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Fate's Roar

Page 14

by Jalpa Williby

  Samantha quickly released him and stepped far away to give him some privacy. When she heard him limping around, she glanced his way and watched him hobble around the cave. “You’re doing pretty good,” she encouraged.

  “This left leg seems useless, but I think I feel better as I move around. Do you think this is a man-made cave or natural? It’s really not that big. I banged on the walls, and they’re solid. I don’t even think we can dig or break our way out of this place. They knew I was waking up, and the fact that they didn’t even bother to restrain me makes me believe that they know there’s no other way out. Our only hope is that door.”

  “Okay, but how?” she asked.

  “We have to wait for our opportunity. Which one of the brothers was down here earlier? You know, the one who was hurting you.”

  “It was Jared.” Samantha shuddered. “I despise him.”

  “You and I both.” Shane hopped toward her and pulled her to him. He made a mental note to kill Jared first. He would get his revenge. He wondered what exactly Jared had done with Samantha, though. Not sure how to ask her, he lifted her chin up to meet his eyes.

  “Sammy, did he…did any of them?” Shane couldn’t even say the words.

  She shook her head. “No, he was going to, but that’s when you somehow grabbed his leg. That distracted him, and he soon left.”

  “Thank God,” Shane whispered. Reaching toward her, he tucked Samantha’s tousled hair behind her ears. He took a closer look at her injuries since his eyes had adjusted to the darkness. At least it wasn’t completely dark in there, as slight beams of light were sneaking in from the doorway.

  Samantha had a black eye, her right cheek was swollen, her lips had cuts, and her dark hair was a tangled mess. When he looked down, he noticed her button-down shirt was ripped, and the straps of her black bra were exposed. Her jeans were torn at her knees and her right side as if she had been dragged numerous times.

  “What have they done to you? Sammy, I…” He couldn’t finish the sentence, fearing he may break down right there in front of her. He knew his voice was quivering, and he had to look away so she wouldn’t notice his eyes glossy from tears. He hardened himself when she reached for his hand and squeezed it.

  “Hey,” she whispered. “I’m a tough cookie. I’m an expert now at being kidnapped and tortured.”

  He knew she was trying to make a joke to lighten the situation. Swallowing his pain away, he turned his attention back to her. With a trembling thumb, he caressed her bruised lips, now covered in dry blood. On impulse, Shane brought his lips to hers and gently kissed her. Maybe it was to help her forget the pain. Maybe it was to wipe away memories of any other lips that had claimed her. Maybe, it was for his own benefit—to make sure she was really right here in front of him. Or maybe, just maybe, he needed to feel her soul as she breathed into him while they kissed.

  Taking her face into the palms of his hands, his eyes locked onto hers. “I promise you, I will get my revenge,” he hissed.

  “Shh, let’s just try to focus on getting out of here alive,” Samantha said, flashing a brief smile.

  “Okay, we can’t find a way out, but we need to find a weapon of some sort,” Shane suggested. Both searched some more, and the only thing Shane found was a rock. It was small enough to hide in his fist, but large enough to perhaps do some damage. Shane examined the pointy edge and knew it needed to be sharper.

  “Do you honestly think we can use that?” Samantha asked.

  “Not sure, but we don’t have anything else right now. We just have to sharpen the edge somehow.”

  “Okay, how can I help?”

  Shane estimated he must have been on his feet for over thirty minutes by then and was feeling exhausted. “Help me get comfortable leaning against somewhere. These walls are rough since they’re made of stone. I need to find a piece of the wall I can use to sharpen this rock.”

  “Um, good luck with that. It’s gonna take you all day,” Samantha said, feeling drained herself.

  “So be it.” Shane shrugged his shoulders. Without his gargoyle powers, he was desperate to use whatever he could to fight.

  Once Samantha helped him back down, she began searching for the right section of the wall to use to sharpen the rock. She used her hands to feel, and finally, she found a spot she thought might help. “Come on, I think we could use this,” Samantha said, helping him up. When she saw how tired Shane seemed, she lowered him down to the area and rested his back against the wall. “I want you to rest for a while. I’ll try to sharpen it.”

  “No, I got it,” Shane said, wanting her to rest.

  “Okay, we’ll take turns. Let me try first, and then you can take over,” she suggested.

  Defeated, Shane closed his eyes while Samantha set to work. Eventually, he took over and rubbed the rock against the wall to shape it to his liking. Both worked for hours until they were satisfied with the finished product. Although the rock wasn’t as sharp as a knife, if used with enough force, it could cause some serious damage.

  “Here’s the plan. When he opens the door, I’ll pretend to still be unconscious. Just tell him I passed out again. You try to distract him, and at the first opportunity, I’ll pounce on him.”

  “Did you forget he’s a gargoyle and a lot stronger?” Samantha asked, frowning.

  “I know, Sammy, but we have to do something. If I could get him in the right position, it might work.” Shane was hopeful; he had to be for both of their sakes.

  “What if three or four gargoyles come down?”

  “Then we go to Plan B.”

  “What’s Plan B?” Samantha asked, staring at him.

  “If there are a bunch of them, then I hold them off, and you run out of the exit and get out.”

  “Really? Um, and how do you think you’re going to hold all of them off?”

  “I’ll figure it out. Sammy, you have to promise me, though, at the first opportunity, you must run. I want you to get out of here.” Shane grabbed her hand, making sure she understood.

  “I’m not leaving you, Shane,” Samantha said, shaking her head.

  “There’s no choice in the matter. That’s how it’s going to be. Promise me! I need you to promise me, Sammy!”

  “This is nuts. Why would I leave you to those horrible beings? Do you have any idea what they can do to you? What they’ve been doing to you?”

  “And what exactly can you do for me? Take more of my beatings? How is that supposed to make me feel? If you leave, at least it will give me some sort of peace. Please, Sammy, if there’s anything I ask of you, it’s this.” Shane’s voice shook, as his emotions took over. “Promise me.”

  Reluctantly, Samantha nodded. “Okay, I promise, but I’m coming back for you with your brother and other reinforcements.”

  Shane couldn’t help but chuckle. Only she had the power to control his mood in such a manner. “Fair enough. I have a feeling we have several more hours left. Come, let’s rest and face our fate when the sun sets.”

  Lying down, he waited for Samantha to take her place next to him. When she rested several feet away from him, he said, “What are you doing?”

  Samantha rolled to face him. “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to lie down right here, next to me.”

  “I’m right next to you,” she insisted.

  “In my arms, Sammy. Just like you did every time while I was unconscious.”

  “Shane, I was trying to keep you warm. You used to shiver uncontrollably.”

  Shane smirked. “I need to be kept warm again. I’m still freezing in this hell hole.”

  Smiling, Samantha said, “I think you’re good now.”

  Shane reached toward her and grabbed her arm. “Come here, woman.” Pulling her into his arms, he braced her body against his. “Ahh, see? Isn’t this much better?” He felt her instantly become tense.

  Clearing her throat, she said, “Um, yeah, sure.”

  “Relax, Sammy, I won’t bite,” he whispered in her ear, enjo
ying her reaction. “Besides, if death is calling upon me soon, I’d rather have a beautiful woman in my arms in my last hours of life.”

  “Hmm, I thought you had your share of beautiful women by now,” Samantha mumbled into his chest.

  He laughed under his breath as he played with her hair. “I have had plenty of beautiful women, I agree. But nobody compares to this really hot chick I’ve known for a long time…long, long time. Maybe even too long.”

  “Hey!” Samantha punched his chest.

  “Ouch! Watch the ribs!”

  “I don’t know how you can tease right now. Don’t you know we could be dead soon?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “You’re not going to be dead—not if I can help it. But, if I’m going to die soon, I wouldn’t want anybody else in my arms but you. You are my heaven in this hell we’re in, Sammy.” With that, he kissed her forehead. When he heard her sigh, he pulled her closer to him. He would cling to her as long as he possibly could. As he snuggled closer still, he began noticing her soft, curved body against his. Shit! This wasn’t good. Before he could control anything, his body responded.

  Samantha must have noticed because she suddenly went very still. Finally, she said, “Umm, Shane?”

  “Just ignore the troublemaker. Good to know not all of my muscles are useless. I promise, I’ll behave.” Shane tenderly kissed her lips and pulled her against his chest. Closing his eyes, he cherished the last few hours with the one who was his entire world.


  When the door opened later, Jared walked in. Shane kept his eyes closed and remained unresponsive. Samantha was sitting at her usual place, her back against the wall.

  “Well, well! If it isn’t the two lovebirds. The rest should be here in couple of hours. Wake up, Shane, it’s time to catch up.” Jared approached where Shane was lying.

  “He lost consciousness again. He’s been out all day,” Samantha mumbled.

  Jared shook him vigorously. “Get up!”

  “Leave him alone. I already told you, he fell unconscious soon after you left. I’ve been trying to get him up, but he’s really hurt.”

  “Damn you! Get up, Shane! I told the others you’re awake. That’s the only reason they’re flying in.” Jared then picked Shane up into a sitting position as he continued to shake him, but Shane collapsed back against the wall.

  Samantha jumped on Jared’s back and yelled, “I said leave him alone. He’s probably dying! Leave him alone.” Swinging her arms on his back, she fought to pull Jared away from Shane.

  “Bitch, you’re always interfering. Let’s finish what we started last night.” With that, he had her pinned down on the ground, already trying to undo her pants.

  Shane knew Jared’s back was toward him since he was preoccupied with Samantha. It was now or never. Using all the strength he possessed, Shane pulled himself up and lunged toward Jared, tackling him. He had gotten Jared by surprise, so he had an advantage on him. Holding him down, he tried to use the rock he’d been holding. But he was no match for the strength of a gargoyle. Before he could bring the makeshift weapon toward him, Jared had the upper hand and shoved Shane off.

  Although he landed hard on the other side of the cave, Shane’s adrenalin kept him going. He charged at him again, but Jared was easily able to contain him.

  He held Shane away from him by his neck and said, “You’re a fool, Shane. Do you honestly think you can beat me as a mere human?”

  Samantha jumped on Jared’s back again, trying to strangle him with her arms. He shook her off easily, and she went sliding across the ground. Jared continued to hold Shane, choking him. With desperate attempts, Shane tried to kick and punch Jared, but it was useless.

  “I had a feeling you’d try something. I came prepared, Shane.” Still restraining him, Jared pulled out a rope from a duffle bag he’d brought with him. Within seconds, he had Shane’s wrists tied, no matter how much Shane tried to resist. “How do you like all your injuries? My brothers and I had some fun with you while you were unconscious.” Jared laughed. “I’m gonna love this. Guess what you get to do? You’ll get to watch me fuck your girl.”

  Shane was still trying to catch his breath from the beating. “Leave her alone. She has done nothing to you.” His voice was hoarse as he choked out the words.

  “I want you to watch us, Shane. Isn’t this getting interesting?”

  “What the hell do you want? She’s innocent in all this!” Shane said, raising his voice.

  “I know what she means to you. I know she’s your weakness.” Turning to Samantha, he said, “This is going to be the best sex of your life, baby.”

  Samantha looked terrified as he approached her. “Please, leave me alone.”

  Jared lifted her chin up, tilting her face from one side to another as if examining her. “You really are a beautiful girl. I can see why he’s so taken in by you.”

  Samantha’s entire body began to tremble in fear.

  “Don’t be scared. I’ll make it good for you. Oh, would you rather prefer the human version of me? I can certainly oblige,” Jared taunted. Shifting into his human form, Jared said, “Is this better? Did Shane have sex with you as a human?”

  “She is not my lover! She means nothing to me,” Shane said, making desperate attempts to convince him.

  Laughing hard, Jared locked his hands into Samantha’s hair and dragged her across the cave. “Prove it.” He dropped her, forcing her to kneel in front of Shane. “Kiss her.”

  “What are you doing?” Shane kept his eyes on Jared.

  “Prove that she means nothing to you. Kiss her, or I will!” Jared yelled.

  Samantha’s soft hands touched Shane’s face, and she forced him to look at her. Shane kept his eyes emotionless, not wanting Jared to see his true feelings for Samantha. With her own eyes shiny with tears, she continued to hold Shane’s face, hoping to get some type of reassurance from him.

  “Do it! Kiss him!” Jared demanded, shoving her closer to Shane.

  Shane’s hands were still tied behind him, but he pulled himself up to kneel in front of Samantha. Clenching his jaw tight, his eyes maintained the cold demeanor while he waited for Samantha’s next move.

  With her lips quivering, she leaned into him. Her lips gently touched his, and all Shane could do was hold his breath and hope to remain unresponsive. It killed him that he could feel her lips trembling against his own. The thought of sharing such a private moment with Samantha in front of Jared made his heart pound with fury. He used all the restraint he possessed to try to remain indifferent to her touch, but eventually, his body betrayed him. His breathing changed and his heart longed to touch her some more. Shutting his eyes tight, he knew his internal struggles were surfacing for Jared to see.

  Jared laughed and pulled Samantha off Shane. “My turn,” he said, flashing Shane a sly smile. “I want your girl, Shane, and you’ll get to watch me take her.” He grabbed Samantha’s hair and tilted her head to bring his lips to hers and kiss her. Samantha struggled under him, but it was impossible for her to get away.

  Watching Jared’s lips land on Samantha’s—where his had been just seconds before—nearly killed Shane. The more Samantha struggled, the more it seemed to excite Jared. Shane wanted to scream when he saw Jared’s hands explore Samantha’s body while he continued to kiss her. His head spun uncontrollably as his worst fears were unfolding before his eyes. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way he could allow his Sammy to be taken by this monster.

  “Stop, please,” he said, defeated. “I know what you want. Leave her alone and take me instead.”

  That got Jared’s attention, and he stopped kissing Samantha. He narrowed his eyes at Shane suspiciously. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. I know you’ve been fancying me for years. I’ve caught your glances toward me. I know it’s me you dream about,” Shane continued.

  “Are you crazy? Don’t flatter yourself, Shane.”

  “Then prove it,” Shane echoed Ja
red’s previous words. He heard Samantha gasp, but ignored her and maintained his attention on Jared. “Come here, Jared. What do you have to lose?”

  “You’re way off mark this time,” Jared said. “You’re one cocky bastard. Not everybody desires you.”

  “No? Come here and prove it,” Shane said again.

  Jared dropped Samantha’s hair and strolled over to Shane. He pulled Shane up to standing and looked him in the eye. Shane didn’t even flinch. Instead, he stared right back into Jared’s eyes, waiting for him to make the next move.

  Keeping his human form, Jared grabbed the back of Shane’s head and tilted it back. With a devious smirk, he brought his lips down. Somewhere in the distance, Shane heard Samantha cry. He didn’t resist Jared. Instead, he opened his mouth, encouraging Jared to deepen the kiss.

  Jared’s lips lingered as he played with Shane. But suddenly, he pulled back and shoved Shane away. “Sorry, a man’s body does nothing for me. It’s a woman I want, and I will have her.”

  “Are you sure, Jared?” Shane leaned forward and brought his lips to Jared’s ear. “I can fulfill your deepest desires,” he whispered. “You know I can. This is your chance to take me. Nobody will have to know.”

  Jared remained quiet, his breathing quickening.

  Shane continued to seduce him. “Just untie me. We still got some time before the others arrive. This is your only opportunity. Untie me, and I’ll help you reach your wildest dreams.”

  Grabbing Shane’s face, Jared kissed him hard.

  “Shane, stop!” Samantha yelled. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “What about her?” Jared asked.

  Shane shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “She can watch for all I care.”

  “Or, she can join us,” Jared said.

  “Or, she can join us,” Shane agreed. “Jared, I want to touch you.” Shane’s voice was husky.

  When his breathing became rugged, Shane could tell Jared was getting turned on. Burying his face into the nape of Jared’s neck, Shane kissed him and then followed the path with his tongue.


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