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The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3)

Page 4

by Marie Higgins

  But tonight it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. She actually enjoyed the way people treated her. Being one of Brad’s friends meant that she was friends with everyone. Giddiness spread through her and made her body tingle. The strange emotion made her feel pretty – something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Tom certainly never made her feel like this.

  Despair washed over her and she sighed. Why had she thought of him? Once again, the wounded feelings of rejection touched her. She frowned. Why did Tom do more things with Kevin and Trisha, instead of the woman he professed to love?

  Turning away from the party, she stepped into the kitchen. An assortment of drinks was displayed on her counter, mini bottles and a few soda cans still remained. Dare she take a drink of alcohol? It seemed to make some of her guests forget their problems. Could it do the same for her?

  “Tempting, aren’t they?”

  The man’s deep baritone voice startled her from her sober thoughts, and she spun around to face him. Brad leaned against a wall, his relaxed stance radiated his flirtatious charm, especially the melting grin he had on his perfectly shaped lips.

  She smiled. “Yes, the liquor is working its hypnotic power over my weakened soul. Especially, since I’ve never tasted it before.”

  Brad grinned. “In that case, can I suggest this?” He stepped over to a cooler full of pop cans and pulled out a Coke, then handed it to her.

  She glanced at the can, and then at him. “Does this mean you don’t want me to drink alcohol?”

  He shrugged. “I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, but if you insist on trying it, I’ll do my best to talk you out of it.”


  “Because I’m not looking forward to taking care of you when you’re sloshed. Holding your head over the toilet doesn’t sound like a fun time to me.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks, I guess.”

  He moved over beside her and hung his arm around her shoulders. “Hey? Would you like to dance with me?”

  His question startled her, and she bit her bottom lip to keep it from dropping to the floor. “Uh, sure.”

  He took the can of Coke away from her and placed it on the counter, he then drew her cold hand into the warmth of his, pulling her into the front room. The music blasted from every direction, and through the hordes of people crowded in her living room, she could see that the front door was open and people gathered outside her apartment.

  Before she had time to worry about what her neighbors might think, Brad circled his arms around her waist and gathered her close. Automatically, she rested her hands on his shoulders and swayed back and forth with him to the slow playing music.

  As she stared into his dreamy green eyes, she experienced a feeling of floating on a billowy cloud. Her mouth turned dry, yet her palms began to moisten. She knew she held a lovesick expression, so she forced herself to look away from his gorgeous face.

  What was wrong with her? She couldn’t deny that for the first time in her life she felt totally helpless from the uncontrolled feelings Brad stirred inside of her, but she also couldn’t let it continue. Hopefully, her fascination with Brad would soon pass. Tom was her boyfriend, and although his actions tonight had wounded her heart, he was still the man she wanted to marry.

  And yet, after meeting Brad, a part of her wanted something more than what Tom could give her. She longed to feel loved and pretty. Tom hadn’t accomplished that, but... Brad had.


  Brad studied the shy woman dancing with him whose attention darted around the room more than it had rested on him. He liked the way she pressed against him so intimately and yet didn’t seem to mind. He enjoyed the way she’d gazed at him as if she’d never seen anything so perfect. He also liked the scent surrounding her – better than a flower garden. Of course, roses had always been his favorite.

  The longer he watched her scan the crowd, the more he realized she was purposely trying not to look at him. His mouth twitched into a grin. He’d change that in a hurry.

  While the crowd distracted her, he had the chance to examine her eyes. They were actually prettier than he remembered from this morning. Not very often had he met women with gray eyes, but hers were such a pretty color. Being this close to her, he couldn’t help but notice they also held specks of gold as if God had sprinkled stars in her eyes.

  As he studied her face more closely, he realized smooth skin framed the oval shape. Too bad she hid those pretty eyes behind outdated glasses.

  Her high cheekbones curved delicately on her face, and her nose looked almost too small to hold up the frames of her glasses. Her heart-shaped lips were a luscious peach color. His close scrutiny continued, traveling past her slightly round chin, down to her long, slender neck. Her skin appeared nice and smooth, and suddenly the urge to brush his lips across that spot overwhelmed him.

  Without asking her permission, he lowered his head and rested his face in the curve of her neck. He inhaled her flowery scent. It played havoc with his thoughts. On impulse, he pressed his mouth softly to her skin, brushing feathery kisses along her neck. Against his lips, goosebumps rose up on her skin, and he smiled.

  He closed out the loud music around him and concentrated on the soft gasps coming from Breanna’s throat. He tightened his arms around her. The erratic pound of her heart thudded against his chest, and his heartbeat had quickened to keep up with the rhythm.

  Strange he would feel this way about a woman he barely knew. But she’d been on his mind since this morning. In fact, it was before then. Since the cab ride. He didn’t want to see her name and picture on the obituary page just because someone didn’t take the time to look past her outward appearance.

  Once again, thoughts of his younger sister passed through his mind, and agony wrenched his heart. If only someone had paid her a little attention, maybe Carrie wouldn’t have killed herself.

  The song drew to an end. Disappointingly, he pulled away but still held her loosely. He gazed into her eyes that were now a darker shade of gray.

  He smiled. “Are you sure you’ve never been to a party before? You’re a great dancer.”

  Her cheeks flamed. “Thank you.”

  “Thanks for the dance, tiger.” He winked, then turned and left her side, and within seconds his body experienced the loss. He’d have to remember that strange feeling inside of him next time he wanted to dance with her.

  BREANNA BACKED AGAINST the nearest wall for support, feeling as if her legs were going to collapse beneath her. What was wrong with her, and why couldn’t she control it?

  Desperately, she tried to get her breathing under control and placed a hand on her chest. He’d called her that name again, and for some reason it didn’t anger her anymore. In fact, the longer she thought about the way he’d said it – almost like an endearment – the wider her smile stretched.

  Out of the corner of her eyes, Amanda caught her attention. Still struggling with her trembling body, Breanna tried her best to look composed as her co-worker walked up to her.

  “Hey, Breanna. Great party.”

  “Thanks, Amanda.”

  “Boy, aren’t you lucky? I haven’t danced with Brad tonight. Not yet, anyway.”

  Breanna mentally shook herself back to reality. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m having a great time and so is everyone else. Just look at them.” Amanda glanced around the room. “They’re smiling and laughing. That’s usually a good sign the party is a success.”

  Breanna sighed. “Good. I’ve never done this before.”

  “Well, you’re doing a great job.”

  Relief washed over her. “Thanks.” She tilted her head as she glanced at Brad who stood in a small group. “Amanda, what do you know about Brad?”

  “Probably everything. What do you want me to tell you?”

  Breanna shrugged and folded her arms. “He hasn’t told me that much about himself, but what he’s said makes me wonder what he does for a living.”

a chuckled. “Everything and anything.”

  Breanna scowled. “That’s what he said, too, but it doesn’t tell me what I want to know. What exactly has made him a billionaire?”

  “He models on occasions, and I’m sure he does other things, but I’m not quite sure what.”

  “Yes, he told me that, but he must do something else. How else would he be able to travel the world and party so much?”

  Amanda shrugged. “Unless he lives off his father’s money.”

  Sadly, Breanna shook her head. “That’s what I wondered, too, but it doesn’t makes sense. Terry told me that Brad is richer than Todd.”

  “I just don’t know.” Amanda sighed. “I think Brad doesn’t talk about himself very much because he doesn’t want women to love him for his money, and not for his charming personality.”

  “I understand that very well. It’s it funny how easy it is for people to misjudge you just because of your appearance.”

  The laughter in Amanda’s eyes disappeared and she nodded. “Yes, it is.”

  “Well, I’m definitely not the kind of person who judges others like that.”

  Amanda patted her arm. “No, you’re not. You have a huge heart, Breanna. Something a lot of us at work need to get.”

  As Breanna’s co-worker ambled away, Breanna looked differently at Brad. Did he want people to take him seriously? Apparently he didn’t, and that’s probably why he partied so much. Perhaps one of these days he’d change his ways and settle down, get married, and have a family. Breanna just didn’t see that happening any time soon.

  She turned and left the living room to wander throughout the rest of the house. Thankfully, people were not destroying her apartment as she’d feared. Although she could say her guests were not destructive, she couldn’t say they were clean. She wondered if they’d been taught how to pick up after themselves.

  In the kitchen, she threw away the empty liquor bottles, and continued to straighten up a bit. Her efforts would be wasted until the party ended, but she had to do something to keep her mind off the very intriguing man in the other room. It confused her the way her body responded to Brad. It’d been so long since her stomach had experienced these fluttering sensations, and she didn’t want it to end.

  But it had to end.

  Slowly, she drifted back into the living room and leaned against the wall. Right away she noticed him dancing with a beautiful blonde who had the hourglass figure Breanna had always envied. Brad’s laughter gave evidence to his good mood, and she wished she were the one making him laugh right now.

  She grinned the longer she watched, so she quickly wiped the smile off her face. He was definitely a hottie, and undeniably the sweetest man she’d ever met, but there had to be a flaw in him somewhere. Nobody was perfect.

  Then she remembered his flaw.

  Brad Montgomery was irresponsible. He couldn’t commit to anything unless it was a party. He looked to be around her age, and he was definitely old enough to be responsible, yet he chose not to be. She hated to think of him as lazy, because obviously he wasn’t. Yet his wandering ways took him from one town to the next and probably from one woman to another without a care in the world.

  Coming out of her thoughts, she noticed the song had ended and Brad looked her way. A man she didn’t know stood beside him, whispering in Brad’s ear. Brad’s dreamy green eyes were glued on her, and her face flamed from being caught staring again. She quickly looked away. Before too long, her attention strayed back to him. He strode toward her. The grin on his face made her question his actions. Her heart hammered wildly and she hoped he’d ask her to dance again.

  Brad walked up to her and braced his hands on the wall behind her, keeping her trapped with his body. His grin turned mischievous.

  “Tiger, you naughty little kitten. Why didn’t you tell me there was an indoor swimming pool in the next building?”

  His contagious smile made the corners of her mouth lift. “I didn’t tell you because only the occupants of the apartment complex are allowed to use it.”

  “You mean we can’t use it? Even though we’re your friends?”

  “Nope, sorry.”

  His hypnotic eyes remained on hers for a few seconds before his smile widened. “Didn’t you say your landlady is a woman?”


  “Show me where she lives.”

  “I don’t have to.” She chuckled. “She’s standing at my front door as we speak.” Breanna glanced briefly in that direction then met his eyes again. “She’s the lady with a sour look on her face.”

  Brad turned his head and glanced toward the door. “What’s her name?”

  “Pat Gurrister.”

  Brad met Breanna’s gaze and smiled. In one quick motion, he bent his head and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She hoped he didn’t hear her sudden intake of breath, and she prayed he couldn’t hear her thundering heartbeat.

  “Wish me luck, tiger, because I’m going to charm the pants right off your landlady.”

  Breanna laughed from pure giddiness. “Oh, no. Please don’t do that. I just received a mental picture and it wasn’t very pretty.”

  He laughed and gave her a wink before turning and heading in Pat’s direction.

  Breanna’s fingers flew to the spot where his lips had just been. She knew the kiss wasn’t serious. It was a friendly kiss and it didn’t mean anything, but trying to convince her rapidly beating heart of that was a different story.

  As she watched Brad with Pat, it only took five minutes before the landlady’s sour expression changed. Chuckling, Breanna shook her head. Brad was definitely charming the pants right off her, but thankfully, not literally. Breanna couldn’t even remember seeing her landlord smile, but she was doing so much of it right now that Breanna thought the older woman’s heavily made-up face might crack.

  Not even five minutes later, Brad came back wearing a cheesy grin. “She’s agreed to let our party adjourn to the pool house,” he said proudly, “to play in the water.”

  Breanna shook her head in amazement. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m dead serious. Of course, it helped when I told her I would pay for any damages that our guests did to her pool.”

  “But nobody brought swimming suits.”

  “She said that we could swim in our clothes. Just as long as we don’t strip down to our birthday suits, if you know what I mean.”

  “Unbelievable! You really are a miracle worker.”

  Laughing again, he took her hands in his. “No. Just an accomplished flirt. Come on, let’s tell our guests the good news.”


  Once the party had moved to the pool house, the crowd became wild. Even Pat Gurrister joined in the fun. Brad laughed at the older woman who didn’t care that she was making a spectacle of herself as she flirted outrageously, but he was glad she’d let them continue with the party.

  Brad had been to many parties; thousands upon thousands, but this one seemed to take the prize for the most entertaining. Even the other people at the party agreed.

  He removed his shirt, shoes, and socks and joined in the fun. He followed the wild group of men as they searched through the party to find those women who hadn’t gotten wet. They took turns in snatching the women and throwing them in the pool.

  By now, everybody had gotten wet at least once, and Brad’s enthusiasm waned to a dull roar. Who else could he tease? Quickly, he scanned the area for Breanna, and just as he’d suspected, she was nowhere in sight. He should have made it a point to personally escort her into the pool when they first began throwing people in.

  There was no time like the present.

  On his way out the door, Amanda walked by, so he grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Hey, honey? Have you seen my tiger?”

  Amanda’s eyes widened in surprise. “Tyger? Breanna actually told you her first name? I can’t believe she’s letting you call her that in public. She hates that name.”

  Brad swiped his fingers through his long wet hair, pushing it b
ack on his head. “What are you talking about? I’ve nicknamed her tiger.”

  She laughed. “You nicknamed her tiger? So, you don't know Tyger is her real name?”

  It was Brad’s turn to be shocked. “Are you saying Breanna’s name is really tiger? Like the striped animal?”

  “Well, yes, except it’s spelled with a Y instead of an I. Her full name is Tyger Breanna Loveland.”

  He was at a loss for words, which was something that never happened. Shy and quiet Breanna Loveland was exactly opposite of her first name. He grinned. No wonder she’d snapped at him when he first called her that.

  “I accidentally saw it on her tax form,” Amanda continued. “She doesn’t know I know, but I’ve heard from someone else that she just hates the name.”

  He smiled wider. “She’ll learn to like it. I promise you that. Now, do you know where she is?”

  Amanda pointed toward her apartment, and he took off running. When he sauntered inside, Tyger was kneeling on the floor picking up small pieces of cracker crumbs. He took a few minutes to watch her. Even through her baggy jeans, he detected a hint of a nice bottom. Why she chose to wear clothes that were at least two sizes too big was beyond him.

  “Hey, Tyger, honey?” Her head snapped up and she met his gaze. “What are you doing in here? The party moved into the pool, remember?”

  She smiled. “I know. I just thought I would clean up a bit.”

  “Why? Don’t you want to get wet like me?” He quickly swept her up into a big bear hug. She laughed and tried to push him away from his damp body.

  “No, I don’t want to get wet.”

  “Can you swim?”

  “Of course I can swim. I just don’t feel like... Ahhh—” She screamed as he lifted her in his arms. “Brad, what are you doing?”

  He didn’t answer, but carried her toward the front door.

  She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “Don’t you dare! Brad Montgomery, put me down.”

  “I’ll put you down in a minute.”


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