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The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3)

Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  He must keep their conversation going. When there was silence between them like this, his thoughts were all over the place, making him want her that much more. He really didn’t know how to stay calm when his heart sped so quickly with eagerness.

  He finished the mouthful of pancake in his mouth before speaking. “Do you want a taste of my buttermilk pancakes? They are so good.”

  He cut a small piece and brought it to her mouth. She hadn’t been eating her muffin, just playing with the crumbs on the table. She hesitated as she looked at the piece of food, before opening her mouth. He moved the fork inside her mouth until she bit into it. Her beautiful eyes remained on him the whole time.

  His heart leaped in his chest. Maybe that was a bad thing to do, especially, if he were trying to control his feelings around her.

  “Your brother told me,” he quickly changed the subject, “he had a sister who lived in California, and who was living on the college campus.”

  She chewed faster as her eyes widened. “You must not have talked to him for a while. I lived in California before finding this job in Manhattan, and that was almost two years ago.”

  “You’re right.” He nodded. “It’s been that long since I was in Chicago.”

  “I’ve talked to Cade since then, and told him I worked for Upbeat magazine, but he never told me he knew the owner’s son.”

  Brad gave her a sheepish grin. “That was my fault. You see, I don’t tell very many people what my father does for a living.” He chuckled softly. “I don’t even tell them what I do for a living. I want people to think of me as a normal person, not a rich guy. You’d be surprised how many people will treat you differently when they know how much money you’ve got. I told Cade I was a model.”

  Her gaze moved slowly over his face. “You know, when I’m with you, I don’t think of you as being rich.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He lifted an eyebrow. “What do you think about me when we’re together?”

  Her smile relaxed. “When I’m with you, I think I’m with a warm, caring man who is very kind with his words, but... who looks like a beach bum.” She laughed.

  “A beach bum?” He poked her sides, making her squirm. “If you want to see a beach bum, then I’ll take you to the beach sometime. But my sweet Tyger, I’m not a beach bum.”

  She giggled and slapped at his hands, but he refused to stop. Being fun with her like this was nice.

  “Actually,” she said between laughs, “it’s just your long hair and your beard and mustache that makes me think that you’re a beach bum.”

  “Oh, really?” Brad wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He dropped his face to her neck and rubbed his well-groomed facial hair on her skin. “This, my sweet Tyger, is called a goatee. A lot of men have them.”

  Her wiggling stopped, and at first, her body stiffened, but within seconds, she relaxed in his arms. In an instant, her breathing became ragged.

  “My mistake,” she whispered heavily.

  Her perfume and her soft body against his, was driving him wild. He wanted to kiss her passionately, and he suspected she wouldn’t stop him. But if he started, he wouldn’t want to stop. Ever. However, he had to force himself to pull back. That was the only way to keep her wanting more.

  He kissed her neck briefly before straightening. He tried not to look at her face, because he was sure he’d see passion written all over it. Instead, he glanced at his watch. “I need to make a phone call so we’ll be able to get our haircut done by a professional.” He scooted out of the booth.

  “Who...” She cleared her throat. “Who will you call?”

  “Lance. He’s the only one in town who I’ll let touch my hair.”

  She swallowed hard. “Lance? The popular hair dresser who only takes appointments with the rich and famous?”

  “Yes, that’s the one.”

  She shook her head. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “I’ll be back in a moment.” He hesitated to leave her, especially when her eyes were wide and wondrous and she looked so pretty. On instinct, he leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. Before pulling away, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth for a quick taste. When he withdrew, her face flamed red and she was breathless.

  He grinned. “You had a little syrup on your lip,” he lied. He hurried and left the table so that he wouldn’t be tempted to check for more syrup on her lips.

  BREANNA’S HANDS WERE nervously cold as she walked into the shop with Brad. A tall man in his early to mid-thirties came out of an office to greet them. His hair wasn’t as long as Brad’s, but almost. He was nice looking, but standing next to Brad, nobody would notice.

  The men laughed and gave each other a hug. She realized Brad was just an overly-friendly person. That was his personality, and she loved it.

  “Lance, I want you to meet the lovely, Tyger Loveland. I want you to find a style that will enhance her beauty.”

  Her cheeks heated quickly. Why she became so embarrassed whenever he mentioned her looks, she didn’t know – unless it was because she knew she wasn’t pretty at all. If his friends had eyes in their head and had perfect vision, they’d see it, too.

  Lance stood back and ran his gaze over her with his arms folded. One of his fingers tapped against his arm. Suddenly, his eyes became as large as his growing smile.

  “I know the perfect style.”

  Lance stepped to some drawers and rummaged through them, looking for combs, scissors, and a drape to place around her neck. While he was busy, Brad stood next to her and took her cold hands in his.

  “Don’t worry, honey. Everything will be fine. I trust Lance, and I know he’ll do a great job. You’ll absolutely love what he does to your hair.”

  She took a deep breath and slowly released it. “Thanks for being here with me, Brad. I wouldn’t have been able to do it alone.”

  He brought her hands up to his lips while their eyes stayed locked, and he tenderly kissed her knuckles. “I’ll be here whenever you need me, Tyger. Any time at all.”

  Lance draped the cape around Breanna’s neck and led her to the back of the room where he washed her hair, then escorted her back to a chair up front. Expertly, he went to work on cutting her hair.

  Breanna refused to look in the mirror. She’d wait until he was all the way finished. As he cut, she could feel the weight of her hair getting lighter, and she hoped he wasn’t going to cut it too short.

  Brad sat next to her, holding her hand the whole time. His focus was mainly on Lance, and as the minutes ticked by, Brad’s smile stretched and he nodded in approval.

  “Oh, yeah,” he said. “This is going to look great on you.”

  Now she was anxious to see the results. Brad’s happy expression made her relax. Whenever he switched his gaze to her, the color of his eyes softened. She wished he wouldn’t look at her as if he had feelings, because that gave her hope. Yet, this was Brad. He acted this way with all the women, she reminded herself.

  Lance applied some gel to her hair before using the blow dryer. Once he was done, he stepped back and sighed dramatically.

  “Once again, I’ve created a masterpiece.”

  Brad motioned with his hands for her to turn and look in the mirror. Nervously, she turned the chair. When she saw her reflection, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Had she switched heads with another woman with auburn hair? This couldn’t possibly be her.

  Although Lance had taken out the bulkiness, most of her length was still there. And... her hair curled!

  “How...” She touched her hair. “How did you get my hair to curl when it’s still long?”

  “Oh, my dear, woman,” Lance said, shaking his head. “I know how to mess with hair and make it look beautiful.”

  She hiccupped a laugh. “I haven’t had curly hair since I was a young girl.”

  Lance explained how he cut her hair, but all she could do was stare at herself, amazed at the remarkable change. He had layered her hair, given her a few bangs, and then tapered the s
ides. He instructed her on how to use the gel to bring out the curls.

  But now her hair style didn’t fit her face. She reached up and slowly took off her glasses... and then sucked in a quick breath. Who was that woman staring back at her? Why did she suddenly think herself – dare she say – pretty?

  Now that she knew what she had been hiding all this time, she decided to go all the way. She’d get contacts, new clothes, and even have someone teach her how to use make up.

  “Well, Tyger? What do you think?” Brad asked.

  “Oh, Brad...” Tears filled her eyes. “I never thought... that I could look this way. I actually look good.”

  Brad chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m happy you like the new style, but honey, you don’t just look good, you look spectacular.”

  “I agree,” Lance said.

  Breanna held Brad’s gaze in the mirror, silently communicating her gratitude. She didn’t know how to thank him enough. Tears continued to gather in her eyes, and if she didn’t do something soon, she’d end up bawling with happiness.

  Quickly, she jumped off the chair and pointed to the seat. “All right, beach bum, it’s your turn.”

  Brad shrugged in defeat and sat on the chair. “Okay, if you say so.”

  Breanna stood back and watched him talk to Lance. Lance showed him pictures of the latest style for men, but Brad wouldn’t let her see.

  Finally, Lance went to work. She couldn’t believe how much hair Lance was chopping off! Deep down in her stomach, a sickening wave began. Would Brad hate her for forcing her to do this? Then again, he’d looked at the pictures and agreed with Lance. The sides of Brad’s head was cut very short, leaving only a half-inch. The length at the top of his head was a little longer. But once Lance added gel and styled it, Brad was... gorgeous. Better looking than before, in her opinion.

  “What do you think?” Brad asked as he watched her through the mirror.

  “You... take my breath away.” Maybe she shouldn’t have spoken her thoughts, but what else could she do?

  Brad and Lance laughed. Brad turned to Lance and smiled. “You did a great job. Thanks.” He pulled out his wallet and handed him a hundred dollar bill.

  Before she and Brad left, she gave Lance a hug and thanked him. They walked to his truck holding hands. Now she was self-conscious of her perfect hair clashing with her jersey and outdated jeans.

  “What do you want to do next, Tyger?” he asked.

  She slowed her steps and met his eyes. “You call me Tyger like it was my real name.”

  He gave her a skeptical look. “It is your real name, or have you forgotten?”

  A different emotion crept over her and she didn’t know whether to blush or become upset. “I haven’t forgotten, but I want to know how you found out.”

  “I have my sources.” He shrugged. “Of course, I didn’t realize that was your first name until after I’d been calling you that during the party.”

  “I’ve always hated that name.”

  He stopped and turned in front of her. “No, my sweet. It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

  “I’ve never liked it because it didn’t fit me or my personality, and it especially doesn’t fit my lifestyle.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Then what do you say we make you into a Tyger?”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I’ll take you to the mall and show you exactly what I mean.”


  Brad helped carry Breanna’s many bags of clothes into her apartment. The time spent with her today had been Heaven on earth. He couldn’t think of another time in his life when he’d enjoyed himself so much. Unfortunately, the day was drawing to a close, and soon he’d have to say good bye.

  But before that happened, he had to change her mind about her so-called boyfriend.

  She piled the bags on the floor by the couch before plopping down on the cushion and releasing a gush of air from her mouth. He set the bags in his arms down beside her and then joined her on the couch.

  “Whew, what a day,” she exclaimed wearily.

  “You can say that again. But we got so much done, so it was worth it.”

  She nodded. “It was worth every minute.” She leaned her head against the back of the couch. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into getting all of those clothes.” Frowning, she rolled her head toward him. “And I can’t believe you won’t let me pay for them.”

  “My treat.” He held up his hands.

  “That’s not fair.”

  He chuckled. “It was my privilege to do this for you, because you deserve it. Seeing the sparkle in your eyes and your smile made everything worth it.”

  “Oh, Brad.” She sighed heavily. “I also can’t believe I wore clothes two sizes too large. Why didn’t I realize it?”

  “I wish I knew.” But he really knew. It was her boyfriend, Tom. He was the one who controlled her. Brad would do anything to make her see that.

  A small laugh erupted in her throat. “What will the girls at work think of me now?”

  He rolled closer and drew his finger along her chin. “They’ll be happy that the real Tyger Breanna Loveland finally came out of her shell. If you’re happy with the results, they will be happy.”

  “Oh, Brad. I wish everyone had a positive outlook like you do.”

  “I was blessed, I guess.”

  She laughed. “You were blessed with more than that.”

  He could stare into her eyes all night, which was exactly what he wanted to do. He couldn’t let tonight end. “So what should we do next?” He pulled off the couch and stood.

  “Are you kidding? You want to do more?”

  A lot more, my dear. “Yes.”

  “But aren’t you exhausted?”

  “A little, but I don’t want this day to end. I’ve enjoyed my time with you today.”

  Her smile softened. “So have I.”

  He walked to the framed pictures lined on a shelf. Cade was in a few of the pictures. One was with her and Cade and they appeared much younger, like they were still in high school. They were with an older couple. Probably the people who adopted them.

  His Tyger was a pretty girl, which of course is why she turned into a beautiful woman. A few other photos were of her and a man with mousy brown hair. He stood beside Tyger with his arm around her, and yet he didn’t smile. It appeared as if the man was irritated because he had to be in a picture. It was clear, however, that she didn’t start dressing differently until after meeting Tom.

  “Oh, look how cute you were,” he said teasingly, pointing to the younger picture of her and Cade. “And look at your brother. I wouldn’t have recognized him at all.”

  “Yes, that’s us right after we were adopted.”

  “Is this your boyfriend?” He pointed to the one of her and Tom.

  “Yes, that’s Tom.”

  He kept silent for a few seconds, afraid to say anything about her boyfriend. He knew whatever words exited his mouth would not be kind. “Hey, I know what we can do.” He turned around and faced her. “Let’s have a little party tonight.”

  She chuckled. “No, Brad. Although the party was fun the other night, I can’t have another one here at my place.”


  “Because when Tom found out, he exploded.” The smile disappeared from her face. “And he’s right. I shouldn’t have let so many people into my apartment without his permission.”

  “Are you serious?” Brad couldn’t bite his tongue any longer. “Tom doesn’t live here. This is your place. Breanna, this is your life. He shouldn’t be the one controlling it.”

  Sadness encased her expression. Slowly, she lifted off the couch and walked toward him, stopping only a few inches away.

  “No, Brad. Tom is my boyfriend. He’s the man I’ll marry one day.” A sob caught in her voice, so she cleared her throat. “He’ll be living here with me, so it’s only right—”

  “Tell me you’re not seriously thinking of marrying th
is guy. He doesn’t treat you right, and you deserve much better.” Panic strummed through Brad, and a sense of urgency came over him.

  “Brad, you have no right.” Her body stiffened. “You don’t even know him.”

  “No, I don’t, but from what your landlord told me, along with some of the women at the magazine, I don’t need to know him. He’s a real jerk.”

  “Tom and I have been with each other for five years,” she defended in a tight voice.

  “And that gives him permission to tell you what you can wear and how you can look every day of your life? Does that give him permission to choose your friends, as well?”

  Moisture gathered in her eyes and she blinked. “He’s only looking out for my best—”

  “He’s looking out for him and only him,” Brad snapped. He grasped her shoulders. “Tyger, can’t you see he’s kept you wearing outdated, over-sized clothes for a reason? He knew how beautiful you were and he didn’t want other men to see it.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. “Please, Brad. Don’t say that about him. You don’t know him.”

  “I don’t want to know him, because I’d be tempted to slam my fist into his face for treating you the way he has.”

  She choked on a sob and tried to pull away. Instead of letting her go, he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her to keep her up against his body. She trembled, but she didn’t fight him.

  “Don’t you see,” he said, kissing her forehead. “You are a woman who needs to be happy. You have so much passion, and he’s keeping you from expressing it.” He pressed his cheek against hers. “You need a man who will shower you with gifts. You need a man who will make you smile and laugh. Oh, my sweet Tyger, you need a man who will make you feel special, and beautiful... and loved.”

  He placed his mouth on hers, coaxing her into a kiss. At first, she remained stiff, but the more he kissed her, the faster her body relaxed. Soon, she slid her arms up his chest and linked her fingers around his neck.


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