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The Book of Magick Power

Page 22

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  8. Visualize and feel the energy rushing through the pentagram into your circle. Experience this energy palpably, visibly in the appropriate color, feeling it whirling past you, turning in a clockwise spiral through your circle and sphere. Continue experiencing the energy rushing into your circle until you experience that the space is fully charged. You will know when you have fully charged the area, because you will feel the power and see it clearly with your third eye, and perhaps somewhat with your physical eyes as well.

  9. Express to this energy what specific purpose it will serve, and how long it will remain in effect.

  10. You can now conduct whatever work you will.

  11. When you are finished, simply reverse the process, using the banishing pentagrams.

  12. Return to normal awareness.

  13. Take some real outward actions toward getting results in whatever you have just projected, knowing that you are going to succeed. Don’t omit this last step.

  Exercise 76 - Greater Hexagram Ritual for Invoking Planetary Energy

  Time Required: 2 to 5 minutes

  This again is easily performed, and is in fact in many ways more simple than the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram, because you do not need to invoke Spirit first. Here are the hexagrams of the planets, with their divine names. You trace each of these hexagrams as two separate triangles:

  For the sun, you must trace all of the other planetary hexagrams one at a time, one on top of the other.

  You could also simply use the name of the planet instead of the Hebrew name of God. I have noticed no discernible difference in my own personal practice. I also tend to prefer using the unicursal hexagram because it is easier and allows you to make the hexagrams in one motion rather than two, and the solar hexagram in one motion rather than twelve! If you would like to be able to trace hexagrams in one motion, you can use a unicursal hexagram instead of two triangles. Two versions of these hexagrams can be found in Appendix 3. You can experiment yourself, and see which ones you prefer.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  4. Imagine the energy you will be invoking as being all around the protective sphere of your circle in a diluted but all encompassing form. In this form it is mixed with all other energies. However, isolate this particular energy by imagining an appropriate color.

  5. Begin to concentrate this energy before you, or above you. See it accumulating as a cloud of appropriate color, focusing on the specific nature of the force you are accumulating. (In other words, if you are drawing in Jupiterean energy, focus on Generosity, Abundance, Leadership, and Vision)

  6. Trace the invoking hexagram of the planet, drawing it in the air largely and clearly, while vibrating the appropriate magick word. As you trace the appropriate symbol in the center of the hexagram, you vibrate the second magick word.

  7. Visualize and feel the energy rushing through the hexagram into your circle. Experience this energy palpably, visibly in the appropriate color, feeling it whirling past you, turning in a clockwise spiral through your circle and sphere. Continue experiencing the energy rushing into your circle until you experience that the space is fully charged. You will know when you have fully charged the area, because you will feel the power and see it clearly with your third eye, and perhaps somewhat with your physical eyes as well.

  8. Express to this energy what specific purpose it will serve, and how long it will remain in effect.

  9. You can now conduct whatever work you will.

  10. When you are finished, simply reverse the process, using the appropriate banishing hexagrams.

  11. Return to normal awareness.

  12. Take some real outward actions toward getting results in whatever you have just projected, knowing that you are going to succeed. Don’t omit this last step.

  Exercise 77 – Writing Spells

  Time Required: 20 to 50 minutes

  Spells need not be complicated, nor long, nor in barbarous syllables or some ancient forgotten language. Spells are simply the expression in words of our magical intent, and they are often most effective when they are very simple. The reason to use spells is to activate your mind creatively both in the process of creating the spell, and then in the process expressing it in the ritual. If you are powerfully thinking about the manifestation you are trying to create as you write your spell, it will become an anchor just like the anchor that you use to get into the Alpha state.

  When you write a spell, you will want to check in with your subconscious with the pendulum to make sure it approves. Truthfully, just writing it will activate your connection with your subconscious (energy) and superconscious (inspiration), so doing the ritual will simply activate the conscious mind's (image) desire, sealing the spell in the power of three.

  Rhyming Couplets are often very pleasing to the subconscious mind. They are playful and evocative, while giving your spells a sort of songlike quality that will help to evoke the appropriate energy. I highly recommend that you try writing some rhyming spells and see how they feel to you when you use them in a ritual space.

  Here are a couple of rhyming spells for wealth and love that I've just dashed off simply as examples. I suggest you write your own, rather than using these silly things, but as you can see, no great poetry is required. You could make your spells shorter or longer, but I would suggest no more than six or seven couplets or you will have to spend too much energy trying to remember them.

  Love Spell

  I beseech the powers above.

  To bring me what I seek in Love.

  Let her be both fair and mild,

  Funny, lovely, sometimes wild.

  May she be both smart and wise

  Shining hair and haunting eyes.

  Wealth Spell

  I seek the riches that I need

  Successful thoughts success will breed

  Currents of wealth I now attract

  To me creatively to act

  Money flowing right to me

  My wallet overflowing I see

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening a few Kundalini arousing breaths, to awaken some creative energy.

  4. Begin to think about your desired manifestation, and really begin to visualize it somewhat, as in the Manifesting Synchronicity technique.

  5. Now, get really creative, and come up with a simple rhyming spell, that encompasses all parts of your desired effect, writing it down in your journal. Don’t be afraid to try a few drafts, until you think it’s really perfect.

  6. Check in with your subconscious, to make sure it likes the spell.

  7. Return to normal awareness.

  There is a power in the number three, so I recommended that you repeat your spell three times when you launch it in a ritual. The old saying, “Three times is a charm,” summarizes this perfectly. There’s something just right about saying your spell three times. It just rhythmically flows right. It feels like the right number. Two is not enough, and four is too many. Three is also the natural number of cycles, beginning middle and end. However, you can accomplish this in two different ways. You can either run through the entire spell three separate times, or else say each line three times as you go along. Both seem to work well. Just do what feels right to you.

  Exercise 78 – General Spell Work

  This is a general outline to use when launching a simple spell. You can shorten it into a very minimal and simple operation, or elaborate it into a very complex rite. Remember, your subconscious enjoys effort and creativity, but too much effort can thwart your effectiveness by taking you out of the right state, and making you feel uncomfortable rather than enthusiastic and energetic. Simply follow these directions, and you should fin
d yourself experiencing very good results.

  1. Write your spell.

  2. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  3. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  4. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  5. Make a statement of your intent, either out loud verbally, or thinking it through clearly in your mind.

  6. Begin to invoke an appropriate magical atmosphere, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique.

  7. Recite your spell three times, directing the magical energy you’ve accumulated in a spiraling clockwise whirl, building and directing its force as you speak. Powerfully visualize this energy being charged by your spell. As you are doing this, visualize your desire, and place this visualization into the whirling energy.

  8. As you finish the third time through your spell, send every bit of the energy you’ve accumulated up into the light above your head, knowing that your superconscious will manifest your desires. You can travel up with the spell energy creating an ecstatic “gnosis” experience at this point if you wish.

  9. Or you could also direct the spell energy toward your target, in which case, you must visualize the energy going up into the light of super-consciousness and then traveling to your target, or in the general area you wish to effect. Be careful about this, because you can easily descend into negative behavior in this way, trying to directly manipulate specific individuals.

  10. Close your ritual space, preferably by performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the spell, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. All of your spell energy should already have been discharged toward you task, so this should place the balance of energy back to equilibrium.

  11. Take some real outward actions toward getting what you have just projected, knowing that you are going to succeed. Don’t omit this last step.


  Creating talismans is the art of binding a spirit or spiritual force into some object to vivify it with magical potential. This generally includes all things such as magical charms, amulets, rings, and many other similar magical objects. It is also simply the act of making any physical magical object. Most talismans take the form of a magical symbols or symbols carved or written upon, parchment, paper, papyrus, wood, stone or metal. The act of writing things down moves your ideas into the physical world. Your magical journal is a talisman. Your goals are talismans. Talismans very powerfully impact the subconscious. In this book we will cover making simple talismans out of paper, although you could easily adapt these same principles for making other sorts of charms, magical rings or any other thing you could imagine.

  Exercise 79 - Sigils

  Time Required: 15 to 40 minutes

  The easiest and most direct way of making magical symbols, seals, magical monograms or sigils for use in talismanic magick is the one made popular by Austin Osman Spare and the good people who brought us Chaos magick. However, the technique is really much older than Spare, and a very similar technique can be found in Agrippa.[2]

  I’ve already described this basic technique in my last book, but here is a quick recap. In this system there aren’t any “correct" or “incorrect” sigils. Instead, you just use your creativity to create your own, based on a statement of your intent, or a sentence of desire.

  1. So, first you must create a sentence that succinctly expresses what you want. The most important thing to remember with this statement is that it must be positive and clearly express what you really want. “It is my will to have a beautiful new girlfriend.” You will then remove all of the repeating letters. In my little example this would look like this:


  IT *S MY W*L* *O HAVE * B**U**F** N** G*R*****ND


  2. You will then stylize and combine these remaining letters into a single symbol that you like. It can be done in any number of ways, but should be as simple as possible. You can combine letters that are similar such as M and W or Y and V, to keep your symbol streamlined and tight. Just use your own aesthetic sense and creativity to create a sigil that seems pleasing and appropriate to your purpose. Here are a few ways you could sigilize the above.

  3. All that’s now left is to make your sigil into an aesthetically pleasing talisman and then to ritually charge it.

  Words of Power

  You can also use the above technique to create a “word of power.” The garbled letters that you've created by removing repeating letters can be used as part of a spell, or repeated as a sort of mantra as you build up energy to manifest your desire. You can also rearrange the letters to make this word more sonorously pleasing. Your original intention will still be locked within.

  A word like this could also be used to name a servitor or artificial elemental. That way, the name of the created being is directly connected to its purpose. We’ll be creating artificial elementals next.

  Exercise 80 - Talismanic Consecration

  Time Required: 15 to 40 minutes

  You can really use this easy technique to charge any object with magical energy, not just sigils created with the above method. You must simply have some object that you wish to charge with magical force for some specific purpose. You will also need a black cloth to wrap the talisman initially, and a cloth in the appropriate color for the energy you invoke to wrap it in later. You may also write a rhyming spell, if you wish, or you could simply charge your talisman with energy and intent.

  1. Create or obtain an object you wish to charge for some magical purpose. Wrap it in a black cloth.

  2. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  3. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  4. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  5. Unwrap your talisman from the black cloth and hold it in your hand.

  6. Sprinkle a small bit of water on it to purify it, saying some words of purification appropriate to your purpose. As you are doing this, imagine that that it is cleared of all previous energy, a blank slate.

  7. If you are burning incense, you can then pass your talisman through the incense smoke, using appropriate words of consecration. You may omit this if you are not burning incense.

  8. Then rewrap your talisman in the black cloth.

  9. Make a clear statement of your intent, either out loud verbally, or thinking it through clearly in your mind. This must include the specific purpose of the talisman, who it is for, and how long it will have to accomplish its job. You could also do this statement as a rhyming spell, but be sure to include all of that information.

  10. Begin to invoke an appropriate magical atmosphere, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique.

  11. Once the desired force is all around you, unwrap your talisman and hold it up. Perceive the force that you desire beginning to accumulate in your talisman. Draw all of the energy in your circle into your talisman. If you have written a spell, you will recite it at this point while you are drawing the energy into your talisman. See the talisman glowing brightly with color of the energy, and feel it pulsing with power.

  12. Once all of the energy in the whole circle is in your talisman, close your eyes and clearly visualize your talisman, and then begin to see an image of your accomplished desire behind the image of the talisman. See this image of the accomplished desire, move through your talisman until it is entirely in front of the talisman, filling your view.

  13. Repeat this process of visualizing your talisman, then drawing an image of your completed desire through the image of the talisman until the imagined desire completely fills yo
ur view a number of times as quickly as possible until the image of the talisman automatically produces the image of your accomplished desire. You have now anchored this talisman to your desire.

  14. Imagine your charged talismanic symbol and the image of your desire switching back and forth, finally rising up into the light of your super-conscious. You can travel up with the spell energy creating an ecstatic “gnosis” experience at this point if you wish.

  15. Finally, wrap the talisman in an appropriately colored cloth for your purpose.

  16. Close your ritual space, preferably by performing appropriate banishing ritual for the energy of the spell, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. All of your spell energy should already have been discharged toward you task, so this should place the balance of energy back to equilibrium


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