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Wolf in Hero Clothing

Page 14

by Serena Spacey

  “Buying you wasn't enough. An application had been pushed through and contracts had been signed. I didn’t have any choice.” He strolled over and hit a button, lifting the glass structure between us. “You had been sentenced to go back to your original world.”

  “No. No one would decide on something like that,” I countered, a little nervous about possibly being in heat with the glass raised between us.

  “Roxie, I have been fighting for your life for some time. I kept you out of a zoo, and I kept execution away. I couldn’t keep this away. Not without taking drastic measures.”

  What? Even when I was his courtezan? “Refuse to help them.”

  “The world suffered when I did that. It took time and I think Bose knows relatively well where my home could be. They would sniff it out and find you.” Hero came near me. “I have some supplies that would help you survive, if we cannot reach an agreement to the other option.”

  “Don't do this.” I looked him in the eyes desperately. “Please don't send me away. Anything, please, what is the other option? I’ll do it.” My anger at being caged away in glass like an animal had to subside now, enough to get through this.

  “I didn't have a choice, but I wouldn't let you be thrown in like nothing. If you decide to go, I'll find a safe spot for you to live around.”

  “I don’t care. Tell me the second option already.”

  Hero stared at me, strangely. Like he was watching my eyes. “I only had four hours. Even with what I did, it almost wasn’t enough time to get it reversed. It was the very last option, I would not and have not ever used it before.” He sighed large enough I could hear him. “I lied and told the truth to the press. I made them aware that you were alien and that I bought you. I made them hate the territory leaders by making them believe I only bought you because I could not marry you. The press is the only way out. It is finicky and risky, but if we can make them believe long enough, it is all we need.”

  “The press?” A soft side. “You showed a soft side.”

  “That is not going to be something I will do ever again,” he bitterly yelled at me. “In normal circumstances I would rather beg for my life than do that again.”

  But he did it. For me. He manipulated the press with pity, for me. “I didn’t know you were capable of that.”

  “Only for another life.” Hero didn’t want to meet my eyes. “I will be a cursed coward, joked about every time I come upon a project, but I couldn’t let my pride get in the way of your life. If you are sent and not taught defense, you will be hurt. There is no guarantee even if we find you a suitable place that you won’t be ravaged by a den of wolves.”

  I leaned against the wall. His reputation for my life. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “That’s not all.” I caught Hero swallowing. “Love is not enough. If you are only bought, you are susceptible to the whims of humankind. I needed marriage, and even the press would not get me what I needed without extra incentive.”

  Incentive? I watched as Hero moved closer towards me. “What kind of incentive?”

  “I insisted they were taking you away while you were carrying my future pack.”

  My mouth dropped. “You better be talking baggage.” He kept coming closer and I pushed my hand up. “Stop right there, Hero, far enough.”

  “If you are justified as pregnant in four weeks, I can marry you. No more life behind the glass. No more fearing banishment or zoos. Nothing.”

  Zoos? They were even considering me for zoos? I banged my head against the wall. “So what, like, let the heat keep taking us until I get pregnant?” I tried to hold back tears. It wasn’t fair.

  “You’ll be able to come out in public with me. You’ll be leashed, at least at first, but you could be out of here,” he said, probably thinking that sounded great.

  “A leash like an animal. The wolf and his pet alien.” I closed my eyes, unable to hold back the tears. “I don’t feel alien. I mean, I’m just me. I don’t even know how to control my transformations.”

  “We can work on it. If you are ready to forgive me for the deception.” Hero tried to touch my hand but I pulled it back. “We have four weeks. You know it doesn’t happen on the first try.” I could hear his own voice starting to cave. “After so many times, we’ll remember.”

  “That was for a Z. What if I never do?” That should have occurred to him. He touched my hand softly.

  “I spared Greg’s life. He is being forced to work for free, or I’ll kill him.”

  “After I get pregnant.”

  He struggled with the words. “Yeah.” He rubbed my hand more. “Do you feel anything yet?”

  Oh crap. I didn’t. I felt nervous and scared, but there was nothing else. “I’m not in heat.” No, no, no. I would have to actually do the act with him? “I’ve never, I can’t.”

  “I haven’t either. That is common knowledge by now.” Hero rubbed his hand up my arm softly. Goosebumps. “Roxie, I don’t know how long this will take.”

  “Could we um, use intervention?” I asked. “Like, invitro?” I watched him tilt his head with a slow shake of his head. “Why not?”

  “Because they already think you are pregnant.”

  Damn it. He was right. Natural. I admit, Hero was more than I had thought at first, but there were things I couldn’t stand. Like taking me into possession without a word. Like the words he used when he first met me. Like how the world was more important than me.

  Yeah it was, but he didn’t need to blurt it out so much. Then again he showed a weak side for me. He was willing to marry me to keep me safe from other wolves. He even lied for me to keep me from being banished. “I know I’m not going to be like ‘new’ down there, but . . .” I couldn’t finish. “Just, gentle. Super gentle. Like super, super gentle. And maybe one more super.”

  “I know.” He stopped my rambling with a finger to my lips. “It will be easier than you know. Now, take a deep breath and close your eyes.”

  I closed my eyes slowly, by body nervous. Would he reach for me?

  “Imagine the feeling of the ground on your feet. The wind as you run through the forest. The call of nature, do you hear it?”

  I heard a babbling brook in my mind. Fresh water. I took a deep breath, the smell of fresh grass. I could even feel the ground on my feet now. Wait, four feet? I opened my eyes and looked at myself.

  I was back to being a tiger wolf. I looked toward Hero and he was in his white wolf form. “Imagining the feel of nature brought me to this form?”

  “Yes, the need for it. To be closer.”

  Okay. I lifted my paws carefully looking at them. Funny black and orange stripes ran up my legs. If I could keep doing that, I could keep control of it. “Now how do I become human?” I looked toward Hero, but he moved his muzzle over my head.

  “I still can’t get over your fur,” he said, nuzzling my wet nose with his. “Do you have any idea how gorgeous of a wolf you are, Roxie?”

  I shied away with my own muzzle. Hero was clearly attracted to this side of me, and I wasn’t used to it. I had rubbed muzzles with him in my world, but this was different. I could feel it. Last time it was concern, this time it wasn’t. It was full on attraction. From a wolf.

  “Are you okay?” Hero asked me. “We’ll take it slow, I promise.”

  How slow could I take learning about a wolf form? Especially with him. I could hear his breath speeding up. His white fur rubbing against me.


  No pheromones were controlling me, I knew that, but once I had Roxie near me in her tiger wolf form, I felt my heart beating rapidly. I kept myself under control in the other world, but here, I . . . I wasn’t supposed to. I needed to be with Roxie Malone. I could be with Roxie. It was saving her from banishment and a horrid life she wouldn’t want. That knowledge made it easier on me. Her fur was so soft against mine. All I wanted to do was wrap myself around her. “Lie down, nice and easy.” She submitted and did what she was told. I placed myself over her position, feeling her sof
t form below me.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice was panicky.

  It should be quite obvious. “I am about to mount you.” She got up so quick, I almost foolishly fell over. “What is it?” We had just discussed this.

  “No way. Why would I do it as a wolf?”

  “It’s easier,” I mentioned. “It’s not like a human with different positions. There’s less of a need to look at me. Less pressure. You just lay flat, and I do the work.”

  She wiped some new tears from her eyes. “It sounds simpler, I’m not judgmental, but I um . . .”

  Oh. She didn’t really like the wolf form. I tried to cover my sigh. I wasn’t stupid. Humans looked at my human form with adoration. So had she. “My wolf form is not appealing to you.”

  “It’s not that, you’re a nice wolf form. I mean, you have a nice wolf form. I just, I’m used to human.” She pulled her body away from me, almost tripped over her own paws. She was so disgusted she could barely even keep sentences straight.

  “Fine.” I had no choice. Natural or not, I had to be in the human form. “You will have to be on top and do the work though.”


  “I don’t know the human ways. I don’t care to.”

  “I do the work?” She looked down at her paws. “I can’t do that. I can’t do something like that.”

  “And I should?”

  “You are at least used to both forms,” Roxie tried to counter me. “We can work something out?”

  “Fine.” Ugh. “I will be in human form but mount you from behind in the same style.” A decent compromise. “Agreed?”

  That look again. “We’re discussing it like we’re ordering pizza. This isn’t pizza, this is sex.” I could tell she was becoming emotional again.

  “Do you need some time before we rut?”

  “Mounting and rutting? It’s sex. It’s what humans call it.”

  “Which we’re not.”

  “We’re like it. We were raised like it.”

  Oh, she had a lot to learn about me. “Roxie Malone, I am a white wolf. I use the human jargon when I am human, but I do not always use it. When I am a wolf, I think like a wolf. Give yourself time and you will feel the same way.”

  “No, I won’t.” She was flying off the deep end, hunkering down. “This way, it just feels like something’s wrong, like bestiality.”


  I knew it as soon as I said it. What was I thinking using those words? I was hurt, embarrassed about the mounting and rutting terms, and just not myself. I still shouldn’t have said it though. Hero’s eyes haunted me.

  I hurt him. Deeply. He didn’t look me in the eye at all, just turned away. “I didn’t.” I couldn’t finish. “I’m sorry.”

  “Bestiality. You think in my human form I am a grand Champion Adventurer, but in my wolf form, I am just some mindless beast?” He still refused to look at me. “I am not an animal.”

  I had no real excuse for what I said. “I feel like a beast though. I am not used to this form.”

  “You didn’t say beast, you said bestiality. You are so disgusted with our wolf forms, you feel it’s ethically not right.”

  I closed my eyes. There was only going to be one way he’d forgive me now. Without him, I’d be sent to banishment in another world. “I’m sorry, you’re right.” It took everything inside of me to do it. “Mount me.”

  He didn’t answer at first. I moved myself completely down to the ground as a submissive mate. My human side didn’t make him burn with passion like the wolf side did. I continued to keep my eyes closed and stayed down. Sooner or later, he would come over and he’d take me. I tried to keep my shaking minimal as I heard his steps.

  Behind me, I felt something against my fur.

  “Imagine your old life,” he uttered. “Your school. Your parents. Your friends. Being on two feet. Shopping. Walking on the bridge.”

  As he said that, I felt myself change. Instead of fur, I felt skin next to skin. Realizing I transformed, my shyness kicked in. I knew Hero had seen me naked when he rescued me before, and I had even been naked on his back. Being shy was a natural reaction I could not stop though. My body seized up against him, and I tried to cover my privates and breasts with my hands.

  Oh dear, and if he transformed, oh my goodness. He was already naked too. Buff and strong against me.

  “Relax.” He touched the nape of my neck with his small, human nose. “I know you are not ready for wolf on wolf. This is new for both of us, but I’ve always been treated more human than wolf. This seems fitting for our first remembered time.” He smelled me delicately. “I have also found you tantalizing in this form.” He touched my ear with his hand. “The very presence of you in my life has added another size in beauty designs.”

  “What size?” I asked.

  “Roxie.” He moved his hand away. “Everyone wants you wearing their design. Soon you can pull anything off the rack and it will fit you like that dress you wore on our dates.”

  Roxie. I had become a dress size? “Not a size girls strive for.”

  “It is the size I want. That’s all that matters.” He moved his nose to smell my hair. “It carries over into your other form. Your hips and your curves.”

  What? “So big with fur is your thing?”

  “You aren’t big.” I could feel his hand on my side and I became so aware of his proximity again. “You’re Roxie.” I tried to shift away slightly as the back of his hand trailed down my side. “I will let your comment pass and we will experience our first times, skin to skin, for now, knowing a couple of things. When we have our young, whether baby or cub, you will be human and wolf form around it each day. Let it see that it’s alright to be both.”

  Not deny what it truly was inside. I nodded, understanding his point. I bit my lip softly. He was most attracted to my wolf form, but he had showed some attraction in my human form. I had definitely showed attraction in his human form, but I still wasn’t on the same track. “You’re a beautiful wolf,” I tried. “Your fur feels good against me, it’s all just so-“

  “Different, I get it. We’ll work on it later.” I felt his hand hold onto my side steadier. “Are you ready?”

  Was I?

  “Relax your body.”

  I was about to have sex, how was that supposed to happen? “Sorry. I know you’ve seen me, even touched me before, but this feels different.”

  “Of course it is. Last time I was actively ignoring you so that I would not hurt you. This time, I am allowed to revel in your beauty. If you’ll let me.”

  He moved my hands gently from my breasts. I imagined his eyes lingering on me as his other hands grabbed the one covering my private area. I was bare in front of his eyes. Feeling like my whole body must have been burning red, my breath was moving a hundred miles a minute. The feel of him against me though and that growl that came from his throat. My reaction. Did he like that?

  “How could any human ever have resisted you. Having my mark upon you, I am honored. It never should have been any other way.”

  “No human ever found interest. It’s just you wolves in my life.” I meant it as a joke, trying to lighten the mood, if not at least my skin color probably blushing red. “All the wolves.” Poor Bladon. “Memories lost forever. I would be so angry if he were still alive.” Suddenly I felt nails almost dig into my skin. Hero was holding onto my skin tighter on my sides and pulled me closer to him, almost in a panic.

  “I am trying to take you, for the first time willingly, and you have to drudge him up?”

  Faux pas. “Sorry. He was a friend.”

  “A friend and that is it. From now on.”

  “Bladon’s gone, does it matter?”

  “Yes.” I almost felt like I was being restrained. “I am the only wolf in your life. The only one, there isn’t room for another one. He was a lousy X, just an X.” His voice was almost in panic. “I’m Y. Superior. I was meant to be with you.” It was as if he was trying to convince himself.

sp; A wolf’s pride, it was keeping him from saying what he wanted to. It was keeping me from knowing about the petty jealousy forming inside. “I love you.” I almost wanted to cover my mouth as I felt his hold on me slacken. I didn’t mean it for them to be those words, I didn’t. They were so human probably to him. I just, a part of me just, wanted to make him feel secure.

  “You love me?” He questioned me as he rubbed my neck again obsessively with his nose. “I have no feelings for any other woman out there. None of them hold any attractiveness at all to me, there is only you.” He gently licked my neck once before turning it into a delicate kiss. “I love you.”

  Those words. I could feel the shyness ebbing away from my body. I wasn’t giving myself to just any wolf. This was no longer just for our lives. My body melted against him, becoming one with him as I felt him hard against me. There was nothing I wanted more right now than my wolf inside of me. The purring my body exhibited before was rippling through my body as it stretched against his chest.

  His hands wrapped around mine and I waited for it, for my wolf to welcomingly invade me. Instead, he spun me around and stared at me. Right into my warm and sweaty face.

  “Maybe there is something to this human position.” He stared right through me right before he started to kiss me. His lips on mine, fire. Nakedness was not new to us, but kissing with this desire. It was consuming both of us.

  My wolf. I held onto his gripping hands as he adjusted my bottom. Holding me securely, he gently pushed on me below. I gasped, knowing it was happening. This time, I would remember him being here with me. My body wanted to push right back on him, my primal urges, my own. Nothing was pushing me except my own inner desires to be with Hero.

  After pushing in a little, he lifted one of his hands from my bottom toward my chest. He stared at it like it was some delicious prey. Unsettling at first. “I could get used to this position after all.” He bent me back a little as he stroked his hand against my breast. “Your breasts are for more than feeding our young.” I tried not to wobble as I was pressed back further and I felt his hot tongue on my nipple.


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