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Sofie's Boys

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  I knew what kind of “eating” he was referring to, and Lord, that sounded incredible.

  I felt a shiver rake up and down my spine, felt my nipples start to harden when he kept his gaze trained on my breasts. The dress I was wearing was black and slinky, a silky material that was light and flowed over my body, but it was still form-fitting so you could see my curves. And although I didn’t have many of them, I did like to show them off, but only for Jareth and Ryker.

  He placed a hand on the wall beside my head and leaned down a little, and even though this probably looked intimate as hell, everyone was too busy right now with their own conversations, getting liquored up, and probably thinking about tonight, to pay any attention to us.

  But to be honest, I didn’t care what they thought.

  I leaned back against the wall and tipped my head up so I could look into his face. “I thought about you when I picked it out to wear tonight,” I admitted.

  He made another low, gruff sound, and then he was dipping his gaze lower, down my belly, and stopping at the most intimate part of me. “Panties?”

  I shook my head slowly. “I’m not wearing any.”

  He snapped his gaze up to me, and I could practically feel the possessiveness leaving him. “What a good girl, Sofie.”

  I softened at his praise. “I know what you like, Jareth. I had you in mind when I slipped the dress on, not bothering with panties or a bra, because I wanted you to approve.”

  When I was with Jareth, that’s what I wanted—his approval, because that equated to his arousal, which then led to mine. It was a give-and-take relationship, a power exchange. He controlled me, and that’s what I needed. It wasn’t an act. It just… was.

  Nothing else mattered in that moment, not all these people around us, not the fact that we weren’t actually alone. Because it felt like we were. It was just him and me.

  He leaned in close and inhaled deeply. I forced myself not to close my eyes and moan, the small act turning me on.

  “Do you want a drink?”

  I licked my lips and nodded. His voice was smooth, deep, and thick. It reminded me of the whiskey I wanted, the whiskey he’d no doubt get for me, because he knew me well enough.

  He gave me a half smile and pushed away from the wall, giving my body one more look up and down before finally turning and heading toward the bar. His movements were fluid, precise. He was like a predator making his way through the crowd. People actually parted for him, moving out of the way. I sighed, a feeling that I was falling down this rabbit hole taking over.

  But in this moment, I wanted to fall into the nothingness with Jareth.

  He disappeared behind the thick sea of bodies, and I glanced around the room. Several minutes passed before I felt someone approaching, looking at me. Glancing to my right, I saw a man walking toward me, not someone I’d seen at the office before, but then again, he could have been new, an intern, or a plus-one.

  He wore a simple black suit with a white button-up shirt underneath, the collar undone. He held a glass in his hand and had a smirk on his face. His focus was trained right on me, and I straightened, looking behind me to see if maybe there was someone else he was directing that grin to. But there was no one behind me except the associates Jareth worked with.

  “Hey there,” he said a little loudly, clearly trying to make sure I could hear him over the music playing.

  I gave him a friendly smile.

  “I’m Shawn.” He held out his hand and I took it, thinking he’d want to shake it or something, but instead, he brought it to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. I pulled my hand away quickly and a little forcefully and saw the surprise on his face. He held up a hand in mock surrender. “I’m sorry. No harm, no foul.”

  He cleared his throat and looked away, and a smarter man would have taken the hint and left, but I could practically feel the drunken arrogance pouring from him. He looked back at me with a big, confident smile on his face. I was about to tell him he’d get nowhere with me, but before I could say anything, he started talking again.

  “Do you work for the company, or are you a guest of one of the employees?” He leaned against the wall, a little too close for comfort, so I took a step back.

  “I work for the company,” I said and left it at that. I looked back at the bar for Jareth, but I couldn’t see anything but the wall of people clamoring to get another drink.

  “What do you do at the company?”

  I looked back at him. I knew where this was going and needed to shut it down, because letting him think I was interested in any way was just bad news.

  “Listen, Shawn—”

  “Before you turn me down, hear what I have to offer.” He grinned wider. He brought his glass up to his mouth and took another drink of the clear liquid, the ice clanking against the side.

  “I think you’re getting the wrong vibes here.” Although I wasn’t sure how he could think that, seeing as I sure as hell hadn’t led him on. But I knew this type of guy. They were the ones I’d seen in college who were far too cocky for their own good, and getting turned down wasn’t something they accepted easily.

  He smelled like he’d already had about six of whatever he was drinking, the alcohol coming from his pores strong enough to make me drunk from the fumes alone. That was one of the problems with these gatherings. People tended to really let loose, leave their inhibitions at the door.

  “So let me tell you about myself,” he said and went right into his spiel before I could stop him. Just walking away sounded pretty good right now, or I could try and hunt Jareth down, but with so many people, we’d end up going around in circles trying to find each other.

  “I subcontract for the company and kind of tagged along tonight. So I work for the company, but I’m also a plus-one.” He grinned, flashing straight white teeth.

  Yeah, he was definitely one of those arrogant guys in school. No doubt he probably flashed those fake pearly whites that had all the girls’ panties dropping.

  I didn’t know if he thought it was going to go on with me, but he was wasting his time.

  “I’m taken,” I said, but he just kept right on talking. Going on about mergers and acquisitions, numbers and contracts. His salary. Yeah, he actually went there.

  I kept searching for Jareth, my mind on the man I loved, and everything else faded away. I was about to tell Mr. I Get Whatever I Want that I wasn’t interested and he needed to move along, but I watched as he straightened from the wall and looked behind me.

  His expression was guarded… hesitant.

  I glanced over my shoulder and felt a shiver race along my skin as I saw Jareth standing right behind me, his big body towering over mine, two drinks in his hands, his focus trained right on Shawn. Jareth looked pissed, and if I was being completely honest, the possessive expression on his face was a little scary.

  He handed me one of the drinks, and I didn’t miss how he made sure to let his finger slide against my hand, a small, proprietary act that maybe only I noticed, but it was there regardless.

  He stepped to my side and wrapped his arm possessively around my waist, but I noticed how his stare was still zeroed on Shawn. Nothing was said, and this thick, weird atmosphere settled around us.

  Shawn finally smiled, acting like this was no big thing—although I could see in his eyes as he stared at us that he felt a little uneasy, that he could feel the testosterone and challenge coming from Jareth.

  I felt Jareth press his fingers around my hips a little harder, and he pulled me even closer to his body. A low growl left him, and by the look on Shawn’s face, I knew he’d heard as well.

  The way Jareth was acting right now might have pissed some very independent woman off, but the truth was… I liked it. I grew aroused. I loved it when he got all territorial over me.

  “Is there something you needed?” Jareth didn’t even know who this man was, but it didn’t matter. Shawn could’ve been the most powerful person in this room, and Jareth wouldn’t have given two shits about it.
He was staking his claim, letting Shawn know I wasn’t up for grabs, that a claim had already been made.

  “I was just talking to….” He looked over at me, just now realizing I hadn’t actually told him my name. Shawn cleared his throat and looked back at Jareth. There was some silent communication going on between them, and then Shawn gave a nod, smiled over at me a little uncomfortably, turned, and left.

  There was a heavy pause, and I looked over and up at Jareth. His focus was on the retreating Shawn, and another low sound left him, the vibrations going right into my body.

  “What was that?” Though, to be honest, I liked this whole barbaric “mine” thing he had going on.

  He looked at me as if he couldn’t understand what I was talking about, as if this was an everyday occurrence. But then, I supposed it was.

  “You know what? Never mind,” I said and smiled, rising up on my toes and kissing him in front of everyone. This was the first time I’d been so blatant with PDA concerning Jareth, especially around people we worked with. But in that moment, I didn’t care anymore. Why should I? I loved him, and he loved me. It wasn’t like people didn’t know we were together. I was sure everyone did.

  I didn’t know if I expected him to push me away, to tell me now wasn’t the time, but after his little possessive caveman act just moments before, I was extremely pleased when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. A deep, low sound of need left his chest, the vibrations moving along my skin.

  And when he pulled away, I was still on my toes, my eyes shut, pleasure bursting through my veins. All the things I wanted him to do to me slammed through my head. It was only then that I realized there were people watching us, staring openly.

  Jareth’s co-executives. Employees.

  Nearly everyone had their eyes trained right on us. Some had wide eyes of surprise, others had smirks on their faces, and then there were a few who were leaning closer to each other, whispering, probably telling each other “I told you so.”

  “Let’s go back to our place, Sofie.”

  This would definitely change things in the office, no doubt. Because even if they hadn’t known we were together, even if we’d kept our relationship on the down low, this moment right here, right now, had just opened a whole other door.

  I felt him cup my cheeks and stroke my skin with his thumb. I opened my eyes and looked into his face, seeing how he was solely focused on me. He’d said “our place,” and that’s how I felt when I was there, that although I didn’t live there fully, he always made me feel like it belonged to both of us.

  Ryker and his home were the same way. God, I was a lucky woman.

  I didn’t verbally say anything, just nodded, feeling my body tingle with awareness, knowing what was to come. And the look on Jareth’s face told me this was certainly going to be a night he wouldn’t let me forget as he claimed and showed me who I belonged to.

  We stepped through his apartment door, and I closed it softly behind me. Ever since he confronted the man who’d been hitting on me, nearly starting a scene, Jareth had been in a strange mood. He’d barely taken his eyes off me, and although I didn’t deny I really liked that, I also knew he was feeling pretty territorial.

  He went over to the bar and poured us both a drink then turned and walked back to hand me the square glass. The amber liquid inside smelled strong, expensive. Then again, Jareth only got the very best, the rarest and most expensive of liquors. It wasn’t to get drunk, but to savor and enjoy.

  “You’re upset,” I said matter-of-factly.

  He said nothing as he brought his cup to his mouth and took a small sip. He watched me the whole time, not moving, his big body seeming strung tight, as if he might snap at any moment. Although that “snap” would be in the form of his dominance coming out full-on.

  And that thought instantly had me wet.

  “I’m not mad,” he finally said. A moment of silence stretched between us. “I’m territorial.”

  I felt my nipples harden painfully, felt myself become even wetter. God, his voice, his words… they were like gasoline on an open fire.

  He took a step closer, and I felt myself rooted to the spot, his presence so powerful.

  “Tonight… tonight, I need to make it known that you belong to me, Sofie.” His voice was a rough grumble. “I’m okay with you and Ryker, but anyone else?” He shook his head slowly. “No. No one else will have you. I’d get savage if it came down to that, Sofie.”

  I swallowed, my throat so tight, emotions swirling around me so powerful. Someone would say it was weird that Ryker and Jareth were okay with me being with both of them, but when it came to other men, they were too territorial to let me go… to share me.

  But I would say love made people do funny but incredible things.

  I found myself nodding, because I wanted him to know I agreed, consented.

  He took another step toward me, and I thought he would touch me, pull me into the hardness of his body, but instead he stopped, staring at me, almost as if he were thinking about what he’d do to me, picturing it.

  And I couldn’t help but anticipate every sweet moment of it all.

  Chapter Twelve


  I stared at her for a few seconds and then moved over to my leather recliner pressed against the far wall. I sat my ass down, watching her, the lights dim, causing small shadows to play along her body.

  I knew by her expression she was unsure exactly how this would play out, how I’d make her come tonight.

  I tried to keep my body calm, my thoughts clear. But whenever I was around Sofie, that was almost fucking impossible. She had this fire burning inside me, one that if not controlled would burn me alive. She’d been the only woman to ever make me feel like this, the only woman to ever make me want something… more.

  I’d sworn off women for years before she even came into my life, focused on work.

  I kept to myself, built my business, made it the successful empire it was. It was easy to not have the focus of women in my life, because the truth was they’d never done anything for me. Not until Sofie started working for my company and everything else faded away. I would give everything for her. I would sacrifice anything to make sure she was happy.

  And that’s how I was in this relationship with her, sharing her company with another man, because I knew there were things she needed that I couldn’t give her, things her other partner could. That was life; that was human.

  And to be honest, it had been hard at first, real fucking hard to share my woman with another man. Jealousy wasn’t something I’d ever known before, because what I wanted I took, and if I couldn’t take it, I worked my ass off for it.

  But this was different. This was my life, my love.

  And so when she’d told me about Ryker, asked me how I’d feel if she saw both of us at the same time, there had been no hesitation in me, no desire to end the relationship and stop this. There had been nothing like that, because I loved her and wanted her to be happy.

  I moved my thoughts back, tucked them far away. Tonight was about this moment, my woman, and making her feel good. Tonight was about giving her what only I could. That dominance. Her submission.

  “Take off your clothes, Sofie.” She started breathing harder, her body preparing itself for me. “And get on your knees,” I said in a calm, deep voice that brooked no argument.

  For a second, all she did was stand there. I saw her pulse beating rapidly right below her ear.

  “Do it, Sofie. Do what I say.”

  I saw the way her hands shook as she started to get undressed, her eyes trained on me the entire time. She knew the rules, knew she was to do what I said, her gaze never leaving mine.

  When she had everything off, she just stood there for a moment, the uncertainty of the situation and her lust clear on her face, driving my own arousal even higher.

  “On your knees, baby girl, and show me that pretty ass.” I said it harder this time, letting her know with my voice th
at she was starting to disobey.

  And then she turned around and sank to her knees.

  “Good girl,” I praised and lifted my hand, rubbing my palm over my mouth as I stared at her. She had womanly curves, ones I could hold on to as I fucked her. Her body made my mouth water for a taste.

  “Show me what’s mine.” My voice was nothing more than a rough growl at this point. I was leaning back on the chair, the suit I wore feeling constricting, my cock so fucking hard it dug against the zipper of my slacks.

  She bent over, her chest on the floor, her ass in the air. She knew what I liked to see, knew what to do. Sofie fucking wanted this too, needed it as much as I did. Giving herself to me, submitting. Where she had control in all other aspects of her life, in this one moment, with me, I was in control. I was the one calling the shots, making her decisions.

  “Spread your legs wider, let me see those pretty little pink lips.” She did what I said so fucking nicely, so obediently. And when she was in position, I forced myself not to reach down and touch myself. I needed to prolong this, needed to make this last, or I’d come before it even started. “Look at that,” I said deeply. “So fucking ready for me. So damn perfect.”

  I watched as she took a deep breath, maybe steadying herself, maybe trying to control her emotions. She lowered her upper body to the floor so now her breasts were touching the no doubt cold tile. Her ass was popped out in the air, obscenely displayed for my viewing pleasure.

  And like a good girl, she waited for the next command.

  I let her stay in that position for long seconds and then cleared my throat. “Turn around and face me, but stay on your hands and knees.”

  When she was in the position I wanted, our gazes locked, my cock so fucking hard it was physically painful, only then did I allow myself the pleasure of reaching down and adjusting myself. The fucker dug against my zipper, as if trying to bust through the damn thing.

  “Crawl to me.” I made no apologies for who I was or what I liked. This was me. This was how I was with Sofie. Only her. “I said crawl to me. Don’t make me ask again.” But this was what she needed, what we both needed. I was in command, and she listened.


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