'd always told our sons to reject their fated." Mr. Croft leaned back in his seat. "We saw what happened to your father. He was the strongest of all of us with these amazing ideas and how to get there, but as soon as he claimed your mother. He changed. He was weak and not willing to do whatever it took."

  They've lost their damn minds. Micah's voice sounded broken.

  "Is that what you think?" My mother had grounded him. Made him see things the way they were supposed to be. "My mother made him a better leader. One that doesn't take for themselves and hurt the packs underneath."

  "We don't hurt the packs." Mr. Hale jerked and pointed his finger at me. "We're strong for them. They can't live without our help. He had to die so we could reign."

  "Is that how you justify it?" Rage like never before filled me. "Is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep well at night?"

  "It wasn't supposed to happen like that." Mr. Hale's words sounded weak.

  Your father was his best friend. Liam had told me before, but it was like he was reminding both him and me.

  Don’t let your guard down. Evan said the words slowly as if they were important. They are master manipulators.

  "No, I killed him." Mr. Rafferty pounded his fist against his chest. "It was me who hid the gun and shot him when he left us no other choice. He was going to tell the packs the secret that only council members should know. He needed to be stopped."

  "And you three just watched it all?" They were cowards. It was worse than what Mr. Rafferty had done. At least he had made a decision and stood by it. Those three were spectators who could've made the difference.

  I'm not surprised. My father has always taught lessons physically. Evan was cold. Much like he had been the day I'd helped him after his father had hurt him during the football game.

  "It doesn't matter." Mr. Hale shook his head and yelled, "Guards, load her up. We're heading to the rebellion site."

  Mia, do whatever you can to not go, but make sure to stay alive. Liam's voice sounded controlled, but our bond couldn't hide his emotions. I'm going to find you when we finally get out of here.

  There was no helping me. Even if he did, all these guards had guns. I wasn’t getting out of this.

  "Why are you taking me there?" Why didn't they just kill me here? Why make the effort to take me there.

  "You, stupid girl, are good for only one thing." Mr. Green chuckled as his amber eyes glowed. "You're going to be a lesson for them all."

  Now, I understood why Liam was freaking out.

  A new set of guards came in, and within seconds, I was untied. My legs and arms screamed as the blood flowed through them once more. They forced me down the elevator, but when we reached the first floor, all of the alphas were gone.

  The silence scared me more than the crude comments and hate they had spewed earlier.

  They forced me to the door, and a white van was parked just outside. As I glanced at the parking lot, I saw a line of cars that were pulling out.

  "What's going on?" I doubted they would answer, but the words still left my mouth.

  "They're going to attack the rebellion headquarters." The guard pushed me in the shoulder, forcing me to stumble forward. "Those assholes are going down."

  Holy shit. I thought it was bad enough that the council members were heading to the rebellion camp, but now all of the alphas and their kids were heading there too.

  "That doesn't include the three surrounding packs who are already in position to strike." The other guard grinned, and when he glanced at me, he started laughing. "Look at her reaction. It's priceless."

  "Stop fucking around. The last thing I want to do is get into trouble." Another guard said as he opened the back of the van. He climbed in and held a gun on me as I followed behind him.

  The four guards sat in the back with me, and when the doors shut, the van took off.

  They're taking me to the rebellion site. Some local packs are about to attack if they aren't already. Thank God we had Bree to at least warn them.

  When I didn't get a response for a few seconds, I got nervous.

  Mia, our football coach is getting us out. Liam's words held hope, which flooded through our bond. The rebellion members are getting ready for the ambush. We were able to alert them before the attack. I need you to stay strong. I'm coming for you.

  The words were nice to hear, and there was a part of me that believed everything would work out. However, the problem was that a large majority of me was ready to face the same threat that had killed my father. The council wanted me dead, but I'd go down swinging even if it meant I was covered in blood.

  Chapter Twenty

  The van was completely silent all the way to the rebellion camp. I had no clue what time it was or how long we'd been in the van. All I knew was that my head was killing me and that Liam and the others were already in their car, heading in the same direction.

  We've gotten off the exit. Liam connected with me. We'll be there in less than thirty minutes. I'm driving
as fast as I can to get to you.

  Do you have any idea how far away you are from camp? Evan didn't sound like his normal calm and collected self.

  Half of his concern was for me, but I also knew of another factor—Willow.

  No, I'm sorry. It was taking every ounce of strength I had not to lie down and puke all over the floorboards. The knock from the gun to my head still had me reeling. Even though the world wasn't spinning as fast now, I still felt off-balance.

  The van took a sharp turn, causing my injured head to hit the side. Nausea rolled through me again as my head pounded even harder. I think we're almost there. We just took a sharp curve.

  Liam growled in frustration through our bond once more.

  Bree said the first pack attacked the rebellion. Evan's words sounded relieved. They were able to head them off though since they had warning.

  At least, we had something going on our side. There will be more. They were forcing more than one pack to attack.

  They're ready. Simon's excitement pulsed through our bond. We're going to kick some ass.

  I wished I held his enthusiasm, but we were heading toward my parents and brother. There was no way I could protect them. They were probably even more of a target because of me, which I hated.

  The van jerked along as we hit the uneven road. I was finally able to brace myself so my head didn't keep hitting the side. I'd take being shot in the shoulder over this kind of pain.

  All too soon, the van slowed down and came to a stop. I could hear doors opening and shutting from the large number of cars that had driven here.

  Guys, we are here. They needed to know so Bree could alert the others.

  Do whatever you can to slow them down without getting yourself hurt any worse. Liam's words were laced with so much anger.

  Footsteps sounded as people headed in our direction.

  The guard in front of me stared at me. "Don't get any stupid ideas."

  "Don't discourage her." The greasy asshole sitting next to him laughed. "It could be entertaining."

  I wouldn't allow them to get the best of me. I ignored them, focusing on the pain in my head and my upset stomach.


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