Witch Darkness Follows (Maeren Series Book 3)
Page 40
She hollowed her cheeks and obeyed, her tongue pressing up against the shaft demanding room be made for his cock.
George had only given her a few inches past the tip and already she felt like he owned her mouth.
“Breathe through your nose,” Daemon told her as George pulled out and shoved back in, a little deeper. “Keep your hand moving on the part of his cock not in your mouth. Use your other hand on his balls. George is going to control your head, how deep you take him, not you.”
Her big, scary mate was in charge.
“You can handle him,” Daemon whispered confidently into her mind, picking up on her thoughts.
He was right. She wanted this, craved the feel of George’s strong hands controlling her head and his demanding cock taking over her mouth.
She only gagged a couple times as she got used to George tickling against her throat.
George didn’t apologize, although he always pulled back.
“It doesn’t hurt her,” Daemon said as she gagged once more, the reflex impossible to override. “She likes you fucking her mouth. If she really doesn’t like something, she’ll pinch your thigh,” Daemon suggested.
It gave her an out that she didn’t really need, and George, the reassurance that she was enjoying this.
It was no lie.
The deeper thrusts were all she could focus on, working to swallow the head of George’s cock as it pushed against the ring of muscles in her throat.
She was drooling all over her own hand and George’s cock, but it pleased him.
“Your mouth is as wet for me as your pussy,” George bragged, shoving his cock in the deepest thrust yet and holding it against her throat.
She swallowed, breathing through her nose as Daemon praised her and told George to fuck her throat even deeper.
Instead of pulling out, George made tiny thrusts back and forth, rocking his cock in her throat.
She swallowed and breathed, picking up a rhythm that her hips quickly copied, grinding into the pillows that she’d been propped onto at Daemon’s insistence.
There was no denying the moisture bathing her pussy was mostly her own, probably making as much of a mess of the pillows as she had of George’s cock with all her saliva.
“I’m going to release and you will swallow all of it. If you waste any, I’ll rub your face in it,” George’s dark whisper lashed at her.
The ache in her pussy tripled. She ground herself against the pillows harder, with a moan that George would feel wrap around his cock in her throat.
His dominance wasn’t a surprise, but her being so turned on by it was eye opening.
First spanking and restraints, and now face fucking and swallowing.
She moaned against George’s cock again, using her hand on the half of him that she couldn’t get down her throat. She sped up her movement as he bobbed, his hips pumping him deeper.
He fucked her mouth with less caution, shouting at her, his hands tightening almost painfully in her hair.
“Suck it!” George ordered again.
His hips twisted, all of his muscles tightening as he thrust, thrust, and spurted a load of cum.
“Swallow,” Daemon commanded her, his dark voice much closer than she’d remembered.
She felt Daemon crawl between her opened thighs, his long cock prodding her tender, wet pussy while she swallowed George’s rhythmic spurts.
She was glad George was already down her throat when he came, several swallows required to down what he’d given her, probably each spurt a mouthful of his salty seed.
It still slipped a little outside one corner of her lips and onto her chin as George pulled out of her mouth.
Daemon shoved his cock into her from behind at the same moment, riding her right into the pillows as she gasped. He thrust a few good long and hard strokes that triggered her own fast climax, before he pulled out and jerked off over her ass.
Hot streams of Daemon’s cum lashed her as George bent forward and licked her chin and the corner of her lips, where his cum had leaked out, cleaning it for her.
“I guess you’re going to need another bath,” George told her with a satisfied smile.
Lassitude suddenly hit her hard.
Her body needed rest to keep up with the demands of her mates.
“Too tired,” she complained, wiggling forward to wrap her arms around George’s scarred chest and drop her head onto his eight pack.
“I’ll get some warm, wet towels,” Daemon offered, still a little breathless.
She felt his weight leave the bed and return shortly after, having dipped a couple fresh cleaning cloths into the cold water basin and heating them with his magic.
It felt so good that she arched against the warmth and moaned.
“Have a drink to refresh your mouth,” George said, holding out a glass of water that Daemon had also fetched.
She leaned up on her elbows to sip at it, gratefully.
George took the glass back when she had enough.
“Do you want me to heal you before you sleep?” George asked, his question rumbling against her ear as she laid on him.
She wiggled her tender posterior. Their earlier swats had been mostly in play. It hadn’t really been a part of her punishment, nothing that she regretted.
Daemon wanted spice in the bedroom, not sorrow.
“Nah, I’ll sleep it off,” she said.
Daemon laid another hot cloth over her ass, letting it sit, so the heat could sink in, before he used it to thoroughly clean between her thighs.
When he was done, he picked her up from behind, dragging her limp body with him as he laid them down, spooning her from behind.
George sank down onto the bed, on his side, pulling her in for a lazy kiss. He split her legs with one muscled thigh, riding close to her freshly cleaned pussy.
Nobody said a single thing more, falling fast asleep, tangled together.
Frying Pan to Fire
“We know where the demon sleeps,” the general said. He took a sip of his whiskey laced tea.
The heat of the tea must burn even hotter with the strong spirits he’d had added by the inn staff.
Victoria remembered her own taste of the hot toddy and it still made her want to choke.
“The place he sleeps isn’t exactly friendly to all of us right now,” Victoria said.
Understatement, but they had to be careful of what they said out loud.
The pub was a public establishment, even if the general had managed to get their group separated into more private seating in the back, with two big tables slid together.
There was still the rumble of the townsfolk eating lunch at the inn—in the front rooms—coming through to them.
“I could slip in and out, alone,” Jaeson said.
Victor growled. It was rude, but the rest of them overlooked it.
Newly bonded males were prone to shows of possessiveness for their claimed and aggression towards any threats.
“That demon is mine by law,” her twin reminded the rest of them.
Victoria nodded.
“Who better to slip into our home than one of us?” she added.
“Separating would be unwise,” Kaila said. “We know that the lion is on the golden chair—and he may be innocent of all the wrongdoings of his brother, the serpent, but he still can’t be trusted. It’s not safe for any of us until my eldest returns with the lizards to catch the serpent.”
All of the code words and talk around was keeping Victoria on her toes.
“Are we sure the great lizards will join with our side?” the general asked.
“No. I have the resources to tempt them if the dark one fails,” Kaila said.
“Let’s go to the serpents, then,” Jaeson said.
“Is that really safe with the witches coming along . . . to go there? It’s a rather harsh environment,” Alexander said.
“We are more than capable of keeping up with any earth-lord,” Kaila said.
“Alexander hasn’t worked with many witches in training exercises,” the general explained, as if excusing his soldier’s overprotective behaviour.
“He’s just going overboard because he bonded Jill!” Victoria said.
If they were going to make allowances for her twin’s bonded behaviour, Alexander should get the same courtesy.
“When did this happen?” Kaila snapped.
“I sent Alexander up to talk with Jill, while I explained the situation to her claimed,” the general said.
“Mom, I’m too old for you to be going bananas every time another vampire comes near me,” Jill complained.
Kaila had sounded upset.
Hadn’t the general approved the match ahead of time?
Alexander had been open about his courting Jill.
“I’ve accepted Alexander into our harem,” Victor said. “Now, to get back on task, when do we depart for the lizards’ den?”
“Tomorrow. We need to prepare supplies first,” Jaeson said. “I’ll divide up the tasks to make it quicker.”
“Wait!” Victoria shouted.
They all looked at her.
Jaeson gave a sideways glance at the thin room divider separating them from the rest of the pub.
“I have a little prince-lizard problem. Did all of you forget?”
“He’s one lizard,” the general said. “His claim is significant, however, so you’re right that we need to give this thought.”
“Kaila, does whatever you have to offer to the lizards offset the temporary loss of a special friend to the prince-lizard?” Jaeson asked.
“Possibly,” Kaila said, giving Victoria an empathetic look. “Would you rather stay here?” Kaila asked her.
Victoria shook her head. “He can find me here—as easily as if I go there. I just wanted to know our backup plan when the prince-lizard tries to detain me.”
“I have a favour owed. It’s a life debt to the very lizard-prince you worry over. His mother made it to me on his behalf. I’ll call in that favour if I must,” the general said.
“What did you do to earn such a favour?” Victoria asked.
“I buried the sleeping boy precisely where they asked.”
The same spot Victoria had stumbled upon him and awakened him from the cursed sleep.
Had it really been fate, or was it set up?
“How did they—?” Victoria didn’t need to finish her question.
“The prophet,” the general quietly interrupted. “Although I can’t remember his face or name now. Only the message, relayed while he held the hand of the grieving queen.”
“I know his name!” Jill said, much louder. Then, it slipped from her mind. “Well, I knew it.”
The general chuckled. “The magic is slippery when one deals with the future. Very hard to grasp.”
“Are we all in agreement to head to the lizard caves?” Jaeson asked, once more bringing them back to task.
Everyone nodded.
Jaeson started handing out assignments to help them pack and prepare for the trip.
Victoria silently added a slice of humble pie to her list.
She’d kicked her mate away like a nuisance, an overeager puppy that she couldn’t keep.
He’d apologized and she’d ignored him.
Just what would they have to agree to in order to secure the dragon’s aid?
Political marriages weren’t uncommon amongst royalty.
She could refuse to go to Dragos, but it felt like the coward’s way out.
Raphael was her mate. It was time to acknowledge there might be more than fate between them.
Sweet Lemons
“Where is Pan?” Elizabeth asked.
They’d only been back to the dark clan caves one night and already she’d lost track of her young friend.
Yes, she’d been distracted, but it still felt like she’d wronged the dragoness.
Pan had been anxious about returning home, fairly certain of her unwelcome. She was technically a traitor.
Bringing Raphael to the light clan with her to free her clan from the King Rael’s tyranny wasn’t a gift all of her clan would appreciate.
Even the dark clan dragons seemed to have some hold outs.
They were a bunch of guys, who deep down, felt rejected by their own kind’s females.
It had taken some convincing from Raphael to get them to believe the females hadn’t any choice in the matter, locked up and unable to pursue anything they wanted.
Pan couldn’t be left behind if Elizabeth was going out, even if it was only for a little while. The hostility from the other dragons must be frightening for her.
George cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Pan will be wherever the Dogs are holed up. They’ve taken her under wing.”
“Since Pan is the dragon, it’s really the other way around, isn’t it?” Raphael asked. “The pups do well enough to keep her safe. Pan hasn’t been able to give them the slip. Still, I can’t leave the well being of a young dragoness solely dependent on mere earth-lords growing into their beards. I have an older dragon providing discreet supervision.”
“Is he there to make sure there isn’t any nookie happening or as backup, in case Pan hoodwinks all three vampires again?” Elizabeth asked, rolling her eyes.
Pan was nearly a grown dragon in her own right. She should be afforded the same freedoms as the Dogs, which were close to her in age, just the opposite sex.
“What is nookie?” Raphael asked.
“Surely you can guess,” Elizabeth said.
“Pan is insisting that the Dogs refer to her as male, so nookie is unlikely. None of them are of that persuasion, although even vampires who prefer male company still have to feed on witches to keep up their strength,” George answered.
Raphael didn’t ask again. He got it, as evidenced by his glower in George’s direction.
“Pan would toast them if they tried to take privileges they haven’t earned. She is unclaimed and unmarked,” Raphael reminded them.
“Are you forgetting the Dogs are very strong in earth? Pan could breathe fire on them all day, and they wouldn’t even get a sunburn,” Daemon said.
He arched a sardonic brow at Raphael as the other male tried to give a flustered response.
“Isn’t that the appeal of earth-magic to dragonesses? The chance to be free with their dangerous fire and beastly familiars, without fear of accidental toasting?” George asked.
“There are plenty of male dragons with thick hides, here, at home,” Raphael insisted.
Elizabeth was getting an education.
This was why dragons liked partners with earth?
“Pan wants to explore. She keeps breaking out of here because she’s looking for something—”
“More?” George asked, interrupting her.
“Different,” she finished. “You can’t break everyone else free of their chains in her clan, and then try to tie her down next,” she told Raphael.
“She has all the freedom she could want. The dragon I tasked is following her around like a shadow, but he hasn’t stopped her from wandering the mountains. He even spent the night camped at the bottom of a tree that Pan slept in yesterday,” Raphael revealed.
“Where were the Dogs?” George asked.
“In the tree with her,” Raphael admitted.
“Fine, Pan is overprotected. Do any of you know where she is now, so we can bring her along?” Elizabeth asked.
Nobody answered right away.
Finally, Raphael responded when it was clear that none of them knew the whereabouts of the object of their argument.
“Wherever Pan went, I doubt she’ll be back before supper. She’s not comfortable in the caves.”
Raphael had noticed the tension. That was probably a greater reason for why he let three earth-lords take a young dragoness under their protection.
He knew Pan was leery of other male dragons.
He might not fe
el like giving Pan so much freedom when he found out that Pan was serious about wanting to go the human realm.
It was even more doubtful that he would accept anything less than a dragon to accompany Pan further than the outskirts of Dragos.
“Fine, let’s get going, so we can be back by supper,” Elizabeth decided out loud.
The talk about Pan and the human realm could definitely be saved for another day.
Maybe after she had seen the Dogs together with Pan, and assessed their dynamic.
Elizabeth’s time with them earlier had been too brief to make a full impression.
“You’re going to permit us to escort you to the Wastes?” Daemon asked, his warning tone catching her attention.
She amended her statement, rolling her eyes again.
“I want to summon my demon familiar for practice, as we discussed earlier. I would appreciate your escort, so Rai doesn’t eat anyone undeserving,” Elizabeth said.
Daemon knew darn well the plan for today.
“Or attack me . . .” she added, not sure that it was possible for her own familiar to attack her, but willing to admit it was a worry.
Last time, her fox had gorged herself on so many vampires that she probably couldn’t have taken another bite by the time Elizabeth called her back.
“Well, that sounds like the most exciting invitation to destruction I’ll receive today,” Raphael said.
He bowed before her.
“If you will do the honours, Elizabeth.”
She looked over to Daemon in confusion.
“He wants you to remove his torq, so he may transform,” George explained.
“Are you going to fly there and meet us?” she asked, gently taking the twisted metal strands of his torq into her hands as he ducked down—way down.
The opening at the back was too narrow for her to slip it off his neck.
“Uh, I don’t know how . . .”
“It twists—one end up and the other down—to open the space between the ends,” Raphael explained.
She did as he said, surprised that the heavy torq wasn’t that hard to manipulate this way.
“I’ll be transforming and flying all of you on my back, not meeting you there,” Raphael added, raising his head and rolling his shoulders as he looked down at her holding his heavy torq in her hands.