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The Shikari 3: The Order

Page 9

by Dora Blume

  “Sloane,” he growled. He moved toward her again and she side-stepped him.

  “You’re not really showing me how much you want me.” She smirked, sliding her finger over the top hem of her blouse exposing her cleavage.

  “You’re not staying in one place.” He grinned and lunged for her. She moved swiftly out of his way, his fingers just barely grazing her hips as she moved. She liked this game she was playing.

  He stopped and the corner of his mouth rose. He used his power and his clone stood behind her. She glanced over her shoulder just as he stepped forward, wrapping her in his arms from both sides. “I think you forgot how talented I truly am, Sloane.” His voice was low, and he captured her lips in a hungry kiss. His hands pulled her waist flush against his hard cock. His clone moved closer behind her, and she felt his hard cock against her ass. He moved his hands around to cup between her legs. One hand pulled the button of her jeans free. His other hands cupped both breasts. She whimpered as his clone’s hands dipped beneath her waistband.

  He bent his head next to her ear. “I have years of practice with my powers,” he whispered. His clone dipped his fingers beneath her panties and rubbed at her clit. She let out a yelp of surprise as he continued to circle her clit. “Do you want to keep going like this, or are you done with your game of cat and mouse?” He grazed his teeth over the crook of her neck. She inhaled sharply as two fingers dipped inside finding her other sensitive spot.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed. “Can you feel what your astral projection feels?” she asked surprised that she still had her faculties as he continued to stroke inside of her.

  “No, it’s why I’d like to enjoy my time with you without the use of my power, but by the looks of it, you’d like me to keep going,” he smirked. His rhythm increased and her legs were beginning to shake with the building orgasm.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” she let out. “Wait, no, not if you can’t enjoy the feeling.” She let out a ragged breath. His clone stroked inside her one last time, and he disappeared. Sloane wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She loved that he was willing to give so much of himself to her, even if he wouldn’t get to enjoy it himself. It showed what kind of man Ely really was. Her mouth slowly moved against his, relishing in the feel of his soft lips on hers. She ran her fingers through his hair as she thoroughly explored his mouth. She knew Mike would be joining them soon. Although she loved Mike, she wanted to enjoy this private moment with Ely.

  A creek sounded behind them. Sloane didn’t move from Ely’s arms. A warm body pressed against her back. Mike trailed kisses from her ear to her shoulder. His arms wrapped around her waist and felt for the button that was already undone. Sloane broke the kiss and turned to face Mike. “I hope you don’t mind, we got started already.” She looked up at him through her lashes.

  “Oh, love, I wanted you to,” his eyes met Ely’s. “I hope you got her good and ready for our night together. She needs to be willing to let her subconscious take over.” Mike’s gaze hooded, and he dropped down in front of her. He pulled her pants down, and she happily stepped out of them. He rested his face against her thighs and inhaled. He slipped a finger inside her and she moaned. “Nice work, Sloane baby, you’re so fucking wet.” He pulled her panties down, and she braced herself on his shoulders, so she could step out of those too.

  Ely’s mouth dropped to her shoulders, and he kissed his way up her neck, biting and sucking as he went. His hands wrapped around her, and he pulled her shirt over her head. If she had gotten wet with just Ely, she was going to be soaked by the time these two men were done with her. I tingle of pleasure zipped through her when Ely pinched her nipple through the fabric of her bra. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. Mike lifted her thigh and dipped his head between her legs. She felt his tongue separate her folds as he licked her. His tongue began working in a rhythm against her sensitive nub. Her hands clutched Mike’s soft curls as her head fell back against Ely’s strong shoulder.

  “We got you,” he whispered against her ear before nipping it, sending a whole new wave of sensations through her.

  Ely’s hands worked over both her breasts as his tongue slid along the skin of her neck. She leaned back to pull his lips to hers. Ely’s skilled lips moved against hers. He kissed her like she thought a skilled designer would with a careful dexterity. She drank him in as Mike drank her in. She gripped a hand in each of her men’s hair, her climax barreling toward her.

  Sloane’s legs shook beneath her as Mike’s tongue slide inside her. “Oh fuck,” she cried out, gripping her hand tighter in his hair. Mike’s growl vibrated against her clit.

  “Holy fuck!”

  She couldn’t reach Mike, so she gripped Ely’s velvety length behind her. She ran her thumb over his tip, and he let out a moan. Hearing him moan made her giddy, she rubbed her thumb over the tip again. Stroking him, his breathing became ragged. She pumped him in time with Mike’s tongue against her clit. Finally, Ely let out a strangled breath and stopped her hand.

  “Oh God, I can tell Mike is driving you crazy.” He tipped her head back and kissed her hard. She relished in that kiss. Mike dipped his tongue inside her. He moved back to her clit and dipped a finger to massage inside her. She couldn’t take it anymore. Her nerves were coiled to spring. Mike must’ve known how close she was.

  “Come for me baby,” he spoke and circled her clit and inside her at the same time, and she came undone, gripping his shoulder as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body. He continued to massage her with his finger as she clenched around him. He stood and lifted her in his arms to the bed. He laid her gently down and Ely moved to get on the side of the bed. “Turn-over, get on all fours.” A thrill ran through her at his commanding tone. Mike often conceded to her, unless they were in the bedroom. Sloane didn’t mind the times he took charge with her here. It had always been more than worth it. She did as she was told immediately.

  Ely walked behind her. Mike moved to her front and captured her lips. He kissed her with a worshipful love she hadn’t felt before. She loved that she could taste herself on him. She circled her tongue around his as she felt Ely take a position behind her. She heard the wrestling of a wrapper and then his hands were on her waist. She pulled away from Mike for a second and quirked an eyebrow at him. His smile was wide as he looked back at her. She could feel Ely against her entrance. He wrapped his arms around her and cupped both of her breasts. She stared at Mike, a question in her eyes.

  Mike nodded slowly. Ely moved forward and slowly entered her. She let out a moan as he did, dropping her head between her shoulders.

  “Oh no, love, I want to watch how he makes you feel,” Mike captured her mouth as Ely filled her completely. Mike’s eyes stayed hyper-focused on her as every thrust elicited reactions from Sloane. Her mouth dropped open as Ely hit just the right spot inside her, sending new pleasure with each brush of his cock.

  She couldn’t stand not returning some of this pleasure. She dropped her hands to Mike’s cock and began working him in time with Ely’s thrusts inside her. Mike bit his lip and watched her stroke him. His eyes hooded and his hands roamed over Sloane’s breasts.

  “Is there something you want, love?” His playful smile made her nod. She was feeling ridiculously giddy at the moment. She pushed Mike back to replace her hand with her mouth. She wanted to give Mike the same pleasure he’d given her a moment ago. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked him as hard as she could. Sloane was rewarded with a guttural sound. She continued to move her mouth against his cock. Ely pumped into her harder. She was so close to her release, but she wanted these men to come with her. Sloane could tell by both the men’s breathing that they were as close as she was. Sloane slicked her tongue around him and sucked as firmly as she could, and he let out a strangled moan before releasing into her mouth. The salty taste of him sent her over the edge. Ely cried out as she milked his release from him.

  Mike pulled her mouth to his. This kiss captured her lips with a tender pressure that
spoke of an expanse of love and desire. It was so soft and sweet. Ely rested his lips on her shoulder and kissed her. Sloane broke away from Mike’s kiss and leaned back, so she could kiss Ely. She was so sated from her releases that she forgot about the purpose of this excursion.

  Sloane was jolted out of the warm embrace of their arms and into a dark stone walled room. Whispered voices caught her attention. “We have to wait until more of the Shikari come here. We can’t be hasty in our decision. We only have one shot at this,” the male voice said.

  “But Mr. Hall, we can always make more. We know how to do it now. Wouldn’t it be better if we made several devices to place throughout the country? Why are we focusing all our efforts here?” the woman asked. There was something familiar about that voice.

  “This is their precious archive. The strongest of the Shikari will be sent here to reclaim what they’ve lost. We will have the best advantage if we force them to come to us. If we focus our efforts in too many places, we could tip our hand. We cannot let them become aware of our plans. Once we’ve put a good dent in their forces, then we can focus on the smaller factions. We must debilitate them first,” Mr Hall explained.

  “If you think so,” the woman commented.

  “Are you questioning me?” Mr. Hall’s voice became dangerous.

  “No, I just think we have enough demons in other cities to accomplish both without difficulty.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “No, we cannot risk Shikari members learning of our motives. We have access to their most sacred knowledge, but we need someone to access it. For now, we need to focus our attention here. What’s the status on the two bringing the device?” he asked.

  “They stopped for the night in Santa Fe. They should be here late tomorrow. I believe the woman has been helpful. She knows many Shikari on the way. She will be a vital resource against the fighters.” The woman’s voice sounded proud.

  “I take it you’re proud of that because it was your idea?” Mr. Hall’s voice echoed.

  “Why, no of course not,” she responded. “I was just pointing out her usefulness.”

  “Careful, Amy, I wouldn’t want something to happen to you because you were too boastful over little things.” The woman stepped under the light and Sloane froze. She thought the voice sounded familiar, but now she couldn’t breathe. She was shot out of the vision and gulped for air. It was her fault. Everything was her fault. Why hadn’t she checked in with her? She thought that Amy was someone she had to give up to continue to live her life. She never thought the demons would use her for information. She continued to try to suck air into her too tight lungs. Mike’s hand was rubbing her back and calling her name. It took her a minute before she could speak beyond her shock.

  “Sloane, love, are you okay? What did you see? Sloane?” Mike held her against him. He rubbed her back. Another set of hands were on her, rubbing in comfort. She registered Ely’s room and tried to calm her breathing.

  “Amy, they have her, she’s...,” Sloane gulped in another breath. “She’s a demon.”

  “Holy shit,” Mike cursed. “Amy, your friend Amy?” he asked.

  “Yeah, Mike, they have my friend.” Sloane gripped the offered hand. She needed all the support she could get right now. How in the fuck had the demons gotten to Amy? Sloane thought back to the original battle. One of them must have seen her with them, either at the college or after.

  “Fuck,” Sloane yelled out. She couldn’t contain her rage. “We have to get her back, Mike. We have to.” Her eyes met his.

  “We will, love. We’ll get her back.” He hugged her against him.


  Sloane found Erik sitting next to Jessie on the porch swing. He was absently stroking his fingers through her hair as they rocked back and forth. Jessie’s body leaned into Erik. Sloane paused just inside the sliding door. She didn’t want to interrupt them with this news. They looked so peaceful staring out over the valley. Sloane took a deep breath. A hand slid over her shoulder.

  “You have to tell him,” Mike’s voice was low next to her ear.

  “I know, but they look so peaceful out there. I don’t want to interrupt that.” She felt her shoulders slump with the weight of what she was about to tell Erik. He had asked her to check in on her. He’d told her to answer her calls. She didn’t. She was the reason the demons had gotten to her friend.

  “Slo..ane, come on.” Mike began rubbing her shoulders. “You need to tell him.”

  “Fine,” she rested her hand over Mike’s. “Let’s go.” Sloane held Mike’s hand as they walked out into the yard.

  Erik glanced up at their approach. “Hey, guys, what’s up?” Sloane watched as his posture shifted. “Ah, Sloane, what’s wrong?”

  “I have something to tell you.” Sloane looked to the ground before meeting his eyes.

  “I can see that,” his eyes narrowed. Jessie perked up in the seat.

  “So, I finally got a vision.” Sloane looked over to Mike.

  “Awesome, what did you see.” Jessie sat up straighter in the seat.

  “Well, I saw Amy.” Sloane’s voice dropped.

  “What? Did you say, Amy?” Erik asked.

  “Ah, yeah, she was in my vision.” Sloane looked over to Mike. He squeezed her hand.

  “Okay,” Erik waited.

  Sloane blew out a breath. “She was a demon. She was possessed by a demon.” Sloane dropped her head, and Mike rubbed her back. Erik stared back at her with his mouth agape. After a minute he recovered and cleared his throat.

  “What the fuck?” Erik flew off the seat, Jessie staring after him. “How did they get to her? We left her in Minneapolis, so they wouldn’t get to her,” Erik growled.

  “I don’t know, Erik. I meant to leave her, so she wouldn’t be in danger. Maybe we missed a demon when we were there. I don’t know how it happened, I just know we have to get her back.” Sloane’s voice was filled with determination.

  “So, I assume you saw her in Kansas City. Is there anything else you can tell us about the vision?” Jessie asked.

  “Yeah, they were talking about your mom. She’s been helping them, well not intentionally, she’s possessed. They stopped in Sante Fe. They will be in Kansas City with what they need tomorrow.” Sloane turned to face Mike as Ely strode out onto the lawn. “Do we know anyone in Sante Fe that can halt them even just a little while? If they make it to Kansas City, we have an even bigger problem.”

  “I can make some calls. Any idea how we’re finding them? Do we know what type of car they’re driving?” Ely asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, stopping next to Mike.

  “No, I didn’t see anything in my vision. Jess, do you know what your mom would be driving?” Sloane turned to Jessie.

  “She has a basic Chevrolet sedan, an Impala I think. I doubt she’d be driving in that. Did we find out what this guy might be driving?”

  “No, let’s try the Impala and maybe see if we can have an alert put out for if anyone sees them.” Mike glanced to Ely. “You still have that friend in PD?”

  “Yeah, he’s in the Albuquerque office but I’m sure he can have it sent to the entire state. I’ll give him a call. If you’ll excuse me,” Ely ducked his head before turning and walking back in the house.

  Sloane watched Ely leave and turned her attention to Mike. “You seem to know each other well. How did that come about?” Sloane couldn’t help herself. After last night, she wondered how close they were.

  Mike’s eyebrow rose. “Why the sudden curiosity?” He moved his hand up her arm.

  “I’m just curious, you seem to know each other well.” She moved within inches of him, running her finger down the collar of his shirt.

  He smirked. “I told you we met when I was scouting for different powers for the Shikari. He was hiding out in Colorado and his power drew my attention.” Mike stopped Sloane’s hand over his chest. She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “So, you just walked up to his place and introduced yourself then?”

  “Well, yeah, it’s my job to track down people with helpful powers for the Shikari.” Mike glanced to Erik and Jessie who were watching them intently. “Okay, this conversation can wait. I’m going to see what I can find out about your mom and what’s happening in Kansas City. You should call your father and let him know about your vision.” Mike tapped Sloane’s hand on his chest before he strode into the house.

  “So, you going to call Bryant?” Erik’s eyebrows rose as he pressed his lips together to hide his smile.

  Sloane turned to Erik. “I wasn’t planning on calling him. Don’t you think it’s kinda suspicious that our dear old dad was responsible for clean-up in Minneapolis, and my friend ends up possessed by a demon? That’s one hell of a coincidence, don’t you think?” She bit the side of her lip as she took a seat on the chair across from Jessie and Erik. Crossing her legs she swung one leisurely as she thought about all the coincidences which involved her father.

  “So, you think Bryant had something to do with her possession.” Erik scratched his chin. “Why? What would he get out of Amy being possessed?” he sat forward on the swing.

  “I agree with Erik. What would he have to gain from helping demons? His wife was killed by demons. I don’t see him helping them under any circumstances.” Jessie stood up from the swing and took a few steps. She twirled a curl around her finger, and she looked lost in thought.

  “No, our mother was killed by Shikari who betrayed their own. What if Bryant has been going after those who have betrayed the Shikari order? What if we just sent the defector to the one place he could do the most damage? I mean think about it. Mom was the one who knew about the ability to possess Shikari, and potions that could destroy us all. Maybe she told him after all. Mom told me she never did, but who knows, they were married. After she was killed, he lost it. He plotted his revenge against those who had betrayed the Shikari. I wouldn’t doubt if he was behind this whole thing.” The words flew from Sloane’s lips so fast, her eyes widened as she put the pieces together.


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