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Dumont's Harem Castle Adventure

Page 7

by Alexis Ward

  My eyes focused in on her chest, as her breathing got deeper, her breasts rising and falling slightly. My mind felt hazy with arousal, and I felt my cock harden in my pants. I took a few steps toward her, cautiously. “I think I’m… open to a new experience as well.” I whispered. Suddenly, she tossed the collar and chain at me. I stepped back a half step and caught it out of the air with both hands.

  “Well then, I guess you’ll have to catch me first.” Celia said as she wiggled her hips suggestively at me. Then she scampered to the far side of the room. I smiled and gave chase, we danced around one another for awhile, her slipping out of my grasp whenever it seemed I had almost caught her. After a few rounds of this we were both breathing heavily, her cornered atop the pile of furs that served as her bed, and me standing in just the perfect spot to pin her no matter which way she tried to go. “Hmph. I guess you got me. On the bed of all places, whatever will you do now?” she said with a roll of her eyes as her hands unclasped the thin strip of fabric that held her breasts in place. I held out the chain and collar in both hands and she started to bounce up and down excitedly on the bed.

  “You want this then?” I asked as I ran my thumb along the thin metal links of the chain.

  She nodded enthusiastically, the game of cat and mouse we had been playing already forgotten. “Yes, yes-yes. Collar me and bed me, and my little nation-tribe is yours to command. Oh so exciting.” with one hand she reached toward me, and the other followed the line of her own hip as she stuck her own finger into her pussy. I leaned over her and slipped the collar around her neck, as she raised her free hand to help me close the clasp on it. Given how perfectly it fit her, she had clearly planned to wear it, or played with it before, if perhaps not for this explicit purpose.

  Once the collar was fitting on her properly she sat down on her knees atop her bed. Her head only came up to maybe my thigh. Again there was a pop, as her extra rows of teeth showed themselves as she tilted her head, the extra teeth stretching her mouth into a cheshire cat type smile. “There you go. I’m yours by choice. Play with me? Tell me what you want?” she bounced up and down enthusiastically, one hand still working in her own pussy as she let out a small growl. “I hope what you want is fun.” she whispered.

  I still held the chain attached to the collar in my hand. I heaved up on it on it lightly with one hand, pulling her up to a half seated position as I bent down to kiss her. There was a sickening crunch as she retracted her extra teeth just in time for our lips to meet. Her tongue felt longer than normal, roughly textured, and was pointed at the end. She sighed softly as I held her close and our mouths mingled together. Just as she relaxed and her eyes started to close, I let go of her and relaxed my grip on the chain.

  Celia yelped as she flopped back down on the bed, then she looked up at me and licked her lips. “Oh clever clever. Any more tricks?” she whispered.

  “Maybe.” I said as I knelt down over her, and pushed her down onto the furs and blankets. I let my hand rest on her chest with a little pressure, keeping her in place. She didn’t try to move wiggle out from under me, instead she grasped her knees with her hands and pulled her legs up, putting her pussy on full display, the wisp of cloth that passed for her loincloth was nowhere to be found, likely lost at some point during our game of chase. I held myself up with one arm, and took a moment to fumble my pants open and free my cock with my other hand.

  Still holding my erection in one hand, I eased forward and slid it against the edges of her pussy. Her legs wrapped around my hips, and she dug her hands into my shoulders, practically pulling herself upward to squeeze against me. She ground her hips and pussy against my cock as she held herself up, all I could smell was a wet mixture of our sweat and her natural sex smell, which right now, was the most arousing thing on earth to me. “Come on. In, in. Don’t worry about hurting me. Goblins are durable, and sometimes pain is a good thing.” she growled huskily.

  I folded my arm and let myself fall onto the bed, smothering her petite body underneath me as I sank my teeth into her neck. She continued to writhe, growl, and mewl with pleasure. “You’re a hungry little animal aren’t you.” I whispered in her pointed ear. I examined the spot I had bitten. It barely showed on her dark skin. Maybe she did bruise, but if so, it probably wouldn’t show.

  I felt her shift beneath me, then her forehead cracked into the side of my head with a bit of force. It hurt, but it probably wasn’t nearly as hard as she could have hit me. “Pff! Slowpoke. Stop obsessing over foreplay and fuck me proper!” she growled as she dug her nails into my ribs. I lined my cock up with the opening of her pussy and pushed myself inside her.

  She immediately gasped and clamped her mouth down on my shoulder, hard, which caused me to convulse and thrust deeper into her. She felt incredibly hot, wet and tight from the inside. For a moment we lay just like that, my whole length buried in her, and her teeth buried in my shoulder. Slowly I felt her jaw relax it’s hold on me. “Oh… that was unexpectedly delightful--” she ran her tongue across my collarbone, it felt warm, and almost sticky. Then she reached down and smacked the side of my hip. “I was aiming for your ass, but that’ll do. Come on, give it to me! Don’t hold back. Make me feel something!” she whispered in my ear urgently. As she growled the last word she squeezed her legs around mine and her pussy convulse and contract around my cock. I exhaled and rubbed my cheek against her face as a warm pleasure spread from the base of my cock outward into my entire body. Then I jerked on the chain attached to her collar, forcing her head down to the bed, and held her there as I started to slide my cock in and out of her pussy.

  She let out a small gasp each time my cock rammed all the way into her depths, and would occasionally snap her head forward against the collar and chain, her mouth open wide, inches from where she had bitten down on me before. Her arms and legs wrapped around me like unyielding clamps as her hips moved frantically in time with mine. Her ferocity, violence and penchant for roughness only spurred me onward to do the same back to her. I let go of the chain and knotted my hand into her dark, silky hair, then slammed her mouth toward mine and pressed my tongue to hers for a kiss. Her tongue wrapped about mine and I could feel her growls deep in her throat. When I yanked her head back away from mine her eyes were closed and a thin trail of our combined drool ran down one side of her face. “Ha-ah, ha-ah, yes, more. Hurts-- so good, rougher please” she gasped. She was so lost in the throes of pleasure that her hips no longer rose and fell in time with mine, she was spasming and convulsing wildly, as fast as her body would allow.

  I kept her head pinned roughly to the bed, my hand still tangled in her hair, and used my other hand to pin down one of her wrists. I could feel the thrumming edge of an orgasm building at the base of my cock as I thrust into her pussy as hard and fast as I could manage. Her gasps turned to wild, high pitched screams that echoed off the bare walls as we climaxed together. Her pussy clenched around me as my cock spilled it’s hot seed within her, which quickly filled her and overflowed, soaking her thighs and a good portion of the blanket directly underneath us.

  I lay atop her, spent, my grip on her wrist and her hair relaxed as she continued to growl and shudder, trapped underneath me, lost in the throes of her own ongoing climax. I left my half erect cock inside her as she slowly wound down to just the occasional twitch of her hips, and her breathing returned to something close to normal. Her head was lost somewhere under my chest, and I more felt than heard her sigh. “Is-- is that all you got Dumonty?” she panted. I could feel her wiggling her hips, jostling my cock, still buried inside her.

  “For a moment. Though I have another thought to discuss.” I rolled off of her, and then grabbed her, one hand on her collar, another on her thigh, and pulled her into my arms. She growled and squirmed against me affectionately, nipping occasionally at my bicep with her teeth. I could feel her pressing her ass against my cock, our combined love juices formed a warm and pleasant bond between us. I wrapped my arms around and squeezed her more tightly. “Your exciteme
nt is delightful but be still for a minute.” I growled. It took her a moment, but she calmed down. A little.

  “So this was really nice. Is this going to be a one time thing? What precisely are we now?” I asked.

  She squirmed a little and spun around against me, to look up at me with her dark eyes. “Allies, of course. And if you imply that this is a one time thing again, I’ll haul you away and chain you down somewhere just to prove you wrong.” she growled, and yet she managed to sound affectionate, even when she was being threatening.

  I sighed. “Somewhat terrifying, but I’m touched you’ve grown so attached so rapidly. Don’t suppose you want to come live on my side of the castle then?”

  She shook her head. “That could be fun, but if I’m gone too long, the chiefs will just go over my head and elect a new king or queen. Gotta be close to keep them in line and keep my finger on the pulse of society.” she said. I distinctly recalled the death stares I’d received from some of the goblin chiefs earlier.

  “Got it. To that note, I should probably get back to the others. I imagine they’re waiting on me.” I let Celia out of my arms and sat up. She rolled over onto her back and fumbled with the chain that was still affixed to her collar. After a few moments, she unclipped the chain and held it out to me.

  “You keep this piece okay? And I’ll keep the collar on. There’s not really any official tradition about it, I just like it. And then when you come to visit, we can ah, bring our halves together.” she wiggled her eyebrows at me as she stretched out her arms above her head.

  I took the chain, coiled it up, and tied it onto my belt. “Sounds fun. When are we going to see eachother again, do you think?” I asked.

  She yawned and pulled one of the furs over her body, covering everything except her head. “Dunno. I’d say that kind of decision is mostly up to you. You know where to find me, after all.” for a moment, she stuck her arm out of the blanket and waved lazily toward a door. “Go that way on your way out, a guard should be there to take you back to your other… allies. You’ll have your first wave of workers by tomorrow morning.” she said.

  Chapter 11 - Split the Party

  As she promised, I was led through narrow twisting halls by one of her armored guards. We passed by plenty of other goblins, mostly unarmored, hauling sacks, pushing carts, or just wandering about. The most common look I got from them was one of confusion. I took it as a good sign that there wasn’t too much hostility in the way they looked at me. After a short while, I found myself back in a familiar room, the one with the low table and the many cushions. Seated there were Sasha, Tabitha, and Marybeth. In one corner the same goblin musician from before was playing on his strange ten stringed-guitar thing. As I entered the room he stopped in the middle of his song and made a hasty exit through the door nearest to him.

  Each of the three girls saw me at about the same time, and had a different reaction. Marybeth paused midway through biting into the apple she held in her hand and nodded to me. Tabitha sprang up and embraced me in a hug. Sasha stood and waved at me with one hand. “So, how’d negotiations go?” Sasha asked.

  I shrugged and smiled. “The Queen is definitely our ally now. So that’s a positive.” I said hesitantly. I disentangled myself from Tabitha and sat down at the table with everyone. “She said the first batch of workers would be ready for you in the morning Marybeth. And we all have free run of her territory.” I explained.

  Marybeth nodded. “Excellent. I’ll start on the most critically damaged areas tomorrow then.” she said.

  “So, we’re going to need to start moving supplies from my family cabin into here, unless we want to start eating whatever the goblins are cooking up. I suggest that Clive and I go, while Marybeth works on repairs, and Tabitha supervises.” Sasha said.

  Tabitha scribbled something onto her writing pad and held it up for everyone to read: “Why can’t I go?” she wrote.

  “Because someone needs to oversee Marybeth’s operations, and do all the math and invoices for materials she is going to need. Who better than our accountant? Clive is a fighter, and I am a hunter. We’re not suited to that task. Hauling pounds of supplies over long distances however, we can do.” Sasha said. Tabitha frowned, but seemed to accept that reasoning.

  Later that night, Tabitha snuck into my bed after Sasha was asleep, just as I was nodding off, and curled up on the opposite side of me. “I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re getting a bit attached to me.” I said as I ran my hand through her pink hair. She turned to face me and stuck out her tongue briefly. I took that opportunity to flick my tongue out and touch hers. She made a noise and turned away, then snuggled up against me tightly.

  When I awoke the next morning, Tabitha was still curled up tightly next to, but Sasha was up and about, packing both our backpacks. As I sat up Tabitha stirred against me, but remained asleep. “Seems to be going well so far. The castle and all, that is.” I murmured.

  Sasha shrugged. “I mean, it will be nice and all. And having the money as a safety net during lean times will be useful, but I’m curious. What exactly do you want? We haven’t really talked about, well, you. You stumbled into my life, have drawn people to you, helped me out a fair bit.” she said.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a bit. Sasha finished her tasks and sat down next to me. I felt Tabitha scoot up against my back and burrow deeper under the blankets. “Well, truthfully, this is way better than where I came from, so I have no interest in going back there. And hey, you did save me from that wolf, so it hasn’t been all me helping you. I think that in the short term, looking up that dwarf fellow’s cousin could be useful, mainly because I’m down to about twenty more shots with my rifle. In the long term, hell, I wouldn’t mind dueling for a title and becoming royalty.” I said.

  “Nobility.” Sasha corrected, “Only the King and Queen are considered ‘royalty’”.

  I chuckled. “If I’m going to set my sights somewhere, might as well aim high. Royalty later then, I’ll settle for nobility in the more immediate term.” I said with a wink.

  Sasha sighed. “A worthy goal, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You don’t even own a sword yet. Though we could easily pay for one, along with a tutor, if such were available. Anyway, let’s get going.” she said.

  Instead of leaving through the stairs that wound down the cliff at the rear of the castle, this time we went through the front. We passed a few goblin patrols, groups of five or six of the creatures, long noses, pointed ears, mix and match weaponry. Occasionally one wore a rusty helmet, or a dented metal breastplate. They didn’t say much to us as we passed, mostly gave us long stares, or grunted in our general direction. The stones of the walls and floors here were uneven, and quite drafty. Suddenly we emerged from a wide hallway into a huge overgrown courtyard. The whole thing was covered in snow, but I could see the silhouette of a fountain buried beneath it, near the center of the open space. The walls surrounding the courtyard were in the process of crumbling, and in some spaces appeared to be little more than piles of disorganized brick, covered in a thin layer of snow. Sasha led me out into the forest proper through an archway that had no gate or portcullis to prevent anyone coming or going. We spent the night camped under a thick oak tree, it’s branches kept away the worst of the snow. The moon was full and high in the sky which made it easy to see, though we still made a small fire just for the extra warmth.

  Close to dawn the next day we arrived at her cabin. It was immediately clear that something had gone wrong. The snow was very disturbed around the front of the main cabin. Sasha tramped around in the snow around the area, looking at the various sets of tracks. My eyes were drawn to the door of the main cabin. The wood around the doorknob was splintered, and the door itself was slightly open, as though it had been kicked in. Sasha came back over and followed my eyes to the door. “Judging by the tracks and the blood underneath the fresh snow, a group of people had something of a fight in front of the cabin with a large animal. Can’t really tell what ki
nd.” she said.

  I gestured to the front door, then unslung my rifle and fixed the bayonet onto its end. “Looks like someone has been in the house.” I said. Sasha nodded and pulled a knife from her belt, she hadn’t anticipated doing any hunting, so she had left her heavy spear back at the castle. We both moved up to the door, then she pushed it open while I stood back a slight distance. I noticed a trail of blood spatters that led from the porch up to the door.

  On the inside, the cabin looked like it had been trapped inside a snowglobe, then shaken violently. Books were piled on the floor in front of the shelf, pots and pans littered the floor of the kitchen, cushions on the chairs had been ripped open, and most of the room was spattered with bits of blood. And the door to the bedroom I slept in last time I was here was cracked open. Sasha and I advanced on that door, and I pushed it open with the butt of my rifle.

  A set of dirty patched clothes were piled at the foot of the bed, and on top of the bed, entirely naked, was a muscular woman covered in scars, with long tangled brown hair. Running from the back of her shoulder down to just above one butt cheek was a long, fresh cut, caked with dried blood and dirt. Her whole body was splotched with dirt, bruises, scrapes, actually. Despite all these injuries and the fact that she was bodily exposed to the bitter cold air, she seemed to be asleep and was snoring softly. Sasha and I glanced at each other.


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