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Secret Admirer (The House of Morgan Book 13)

Page 12

by Victoria Pinder

  He'd managed to rid her of the sheet so she had no physical shield. “Rebecca, you need to understand.”

  Bart tugged her to him. His hardness pressed against her and something raw tingled inside her that ached for more pleasure. She threw her head back and laughed. “How are you ready already? Neither of us are eighteen.”

  She faced him, and he kissed her fast. Steam rose in her cheeks and she let out a sigh. “Rebecca, I want you here. I want you to move into my new home with me and be able to sail away whenever we feel like it.”

  Her heart stopped instantly, and her ears perked. Had she just heard he wanted her all the time? Adrenaline pumped in her veins. She looked down at the mattress. “But I have classes.”

  He kissed her forehead like he'd solved all her problems. “You can do most of that online. We’ll have the internet, but I want you free to go wherever I want or need to be.”

  Online. True, she could do that, but she hadn’t wanted to learn online, otherwise she'd have done that years ago. Instead, she'd chosen to apply for college late, thinking that if she heard the lecture live, she’d likely understand it better.

  But if she stayed with Bart and he needed to go to China? There was a hum in her veins that hoped for travel. “Can I think about it?”

  “Absolutely.” He kissed her again.

  If only everything was solved with kisses. She licked her lips the moment he ended the kiss, as If to memorize the tangy sweet taste. She met his intense gaze. “Does it bother you when I say that I love you?”

  His eyes were a blaze of heat, warming the brown to chocolate. He lowered her legs and said, “It’s not as painful now that I’ve heard it more than once.”

  Her heart lifted in her chest. If he came to love her and respect her then she would have everything. She’d certainly reconsider online schooling in compromise to his lifestyle. She wrapped her hand around his shoulder. “So it’s okay?”

  He shifted her body, so they were touching almost everywhere and intimately entwined. “I'm done with this conversation about feelings--I'm more interested in this.”

  He lowered his head like he’d kiss her. Her body pulsated, wanting all of him. But she pulled back at the last second, denying her mouth the sweetest craving it knew. “One more question and I’ll be happy.”

  “I was hoping this made you happy.”

  Happiness wasn’t just a physical touch. He excelled there. She pressed her forehead to his and hoped he understood her. She wasn’t sure she’d make sense. “It does. But Bart?”


  Rebecca didn't want to scare him away but get him to love her back. There had to be a way, though her heart raced. “I’m not trying to pressure you. I just wanted to say that.”

  Bart's hands pressed against her hips, sending a sweet pressure. She sighed but then he didn’t kiss her again. He ran his hands across her body, causing little trembles as he asked, “Did you know who I was when you chased after me?”

  Good question. And she needed to tell the truth. She took a deep breath and met his gaze as she answered, “Kind of.”

  “What does that mean?” He stopped touching her.

  Rebecca's pulse spiked. He couldn’t leave her over this! She couldn’t ignore the truth, despite how her lips tingled for his kiss. “I knew your name. I didn’t know anything about what that meant or anything. I was Googling pictures of what a perfect guy would look like, and your image came up.”

  His deep, loud laugh filled the hotel room. Her hair stood on end as she waited for him to calm down--she hadn't expected that response. He said, “So, you're saying that you picked me based on my looks?”

  He was right--that didn’t sound so good. She nodded, aware of his hardness that brushed against her body and kept her laser-focused on his delectable form. “That sounds shallow. But when we talked, I knew you weren't just a fantasy.”

  He captured her lips in a kiss. He was demanding and she accepted, everything. She loved him and this wasn’t a lie. Somehow, she’d show him and then the two of them could live, happily-ever-after, forever.

  Chapter 14

  Bart finished his shower and strode across the hotel suite without a towel to find his clothes in the closet.

  Rebecca was dressed in jeans and a form-fitting red shirt, outside on the balcony with her cup of coffee from breakfast. Palm trees swayed peacefully in the distance. All was well with the world today. For right now, anyhow.

  Her beauty went beyond skin deep.

  No one would ever suspect she wasn’t born in his world as she sat and enjoyed the sun and her coffee on the balcony.

  Her self-confidence was like a beacon on the dark sea, drawing him closer. She turned and smiled at him, clearly checking out his body. He took his time reaching into the closet to find his boxer briefs and tailored gray pants.

  She laughed at his bit of a show and his body grew hard, again, even though they were far apart.

  Tonight, he’d have her--this time in his new bed. Bart finished with his clothes and checked his light-green polo collar in the mirror. Ready.

  He headed outside to the balcony and kissed Rebecca's forehead. “Are you ready to check out?”

  "Yup." She put her empty mug on the table and stood. “Lead the way.”

  They locked hands and strolled out of the hotel room. After checking out they'd go to his new home on Starr Island, where his family lived.

  He'd live right across from his father’s place. Sure, Peter lived there now, but every morning he’d think of his father and have his morning cafe thumbing his nose at the man’s memory.

  He could taste it now.

  And by his side would be the lovely Rebecca. She stopped fast in her tracks when they arrived at the hotel lobby. She stared directly in front of her and he turned his head to see what had bothered her.

  Nadia. The sleek, dark-haired woman he'd known intimately. The fashion editor wore a blue dress that screamed designer. He nodded at her as she had obviously seen both of them and said, “Nadia.”

  She stood in front of them at the check-out desk but turned to crisply shake hands. “Bart. Rebecca, right?”

  Rebecca’s face was bright red, and she had spots on her cheeks when she nodded and said, “Yes, hi.”

  Nadia smiled and then gently tapped his shoulder. “Nice to see you again. Bart, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?”

  Rebecca turned away. “I’ll go get myself some water. Be right back.”

  His lovely girlfriend went toward the water jug and poured a stream into a paper cup.

  Interesting how Americans drank everything from paper.

  Nadia quickly said, “Bart, I normally wouldn’t care if I leave something behind, but if you find a gold locket in your luggage, can you please ship it to me? I’ll pay. My grandmother gave it to me and I haven't been able to find it. I’m wondering if it was mixed up in one of your bags.”

  He glanced at Nadia. While he didn’t remember the locket, he remembered she always knew how to act in social situations. She never stomped for no reason--he'd had no passion for her once she’d gone. “I’ll have my staff look for a gold locket when they unpack today.”

  She nodded coolly. “It has a heart on it, and my grandma’s initials NW on the back.”

  With that description, it would be unique enough. “If I have it, I’ll send it right over.”

  With that, they separated into different lines at the front desk. Before they parted, she said, “Thank you. And can we leave a note for the hotel staff as well?”

  “Of course. Let’s check out together.” He suggested they use the same employee.

  He could feel Rebecca's curious stare until he and Nadia parted. He joined her at the water stand and motioned toward the door. She didn’t hug him or kiss him. She finished her water, tossed the cup and asked, “What did Nadia want to talk to you about?”

  She hadn’t moved so he offered his arm to guide her toward the valet. “Her necklace.”

t?” She finally walked beside him.

  Her red face was jealousy? Tension gathered at his shoulders. He patted her arm and said, “Her grandmother’s necklace. She asked if I find the gold locket to send it to her.”

  Rebecca’s eyes narrowed and she glanced up at him. “Why would you have it?”

  Most of his affairs never discussed the previous person--it wasn't done. Rebecca’s words of love earlier replayed in his mind causing the hair on his neck to stand alert. “She spent a week traveling with me, before I met you.”

  Her face crumpled, and he swore he saw a tear in her eye. “Oh.”

  “What’s going on? I told you about her already.” His mind raced and he couldn’t figure out what had caused Rebecca's reaction.

  Nadia was the past and neither one of them had ever been possessive or tried to take more of the other’s time.

  Rebecca’s voice cracked. “I thought, or assumed, it was a shorter time frame.”

  They exited the Biltmore. He told the valet to have his driver bring the car forward. He said to Rebecca, “It doesn’t matter. If my staff finds the necklace, I’ll send it along. Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” She clasped his hand.

  The valet signaled for him, as he was next in line to leave. Bart handed over a tip and then turned to Rebecca, who was talking to Nadia. Nadia wiped her face like she'd been crying. As he approached to ask if everything was all right, Nadia slipped into her cab and took off.

  The black town car pulled in front of them. “Were you just talking to Nadia while I ordered the car?”

  Her face turned red and she avoided his gaze. “Yes. She was right there.”

  The driver opened the rear passenger side. "Your bags are in the trunk, sir."

  She hopped into the air-conditioned vehicle, and he followed. “Why did she look upset?”

  Rebecca turned toward him, her expression unreadable as she shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  He pressed his lips together. This probably wasn’t good. She swallowed and nervously plucked at the zipper on her purse. “Did you say anything to upset her?”

  She shook her head and her face drained of color. Then she averted her gaze and said, “No. We talked about the color of my hair for like thirty seconds.”

  “I see.” Yet, he'd clearly upset her. “I’ll assume she’s upset about that necklace and more sentimental than I thought.”

  “I guess.”

  Once they were at their new house, they wouldn't see Nadia or anyone they didn’t invite into their lives unless they wanted to. This was a temporary unpleasantness--though her behavior made him wonder if she was ready to be in his life. Her usual thick skin would be a necessary accessory in his world.

  Maybe it wasn’t fair of him to bring her home, as Rebecca’s vulnerability was also becoming more obvious. If Nadia had been evil, she could have stolen Rebecca’s confidence, and manipulators were always trying to get closer to him for his money.

  Rebecca wasn’t someone he wanted to let go of either. Bart held his tongue. She'd said she loved him, and while he didn’t believe in love, he knew jealousy existed. His mother had been queen of pretending she wasn’t jealous over his father's actions--his father hadn't been deserving of her love and loyalty, which is why Bart didn't want it in his life.

  They were both better off without love.

  As the limo pulled into Starr Island and they passed Peter’s house, his father’s old house, he wanted to explain to Rebecca about how Mitch had ruined his mother with lies of love and false promises that rolled off his tongue like honey.

  He didn't do those things. His skin buzzed, but he took her hand and led her in the front door. “So this is our new place.”

  She stared up at the three-story main room and the chandelier as he flipped on the lights. Her heels clicked on the tile and she turned around. “I’ve never lived in a place so big. What happens when you get lost?”

  He laughed and pointed to the back that overlooked the ocean, where he’d first kissed her. “You won’t get lost. It’s only eighteen bedrooms.”

  They made their way to the sitting room and she touched the mantel on the fireplace that was mostly for show. “Right, because we’ll have eighteen children?”

  He headed upstairs to the bedroom they’d already chosen and went to find his laptop. He’d need it to work later as he said, “Or we might host a party where we want to ensure our guests are taken care of.”

  She followed and then started sorting through the House of Morgan bags that had been delivered earlier. If they were to travel together, she would need luggage. “Is that why rich people own fancy homes?”

  Hmm. He sat at the desk before the window and opened his laptop to check on Will, and make sure that his newest inventor had what he needed. “Yes and no. It’s not because we need a lot of children. I don’t want any myself.”

  She stopped with the bags, turning to look at him with concern “You don’t want children?”

  Did she want children? The idea of little ones taking over his life didn’t appeal to him. She just stared at him like he’d killed her puppy. Defensive, he drummed his fingers along the desk. “I’m sure there are already enough Morgans with children coming these days. Gio can have all the kids he wants with his wife.”

  She touched the neckline of her shirt and again seemed… off. “You don’t want to be a dad?”

  He stood and closed the laptop. “No. I’m entirely too selfish to be a good father.”

  At that, she walked over to him and kissed his cheek. “You’re not selfish. You’re the complete opposite.”

  Warmth grew from inside his soul and he breathed deeper. She was sweet. “I enjoy your faith in me.”

  She cupped his face. “It’s clear for the world to see….” Reality interrupted where this might have gone with a ring. He stepped out of her embrace and she asked, “Who is calling?”

  He read the screen. “Will… the inventor I hired. One moment. I need to find him a good office assistant that handles paperwork.”

  “Destiny is a paralegal if that’s what you’re looking for, and she was looking for a new job.” With a nod, she patted her stomach like she’d hunt down food and walked out of the bedroom. He swept his phone off the desk to answer, accidentally knocking her purse from the corner to the large area rug.


  A gold locket peeked from the open side pocket, halfway to the rug. He read the initials, NW. Nadia had described this perfectly, and, with a sick feeling, he held it to the light.

  “Mr. Morgan,” Will said. "I hope I'm not bothering you?"

  His mind raced. Was he wrong and it wasn’t jealousy in Rebecca? His collar felt tight as he wondered if this was some twisted joke. He set the phone on the dresser and put the device on speaker. “I meant it when I said you could call anytime. What's up?”

  Rebecca walked back into the bedroom with two bottles of water and glasses in her hand. He quickly pocketed the locket, so she didn’t see it.

  Will said, “I’m having a hard time finding cars to test my product on. I need working vehicles but ones no one will mind if they get destroyed.”

  He met Rebecca’s gaze. Was she the woman with courage and integrity he thought, or had he been played? Did he need to protect himself from her? If he didn’t, he could be the biggest fool of all the Morgans, and his father would be laughing at him from the grave. He said, “You need old, functional cars. I’ll have my people on it.” He ended the call.

  She handed him the bottle of water and a glass. “My father has about six cars that he lends out to people if they need a loaner for the day. I’m sure I can get them to wherever you need within the hour if time is of the essence.”

  His mind raced to a solution--for the inventor, as well as a test to see what she might do. He’d give her a blank check. If the monetary figure was more than it needed to be then she was here to steal his money. Nadia’s necklace was warm in his pocket when he said, “I’ll write you a check, Rebecca, if you can
send the cars to the lab. Let me know how much when you get back.”

  He gave her a blank check with his signature. He’d never written one before but it was like handing over a loaded weapon. She took it without even glancing at it and tucked into her purse that he'd put back on the desk. She said, “Thank you.”

  Hopefully he was wrong. His skin crawled and his heart whispered that he was doing the wrong thing, but instead he answered with a curt tone. “No problem.”

  Would this be the last time for them together? He wrapped his arms around her. “Unpack a dress for later. We’ll have a few family members over to celebrate tonight.”

  She hugged his hips, hooking her fingers in his belt loops as she asked, “How many is a few?”

  His mouth tingled to have her again. He needed the taste of her on his lips to remember her sweetness. “Just my Italian family tonight. Lorenzo, Anthony, Gio, Kiwi and Aurelia. But any of them are welcome to bring a date.”

  She opened her mouth to say something but he stopped her with a kiss. The bed was behind him. He needed Rebecca now more than anything else. If he didn’t have her, he might never again--she tasted better than vintage champagne he’d carelessly tossed aside. Rebecca was a treasure he wanted to keep--but if she was a thief?

  Chapter 15

  Rebecca, on the phone with her father, sat in a leather office chair and twirled around in the all-white office that had a view of the Miami skyline over the Intracoastal--Bart said this downstairs room was supposed to serve as her new office/study.

  "I can have the cars driven over to the University of Miami within the hour," he said.

  "Thanks, Dad." She leaned an elbow on her desk. “What should we do for dinner tomorrow?"

  “Let's go to a restaurant. The Cuban place you and your friends like will be fine, but why aren’t you driving the check over yourself?”

  “This is business and it should be that way so I’ll use the courier, and dinner is family” She trusted her dad to send working cars as requested and felt confident Bart would be pleased. “So I’ll text a confirmation, and get a check over to you for the cars right away. See you tomorrow.”


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