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Feral: A Shifter Academy Romance (Cats of Felidae Academy Book 2)

Page 8

by River Ramsey

  “Bishop,” she panted. “I…”

  “I know,” he purred consolingly. “I want you to close your eyes and I’m going to tell you everything I plan to do to you tomorrow night. Would you like that?”

  Her heart fluttered and a hint of nervousness edged back in to her bliss, but curiosity and desire soon had it overpowered. “Yes…please.”

  “First, I’m going to tear your dress off the moment we’re alone,” he murmured. There was something raw and dangerous in his voice, and Ella found herself marveling at just how closely linked fear and desire had become for her. “Then, I’m going to run my hands over every inch of your perfect skin. Your neck…your breasts…those gorgeous hips…”

  Ella’s head fell back against the door as she swallowed another moan and bit her lip hard enough to hurt. It still wasn’t enough to quell the tension building between her legs, or make it any more tolerable. Yet stopping wasn’t an option, either. She needed him to continue, to see through this fire he’d started within her until it either burned out or consumed her entirely.

  “Then I’m going to push your legs apart and taste you,” he continued. There was no mistaking the arousal in his voice, or the fact that he was getting as much out of their little game as he was. Somehow, that made it all the more enticing. “I’m gonna take your clit between my lips and suck until you’re screaming, and then when you can’t take anymore, I’m going to fuck you with my --”

  That was all she could take. Blinding pleasure exploded through every inch of her, spilling out from her heated core like a tidal wave. She was too enraptured to know if she’d successfully swallowed that last moan or not. She couldn’t bring herself to care. Her heart was pounding in her ears and her breaths were still coming in ragged gasps. She’d stopped touching herself actively, but the mere pressure of her hand pressed between her clenched legs, her hips grinding against it on their own, sent little sparks of pleasure through her even as the orgasm subsided.

  “Oh, Bishop,” she whispered, sinking down to the floor since she’d become too dizzy to keep leaning against the door.

  “Good girl,” he growled low in approval. His own voice was strained. “Damn, you’re hot.”

  Ella could only give a breathy laugh, her ears still ringing as she collapsed with her back against the door, her weakened legs spread out on the floor. “Back at you.”

  “Be ready to skip out early tomorrow night.”

  “Mmh,” Ella murmured in agreement. She wanted him to fuck her now more than ever, but she was getting sleepy in the afterglow. All she could do was hope that time kept passing as quickly as it had since she’d arrived at the Academy.

  Chapter 13


  Ella woke up to the sound of birds shrieking outside her window and jumped up so fast she nearly hit her head on the desk next to her bed before she remembered it was the weekend and she didn’t have class.

  That was a narrowly avoided heart attack for nothing.

  She had curled up in bed not long after she’d gotten off the phone with Bishop, too tired to change out of her uniform. She left the dirty clothes in her hamper and slipped into the shower since she had overslept big time and knew it would take a while to get her hair in presentable shape for the ball.

  She realized she hadn’t remembered to ask Bishop when it was, and was contemplating whether it was worth the awkwardness of texting him after that. When she opened her phone, she found that he’d already texted her.

  Yesterday was fun. Let’s make tonight even better. I’ll pick you up downstairs at seven.

  Ella’s breath hitched in her throat at the memory of the night before. She’d feared things would be awkward between them now, but maybe not.

  Now she just had to find something to wear. She studied the items in her closet, but couldn’t think of one that fit the criteria of black tie. She found an item in the back she didn’t remember trying on and realized Axel must have slipped it in with the others.

  It was definitely more suitable for the occasion than anything else she had. It was a fitted red dress, and while Ella usually chose shades that helped her blend in rather than stand out, maybe it wasn’t a bad way to debut the new her. She pulled on the dress, surprised by how perfectly it skimmed her curves. It also showed a bit more cleavage than she would usually have been comfortable with, but she felt beautiful and classic nonetheless.

  After deciding on leaving her hair down, she slipped on her new heels and went downstairs. The dorm lobby was already empty, suggesting that most of the others had gone ahead early. Just as well.

  Ella had been in survival mode ever since coming to the Academy, but the loneliness was beginning to set in. At least at the Hill house, she had Beatrice. They were both so busy that their text conversations had been growing more and more irregular. Ella had never imagined she would be homesick, but she missed having another woman to talk to.

  When she reached the outside steps of the dormitory, she found herself wondering if the dress was really such a good idea. Axel was definitely going to be there, and he’d probably read into it.

  Just as she was contemplating going back up to her room and changing, she caught sight of Bishop strolling toward her. He looked absolutely devastating in his dark suit with a tie that matched his cerulean gaze.

  “Hey,” he said, coming to a stop a bit away to look her over. There was no mistaking the desire in his gaze, and it was as if they were merely picking up from where they’d left off the night before.

  “Hey,” Ella answered breathlessly.

  “You look incredible,” Bishop murmured, taking her hand in his as his eyes continued to scan her body.

  “So do you.” She gasped as he pulled her into his arms for a searing kiss.

  “Sorry,” he said when he finally pulled away, his eyes twinkling with amusement that proved he wasn’t really sorry at all. “Couldn’t resist.”

  “If you don’t watch it, we’re going to end up missing the party altogether.”

  He grinned. “I wouldn’t complain.”

  Ella laughed, linking her arm with his. Their chat was light and pleasant as they walked toward the building on campus that housed the grand ballroom. The courtyard was lit up as twilight set in, and Ella had never seen the Academy grounds look so beautiful or enchanting.

  Bishop certainly fit the role of a fairy tale prince, so it was easy to get lost in the illusion.

  The ballroom was full by the time they arrived, a much livelier scene than the Felidae gathering had been. Ella had never imagined she would be more comfortable around her peers, but it was nice to be able to breathe a bit.

  Looking around the room, it was easy to see that almost everyone was already at least a little drunk, and they were enjoying themselves too much to focus on her. Or maybe they really had lost interest in picking on her altogether now that she’d stood up to Marissa. Only time would tell.

  “Would you like to dance?” Bishop asked, offering his hand to her.

  Ella was more than intimidated by the offer, since she’d only ever danced with Sterling in private during their lessons, but she nodded. He took the lead, as graceful and skilled as the older tom was. Ella tried to push Sterling out of her mind. There was no point in longing for what she could never have when Bishop was right in front of her.

  As the night went on, Ella slowly but surely began to relax. She was having a wonderful time as Bishop’s date, and the few looks they got were more jealous than spiteful. Marissa was there with a tom Ella didn’t recognize, but she hadn’t glanced Ella’s way all night. It was a truce Ella was more than willing to abide.

  Now that some time had elapsed, she wasn’t sure how she felt about kissing Axel in the hall. Or why she’d done it. Yes, Marissa deserved all that and more, but Axel was right. It wasn’t like her, and Ella wasn’t sure she wanted it to be. Going back to the old her wasn’t possible, but how was she supposed to become who she was meant to be when all she knew was what she didn’t want to be?

nbsp; “Is something wrong?” Bishop asked, looking down at her in concern. They’d gone back to the dance floor after taking a short break to get a drink, and Ella’s slight buzz had the effect of getting her lost in her thoughts.

  “No, not at all,” she assured him. “I’m having a wonderful time.”

  “Me, too,” he said, smiling. His expression turned to one of irritation and when someone tapped Ella on the shoulder, she knew why.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  Axel was standing there in a white suit that made him look like the young god he thought he was. Ella certainly felt like a mere mortal in his presence. No matter how she tried to steel her heart against his influence, it was always easier in theory than practice.

  “You’ve got to be joking,” Bishop muttered.

  “It’s okay,” Ella said, touching his arm. She knew Axel would make a scene, and the last thing she wanted was to become the center of attention at the first gathering she was actually enjoying. “It’ll just be one dance.”

  Bishop hesitated, then glowered at Axel. “Fine,” he said stiffly. “Humor him.”

  With that, he walked off and Axel wasted no time sweeping Ella into his arms. She stumbled forward and caught herself against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around her waist to steady her, and she rested her hands on his shoulders to keep them from drifting somewhere more intimate.

  “I thought you weren’t going to show up,” she said, making it a point to keep as much distance between them as the dance would allow.

  “And miss a chance to see you in that dress?” His gaze traveled down her brazenly, appraising every inch of flesh exposed by his selection.

  Ella hated herself for the way she responded to his attention. To the approval she’d craved from him for so long. She looked away so he wouldn’t see the blush on her cheeks. “I only found out about the ball last minute and it was the only thing I had to wear.”

  “It looks good on you,” he said, his fingertips biting into her hips, warm through the thin silk fabric. “Just like I thought.”

  “I hope you enjoy it, because it’s the last time you’re going to get to play dress up with me.”

  “We’ll see,” he said with a smug grin.

  Ella was surprised by just how well he danced, even though she knew she shouldn’t have been. He was a Hill, after all, and he’d been attending these things since he could walk. It just seemed strange to think of someone as forceful and untamed as Axel taking the time to master such a gentle skill.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” she answered. He really could read her like a book.

  “Come on,” he pressed. “I know that look.”

  “I’m just surprised you’re such a good dancer,” she admitted.

  “I’m good at everything,” he said without the slightest hint of irony, pulling her flush against his firm body, molding her soft curves to his muscle. Her heart fluttered traitorously in her chest. “Especially when it comes to physical contact, but you already know that, don’t you?”

  Ella cursed the heat building within her core. Doubling up on suppressants wasn’t cutting it anymore. Last night had only made things worse. “Ever heard of a little thing called humility?”

  “Sure,” he answered without missing a beat. “It’s for losers and people dumb enough to think playing nice actually gets you ahead in life.”

  “And which one am I?” she challenged.

  “Neither,” he answered, his expression and tone more serious than she’d expected as he studied her. “You’re something else entirely.”

  Ella’s lips parted to speak, but she found herself at a loss for words. He saved her the trouble, taking the lapse in her composure to kiss her as suddenly as she’d kissed him in the hallway.

  She knew it was for the very same reason, and yet, she couldn’t help but return it for a second, until she came to her senses. By the time she broke away, Bishop was already stalking toward them.

  “Time’s up,” he growled in a tone she’d never heard him use before, planting himself between the two of them.

  Ella wasn’t sure what to make of this new possessive side of him. On the one hand, it was sexy as hell, but on the other, he was already acting like he owned her and they hadn’t even mated yet.

  “Why don’t you let her decide that?” Axel challenged, standing toe to toe with him. Of course he was pathologically incapable of de-escalating a situation, or doing anything other than inflaming it.

  “Bishop, please,” Ella pleaded, touching his arm.

  He jerked away. “This is between him and me. Move back, I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “You’re not going to fight over me,” she hissed.

  “Show some humility, Ella,” Axel taunted without taking his eyes off his opponent. She knew that gleam in them. “We have plenty of reasons to fight besides you.”

  Before she could say anything, Bishop lunged at Axel, which was the last thing she expected. It seemed to take Axel off-guard as well, but he recovered quickly.

  A girl near the path of destruction screamed out in alarm. Everyone else jumped out of the way as Axel planted his feet on the wooden floor, pushing back against his attacker. He gave Bishop’s chest a hard shove, enough to stagger him.

  “You really want to do this here?” Axel challenged.

  “I should’ve done that a long time ago,” Bishop growled, his voice once again cold and unfamiliar.

  The entire evening ground to a halt and all its pleasantness melted away as Ella realized every last person in the ballroom was watching them. Even the teachers. At first, she was irritated none of them were getting involved, but how could she really blame them? Axel had a reputation, and it was well-earned. Bishop was the Empress’s son. No one would want to be the person who got between them, especially when tensions were already high.

  “Fine,” Axel said, shrugging out of his jacket. “Your funeral.”

  Ella watched in disbelief as they readied to fight each other. Her shock dissipated as she realized they were actually going to fight each other in the middle of the ballroom over her. And everyone said strays were the uncivilized ones.

  “Stop it,” she cried, throwing herself between them. Axel froze, his fist pulled back halfway.

  “Get out of the way,” he snarled, his lip curling back in agitation. “Your boyfriend started it.”

  “You’re acting like children,” she said, turning back to Bishop. “Both of you. Have you lost your minds?”

  “This prick thinks he can just kiss you like you’re his property,” Bishop argued.

  He had a point, but Ella wasn’t about to admit that. Not when the stakes were this high. “And I’ll deal with him for that,” she said, hoping against hope that Bishop hadn’t noticed she was dealing with it by returning the kiss. “It doesn’t mean you need to kill each other.”

  “I’m not gonna kill him,” Axel said, showing his gritted teeth in a taunting grin. “Just rough him up enough that he’ll have to go home to mommy for a few days.” His eyes were still locked on Bishop, she could feel the tense energy between them. This had been a long time coming, and the kiss had just pushed them over the edge. Once Ella realized she had no hope of actually getting them to stop, she switched gears to convincing them not to tear apart the entire ballroom in the process.

  “At least go outside,” she muttered. “If you’re going to act like animals, you might as well.”

  “She has a point,” said Axel, his eyes taking on a dangerous glint that made her realize he had taken her words in the worst possible way.

  “Outside, then,” Bishop said gruffly, already turning toward the door.

  Ella’s heart started racing in panic. Not only were they going to fight, they were going to do it in their cat forms.

  Ella rushed after Bishop and Axel, annoyed when she realized she wasn’t the only one following them. Plenty of the other students had ventured out into the courtyard to spectate, proving that the sophisticat
ed dress was all for show.

  “You can’t be serious,” Ella said, deciding Bishop was the only one she had any hope of appealing to. Then again, she didn’t recognize this version of him. She wasn’t sure she liked it either.

  “I’m not gonna let him get away with disrespecting you,” Bishop said tersely, already shirtless.

  Ella frowned. “Is it me you’re worried about defending, or just your claim?”

  His eyebrows knitted together in a deeper frown, but he didn’t respond. He was too far gone.

  Ella heard a vaguely familiar sound, and whirled around to find herself face to face with Axel’s tiger. The beast was absolutely huge, much bigger than she remembered even though they’d both been kits the last time she’d seen it. He was formidable even then, and she made a point of avoiding him when he shifted. Supposedly, he could control himself now, but she remembered him throwing a tantrum so violent that his father had once had to shift in order to restrain him.

  By the time she turned back, Bishop was in his jaguar form as well. The beast was just as striking in a different way, even though it was more lithe than the other. Ella knew firsthand just how fast he was, and it would be an even match to say the least.


  The time for talking was done. They both took off, at least having the sense to get far enough away from the Academy before they tore into each other. Ella ran after them, coming to a stop at the top of the hill to see them circling. They were watching each other intently, rigid muscles flexing as they prowled. It might’ve been a beautiful sight, if it wasn’t such an infuriating one.

  Axel was the first to lunge, of course. He sailed through the air, a truly intimidating sight under the moon’s pale glow, gleaming through his orange-and-black fur. The jaguar narrowly dodged and the tiger landed where he’d been a split second earlier, turning to snarl at him.

  The lithe spotted cat let out a fierce growl in return and darted back the other way. He clawed the tiger’s side on his way past and Axel’s shriek pierced the air.


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