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The Shikari 3: The Order

Page 2

by Dora Blume

  “Fine, now let’s go. They’re probably already there waiting for us.”


  Sloane and Mike were seated on the couch. Sloane’s legs were tucked under her, and she was leaning against Mike. His arm was around her shoulders, and he was absently stroking her black hair. “Hey, it’s about time you two got here. What took you so long?”

  “We had to talk.” Erik closed the door behind them.

  “Oh shit, Jess, are you pregnant?” Sloane blurted. Her lack of subtlety shouldn’t surprise her at this point, but she still gave her a baleful look. Sloane’s hand flew to cover her mouth, and she lifted one shoulder while giving me an apologetic look.

  “Sloane!” Mike scolded. His dark eyes found mine. “Is it about your mother?”

  “Yeah, I told him about her disappearance. I got some info about her being in Los Angeles two weeks ago. I’m not sure if I should follow it or not. She’s been so sporadic in the past. I’m worried she’s in trouble. With everything going on and demons possessing Shikari, I’m worried they got to her.” Jessie sat on the loveseat and Erik took the spot next to her. He pulled her against him, rubbing her shoulders for comfort. He appeared distant as she spoke.

  “Oh shit, Jess, I’m sorry. What have you learned so far?” Sloane asked.

  “A friend of my mom’s let me know she saw her a few weeks ago. She didn’t want to say too much on the phone, but she seemed worried. Her call has me a bit shaken. She told me I need to go there and talk to her in person. I’m not sure what the big deal is. I figured after we were done here, I’d call again. See if she’d tell me anything. If I have to go there to find out, I will, but I’d prefer not to.” Jessie looked down to her lap and Erik’s arm tightened around her.

  “Well, then let’s go. If you want to find your mom, we should find her.” Sloane leaned forward on the couch. Her eyes were intent on Jessie only looking back at Mike for a moment.

  “Come on, Sloane. We need to find out what’s going on with the order first.” Mike pulled her back. “Sorry, Jess but it’s all our lives on the line,” Mike shrugged.

  “I know. That’s why we’re here. We need to know what’s going on with the order and the archives before we do anything.” Jessie turned her head to look at Erik. “Where’s Magnus and Bryant? I thought they were coming straight here.”

  “Magnus got held up at the school. He and Ethan will be here shortly. Bryant is missing per usual. I don’t know how he manages to disappear so often.” Sloane rolled her eyes.

  Just then the door opened. Ethan, Bryant, and Magnus strode in. “Ah good, you’re all here.” Magnus came and took a seat in the chair. “Ethan has much to explain about the order. He filled me in on the way. We need to make sure the members of the order who fled are protected while also taking back the archive.”

  “Okay, so who’s coordinating the plan for taking back the archive? Can we work with a team from the area? How were they able to get to the order in the first place?” Erik’s questions came one right after another.

  “We hadn’t realized demons were able to possess Shikari members right away. We suspect they possessed one of the leaders’ daughters without our knowledge. She was the one who was able to get into the building and run surveillance. Once she obtained the desired knowledge, she helped coordinate a strike against us. Demons haven’t been able to possess elders as of yet, only children. I’m not sure how they were able to possess the instructors and the headmaster here in Colorado.” Ethan shook his head. “They should have been considerably stronger. From what we’ve ascertained thus far, they were able to possess students, but that took them quite some time to manage. I’m afraid we no longer know the extent of their powers.” Ethan clasped his hands together and bowed his head. His khakis rose up to reveal the patterned blue diamond socks beneath. Jessie couldn’t help but smile. He slid his black glasses up his nose. She smiled. He seemed like the type of person to be studying at the archives.

  “How were they able to possess Shikari in the first place?” Sloane asked. “I thought we were protected from possession because of our blood. There were spells but those were supposed to be well-guarded.” Sloane narrowed her eyes on Ethan. Did she consider him a threat? It wouldn’t surprise Jessie if she considered everyone a threat.

  “We are protected, but as you said there are spells.” Ethan paused. “ There has been a leak in the organization. Some of the things that were supposed to be protected have ended up in the wrong hands. We’re not sure who’s been sharing the protected information, but we are investigating discreetly. Considering we’re looking for someone in league with the demons it’s been rather difficult to find the culprit beyond the daughter of an elder.” His voice was smooth as he spoke. He held himself as one with authority.

  “So, what you’re saying is you guys failed in a big way and now we might all die. Strong work!” Sloane flew up from the couch and began pacing behind it. Her hands were clenched into fists. Jessie was sure if there was something around she could punch, she would have.

  “Sloane!” Mike scolded.

  “What? It’s true. They fucked up and now we have to deal with the aftermath.” Sloane threw her hand out toward Ethan before resuming her pacing. Jessie couldn’t blame her. The order had let their guard down enough that demons were able to get in. Too many of them had just assumed this could never happen, so no one was prepared for it. If the elders knew this was a possibility, others should have been warned. They’d gotten too cocky and now they all had to pay the price.

  “What’s done is done. What do we need to do now? Is it even safe for us to travel to Kansas City with the archives under siege?” Magnus stepped forward giving Ethan his full attention.

  “I don’t believe they’ve gotten everything. I think it’s imperative we go to the city. If we don’t, they’ll get all the knowledge they seek. We need to stop them before they obtain anything more. There is information in the archives that could ultimately destroy us all.” Ethan stood erect, an urgency in his stance.

  “Do we all need to go?” Erik asked.

  Bryant cocked his head. “Why do you ask? Would you not want to be a part of saving the order, my son?”

  “Jessie and I have something we need to look into first,” Erik explained trying to keep his voice level but Jessie could hear the strain behind his words.

  “Something more important than the archives being taken by demons?” Magnus’ eyes widened as he looked from Erik to Jessie.

  Erik took Jessie’s hand. “There are others who can go. We need to look into an important matter.” Erik squeezed her hand. She squeezed his back, trying to give him the reassurance she assumed he needed.

  Bryant’s eyes narrowed. “Jessie, care to tell us what could be more important than saving the lives of other Shikari?” Jessie swallowed hard and Erik’s hand tightened in hers.

  “She doesn’t need to tell you anything,” Erik stared down his father.

  Jessie patted his shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll tell him.” Her eyes left Erik’s to meet Bryant’s narrow gaze. “My mother’s missing. She was last seen in Los Angeles. The person who she was with will only talk to me in person. I don’t know what’s going on, but I need to look into it.” Jessie’s gaze didn’t waver. Bryant gave her a cold look. He hadn’t been a fan of her mother.

  “Your mother has pulled stunts like this before. What makes you think this time is any different?” Bryant asked, his tone harsh.

  Sloane turned on her father. “Jessie has a right to find her mom. Why are you questioning her?” Sloane crossed her arms over her chest, challenging her father.

  “Jessie’s mom is highly erratic. Who knows if this is even a real issue? She could be off on one of her many misadventures.” Bryant’s tone was full of indignation.

  Jessie narrowed her eyes on Bryant. “It’s my mom. I have to make sure she’s okay.”

  “And I’m not leaving her side.” Erik wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “We’re g
oing with them. You can go to Kansas City to find out who got into the archive. We’ll join you as soon as we find out where Jessie’s mom went. It’s what family does for each other.” Sloane moved to stand next to Jessie. “Not that you’d know anything about that.” Jessie had to hand it to Sloane, she knew how to hit you where it hurts.

  Ethan took a step forward. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. Stalling could be disastrous for us all.” His seriousness came through his words.

  “There are other Shikari members who can help while we’re away. Ask them. We will join them as soon as we can. It shouldn’t take us more than a few days to look into Jessie’s mom’s disappearance with Mike helping us.” Erik looked to Mike. He nodded.

  “Yeah, we should book our flights as soon as possible.” Mike stood. “I’ll see what I can find.” He walked out of the room.

  “I’ll help.” Sloane followed close behind.

  “Magnus, can you contact some of the group who helped with the school? Make arrangements for some of them to begin the investigation. We can meet up with them as soon as we find Jessie’s mom.” His eyes focused on Ethan. “Are there any members in the area who have started looking into how this happened? Someone has to know more than they’re sharing. Maybe if they can capture some of the possessed, they can get them to spill the information we need.” Jessie smiled. Erik couldn’t help his leadership tendencies. Bryant was the official leader, but everyone knew Erik had been directing others for years.

  “There is a team in Kansas City who have begun investigating and have coordinated help for the elders. The most important spells and knowledge is locked away. Even the demons won’t be able to access it without specific members. Those members have been moved and are being hidden as we speak. We can’t let the demons gain more access than they’ve already acquired. They may have possession of the building, but they won’t be able to access the most powerful magic without them. As long as they can’t access the vault, we still have a chance.” Ethan sat and crossed one leg over the other. Jessie smiled as his socks shown again.

  “Okay, are you in contact with everyone? Can you lead until we’re able to join you?” Erik studied Ethan. “You seemed to have learned a lot since this happened. I’m sure you’re more than capable since you were a member after all.”

  “Well, yes I was an apprentice. I’d hardly say that qualifies me to lead anyone.”

  “Oh come on, you’ve done a great job so far. Besides, Magnus and Bryant can go with you. They’re really good at coordinating things.” Erik flicked a glance over to the two men. Bryant’s mouth hung agape before he found his composure and closed it again. There was a taunting in Erik’s tone that Jessie enjoyed hearing from him. It was about time Erik stood up to his father.

  “Erik, what has gotten into you?” Bryant stared at his son in utter shock. Jessie smirked.

  “It’s been a long few days. I need to help Jessie, and we both need to rest. I’m tired of putting the Shikari before our lives. We need a break. We also need to find her mother.” Erik blew out a heavy breath.

  “Erik, we need your ability to save the order. You can’t just abandon your duty as a Shikari warrior.” Bryant’s voice reminded her of a father scolding a child. She’d seen Erik be scolded enough as a child. Bryant’s particular brand of punishment still sent a thrill of fear up Jessie’s spine. She’d watched Bryant beat Erik across the back with the buckle of his belt when he’d disobeyed him. She remembered the loud snap as it’d hit his bare skin. If that memory had seared her, she could only imagine the memories that flooded Erik’s mind at the chiding tone.

  “I am not abandoning my duty, I’m just putting my duty to my family and my friends before the collective. I have a right, to do what I think is best. Plus, it’s not like you’ve been the perfect model of following duty above all else.” Erik turned and stormed out of the room. Jessie was close behind. She didn’t care to hear what Bryant may have to say to her about all this. She had turned his son against him. Jessie followed him into the bedroom they’d used a few nights ago. She flopped down on the bed and sighed heavily.

  “Hey,” he paused looking down at her, “how are you holding up?”

  “I’m just tired, how about you? It’s not like you to go against your father.” Jessie patted the space next to her.

  Erik kicked off his shoes and spread out on the bed next to her, placing his hands behind his head. He turned his head to look into her eyes. “It’s about time I get my priorities straight. Jessie, you are my main priority. I’m not losing you again. I love you.” He turned and cupped her cheek running his thumb over it before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

  “Really?” Her voice broke. Erik pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Yes, really, I love you so much, Jessie. I was stupid before, putting the Shikari before you. I told you I wouldn’t do it again, and I meant it.” He ran his hand through her hair, holding her against his chest.

  She backed up to look at him. “I love you, too.” She touched her lips to his lightly. The contact sent a thrill of desire through her. He growled against her mouth and pulled her against him. She deepened the kiss, nipping and sucking his bottom lip. Sweeping his tongue along the seam of her lips, she felt his smile when she opened for him. She let out a little moan as his tongue plunged into her.

  “I love to hear the noises you make,” he whispered as their breaths mingled together. His fingers brushed down her side and hips. He cupped her ass, and she hooked her leg around his waist needing to be closer to him. He moved down her neck, kissing and licking while his hands roamed hungrily over her body. Everywhere he touched sent new sensations straight to her core. Her hands clutched at his back. She yanked up his shirt and he gladly pulled it off for her. Splaying her hands over his taut muscles she couldn’t help but wonder how she had gotten so lucky to have Erik in her life. He’d always been there when her mom was being her normal whacked out self. He never judged her for it. Only offering his love and support whenever she needed it. Even now, he’d stood up to his father for her. A warmth spread through her heart, and she pulled his mouth up to meet hers. She kissed him gently, pouring all the love she felt for him into that kiss. He slowed his movements, cradling her head in his hands. He always knew just what she needed.

  A knock sounded at the door. A second later, Sloane called. “Get decent, I’m coming in.”

  “Shit, Sloane!” Erik called as she barreled right through the door. He rolled his eyes and rolled onto his back to look at their intruder. Sloane slid herself on top of the desk, crossing one leg over the other. Erik sat up against the headboard, pulling Jessie up with him. She leaned against him, resting her hand on his thigh. Jessie tried to slow her pulse and breathing. They weren’t exactly expecting an interruption.

  “Ah, what?” Erik blinked at her.

  “Seriously, focus Erik. Mike got us tickets to fly out tomorrow morning. We’ll be in LAX by nine. We have to pick up a car.” She focused on Jessie. “Do you know where we’re going after we get the car?”

  “Yeah, she lives in Yorba Linda. It shouldn’t take us too long to get there.”

  “Okay, so we have to leave here by six. You guys may want to get some actual sleep.” She smirked. “We need to be fresh tomorrow. We’ve got a mom to find and a world to save, you know, typical Tuesday stuff.” She waved a hand before hopping off the desk.

  “I could say the same to you, Sloane. Heading off to see Mike?” Jessie smirked at Sloane. Erik dropped his lips to kiss her head.

  “Yes, to sleep of course.” She wiggled her eyebrows before shutting the door behind her.

  “God, she drives me crazy,” Erik continued to stroke Jessie’s hair as she leaned against him. She ran her hand over his bare chest, tracing the lines of his muscles.

  “Oh, you know you love her. She’s also right. We need to be well-rested for tomorrow.”

  “Since when do you listen to Sloane? You know she’s not going to be in there sleeping.” His
voice held a bit of his brotherly annoyance. Jessie loved that he had a tone reserved just for Sloane. Her eyes went to the door and back to Erik.

  “Oh, I know they won’t be sleeping. It’s a good thing it’s still early. Maybe next time we should lock the door before we jump into bed.” Erik smirked and leaped off the bed in a second to turn the lock. It was the sexiest damn thing she’d seen when he turned around with renewed hunger in his eyes. He crawled to her on the bed, his eyes never leaving hers. When he made it to her mouth, she devoured him, sucking and stroking his mouth with her tongue. Her hands roamed down his back relishing the strength he had. His hands slipped under her shirt to cup her breasts.

  “A little impatient?” she smirked and lifted her shirt off. “Better?”

  “Yes,” he ran his fingers over the tops of her breasts still covered by the bra. “I like you so much better when you don’t wear a shirt.” He reached behind her to unclasp her bra, pulling it off her arms. He dipped his head to suck her nipple into his mouth and a wave of pleasure rushing through her. He swirled his tongue around the peak and toyed at it with his teeth. She balled her hands in his hair, urging him on.

  “Okay, you win. I may never wear a shirt again.” Her breathing was ragged as he moved to the other breast. His fingers worked over one while his mouth sucked the other. Her hands roamed his body, and she rubbed at the bulge in his jeans. He gasped against her breast at the contact. His mouth flew back up to hers, kissing her hard. There was a desperation in this kiss. Like he couldn’t wait to have her. She couldn’t wait either, she rubbed down his pants, cupping him through his jeans.

  He slid his hand below her waistband and found her sensitive spot. Her back arched as his fingers circled her clit. “Oh God, Erik,” she breathed, gripping his arm as he moved back to suck her nipple while circling her clit. She dropped her hand, pulling on his button and unzipping his pants. She wanted to feel his silky skin in hers. She reached her hand into his pants and grasped his silken length. Erik let out a gasp.


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