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Page 8

by Bailey Bradford

  “You didn’t, Dar, I told you he was busy with someone else. He wasn’t sitting at home thinking you abandoned him.” Lee’s voice had a sharp edge to it that put Darren on the defensive, although he really liked it when Lee called him ‘Dar’, almost as much as he liked it when Lee called him ‘baby’.

  “I did, especially if Stefan was hanging around someone else,” Darren said firmly as he opened the refrigerator and started pulling out condiments. “I should have known who it was, and made sure they weren’t going to hurt Stefan.” Lee would eventually realize Darren was at fault no matter what had happened to Stefan. Darren was supposed to take care of his friend. He hadn’t. That was what would drive Lee away from him.

  “Darren, I told you—”

  “I know what you told me,” Darren said, adding lunchmeat and cheese to the items already gathered. “And I’m too tired to argue about it.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Jesus!” Darren yelped, bobbling everything he was holding. He hadn’t heard Lee walk up behind him, and the man had probably scared a decade off Darren’s life. “Don’t do that! Especially after a night when sheets attack!”

  “It’s a habit,” Lee muttered as he reached around Darren to grab some of the load. “Now stop changing the subject.”

  Darren spun around and glared at Lee. “I’m not changing the subject. You snuck up on me and scared the crap out of me.”

  Lee’s lips twitched and he shook his head. “It just occurred to me that I haven’t heard you cuss, not even once. You don’t, do you?”

  “Mom didn’t want me to,” Darren muttered. “If that sounds childish, then—”

  “It doesn’t, and it’s good for me to know.” Lee headed back to the table and Darren followed. “I won’t stop cussing entirely—there’s no way I could, especially not when we’re fu—” Lee winced. “Having sex. The rest of the time, though, I’ll at least try.” He set the packages of cold cuts and cheese on the table.

  “You don’t have to, and I liked it when you talked dirty while we were having sex.” It had made Darren’s lust flare even higher.

  Lee shot him a wicked grin before walking to the counter to grab the bread. “Good. But I meant it when I said I’d work on the other, not cussing, at least as much as I have been.”

  Darren didn’t know why Lee was so willing to try to curb his cursing but it made Darren happy that he’d offered to do so. “Okay, thank you.”

  Lee pulled out a chair for Darren, which made him feel mildly insulted and touched at the same time. He still said thank you though and sat, Lee quickly doing the same.

  “Now, getting back on track,” Lee began and Darren wanted to groan. “I know you felt responsible for Stefan, and everyone, including myself, let you, but the truth of the matter is, Stefan’s family was responsible for him. Me, our parents. We were the ones who should have been watching over Stefan and making sure nothing happened to him. Us, not you. We didn’t, and Stefan paid the price whether his death was accidental or…or not.”

  Darren understood the legality of it but emotionally he didn’t agree. “You couldn’t watch him, you were gone, and your parents—”

  Lee cut him off with a sharp slash of his hand through the air. “No. My parents could have hired someone, they could have afforded it, or they could have spent more time with Stefan themselves.” Lee grimaced and tapped his chest. “And I could have stayed in Jackson, but I didn’t. I couldn’t wait to get out of that place, and I wasn’t about to let something like a brother who needed me stop me. So don’t tell me you were selfish. I left and only came back once every year or so. I could have come home more often. I chose not to.”

  Lee’s eyes were glittering with unshed tears as he stopped talking. Darren tried to find an argument against Lee’s claims that couldn’t also be applied to himself but couldn’t. He wasn’t sure whether he felt any less guilty or not. He’d carried around that weight for so long he didn’t know if he could ever let it go.

  And Lee had to feel at least as responsible as Darren did, which spurred him to speak. Darren reached for Lee’s hand and waited until Lee looked at him. “Do you think Stefan would be happy knowing we both felt like this? He was so proud of you, going off and serving in the military. Do you think he’d have wanted you to give that up?”

  “He probably would have rather had me at home,” Lee said, looking down at the table or his plate, Darren couldn’t tell.

  “I don’t think so.”

  That got Lee’s attention, his gaze shooting back up to Darren’s.

  “Why don’t you think so?”

  Darren could hear the hope in Lee’s voice and he prayed he’d find the right words to ease Lee’s guilt. “Stefan knew he wasn’t going to be able to leave Jackson and do the things you did. The only way he got to experience life outside that place was through you. I mean, yeah, he could see different stuff on TV, but it wasn’t the same. Every time he got a letter or a call from you, he would glow for days and tell everyone he could about his big brother. What would he have had if you’d stayed in Jackson? What would have made him so happy he practically walked on air? What would he have had to look forward to if not your calls, letters and visits?”

  Lee looked thunderstruck, his eyes wide and his lips parted enough that Darren could see a strip of that talented tongue. “I don’t know.”

  “Me either, but I am beginning to believe both of us need to think about why we feel like we do.”

  And if they were lucky they might get some answers they could actually understand.

  Chapter Eight

  “Why hasn’t anyone killed that da—rooster?” Lee washed the set of deep scratches on his forearm. He wanted to cuss so bad he almost didn’t trust himself to speak. The little red bastard had got him good, digging those talons in and trying to tear a chunk out of Lee’s arm. “He’s a menace. Someday he’s going to pluck out someone’s eye or something. He’s like a chicken on meth, or maybe he’s a sociopath.” Lee considered it while Darren opened the antibiotic cream. “Yeah, that fits. You have a sociopathic rooster in your front yard.”

  Darren pointed the uncapped tube at him. “Are you always this optimistic at five in the morning?”

  Lee turned the sink off and took the clean washcloth Darren had laid out for him. “No, I’m usually asleep at five in the morning—although I’m certainly not complaining about waking up with your sweet lips wrapped around my dick.” Lee grinned and dried his arm off with the washcloth.

  Darren had taken the initiative this morning and Lee had been so surprised, his usual control had failed him. He’d shot his wad a lot sooner than he’d wanted to, but that might have been a good thing. Lee had plans for his lover, plans that would satisfy both of them.

  He held up his arm and let Darren rub the cream over the scratches. Yeah, he could have done it himself but Darren touching him, even if it was like this, was never a bad thing. Lee could grow addicted to this man. Maybe he already was. He liked Darren, and while the sex so far had been amazing, that wasn’t all there was between them. The more he got to know Darren, the more fascinated he was by him—and with each moment they spent together, Lee was sinking deeper and deeper into the attraction between them.

  He glanced up when Darren’s hand stilled on his arm. Lee’s gaze met Darren’s in the mirror above the sink. Darren’s brown eyes softened, the irises appearing almost liquid in the reflection. He licked his lips, slicking the pink skin, making it glisten.

  “Dar.” Lee wasn’t sure he’d actually spoken or if he’d only mouthed the word. He started to turn and Darren was there, meeting him halfway. Darren cupped the back of Lee’s neck then crushed his mouth to Lee’s. Lee didn’t know where the assertive streak in Darren came from, but he liked it. A lot. Lee opened for Darren’s tongue and let his lover take the lead.

  After a surprisingly good night’s sleep, Darren had woken up to the realization that, once he told Lee he suspected there’d been a spirit in the motel room with them, Lee mi
ght very likely leave him. Darren had been overwhelmed with the need to make Lee his, much like Lee had done to him yesterday. Darren had to claim at least some part of the man as thoroughly as possible, and if all he could have was Lee’s body he’d take it even though he wanted so much more.

  Darren had swallowed his nerves then swallowed Lee’s cock. Lee had woken with a rumbly moan that had Darren’s balls drawing tight. Sucking Lee off had hurt a little—Darren’s chin was still sore but nothing like it had been. Even if he’d been in agony, though, Darren would have continued blowing Lee after hearing the sounds the man made. And watching him, seeing the utter lack of control as Lee writhed and thrashed, ragged breaths cutting the air—Darren had felt like a god for those brief minutes.

  Now the chickens were taken care of and Lee’s arm was doctored, and Darren did not want to talk about what happened in the motel yet. He wanted another chance to bind Lee to him, even if it was only until Lee moved on to somewhere else.

  Darren shoved his hands under the waistband of Lee’s sweats, filling his hands with warm, wonderfully firm butt cheeks. He lifted his mouth from Lee’s and trailed kisses across his jaw. Lee murmured and gripped Darren’s hips, tugging to bring their hard cocks into contact through their clothes. Darren squeezed the flesh under his hands, delighting in the soft fuzz that was sprinkled on Lee’s butt. He nipped Lee’s earlobe and the man shuddered. Hot spot. Darren sucked the lobe into his mouth as he tickled Lee’s crease with his fingertips. He moved his hands down, searching for and finding Lee’s puckered opening.

  “I want in here,” Darren rasped, his cock growing even harder. “Let me.”

  Lee’s hands clenched bruisingly hard on Darren’s hips. “Anything, whatever you want, I want.”

  Darren tapped a finger against Lee’s hole, delighting in Lee’s ragged moan. “I want to make you mine, just like you did to me.”

  “Fuck, Dar.” Lee pressed his forehead to Darren’s, his gaze steady. “I am yours, but I want you to fuck me.”

  They kissed and groped their way to the bedroom, somehow managing not to trip as they shed their clothes. Lee started to get the supplies they needed but Darren stopped him with a one-handed push that sent Lee sprawling onto his back on the bed. Lee’s mouth gaped open, surprise widening his eyes. Darren laughed, pleased with himself for having done something to throw Lee off.

  “Stay right there, I’ll get what we need.”

  When Lee didn’t protest Darren assumed it was okay for him to open Lee’s duffle bag and paw through it for the condoms and lube. He found them quickly then strode back to the bed and gave Lee an appreciative look. Lee had said Darren was perfect, but he wasn’t.

  This man, with his thickly muscled thighs spread wide, his furry balls heavy and hanging low, covering the spot Darren ached to fill, was as physically perfect as a man could be. His long, fat dick nearly reached his belly button, and the beads of pre-cum slicking the bulbous cap made Darren’s mouth water with the need to taste.

  Darren swept his gaze up Lee’s body, marveling at the deeply etched ridges in his stomach. The firm swell of his pecs were topped with small, erect, copper-colored nipples ringed with swirls of hair. His shoulders were broad and stacked with muscle, his neck long and thick. Lee’s hair was spread out on the pillow, framing his gorgeous face. His green eyes were nearly closed, his lips parted as he panted softly.

  Lee was, Darren knew without a doubt, the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life.

  Darren crawled onto the bed and knelt between Lee’s thighs. He set the supplies down and ran his hands down the insides of Lee’s legs, noting the way Lee’s skin prickled with goosebumps. Darren hooked his hands behind Lee’s knees and pushed. Lee raised his legs then grabbed the backs of his knees, bringing them to his chest.

  Lee’s willingness to open himself in such a way set Darren’s heart stuttering in his chest. The trust the position implied was a gift that warmed him and sent Darren toppling ever closer to the dangerous emotions he was afraid to accept. Darren dragged in a shaky breath, his lungs suddenly desperate for air. His gaze was drawn to Lee’s balls. Darren cupped them, loving their weight in his hand. He rolled them gently then bent down and sucked one into his mouth.

  Lee’s body shook hard enough that the mattress vibrated with it, or maybe that was from the long, drawn-out moan that rent the air. Darren laved the furry nut, sucking it in deep then pushing it back with his tongue. He let it slip from his mouth then promptly took the other one in, giving it the same attention he had the first.

  “Dar, I need…” Lee groaned as Darren worked Lee’s sac into his mouth. Darren hummed and fisted Lee’s cock, pulling it up from where it bobbed against his stomach. “God, fuck!”

  Darren smiled around his mouthful then released Lee’s balls with a loud slurp. He licked his way up Lee’s dick, stopping to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves. Lee bucked beneath him and Darren opened wide and engulfed Lee’s dripping glans. He swallowed as much of Lee’s length as he could, gripping the base to keep Lee from gagging him when Lee began to thrust.

  Lee cursed and muttered words Darren couldn’t understand, they were so garbled. He skimmed his teeth over the rim of Lee’s cap and felt Lee’s cock pulse and swell in his hand. Darren squeezed the base tightly then let go as he sucked hard. Hot cum shot onto his tongue as Lee gasped and shook, filling Darren’s mouth with cream.

  Darren sucked and licked Lee’s cock until Lee whimpered then he released it and crawled up between Lee’s legs. He shoved at Lee’s knees to move them then bit at one coppery nub while pinching the other with his fingers. Lee’s chest heaved under the assault, threatening to dislodge Darren. He bit down harder and Lee grabbed handfuls of Darren’s hair. Darren raked his teeth over the erect nub when Lee shoved Darren’s head down, mashing his nose against Lee’s pec.

  “Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop,” Lee rasped.

  Darren bit and twisted Lee’s nipples until they were dark red and swollen. He blew against one then the other then shot up to kiss the moan from Lee’s lips. Darren sank his tongue in deep, sweeping Lee’s mouth, swallowing every sound Lee made and keeping it for himself. Lee’s tongue battled with his and Darren nipped it, refusing to give over control. He’d meant it when he said he wanted to make Lee his.

  “You are mine,” Darren ground out once Lee had stopped trying to control the kiss. Lee only nodded, his eyes wide, stunned, his lips parted and plump from Darren’s plundering. Darren grunted and dipped his head to get at Lee’s neck. Lee dropped his hands, which had been buried in Darren’s hair, to his sides and arched his neck—offering or begging, Darren didn’t know which. He caught Lee’s chin in a strong grip and tipped Lee’s head up and to the side then he began marking him, branding him even if only temporarily as his own.

  By the time he’d left a trail of purple bruises on Lee’s tanned skin, the man was a mass of quivering need, his words senseless as he gasped repeatedly. The fierce spear of possessiveness in Darren hadn’t abated, had indeed only wound tighter as Lee came undone so beautifully for him. His dick was hard and dripping again, and Darren’s was so hard he worried he’d come before he finished putting the rubber on.

  Darren pinched the tip of his glans, the jolt of pain giving him a measure of control. He sat back on his heels between Lee’s thighs and picked up the condom first. He ripped the package open then sheathed his dick. He tossed the wrapper aside and grabbed the lube, popping the lid open with his other hand. Darren squirted lube on his fingers, coating them thoroughly then added more just to be safe.

  He nudged Lee’s thigh and Lee bent his legs, bringing his heels against his butt. Darren wanted to sit back and admire the view but he needed Lee desperately. He didn’t want to be careless though, so he looked at Lee intently, seeing his own need reflected in Lee’s eyes. “Tell me if I go too fast or…or do something wrong, okay?”

  Lee’s lips quirked then a chuckle escaped as he shook his head. “You won’t. Jesus, baby, I’m so fucking
ready for you, you don’t even know…”

  Darren lifted Lee’s sac and looked at the tiny fluttering ring. He darted a glance at Lee’s face then back at the wrinkled skin. “You might think you’re ready, but this—” Darren slicked lube over the tight opening, drawing moans from Lee and him both. “There’s no way it wouldn’t hurt if I didn’t get your hole stretched first.”

  “I can take it,” Lee said. Darren pushed the tip of one finger in and Lee shut up. Lee’s muscle clamped down hard then relaxed and Darren’s finger was practically sucked into the velvety heat.

  “It’s so soft,” Darren murmured, wriggling his finger against Lee’s inner walls. Lee made a choking sound and Darren wriggled his digit again, feeling the bump of Lee’s gland. “Ah, this is good.” Darren rubbed and tapped as he pumped his finger into Lee over and over. The second went in easy, Lee rocking his butt down as he begged for more.

  “I’ve got you, I do,” Darren crooned as he slid a third finger into Lee. He pushed slowly but unceasingly deeper, his knuckles catching that spot that made Lee babble, “Dar, Dar, please, oh fuck, oh God, you have to, now!”

  Darren pulled his fingers out and scooted in, lining his dick up with Lee’s stretched hole when Lee pulled his knees back up to his chest. Just feeling the lube-slicked opening against the tip of his glans made Darren’s eyes roll back. He couldn’t wait to feel all those warm rippling muscles around his shaft, pulling him in deep.

  Gripping the backs of Lee’s thighs, Darren began pressing his cock into Lee’s hole. After a slight resistance, his crown popped into Lee’s opening. Darren’s heart thudded and his pulse raced as he tore his gaze from the erotic sight of his dick being sucked into Lee’s body. Darren wanted to watch that happen, but he wanted to see Lee’s expression even more.


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