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Fated for the Billionaire

Page 5

by Gia Blackwood

He looks down at his worn hands. “I just… when I saw her the other day, I just wanted her to know that I’m sorry. I don’t expect forgiveness, not at all. I don’t expect anything. Just please let her know that I’m sorry. And that none of it was their fault—her or her mother’s. And I love them. Bless her mother’s soul.” His eyes shine with unshed tears.

  “Mr. Graber…” His voice is thick with loss. A profound sadness. “You’ve stopped drinking?”

  “I’ve been sober for ten years now.” He looks around at the shelter. “As you can see it hasn’t helped my living situation. But I’m healthy. And I work now. Got a job in construction.”

  “Public infrastructure?”

  He shakes his head. “Nah. Private. Only projects taken on by a single man, an architect. We build as he commands. A solid company. I’m saving now. Working towards buying a little place. I never thought I’d see Allie again…” He trails off and I can tell his mind is somewhere else.

  I can’t shake a certain thought however. “Mr. Graber, I think I’m your boss.”

  “My boss?” He scratches his beard. “No, the foreman is…”

  “Not the foreman. It’s Craft Construction, right?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “I’m Roman. Roman Craft.” I extend a hand, a smile growing on my face. “It’s nice to finally meet my future father-in-law.”

  Mr. Graber stares at me blankly for a moment before breaking out into a full belly laugh that resonates throughout the room. He takes my hand in a hearty, healthy grip. “Call me Tony, son.”


  Somehow it feels right to be doing this. I have lunch with Tony, slowly learning what he’s been about through the years. It turns out he gave up on finding Allie years ago after searching throughout the city. I feel bad for the man despite the pain he’s caused her. Part of me wants to judge him for leaving them, for turning to the drink in the first place. But… at the same time I can’t do it. I feel no hatred for this broken man putting his life back together.

  I also can’t help but wonder how Allie would feel about me meeting with him. She doesn’t like to talk about her father, but the few times she did I would catch a stray smile as a good memory brushed her mind. One time I thought I saw something like hope flash in her eyes before anger clouded them once again.

  She misses him every day of her life. But she’s too scared of being hurt. I know she feels that way about me, too. I text her every day, letting her know I care. I leave her voicemails so that she’ll hear my voice. It’s all I can do for now. If I don’t do anything to heal this part of her past, Allie will never fully let me in.

  I tell Tony to write her a letter. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll give it to her. At the very least, she’ll get some closure. It takes him a couple of days, but in the end Tony hands me what feels more like a novel than a letter. A sheaf of paper so thick I wonder just what he has to say. I guess a lifetime of things. I laugh and clap him on the back.

  “You’ve got a lot of feelings, old man,” I say.

  He chuckles. “Give her my love. If she wants me to stay away, just say the word and I’m gone. I won’t look for her.”

  He’s serious. I nod, preparing to leave but he stops me with a hand on his arm. “Thank you, son, for doing this. For trying to help us.”

  I smile sadly. The thought of him leaving makes me sad. Somehow I’ve grown to like him. I can tell he was never an angry drunk. He’s a likable fellow. Affable. Addiction is a cruel disease.

  I slide the letter under Allie’s door along with a note of my own and hope for the best.



  My heart aches and tears flow freely as I stare at the letter in my hands. I must have read it a thousand times already. It tells a deep and painful history and a life of regret.

  My father is sober. Ten years sober. I can’t help but feel a deep sense of relief at learning this.

  He also wants to reconnect. He doesn’t say so explicitly, but I can tell.

  Reading this long, long letter has been cathartic. My anger is drained and seems a distant part of my past rather than a tangible part of my present.

  I’ve missed my father. That’s something I never let myself accept until now. When he wasn’t drunk, he’d pull me into his lap and squeeze me tight. He would read me to sleep and kiss my forehead. It didn’t happen often, but it was enough to give me a glimpse of what we could have had.

  I never thought I’d get the chance to see him again.

  But now I do.

  Butterflies flutter in my belly as I look at the second note. Just a small sticky note from Roman. Somehow it means more to me than any of his other messages. It reads: I love you. Freely. Unconditionally. No matter what.

  Whether I choose to accept my father back into my life or not, Roman will still love me. I know that’s what he’s telling me. I’ve been a fool to be so scared.

  I remember Roman’s words—how we said we have a choice in how we react to things. It’s true. And this time I’m going to choose him. Roman and all the joy he brings to my life. Including my father.

  This second chance is Roman’s gift to me.


  We start slowly, meeting for coffee and crying copious tears together. My father is somehow the same man I knew yet also completely different. It’s not a bad thing. Though I’m still cautious for now, it’s good to have my daddy back.

  As for Roman, I finished his suits and he’s beyond thrilled. It’s a hassle to get him to wear anything else now that he’s experienced my sleek designs that fit him so well. Now that we’re talking again, he’s stuck to my side like glue and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Tonight we’re going to the opening of the gallery to see its first exhibits. Roman will be showcasing one of his new outfits as well. When he steps inside my apartment, the sight of him makes me feel giddy and light-headed. He’s divine.

  He’s wearing a slate gray suit of light-weight wool that clings to his muscular physique, accentuating a body at the peak of its fitness. He resembles a Grecian statue of granite with features so fair it’s not fair. How can the man be so damn sexy?

  I already feel wet just looking at him. It’s tempting to skip the party and take him to my bedroom for the rest of the night. To finally feel the hard length of his cock in my—

  I clear my throat, silencing my dirty thoughts and hoping my makeup disguises the heat in my face.

  “You’re beautiful, Allie,” he says, looking me over before bringing me to him in a tight embrace.

  “You, too,” I say honestly.

  His hands grip my hips and move lower to cup my ass. Our breaths mingle in a long, drawn-out kiss that makes me sure of one thing. I’m already horny.

  It’s going to be a long night.


  The opening is a swirl of activity. We mingle right from the start, meeting Roman’s friends, business partners, and some of the artists showcasing their work. Roman keeps a strong arm around me the entire time, letting the whole room know that I’m his.

  It’s a new feeling and one I think I can get used to. Normally I shun all men at events like this one. It’s the first time I let myself just be with anyone—be protected and loved and claimed so openly.

  I love the feeling of the Roman’s hand landing lightly on the exposed skin on the small of my back as a particularly tall man approaches, someone who seems dark and brooding in comparison’s to Roman’s handsome lightness. It seems like he’s one step away from a full-on scowl. Roman whispers in my ear. “Jack Noble. A good friend. Believe it or not, that’s his smile. Or as close as he’ll ever get to one.” Ah. So this was the man who had Roman build this gallery in the first place.

  He nods to us and bows ever so slightly. “Roman, you’ve done marvelous work. I can’t thank you enough.” What could this mysterious billionaire want with a gallery? Apparently he’s a strange, reclusive man from what Roman’s told me.

  Roman flashes his cha
rming smile that always seems to draw people to him. “Thanks, Jack. I honestly wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

  “I thought I would give a rare appearance. If only to thank you.” I look over him from beside Roman. Is it just me or is there actually a smile in his eyes as he shakes my boyfriend’s hand? The small glimmer disappears as soon as a nearby woman laughs shrilly from nearby. He grimaces then and I grip Roman’s sleeve. What a frightening expression.

  Just then he seems to notice me and I offer him a smile. Roman’s arm encircles my waist. “My girlfriend Allison,” he says.

  “I see. It’s nice to meet you. I’ll have to invite you two over for dinner sometime.”

  “That would be lovely,” I say.

  The near smile leaves his eyes once again as the same woman laughs. “That’s my cue to leave,” he says grimly. “Enjoy the party.” He nods and is soon lost to the crowd. Somehow I get the feeling I won’t see him again.

  “Strange man,” I say. “Why would he ask you to build this place if he’s not even interested in it?”

  “Now that I don’t know. He just dabbles in everything. Almost as if he’s trying to find something that will click with him. But he’s a good man, for all his grimness, so I agreed to the job.”

  A man passes by bearing drinks on a tray. Or more drinks, I should say. Roman grabs a couple of glasses and we drink them down together. Soon I’m warm and happy and tingly in all the right places. His arm is wrapped deliciously around my waist and I lean into him, taking in his sharp, masculine scent, feel the way his muscles bulge through his clothes.

  God, I’m horny. I don’t know if it’s me, the drinks, Roman or the absurd art. Probably all three.

  I pull Roman toward one of the paintings and voice a thought I’d been having all evening.

  “Is this a vagina?” I ask, gesturing toward the image of a suspiciously arranged flower.

  Roman bursts out laughing, but I know I’m right. That’s totally a vag. On the wall across from us is a large mushroom curiously curved and highly suggestive. There’s also a Venus flytrap that seems to be looking for more than flies.

  “I’m serious,” I laugh. “This art is thinly disguised genitalia.”

  When Roman finally catches his breath, he says, “Yep, that’s a vagina. And that is one large schlong.”

  This time we’re both laughing so hard we have to hold each other up. The sight of an old woman nearby closely peering at another vagina flower through her spectacles doesn’t help.

  “Do you think she knows what she’s looking at?” I laugh.

  “I’m sure she thinks it’s all part of a beautiful garden.”

  “God, I love you, Roman.”

  “I love you, Allie.”

  “This art is making me so horny.”

  Just then a hand on my arms turns me about. I come face-to-face with a familiar man reeking of alcohol. Once my surprise wears off, I recognize him as Ronald, my sleazy ex-realtor.

  “Hey there, sweet cheeks. Who’d have thought I’d see you here?” He draws close, not seeming to notice the glowering Roman towering just behind me. This man must be incredibly drunk. “You know, my face was smarting awful bad after you hit me that time…” he drawls. I almost want to puke at the feel of his hot breath on me. “I think you owe me a little—”

  Ronald doesn’t get a chance to finish that sentence. Roman’s fist sends him hurtling away from us. He hits a nearby table and lies on the floor in a groaning heap. I watch as Roman stands over him and tries to steady his breathing.

  “Never go near her again.” His voice is dangerous.

  I’m far from scared. Rather, I find myself feeling hot and bothered by this show of force. At the sound of Roman’s voice, my ovaries just about explode.



  I clench and unclench my fists, trying to stem the flow of my anger. It’s rare that I lose my temper, but the sight of that slimy man leaning so close to Allison makes me snap. And right in front of me! He’s lucky he got away with just one hit.

  I watch him rise shakily and send a panicked glance my way before slinking from the room. At least he has the sense to leave. I’m too scared to look at her after the way I acted so instead I just grab her hand and haul her away from the staring eyes around us.

  “I’m sorry,” I finally say. We’re now in a private alcove I designed for moments just like this. It has a skylight from which moonlight pours in, enveloping us in a cool glow. The light shines over the creamy skin of Allie’s face and breasts, instantly making my cock harden in my pants. She looks enchanting. Ravishing. So good I want to hike her dress up and take her on the spot, hear her sweet voice beg for more. I force my eyes to her face at last. “I normally have a better hold on my temper.”

  There’s something strange about the way she’s looking at me now—as if I’m a glass of ice cold water and she just trekked through a desert. Instead of answering me, her mouth closes over mine and I can’t suppress a groan as my cock demands attention. It’s straining at my zipper, almost aching from a night of wanting her. Well, I should say more than a night. I feel like I’ve been in a state of semi-hardness since I met Allison.

  “You shouldn’t apologize, Roman,” she says hotly, her breath a caress. “That was so hot. You are so hot.” She bites her lips and I know she’s ready to accept me fully. I know it with all of my being.

  “We’re going to my place tonight,” I say. “But first get on your knees.”

  I see the shiver of anticipation slide over her body as she lowers herself before me. I unzip my pants and my cock springs out, making her mouth turn into an O of surprise. She wets her lips with a darting tongue.

  “Can I?” Her voice is so sweet I almost come on the spot.

  “Put your lips around me, baby.”

  Without further prompting, her tongue swipes along my length, sending jolts of ecstasy down my legs. Emboldened, she wraps her lips around my head and sucks gently. I have to restrain myself from pushing her head forcefully onto my length and fucking her face.

  As it is she’s already taking more of me into her mouth, making small whimpering noises the more length she takes. It all adds up to make me hornier than I’ve ever been. Allie’s been driving me crazy all night with her short little dress, plump ass revealed ever so slightly when she bends over to inspect a painting. I felt like I had to stick close to her all night just the keep the other men away. I was already at my breaking point when that sleazy realtor tried to take advantage of her.

  The sight of her looking up at me, eyes full of lust and a sexy blush dusting her face makes this current pleasure all the more rewarding. I hear her slurping and swallowing as she fits as much of me as she can in her mouth. She’s swirling her tongue around as she sucks, squeezing her lips tight around me, making a vortex of pleasure centralized on my cock.

  I can’t help it. My hips move of their own accord now as I run my hands through her soft hair, urging her to swallow, suck, and bob her head even faster. She’s moaning now, her lips vibrating on my dick and exciting me even more. I feel my balls tighten in her hand. She moves up and down, side to side. I tug her hair and push her head down, pull it back, and then down again. Soon my hips are moving and I’m pumping into her mouth in steady strokes that soon grow frantic.

  She moans loudly as I shake with the overwhelming climax, shooting my load down her throat. She swallows it down with a satisfying slurp and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. I trail a thumb across her lips and look into her eyes.

  “I’m not done with you yet, baby.”


  I pull Allie into the house, grateful to be done with that tense car ride where all I could think about was her sweet, wet pussy. Now we’re here and there’s nothing left to stop us.

  “You want this?” I ask her, guiding her to my room where my king size bed lies in wait.

  “More than anything. I want you, Roman, for as long as you’ll have me.”

  I almost can�
��t believe what I’m hearing. “Allison, I do want you. I want you and only you for the rest of my life.” I press myself against her until she can feel my swollen dick along her own body, showing her just how much I want her. I move my hands down and take her ass in my hands. Such a glorious ass, worthy of any artist’s attention. I want to sculpt it—to build a monument dedicated to her ass. If only she knew the thoughts I’ve had of her. Then she would have to believe me.

  “Baby, I’m going to show you just how much I want you.”

  I take my time undressing her, unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the floor so that her body is exposed to me at last. I take her hand and help her step out of her crumpled dress. She’s wearing only a black lacy bra and thong. I love the way she leaves her arms loosely at her sides, making no attempt to hide the curve of her soft, rounded tummy.

  My woman is not ashamed of her body and it makes her all the hotter to me. Rather than shy away, she has a straight spine and uplifted chin as she looks up at me. So fucking sexy.

  “You’re perfect, Allie.” I bite my lip and resist the urge to put my hands all over her. “And you’re mine. Forever and always.” Allison shudders, letting out a small whimper she couldn’t suppress.

  She stands before me and steps forward, slowly pushing my blazer back from my shoulders, unbuttoning my shirt. I unzip my pants and push them to the floor. Soon I’m naked before her and I see the way she takes me in, her eyes traveling over me, chest rising and falling with an ever increasing need. I’m suddenly glad for all the labor I’ve done recently. I’m in good shape. Really good shape if her hungry eyes are any way to judge.

  Unable to stop myself any longer, I remove her bra, laying soft kisses along her neck, traveling down until I take a hard nipple in my mouth and suck. My finger circles the other one and I feel her flinch with the sensation. I gently nibble at her and she starts letting out low moans that urge me on. I swirl my tongue around in fluid strokes, tugging and licking her nipple between my teeth. I’m harder than ever as I pull back, take both her breasts in in my hands and push them together. I rub my face all over them, reveling in the feel of her body—in the sexy figure of this goddess-like woman.


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