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Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2)

Page 9

by J. L. Leslie

  “Hello?” No answer except a deep voice singing along to “Bad To The Bone”. I laugh at the boots tapping on the floor from beneath a ’92 Mustang. I look around the room and old vehicle tags adorn the walls. There are shelves full of car parts and old photos and there’s even an acoustic guitar. I call out again and a man slides out from beneath the car.

  “Well, hey there! Since you’re here, I assume you know this is Varelli’s Garage. Did you park out front?” he asks, a smile spreading across his face. He sees me eyeing the guitar and says, “That belonged to my wife.”

  “Oh, it’s nice. I…um…I actually came because I saw your sign in the window.” I point towards it and he cocks an eyebrow.

  “You know someone looking for a job?”

  I smile now, knowing he wouldn’t expect it to be me. “I am.”

  His brown eyes look me over, but not in a sexual way. “I don’t think those high heels will go well with coveralls.”

  “I’ve been job hunting all day.” I explain. “The places I’ve been to expect high heels and nice clothes.”

  “No offense, ma’am…”


  “No offense, Sully, but I need someone who can fix cars. Both of my sons are a bit too busy to help me out these days and my mechanic just moved to Arkansas. Can you believe that? Arkansas! I don’t even know what the hell is in Arkansas.” He mumbles and runs a hand through his hair. “So, like I said, I need someone who can fix cars.”

  I glance at the Mustang that’s behind him and then over to the Honda Civic parked beside it. I know there are three vehicles parked just outside and more across his yard.

  “Mr. Varelli, I know my way around vehicles. I’ve worked mainly on motorcycles, but I can change oil, batteries, work on carburetors, engine repair, rebuild engines, whatever you need me to do.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “Not that you look like it, but are you involved in that motorcycle shit my two sons are in?”

  I don’t want to lie to him. It just seems unfair and for him to question me, a part of him must think I am. “Mr. Varelli, I don’t want to lie to you, I am involved with the Rykers, but I won’t bring any club business here. You have my word.”

  “So, you know my son, Lincoln?”

  “Yes, I do, Mr. Varelli.”

  He clenches his jaw and crosses his arms. “None of that ‘Mr. Varelli’ stuff. You can call me Leon. That’s my damn name. We can try it out for a week. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll pay you for the work you’ve done and that’s it.”

  “And if it does?”

  “We fill out the official paperwork for you to be an employee. I don’t do that under-the-table shit around here.”

  I nod and shake his hand. “When do I start?”

  Leon laughs and walks over to a shelf. He tosses me a pair of coveralls and smirks. “Now. Lose the heels.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  The water from the shower has been running so long it no longer steams, but pours a steady stream of cold water down my back. The chill of it doesn’t even bother me. I gutted a man today. I laid his dead body on his porch for his wife and kids to find him. Then I worked.

  I collected rent money from a family who didn’t even have food in the house. The children didn’t have shoes on their feet and the baby was out of diapers. Still, I made their father give me money while I held a knife to his wife’s throat. I could feel her trembling against my chest. I can still hear the children crying, probably from hunger more than fear.

  The next trailer was no better. The old man could barely hear a word I said. I had to keep yelling at him to give me his rent money. The cat he held in his lap was dead, but he kept stroking it anyway. It was clear he was senile and needed help, but my job was to collect the rent. So, I did my job.

  Every trailer resident had to pay. It didn’t matter their lack of money, food, or what their situation was. If they rented from the Rykers, they had to pay up. Heaven have mercy on the ones who were late. I always make sure they pay. I won’t be sending Lazarus to collect fingernails like the previous Ryker did.

  When I’d returned to the clubhouse and given Thad the rent money I’d collected, he had told me ‘good job.’ I felt numb to that praise. I didn’t want his praise. I didn’t take pride in what I’d done. Then he reminded me that we have the meeting with Juan Gordino scheduled for tomorrow night and told me to take the night off.

  Sabrina had stopped me in the hallway, but I’d brushed past her. The thought of being buried inside her nearly made me want to peel my skin off. I wanted to get to the apartment and shower. I wanted to wash the blood from the Raven I’d killed off me. I wanted to wash the money I’d taken from those broken-down families off me. I wanted to feel clean. Still, as I stand under the shower, I have never felt filthier.

  I switch the water off and step out. I barely towel off and my phone is ringing. I curse myself for bringing it into the bathroom with me. I see that it’s Thad. I’ve barely been gone from the clubhouse two hours. I thought I had the fucking night off.

  “Yeah.” I answer, not bothering to hide my frustration.

  “You’re needed at The Lion’s Den.”

  He hangs up without receiving confirmation that I’ll be there. I’m a Ryker. We all know our duty. I dress and head out, leaving the apartment empty and wondering where Sully might be.

  I park around the back of The Lion’s Den, surprised I’m needed here when the club doesn’t open until nine p.m. Thad motions for me to follow him to the private rooms when I walk in.

  “One of the johns tried to get rough.” he explains.

  “Didn’t know we saw clients during the day.” I deadpan.

  “He paid for a full night and was supposed to leave at noon today. Peter has him in the room. Decided we could use your skills to teach him a lesson.”

  “I’m not an enforcer, Thad.” I bite off. “You should have called Grimes or Coy, even Lazarus.”

  Thad stops just outside the door to where I assume the john is being held. “After the way you gutted that Raven earlier, you shouldn’t doubt your skills, Lincoln. You’re capable of just about anything, including running this fucking club.”

  He pushes the door open and the naked man strapped to the bed begins struggling, his eyes wide with fear.

  “You do realize who that is, don’t you?” I ask, stepping inside the room.

  “Judge Nared.” Thad bemuses. “And when you’re finished with him, he’ll fucking respect the Rykers.”


  “Try it again.” I call out to Leon and he turns the key. He lets out a cheer when the Civic cranks and I smile a satisfied smile of accomplishment.

  After finishing up with the Mustang, we’d moved on to the Civic and it had proven to be a little more difficult than Leon had expected. Still, it’s running now and that’s what’s matters.

  “Now what?” I ask, still grinning.

  “What the hell you talking about, woman?” Leon laughs. “It’s quitting time. You realize it’s past seven already?”

  I hadn’t realized it at all. I didn’t even eat anything for lunch. By the time I had arrived at the garage, it was already past lunch time and we started working and hadn’t stopped. I look down at my greasy coveralls and bare feet. They’re dirty as well, but I don’t mind. I damn sure wasn’t about to ruin my heels.

  “I’m gonna head home then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I tell him, sighing with content.

  “You come get you a bite to eat.” he says. “I have some lasagna that my neighbor brought me. I’ll never eat it all. She thinks Luka and Lincoln still live here.”

  “She?” I arch my eyebrow and smirk.

  “Yeah, she.” Leon laughs. “And she might look more like a she if she’d shave her damn mustache.”

  I burst out laughing, following him into the house. He washes his hands and then takes out two plates, giving them both a generous helping of the lasagna before nuking it in the microwave. I wash my ha
nds and then offer to get us both something to drink.

  “You mind beer?” he asks, nodding towards the fridge.

  “Not at all.” I answer and take two out.

  As we eat, he tells me stories of Lincoln and Luka. Stories of two young brothers who were inseparable as kids. Both hell raisers. Both troublemakers. I laugh until tears form in the corners of my eyes.

  “He did not eat a worm!” I laugh and Leon nods.

  “Lincoln would take any dare given to him, damn that boy!” He slaps his hand on the table laughing. “And Luka couldn’t stand the thought of Lincoln being made fun of so he ate one to shut the other boys up!”

  “Dad!” A voice calls. “I found that part…”

  My laughter fades as Luka walks into the kitchen. His eyes narrow at me as he and Raiden Daughtry approach the table.

  “I found that part you’ve been looking for. We actually had one in the shop.” he finishes, not taking his eyes off me.

  “Don’t need it. We got it running today.” Leon informs him and I can only assume he’s either talking about the Mustang or the Civic.

  I slowly stand up and take my plate to the sink. I can feel eyes on me as I rinse it off and put it away.


  “Yep. Got myself a new mechanic, son. A damn good one too.” Leon explains and gestures towards me.

  “Oh, you mean this Ryker here?” Luka snaps. “You have a fucking Ryker working for you, dad? I don’t fucking think so!”

  Raiden puts a hand on his arm, but his jaw clenches with anger. I don’t necessarily blame him. Leon is his father and he already feels as though he’s lost his brother to the Rykers.

  “Since when do you tell me who I can and can’t hire?” Leon smarts. “Last I checked, I own this garage. Not a Raven or damn Ryker.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Leon.” I mumble and slip out of the kitchen.

  Before I can make it through the living room, Luka grabs my arm. “Don’t even think about coming back here. You stay the fuck away from family.” he warns. “I know you’re just as filthy as Cal was and I swear on my life, I’ll get my brother back one day.”

  I jerk my arm away from him, blinking back the tears in my eyes. I don’t look back as I hurry into the garage to get my shoes and clothes. I want to get to the apartment and forget Luka’s words. You’re just as filthy as Cal was.

  “Hey, I’m sorry about Luka.” I brush past Raiden and don’t acknowledge that she’s even speaking to me. “I think we both know Cal had a way of making people do things they never imagined themselves doing.”

  I stop walking, but I don’t turn around. She’s right. Cal could convince anyone to do anything. I may be undercover, but I’ve done so many things for him that I never thought I would ever do. I went along with so many plans of his that I thought were wrong. I even became the type of woman who came up with plans that my mind should never have concocted. District 32 was more my idea than his. I was the one who made it work. I only justified it by telling myself that it was so I could put them all away for good.

  “Luka only wants his brother back and he’ll stop at nothing to make that happen.”

  I nod slightly, letting her know I understand, before I continue walking again. I know eventually Luka will convince Lincoln of the truth. That the Ravens weren’t behind his attack. The Rykers were. The Ravens would never attack one of their own and to them, with Lincoln being Luka’s brother, he was one of theirs. They’re not like us and neither is Lincoln. Lincoln might be a Ryker, but honestly, he has the heart of a Raven.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I sit on my bike a moment after I’ve killed the engine. I stare down at my hands and I can see blood caked under my fingernails. Is this who I’ve become?

  Judge Nared is officially on Ryker payroll. I should be happy. He’s the fucker who presided over my case, who locked me up, and now he’s on our payroll. His potbelly has fifty lash marks on it thanks to me and a whip I found in the room he was held in. Per Thad, he didn’t want his marks to be visible. He is a judge, after all.

  “You gonna stay there all night?”

  I look over my shoulder and see Sully walking towards to me. She’s carrying a pair of heels and what looks to be some clothes in her hands. Her feet are bare and for some reason she’s wearing a pair of greasy coveralls.

  “Were you at the clubhouse today?” I ask, climbing off my bike.

  “Nope, I got a job.” She smiles, but it doesn’t quite make it to her eyes. I suppose she’s tired of pretending too. “Aren’t you going to ask where my job is?”

  I shrug as we take the stairs up to my apartment. “I suppose it’s some sort of garage. I mean, you’re greasy as shit.”

  When we reach the door, I open it and let her go inside first. “It’s at your dad’s garage.”

  I close the door, staring down at the doorknob and taking in her answer. She’s working with my dad. I honestly don’t know how I feel about this. It’s not that I don’t think she can handle the work, but I worry about the trouble it might bring my dad. I can’t allow him to involved in any of the Rykers’ business.

  “Is that okay?” she questions and I can hear the trepidation in her voice. She wants it to be okay.


  “Are you sure?”

  I turn to face her and she’s standing just a few inches from me. I can smell the familiar scent of oil and grease that always accompanies my dad’s garage. Her face has a smudge of grease on her left cheek. Her hair is loose and wavy. She looks stunning.

  “I saw your brother today.” she cuts through my thoughts. “Him and Raiden came by your dad’s house.”


  “He loves you, Lincoln.” she says, quietly, reaching out to touch my chest. “I’m sorry Cal dragged you into all of this.”

  “Don’t.” I warn her. “Don’t blame Cal. I chose this.”

  “I’m sorry…” she starts again, but I shake my head and pull her against me.

  Her body immediately yields to mine, softening against me as I pull her close. The frenzy I felt before when I fucked her for the first time is still there, rumbling deep inside me, but I quiet it. Sully deserves to be savored.

  “I should probably shower.” she murmurs, leaning back to look up at me.

  I unzip the coveralls and push them off her shoulders, baring her pink satin bra. “No, I like this scent on you.”

  She slips her arms free and shimmies the material down her waist until she steps free of it. I skim my fingertips down her sides, enjoying the softness of her skin. My world has become hard and calloused, but here, this…this is soft and perfect. I could get lost in this.

  “We can forget for a little while, Lincoln.” Sully whispers, reaching for my pants. She unbuttons them and slowly lowers my zipper. “We can both forget.”

  That’s exactly what I need. I need to forget. God, I need to forget today. I need to forget cutting a man open. I need to forget holding a knife to a woman’s neck. I need to forget those children. I need to forget everything.

  Sully drops to her knees and lowers my pants to my ankles. My boots are still on, but she doesn’t give me time to toe them off. She tugs my boxer briefs down and then sucks my cock into her mouth. Fuck my boots. I hiss and grip the nape of her neck as her tongue glides over me. I close my eyes and allow my head to lull back.

  As she sucks me, the life that faded from Walt Turley’s eyes slowly fades from my mind. When her hands cup my nuts, I don’t feel the women shaking in my arms as my blade touched her neck. Once the tip of my cock hits the back of her throat, the cries from those little children stop echoing in my ears. I need more.

  I ease Sully back, not wanting her to stop, but desperately needing to be inside her. She stands to her feet and as if reading my mind, unclasps her bra. The pink material falls to the floor, right beside the dirty coveralls. I toe my boots off and kick out of my jeans and underwear. My shirt goes next.

  I watch her h
ungrily as she glides her panties down her thighs. I can smell her arousal and it causes my dick to jut forward, as if seeking her out. She’s so damned beautiful. Her charcoal color ink of her lily tattoo is a dark contrast to her smooth porcelain skin. The lines curving and swirling up and down her side.

  She walks backwards until the back of her legs touch the couch. I spin her around until her belly touches the top corner of my sofa. She glances over her shoulder at me, tucking her bottom lip into her mouth. Christ.

  I drop to my knees, mimicking her movements from not five minutes ago. Without me saying a word, she takes a step back and spreads her legs so that she’s leaning over, her glistening pussy exposed for me. I part her folds and then press my lips against her, tasting her sweetness. I moan against her center, darting my tongue inside her warmth and licking her seam. I may not kiss her mouth, but I’ll kiss her pussy and taste it like she like belongs to me.

  Sully trembles and shakes, her body igniting with heat as I devour her. Yes. I pull her clit between my teeth and bite down, not too hard, but not exactly gentle either. Her muffled cry tells me that’s what she needed to send her over the edge. A little bit of pain with her pleasure.

  Sully still leans over the couch, breathing heavily, as I position my cock at her dripping entrance. She looks back at me as I drive into her. We forget together.


  I reach in the direction of the incessant ringing so I can turn Lincoln’s alarm clock off when I realize it’s not the alarm clock. It’s my damn phone. I untangle myself from beneath Lincoln’s arm and tumble off the couch. I wince as I bump my elbow on the floor and then hit my head on the coffee table. I grab my phone and answer without even looking to see who it is.

  “Mornin’, sunshine.” Thad’s voice cuts through my sleepy haze.

  “What time is it?” I ask, hating that I sound like I just rolled out of bed. Well, off the couch.


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