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Fate's Roar

Page 5

by Jalpa Williby

  When she stepped out, she had her black pajama shorts and tank top on. “Sorry! Maybe I drank too much. Everything is spinning,” she mumbled, creeping back to bed.

  “The tequila shots at the end may have done it.” Shane laughed because he had to admit that she made an awfully cute drunk.

  As she lay on her bed, Samantha stared up at Shane. “Come lie with me,” she said, holding her hand out.

  “I gotta go, Sammy.”


  “Where? Home. It’s late.”

  “So? Just lie with me for a little bit,” she begged, her amber eyes wide.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”


  “Uhh, not appropriate, Sammy.” Shane shifted his weight awkwardly as he remained standing.

  “Who the hell cares?” Samantha sat up and grabbed his hand. “We’re still celebrating, and I want you to lie down for a little while with me. That’s all I want. That’s not a crime. Stop being a pain in the ass.” She pulled him down toward her.

  Shane was losing the battle, and he knew it. With a heavy sigh, he lay next to her on the bed. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, she rolled toward him and cuddled against his body, holding him with all her might. He heard her sigh with content as she closed her eyes.

  Trying to slow his heartbeat, Shane remained still, hoping she would fall asleep soon. He didn’t need to worry because within five minutes, Samantha had drifted to dreamland.

  Before slipping out from her hold, he couldn’t help but shift his gaze to her face. His heart filled with heavy emotions as he took her in. She was breathing softly while her mouth was partly open. Unable to resist, he wondered how it would feel to kiss those full lips. Just thinking about it made his heart leap out of his chest. He dared to allow his gaze to drift lower and examine her body. Suddenly ashamed at the direction of his thoughts, he quickly looked away. Shane knew everything about this was wrong.

  But, why did it feel so right?


  By the time Shane woke up the next night, his mind instantly remembered the previous night’s events. Lying next to Samantha and watching her while she slept was probably the most intimate act he had ever experienced. He had quietly slipped out when she was fast asleep, but now all he wanted to do was to see her again. Grabbing some of his clothes to change into when he transformed into his human form, Shane began to leave the headquarters.

  “Where are you going, Shane?” Camille’s voice instantly made Shane tense.

  “Hey, Camille,” he greeted, turning to face her.

  “You’ve been distant lately. You seem to disappear as soon as you awaken.” Camille approached him, wrapping her arms around him. “I miss you.”

  Shane smiled. “You know I like to visit my nephew and niece. I like to catch them before they fall asleep.”

  “Ah, yes, the half-breeds,” Camille said, with an edge to her tone. “It’s Saturday night. I’m sure they’ll be up ‘till late tonight.”

  It was no surprise to Shane that many gargoyles still disapproved of Damien and Kelsey’s union, especially Camille. “Like I said, I like to catch them before it’s late,” Shane replied, removing her arms from around his neck.

  Camille pouted her lips, looking up at him. “We haven’t been together in weeks, Shane.” She then glided her hand from his chest, to his hard stomach, and lower still until she found what she was looking for. Releasing a moan, her lips found his.

  Shane’s body responded. Damn it! The woman knew exactly what to do. Camille deepened her kiss, her tongue slipping inside his mouth as her hips rubbed against his.

  “Let’s go to my room,” she whispered.

  Shane contemplated his choices. He wanted to get his night started and find Samantha, but handling his business with Camille would take no more than twenty minutes. He had to admit, she was a looker. With her athletic build, long legs, high cheekbones, and almond-shaped eyes, she could probably capture any male gargoyle’s heart. But, she had chosen Shane. And if he were honest, he enjoyed being with her. He had no problems satisfying both of their needs.

  Knowing her body was craving his, Shane couldn’t fight the temptation. Sure, he had promised himself he would start becoming more distant from her, but tonight, he needed to release some of his pent-up energy. Taking charge of the situation, Shane pulled Camille’s head back, so his tongue could slide down her neck as he played with her breasts. He grabbed her into his arms, and both were soon in her room.

  Shane didn’t have to hold back his strength when it came to having sex with gargoyles, unlike humans. This was especially true with Camille. She liked it rough, and Shane was more than happy to deliver it. She was a powerful female, and she always tried to take the upper hand during their sexual encounters. But, Shane wasn’t having it. At the end, he always came out as the victor and had her submissive underneath him, begging to claim her.

  Within half an hour, Shane was already flying, trying to locate Samantha’s scent. His search led him to a sports bar blocks from her apartment. He changed into his human form and quickly put his jeans, t-shirt, and black leather jacket on. His anticipation of seeing Samantha was growing as her scent was becoming stronger. Although he had no plans on running into her, it seemed that lately he couldn’t get past one night without at least seeing her.

  Shane entered the sports bar and got a table furthest away from the crowd. He knew immediately where she was, and soon, he saw her with her friend, Tracy. Both women were munching on some appetizers and having beer. Shane recognized Tracy as the same girl from the party and Samantha’s friend from college.

  The waitress approached him as soon as he’d sat down. “What can I get for you, handsome?” she asked, smiling wide.

  Disregarding her flirtatious behavior, he said, “I’ll take a Bud Lite.”

  “Okay, be right back,” she said, touching him briefly on his shoulder.

  Shane ignored the gesture, as he was too busy trying to listen to what Samantha and Tracy were discussing. With his acute hearing, he could make out their conversation as if they were sitting at his table.

  “So, you think you may be moving?” Tracy asked.

  Samantha rubbed her forehead. “I just don’t think I can leave my mom. You know I’m all she has, right? I mean, she hasn’t even dated since Dad died.”

  “I know, but your mom is a strong woman, Samantha. This is a great opportunity for you.”

  Shane frowned, wondering what they could be talking about. The thought of Samantha moving away made his insides turn.

  “I know, but we’re talking about moving to the other side of the country. Like literally,” Samantha said, taking a sip of her beer.

  “Again, if I know your mother, she wouldn’t want you to miss out on this opportunity,” Tracy encouraged.

  “I don’t know. I have a lot to think about, I suppose. I just got a lot on my mind right now.” Samantha banged her beer back on the table.

  Shane’s chest tightened as he watched Samantha conflicted.

  “Let’s change the subject,” Tracy suggested. “I’m dying to hear about that hottie from last night.”

  Samantha covered her face with her hands. “Ugh, I’m so embarrassed. I made a total fool out of myself last night, I swear.”

  “He took you home, right? What happened?”

  “I threw myself at him, that’s what! How am I ever going to be able to face him again? I was out of control, Tracy.”

  “Please! I guarantee you, he enjoyed every moment of it.” Tracy giggled, her eyes dancing. “Who is he anyway? How come you’ve never brought him around?”

  “Shane did not enjoy it, trust me. It made him very uncomfortable. I mean, he’s always thought of me as his little sister. I’ve known him for years! We’ve always been very close, you know? Like, he was the one person I could talk to about whatever as I was growing up. I used to ask him advice about boys, for heaven’s sake!” Samantha dropped her head down on her folded arms,
groaning in frustration.

  “Really? What did he tell you about boys?”

  “He said to stay away from them. They’re no good.” Samantha lifted her head back up, smiling as she remembered the past.

  “That’s so funny. So, did he do anything last night? He seemed awfully concerned about you at the party.”

  “Of course he was. He’s always been very protective of me. I told you, he sees me as his little sister. That’s why he probably thought I’d lost my mind last night. Why? Why do I do this to myself?”

  “Here’s your Bud Lite.” The waitress returned with Shane’s beer. “My name is Jessica if you need anything else,” she said, leaning closer to him.

  Shane finally looked up at the pretty brunette wearing a very low-cut shirt. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Jessica.”

  Her smile lingered before she finally approached the next customer, and Shane’s attention fell back on Samantha and Tracy.

  “Well, how do you feel about him? Like what are your feelings toward him, Samantha?” Tracy suddenly asked.

  Samantha frowned, and Shane listened intently. “Umm, well, of course I care about him a lot, Tracy. He was the male figure I became close to once Dad passed away. But in the recent years, I would have a hard time talking to him about stuff. Actually, I could barely look at him. I felt strange around him…you know, not myself. I also became very shy around him.” Samantha paused, her mind far away. “Like I said, our relationship has always been that of a big brother and little sister. This is why he’s constantly been very protective of me.”

  “Samantha, I’m sure he notices you’re not a little girl anymore—unless he’s gay, of course. I feel like the hottest guys always end up being gay,” Tracy said, as she chewed on the chips and salsa.

  “Trust me, he’s not gay. As a matter of fact, my Aunt Kelsey told me he definitely has his way with women. Not the commitment kind of guy, you know?”

  Shane cringed, making a mental note to speak to Kelsey about not putting his reputation out there. Typically, he couldn’t care less what people thought of him, but he definitely cared about Samantha’s opinion of him.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet he can get any girl. Damn, I wouldn’t mind some hot sex with him. I have a feeling it would be something I’d never forget,” Tracy said, fanning her face with her hand.

  “Tracy!” Samantha frowned, shaking her head. “Don’t talk like that about him.”

  Tracy lifted her eyebrows. “Do I detect some jealousy? I thought he was like your big brother. And by the way, if you always saw him as a big brother, I doubt you’d make moves on him like you did last night.”

  “I was drunk. I told you! I made a complete fool out of myself. It wasn’t appropriate. As a matter of fact, he even said that it wasn’t appropriate. And I told him to shut up.” Shaking her head, she moaned. “What am I gonna say when I see him again?”

  “Just pretend you don’t remember the night. You were drunk, right? Just act normal like you don’t remember anything,” Tracy suggested, shrugging her shoulders. “Shit, I’ve used that quite a bit, and it always works.”

  “Uhh, Shane is not stupid. He would know immediately that I was lying. Plus, to be honest, he probably knows me better than anybody. Like I said, we used to be close.”

  Shane chugged his beer. Things were so much simpler when she was younger. She was full of innocence and ran to him with anything and everything. She used to even make him help her with her homework. She’d ask for his advice on which dress to wear to her school dances. But ever since she turned sixteen, she started to become more distant. He had no idea what was going on. When he had finally asked Kelsey why Samantha was acting strange, she’d blamed it on hormones.

  Suddenly feeling guilty that he was listening to Samantha’s private conversation with her friend, he threw some bills on the table and headed out. He decided to linger outside until Samantha left for home. He wasn’t feeling too great anyway. Hearing her talk about moving away and about their relationship had his head spinning. He couldn’t bear it if she moved across the country.

  Shane was definitely bothered that she kept referring to their relationship as that of a brother and sister. Damien was right after all. She had always seen Shane as a big brother. Could he blame her? He, himself, had always thought of her as a little sister—somebody to protect. In the last couple of years, though, he’d become almost obsessed with her. He needed to know where she was at all times. And during his waking hours, he made sure to check on her. Why the change? Why did he crave to see her every single night? He had no answers for his behavior. He just knew that if he didn’t see her, it would be impossible for him to function. He’d have no desire to do anything at all. It was almost as if she’d become his lifeline.

  What was he doing? He was a selfish bastard. He promised himself to really try to keep his distance from her. She was still young and exploring the world. She was just starting her life for heaven’s sake. Who was he to stop her? Yes, he was a selfish bastard.


  A week later, Shane found out from Damien and Kelsey that Samantha got an incredible opportunity. She received a music contract from Hollywood Records, but that meant she needed to move to Los Angeles.

  “What did she decide?” Shane asked, careful not to show how much the news affected him.

  Whereas Damien remained silent, Kelsey replied, “She’s going. Sofia is thrilled for her and has encouraged Sammy to pursue her dreams.”

  “That’s good,” Shane said. “I’m proud of her. She’s incredibly talented.” Shane flashed a fake smile, but inside his heart was screaming. She was leaving? He couldn’t bare it.

  “I’m going hunting. You coming, Shane?” Damien interrupted his thoughts.

  “Nah, I’m gonna stay here for a bit and then head out.” All Shane really wanted was to be alone. He wanted to yell his pain away. He wanted to find Samantha and demand not to leave.

  “Okay,” Damien replied, giving Kelsey a kiss and flying out of the window as he changed to his gargoyle form.

  Kelsey turned to Shane. “So, you’re going to Vegas for the function next weekend, right?”

  Shane shrugged his shoulders. Every year, gargoyle clans came together from all over the world for a gathering. It was to socialize, discuss current issues, and stay up on the latest developments.

  “You better go. You know how I stick out like a sore thumb. I need all the support I can get,” Kelsey continued.

  She was right. Whereas his own clan accepted her and even cared about her and the kids, the other clans, including Camille’s clan, couldn’t stand that a human was with one of their own. The only reason they remained quiet about it was because of Damien and Shane’s reputation. More importantly, their father was a powerful Master Gargoyle, and nobody would dare to mess with his family.

  “I have to hand it to you, Kelsey. No matter how hard they make it for you—especially the female gargoyles—you always keep your chin up and walk with pride next to your man. And Damien doesn’t even bat an eye at the whispers or the disapprovals. He couldn’t care less. He shows you off not as his possession, but as his equal partner. You two are the perfect match. The more anybody pushes you, the harder you two push back.”

  “One day, Shane, you will find your perfect match.”

  Shane threw his head back and laughed. “Not looking for my perfect match, believe me.”

  Kelsey’s lips formed a thin line, and she lifted her face up to meet his eyes. “What are your feelings toward Sammy?”

  Shane’s eyes widened at the line of her questioning. “Why do you ask? I don’t understand.”

  “I’m not blind, Shane. I can see you both have been acting strangely toward each other. Plus, Damien told me what that bracelet you gave her meant.”

  “Did he? Maybe he’s making a big deal out of nothing as usual.” Shane tried to laugh it off.

  “He said the stones you used were your clan’s stones. He said basically when you give a gift like that, it
means you’re promising to protect her and look after her for the rest of her life.”

  “Maybe I gave it to her because I liked the way the bracelet looked with the stones. Again, I think he’s blowing this out of proportion.” Shane ran his hand through his hair, suddenly having difficulty breathing.

  “Listen, Shane. I care about you a lot, and I care about Sammy. You both are very important to me, but I also know both of you very well. Sammy…well, she’s still very young. She’s idealistic, you know, innocent. She believes her knight in shining armor will sweep her off her feet one day. She still hasn’t been with a man, Shane. Did you know that?”

  Of course he knew that. He knew she was waiting for the “right one.” Besides, if she ever became too physical with a guy, Shane was always around to stop it from going any further. He wasn’t proud that once he’d even pulled the fire alarm in the apartment building when one of her college classmates was over for a dinner date. Shane had witnessed from the window how the guy had made his moves on Samantha, and things were getting way too intimate. Shane had almost busted through the window to wring his neck. Instead, he’d opted to pull the fire alarm as a distraction. Damn, the things he’d done in the past to pave her path in life—things nobody knew about and things he wasn’t proud of. Yes, it was all very selfish, and he knew it.

  Shane sighed. “Why are you telling me all this, Kelsey?”

  “I need to know. I promised Sammy’s father I’d watch over her. I can tell she has captured your attention now that she’s all grown up. Don’t even try to deny it. But, can you honestly say that once she’s out of your system, you wouldn’t walk away? You don’t even need to answer me. Just be honest with yourself. She can’t be one of your conquests—another one under your belt. She doesn’t deserve that.”

  No, she didn’t deserve that. What did he really want from Samantha? He knew damn well how restless his nature was. Kelsey was right. Once Samantha was out of his system, he’d walk away like he’d done a thousand times in the past. He couldn’t deny the truth.


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