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Deserted in Dodge

Page 8

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Harrison flicked the reins to keep Peaches going. “One thing I really miss is not having someone to share the sunsets with. Just look at those colors.”

  Emma put her hands on his arm. “Yes, I know what you mean. Oh, look at it change. Red sky at night—”

  “Sailor’s delight.” Harrison put his hand over hers. He pulled the wagon to a stop beside the big oak alongside the road to town. Facing her, he took both her hands in his. “Emma, would you give me permission to court you?”

  She felt as if she might explode inside. “Yes, I do.”

  “I’m not sure how long we have to make a courtship. We’re both past the stage of youngsters. I was thinking maybe a couple of months. And then we can talk about how we’re getting along.”

  She nodded. “Yes. I am more than happy with that arrangement.” Tears of joy welled up in her eyes, and she took her hanky from her sleeve. “Sorry, I’m so happy that I’m crying.”

  He looked relieved. “I’m glad it’s because you’re happy. You had me worried for a minute.” He started the horse up again, and soon they were in front of Mora’s.

  Emma let him help her down, and for a moment, they stood in the yellow light of the setting sun. She looked around and couldn’t help but think of God’s glory shining about them. It was all so perfect. So right.

  Harrison stroked her hair. “I won’t be in town until Saturday. I have a load of vegetables to bring in. Would you meet me at the café for lunch or dinner or both?”

  “I’d be glad to.” She stared into his eyes and thought she’d melt. Never had she felt this much joy. “I’ll miss you.”

  He fished in his pocket and brought out a piece of ivory with a rose carved in it. “It’s not worth much, but it’s ivory from a whale tooth from one of my whaling grandfather’s journeys. He always told us that when he knew Granny was the one for him, he gave it to her.” Harrison put the carved ivory in her palm and closed her fingers over it. “Please take it from me and remember me.”

  She kissed his hand. “I’ll cherish it. Thank you for a wonderful day, Harrison. I’ll count the sunsets until Saturday. When you look at them, know I’ll be watching, too.”

  He gently rubbed his thumb alongside her cheek. “Emma.”

  It was all he said, but she knew what he meant. Her heart beat with a peace and joy she’d never known as he walked her up the steps to the porch.

  Harrison held the door for her and shut it gently after she went in. “Saturday.”

  She waved. “Yes.”

  Chapter 15

  Emma walked into the parlor, sat down, and sighed. She was about to tell the women about her wonderful day when Miss S stood.

  “Sally Mae is missing.” Miss S spoke in such a loud voice that Emma wondered if they all thought she was responsible.

  “What? She’s not home yet?”

  “No.” Miss S folded her arms. “It’s all your fault with that crazy Lovelorn letter. Having us all chasing men around as if we could ever catch one.”

  Emma cleared her throat. “Well, Harrison and I are officially courting.”

  Mora went to her. “I am so happy for you both. You make a wonderful couple.” She looked at the other women. “And I believe you will all find your match, too. Miss S, come and sit down. You’re making us all nervous. Sally Mae will come home when she’s ready.”

  “She’s been gone all day.” Miss S sat, but her expression said she was still standing.

  Mora shook her head. “I don’t think there is anything to worry about. Emma was gone all day, too.”

  “But she’s here now. And Sally Mae, well, she’s not the best equipped to take care of herself.” Miss S started pacing again. Then she went up the stairs.

  Jenny dabbed her eyes. “I’m worried. Do you think she’s with Howie?”

  Emma remembered how Jenny had said she wanted Howie. And from what Emma had seen, if Sally Mae was with any of the men, it would be Howie. “If you’re worried, you could go and talk to the marshal and Howie.”

  Miss S came running down the stairs. “That Howie, you better talk to him, because Sally Mae’s satchel is missing along with some of her clothes. You don’t think she’s run off with him, do you?”

  Jenny started crying. “If she’s gone with Howie, where does that leave me?”

  Miss S hugged Jenny. “There are other men. If Howie ran off with Sally Mae, then you didn’t want him anyway. Those men all have minds of their own, just like we do.” She looked at Emma. “Isn’t that right, Emma?”

  Emma nodded. Suddenly, telling the others about her wonderful day could wait until they found Sally Mae. Emma didn’t think Howie would be a danger, but the woman should have been back at Mora’s by now.

  After an awkward time of silent worry, Emma looked at S. “I hope you’re not mad, but Harrison asked me to his farm today, and we got along so well. He is the one for me, I know it.”

  Miss S nodded. “I saw you coming back to town. The two of you, and I had to admit that to continue chasing after Harrison would be pointless. He’s fallen for you, Emma. I just hope that Tom or Kyle will want me.” She sniffled.

  Jenny cried.

  Mora clapped her hands. “Come now, Sally Mae is a grown woman and can take care of herself. As for Jenny and Miss S, your time will come. I’ve been praying, and I believe that you two will find your men soon.”

  Jenny looked up, her eyes red and teary. “Oh, Mora. What will happen to you?”

  Mora laughed. “Don’t you worry about me. There will always be people who need a place to live. God will take care of me.” She fanned herself. “Besides, I did have a good time with Mr. Barton the other night at the dance.”

  Emma smiled. She hoped all the women would find someone. Then again, she’d known men and women who never married and led a good life. Agnes Franks back in Vermont. She’d never been married and had no intention of getting married. Said she didn’t need a man to make her complete.

  Agnes lived a full life. She was a top seamstress and had such an eye for color and style. She was never without business. The woman also traveled to Paris and London to bring back ideas of different skirts and dresses.

  Agnes had told her once that the trick was to seek the Lord and let Him direct your path. Agnes had explained that she didn’t have a place in her heart for a man. And that she was happy with her life.

  Emma smiled at the thought of the woman. She was right. God had plans for their lives. The paths they should take. While Emma was upset about her father sending her to Dodge City to marry Ben Johnson only to have him abandon her, the truth of the matter was she would have never met Harrison if those steps hadn’t been taken.

  Her grandmother had told her to trust the Lord. Always. There was nothing wiser in the world than that. How many times had Emma heard those words? Well, she believed them. Then her thoughts turned to Sally Mae.

  There was a moment of silence in the room. A rarity for Mora’s boarding house. And then the door opened.

  Sally Mae and Howie entered. She grinned and held out her hand. “I came by to tell you that Howie and I got married today. We drove to Hays City because the judge was in, and he married us.”

  Mora and the women ran to see her ring. Emma held her hand. “It’s beautiful. I’m so happy for you both.”

  Howie grinned, looking as pleased as he could be. “I couldn’t wait to ask her. Then when I did, I couldn’t wait to marry her. I figure at our age it doesn’t matter that we didn’t court for long.” He held Sally close to him. “When you find the one you want. The one you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with, there’s no reason to wait.”

  Sally laughed. “That’s right. Howie has a house over on Second Street. Give us a few days for a honeymoon and then come and see me. We came to pick up my things and let you know I was all right. Howie was worried you might think something had happened to me.”

  Miss S shook her head. “We knew you’d be fine. Howie is a good man. Congratulations.”

a grinned. That Miss S. She was going to have to watch her. Emma had never realized how conniving that woman was. At least, she seemed to have accepted her courtship with Harrison and would leave them alone.

  Sally Mae and Howie went to her room and retrieved a few more items and then came back down. She hugged Mora and then one by one the other women. When she came to Emma, she whispered. “Thank you for having the courage to write that letter to The Lovelorn. It’s because of you I’ve found Howie and happiness.”

  Emma hugged her. “I’m happy for you, Sally Mae.”

  “I better go. Howie is waiting, and he gets so inpatient when he has to wait.”

  Emma blushed. “That’s impatient, Sally Mae.”

  “Oh, yes. I suppose so.” Without a clue to the proper wording, Sally Mae ran down the stairs with Howie.

  Emma watched them go and then turned to her other friends. “I would say this has been a wonderful day. Good night.” She went to her room, content, and full of peace.

  Chapter 16

  Harrison couldn’t wait for the week to go by. But finally, it was Saturday. He hitched the team to the wagon and drove in with his load. He stopped at Daily’s Store and sold his goods to Mr. Daily, and then Charlie began unloading the wagon.

  He went to the café for coffee. Tom and Kyle were already eating their breakfast. “You must have gotten up early to get here and already be eating.”

  Tom nodded. “I’ve been doing some thinking. About our list. You know, if you want a palomino colt, you don’t breed two yellows together. I think maybe we had it all wrong about picking out women that have the same color of eyes as us.”

  Harrison nodded.

  Kyle set his coffee cup down. “I’ve been thinking too. I know the gal that I want to ask. I’m not sure she’ll want me, though.”

  Tom slapped him on the back. “All we need is some courage. I’m going to ask mine to dance with me at the dance tonight.”

  “Dance? I forgot all about it. Thanks for reminding me.” Harrison looked at his clothes. At least he had worn nice ones because he wanted to meet with Emma. “So, who are you going to ask at the dance?”

  Kyle shook his head. “I’m not saying just in case one of you two want to grab her. I wonder where Howie is?”

  Tom pointed to the door. “Here he comes now, and he’s got Sally Mae with him. That’s awful early to be bringing a woman around.”

  Howie walked to them with a big grin on his face. “I want to introduce you to my bride.”

  Harrison stood and shook his hand. “Bride. You’re married? Congratulations.” He looked at Sally Mae. “You make sure he treats you right.”

  She smiled and looked at her new husband.

  Harrison saw the special light in their eyes and hoped that he and Emma would be the same. And the way he felt about Emma, he didn’t see any reason it wouldn’t be.

  After Tom and Kyle congratulated the couple, Harrison pulled a chair out. “Want to sit down with us?”

  Howie held Sally Mae’s hand. “No, we’re going to a table of our own.”

  The way the two looked at one another, Harrison figured they thought they were the only ones in the world. He gently spoke to them. “See you at the dance tonight.”

  Startled, Howie nodded and took Sally Mae to a table off to the side away from the others.

  The obvious love they had for one another made Harrison wish he was having breakfast with Emma rather than his friends. After a couple of moments of thinking of Emma, he sat down. “Well, Howie beat us all. I do have news, though. I asked to court Emma.”

  Tom smiled. “Good, because I was worried you were going to pick my gal.”

  Kyle nodded. “Same for me.” The two men looked at each other with a wary glare.

  Harrison laughed. “I guess we’ll see tonight who wants who.”

  Looking uncomfortable, Kyle ran a hand through his unruly hair. “Till tonight then. I better go and get some things done. I need a bath and a haircut.” Kyle paid his bill and left.

  Tom nodded at Harrison. “You and Emma look like a good pair. I hope you’ll be happy.”

  “Same to you and whoever you choose. I better go and pick her up. We’re going down to the pond after I check out her garden.” Harrison had always enjoyed breakfast in town with his friends before, but today, it just wasn’t the same. He left Tom still sitting at the café and walked to Mora’s.

  The day was perfect, and then when he saw Emma waiting for him on the porch, it got even better. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be up this early.”

  Emma grinned and scooted over so he could sit on the swing with her. “I’ve been making it a point to rise early.” She stopped as if she wanted to add more but smiled instead as if she had a secret. After a few awkward moments, she tapped her foot on the porch. “I can dance tonight.”

  Harrison couldn’t take his eyes from her. Finally, her words registered. “I’ll make sure to ask you for each dance. Keep your card for me.”

  She smiled and took his hand. “I am looking forward to doing just that, but for now, let me show you our garden.”

  They walked down to the garden like a couple. He could feel it as if they were growing together.

  Emma stopped at some of her plants and pointed at their missing leaves. “I can’t tell what is getting these.”

  Harrison bent down and soon plucked a large caterpillar. “Here’s the culprit. They blend in with the plants so you can’t see them, but they can do in your plants overnight.”

  “Oh, my, he’s a big thing. Yes, I can see he’s done damage.” She looked and spotted another one. Hesitantly, she grabbed it. “What do we do with them?”

  “I say we go fishing. Or at least feed the fish.”

  She smiled. “Good idea.”

  In minutes, they were down at the pond and tossing in the plump worms. Big catfish came up to the surface and readily ate them.

  Harrison leaned against a tree. “Next time, we’ll bring poles and catch some of those catfish. I know how to cook them so that they’ll melt in your mouth.”

  Emma smiled. “I don’t know if I can wait. For our courtship.” She stared into his eyes. “Not a long one. You know that Sally Mae and Howard are married.”

  “Yes. They stopped in at the café and told us. Me and Tom and Kyle.” Harrison looked at her, falling deeper and deeper in love with her. “I was thinking the same. About not waiting too long.” He took her hand in his. “Let’s talk about it at the dance.”

  Emma nodded. “Why? I mean, we’re here. You and me.” She looked at the pond. “I can’t picture a prettier moment. The birds are singing, butterflies flitting around us, and the pond is so still.” She turned to stare at him. “I, I—”

  Harrison took her in his arms. “I love you, Emma. I don’t want to court you. I want to marry you. As soon as you think proper.”

  “Oh, Harris, I’ve waited all my life to hear those words. Yes. I want to marry you. Soon.”

  He kissed her lightly. Not daring himself to kiss her more than once. “We’ll decide tonight. At the dance.” He looked at his pocket watch. “I need to go take care of my rig and team. I’m staying in town tonight.”

  She nodded. Her cheeks blushing, she held her hand lightly against her lips. “Tonight.”

  Together, they walked back to Mora’s. Harrison held the door for her. “I’ll pick you up tonight.”


  Emma went through the rest of the day as if she were floating on air. He was the perfect man for her. Never had she felt so at one with another man. She thanked God for Harrison and for Ben Johnson for abandoning her. She’d have never felt this way with him. It truly had been God’s plan for her to wait and find Harrison.

  She told Mora about Harrison, while the other women were out. Finally, the day wore on, and it was time to get ready. She put on one of her new dresses and had Jenny help her with her hair. “My hair just doesn’t want to stay put.”

  Jenny laughed. “It’s fine. Men don’t mind. Not real

  Emma faced her. “I have to tell you. Harrison asked me to marry him, and I said yes.”

  Jenny squealed and laughed. “That’s wonderful.

  “Have you made a choice?”

  Smiling, Jenny nodded. “Yes. I have. We’ll see after tonight.”

  Emma walked down the stairs and outside to wait on the porch. Soon Miss S came to her and nodded. “I heard about you and Harrison. I’m happy for you. Really.” She smiled and gave Emma a hug. “I hope I can be as happy as you are right now.”

  “Thank you, S. That means a lot to me.”

  “Well, I better go. We’re setting up the table of refreshments. We’ll see you at the dance.” Miss S and the girls set off with arms full of cookies and walked across town.

  Emma waited, dreaming of her life with Harrison. Then she heard his footsteps on the gravelly road. She looked and watched him walk to her. Her joy and heart rising with the moon.

  Harrison walked to the house and up the porch. “Emma, you look lovely?”

  He’d bought a new shirt and jacket and was more handsome than ever. Emma put her hand in his. “Harrison.” All she said was his name, but it was enough.

  He gathered her into his arms and hugged her. “I thought the night would never come.”

  “I told the others we were getting married.”

  “Then we better decide when.” He faced her, held her hand, and dropped to one knee. “Emma, will you marry me next Saturday?”

  She smiled. “Yes. I’m not sure I can wait that long, but yes.”

  “I want to get my house ready for you. Our house. Let’s go have that dance and tell the others.”

  Emma gave him her hand, and they walked to the big barn. Once inside, she saw that people were already enjoying the cookies and punch and laughing and talking.

  She stayed with Harrison, and he took her to the middle of the floor just as the fiddlers began playing the music.

  He held her hand and put his arm around her as they waltzed around the room. Harrison smiled at her. “I’ve waited all week to do this. To hold you.”


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