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Perfectly Wrapped

Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  “That she is. That she is,” Mason chuckles to himself. “Does anyone want something harder?”

  “I could use it and so can Rob,” James remarks. I cock my brow, wondering if he knows more than he’s letting on.

  “Harry?” Mason asks, waving his whiskey decanter at him.


  We all take a tumbler. I down mine, and that’s when James sets his on the table, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He looks me straight in the eye and states, “Bro, do me a favor. Stop looking at my sister like that. You were just losing your shit over someone else.” He has no idea, but he’s about to learn. I hate what this is going to do to our friendship, but I love that woman, and nothing is going to stop me from making things work for us.

  I shake my head, setting my glass on the coffee table. “Not going to happen, sorry James.”

  James slides his hand up onto his thighs and sits straight before adding, “Look, I think you would make a great guy for my sister, but it's too late already.” A terrible thought crosses my head. Has she gotten a new boyfriend? I hope the fuck not. He doesn’t hesitate for long as if he can see the questions in my head. “She met a guy and got herself knocked up.” James was spitting nails when he mentioned that someone took advantage of his little sister.

  I look in the direction where she exited. I have a feeling that there’s no one else. My woman is carrying my baby. Mentally I’m fucking grinning from ear to ear, but I have to clear all other possibilities. “She's pregnant. Where's this guy?” I challenge.

  “I don't fucking know. All I know is she left him without a goodbye and hasn't talked to him since.” That's all I needed to know.

  I smirk because it’s all I can do from jumping up and down like a fucking fool. “Now just so you know, James, I'm the one she walked away from. She’s the one I told you about. The one who fucking broke my heart. And that's not happening again. She's mine.”

  “What? You fucked my little sister,” he roars, thrusting his hands through his hair.

  “Calm down. I had no idea she was your sister. You’ve kept her fucking hidden since I met you. She didn’t say shit about you or even give me her last name. Excuse me, but she and I have a lot to talk about.”

  James starts to say something before he stammers out, “This, this, this is bullshit.” He pours himself another drink.

  I stand up and turn to Mason and say, “Thanks for a great evening and bringing my woman back to me.” I turn to my friend and business guru and add, “James, I promise to take care of her. I swear if I’d known she was your sister, I would have come to you about it, but none of that matters now because she’s mine. And I’ll never give her a reason to cry.”

  I get up, reaching out my hand for him to shake. I want this to go smoothly, but he’s got every damn right to be pissed at the situation.

  “As much as I want to be pissed, it’s better you than the little bastard she was working with,” he scoffs, taking my hand and shaking it with a smirk of his own, knowing damn well what that did to me.

  “You thought they hooked up?” Instant jealousy hits me just thinking about him touching her.

  He sits back down with his glass and a chuckle, “No, but I saw who she was working with when she first got into work.” He takes a sip, then becomes very serious and says, “I’m not sure how to process this, but if you do anything to hurt her, I will bury you. That you can take to the bank.”


  I get up and put on my coat and go looking for her jacket that she wore the night I met her. In walks Rebecca, followed by the other ladies. “You’re leaving,” she exclaims, sounding upset.

  “Yes, and you’re coming with me.” I hold up her coat, and she moves to let me slip it on her. She looks over to her brother, wondering if he’s going to say anything.

  “Goodnight,” he mutters over his glass.

  We step out into the cold, and I put her in the truck, hitting the heated seats right away. “Sorry, it’s so cold. I can’t wait a minute longer to get you alone. Don’t say shit. I’m not going to argue with you in the car.”

  “I wasn’t going to argue, Rob,” she admits. The sound of my name coming from her lips etches onto my soul. I fucking missed her saying it. I itch to close the distance and take her in a kiss to remind her of us, but then we’ll never make it back to my condo.

  Chapter 13


  We’ve been driving in silence for over twenty minutes. It’s deafening, so I pull out my phone and send a message to James. I want him to know I’m okay. I’m worried about him. “Are you texting James?”

  We’re getting off the expressway when I say, “Yes. He’s been there for me since I was a little girl. I don’t want him to be freaking out.”

  “He’s got nothing to worry about. If anything, he knows who your baby’s father is now.”

  I gasp, “He told you?” I can’t believe he just told everyone.

  “Yes. Believe it or not, he tried to warn me off because you were already in the middle of a complicated relationship. And I couldn’t hold back. Now, please just relax. We’re almost there.”

  We pull into a garage below the building and once we’re parked. He turns off the engine, but he doesn’t get out. “The past three weeks have been hell, Rebecca.”

  I get out of the truck. He jumps out after I do. “Rob, this isn’t the place to have a conversation. You didn’t drive me to your home just to talk in the garage. You can either take me upstairs, and we can talk, or I can go back home.”

  He grabs my hand and walks us to the elevator. It’s the one that leads only to the first floor and his condo. As soon as the doors close, he pins me to the wall with his hands on the sides of me and with our faces inches from each other. “This is your home. That’s for starters. Now you have a choice to make. You can fight me on this, and I’ll spank your pretty ass then tie you to the bed. Or you can stay and let me spank your ass, and well, I’ll only tie your hands to the headboard,” he teases at the end.

  “Well since the latter includes spanking, I suppose it’ll work.” The doors open on his floor, and he takes my hand tightly as if I’m going to run away again. Once it closes and locks, he drops down to his knees and wraps his arms around my waist, pressing his face to my stomach. “What’s wrong?”

  He opens my coat and lifts my blouse, kissing my belly. “Nothing’s wrong now. I was going through possible private investigators to find you. I know you left because you were scared. I hoped it was the case, but I realized it tonight. Why though?”

  “It’s hard to explain. I was confused. It was the first time I did anything remotely so irresponsible, and I freaked out. The thing is…the second the door closed behind me, I regretted it, but I couldn’t get back in, and I was too afraid of the confrontation.” He lowers his head down, kissing me gently.

  “I should have dragged your ass with me, but my parents would have missed their flight. They were already wild about meeting you. They even questioned if I was gay. I have something to confess. Something I didn’t tell you that night.”

  “What is it?” I ask, feeling uneasy. He chuckles and moves his head in the negative. “Nothing bad. Well, for a guy my age it is. I was a virgin that night too. I’ve never really even kissed more than a couple of girls, and that was pressure from eager girls or guys teasing me about it.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  “My parents taught me that being in a relationship was more than getting my rocks off. And that a risk of pregnancy could ruin my future. I watched it happen to a friend of mine and his high school girlfriend. They aren’t together anymore, but they both struggled. It was best to stay away from females. Then when I got a great job, I became so focused on being the best, hoping to be my own boss. I hope you believe me.”

  “What reason would you have to lie? I thought you were smooth with the ladies when we met, but I still wanted you. I want you now. It’s crazy, but I fell in love with you, Rob,” I a
dmit without any reservation.

  “I love you so damn much, it’s inexplicable. You’re the best gift I could get for Christmas.”

  “Do you want to unwrap this gift?” I taunt him. I crave his touch and his possession.

  “Do I ever,” he growls out, stalking closer to me. He grabs the hem of my dress, pulling over my head. He drops to his knees and lifts my foot, removing my heel and going to the next, caressing and massaging them. His mouth and hands slinking his way up my body. I feel consumed by his being. I steady myself with my hands on the edge of the dresser. “Relax, baby. I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he grunts against my stomach. “My little one. I’ve got you, too.” He kisses my belly. My heart melts even more for this man. He pulls the edge of my waistband and drags it off me, revealing my lower half. Then he flicks the front clasp of my bra, opening it. I drop my arms and let it fall. This is our second time together, and yet I feel like it’s the first—naked and vulnerable in front of him. “Perfect,” he whispers against my skin.

  He stands up and cups my face in his warm hands. “I need your kiss,” he mutters, taking my mouth. I throw my arms around him, thrusting them into his hair. He growls, picking me up around the waist and carrying me to the bed.

  “Rob, please,” I moan against the side of his mouth, moving my lips over his jaw.

  “Sorry, baby, but I can’t wait anymore.” He stands up and takes off his sweater and shirt, kicking off his shoes. Rob makes quick work of his pants and boxers. His cock juts out toward me, cum leaking from the tip. He strokes it once, then climbs onto the bed, straddling me and staring into my eyes. “I missed you. Don’t ever leave me again.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  “Good because I’m not above tying your ass to the bed. Remember that,” he says, kissing me while he thrusts his cock into my lonely, needy pussy. We groan together as he fills me. My body sings as he picks up where we left off a month ago. I missed him, and I missed this. Feeling his weight on me as he pumps into me brings me closer and closer to coming for him. His mouth crushes my lips as his hands search for mine. He grabs them, intertwining our fingers and lifting them over my head as he drives his cock deep into me.

  We’re both naked and rolling in the bed kissing wildly as he fucks me. Then he pins me beneath him with one hand cupping my ass and the other tugging on my hair. I feel his power over me and welcome it. Our bodies are melded together, grinding passionately until I clench around his thickness and come. “Rob,” I cry out. “I’m coming.” He moves faster, picking up the pace and roaring out his own releasee.

  “You’re mine, Rebecca. And I’m nowhere done reminding you of it tonight.”

  Chapter 14


  We both woke to my phone ringing. The sun isn’t even up yet. “What the hell?” I mutter, reaching for it with my free arm because my other arm is tightly wrapped around my woman. I answer it with blurry eyes and hit the speaker button.

  “Rob, it’s Dad. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Instantly I’m wide awake, hoping nothing bad happened to mom. “No, no. What’s going on? Is something wrong?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong with us. Your mother wanted me to call to see how you’re doing. You’ve been a mess lately. We know it must have to do with that woman you mentioned. She hasn’t been able to enjoy Christmas away from you especially since you’ve seemed so damn miserable. Please tell us how you’re doing, son.”

  “Nothing’s wrong anymore, Dad. She tried to get away from me, so I found her and tied her to my bed. Not letting her get away again,” I exclaim, pulling her closer to me.

  “Shut up,” she hisses, covering her mouth in embarrassment.

  “Well, that’s good to hear. We can’t wait to meet her. Hopefully, you untie her for just bit to meet us,” my dad teases. I can hear the change in his voice as if the worry is gone.

  “Yes, of course. Have fun. See you in two weeks.”

  “We will.” He ends the call laughing as he does.

  “Well, that was interesting,” she mutters against my chest before sitting up with the blanket barely covering her.

  “My parents have been worried. I haven’t been myself since I met you.”

  “I’m sorry, Rob. I really am. I wish I could have a do-over.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s over. Besides, it gave us both a chance to understand that this is more than lust,” I say, repeating the words on the note. She frowns, but I stop that with a deep kiss, pushing her back down on the mattress and stealing a peek at her breasts.

  “You’re right. It’s what we both needed,” she sighs.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, wondering what she’s thinking.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just a little sleepy,” she yawns out.

  “Rest. I’m going to shower then start some coffee and breakfast.”

  “Yum.” She smiles and sleepily rolls to her side. I bend down and kiss her cheek before strolling to the bathroom, grinning from ear to ear.

  Life is good. I close my eyes and let the spray hit me. My phone rings again, but I can’t answer it. It’s only seven in the morning. I hurry up and get out to see Rebecca looking really pissed.

  “What’s wrong now? Please don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts,” I question, moving toward her. She sticks out her hand, stopping me from coming closer.

  “Who’s Liz?” she chokes out the question with tears in her eyes.

  “My assistant. Why?” I’m reminded of what happened during the party that disturbed me, but I let it go that night.

  “She’s claiming that she’s six months pregnant with your baby,” she rages.

  Pure white-hot anger engulfs me. “Oh, hell motherfucking no. She’s fucking nuts.” I march over to the bed, letting my towel fall off. “I hope to all hell that you don’t believe her. I’ve never touched her. Damn, I can’t believe this bullshit.” I grab my phone and call Ed.

  “What did she say to you exactly?” I ask as the phone rings. It goes to voicemail, but I hang up. I don’t know what I’m going to even say to him, but I’m pissed. I want her shit terminated yesterday.

  “That I better get out of the condo because you’re hers, and she’s already six months pregnant with your baby.” I walk to my dresser, a grab a pair of boxers, and slip them on.

  He calls back, and I answer with it on speakerphone, “Hey Ed, I know you’re off with your family, but I’ve got a problem. I want Liz terminated immediately.” I’m pacing the room, trying to keep it together. It’s not working as well as I’d like.

  “Oh fuck, did she try to come on to you again?”

  “No, she’s making wild accusations about her and me. And I need all her access terminated before she causes any more trouble.”

  “I can handle that, and I’ll let Reed in IT know because this is nuts. Damn, I thought it was the booze making her say she wanted you.”

  “I know. Please handle this,” I plead.

  “I will. I’ll call Reed right now. Sorry about her.”

  “Thanks. No need to apologize. It’s not your job to fire her. I just don’t understand why she’s starting this now.”

  “Me either. She’s been working for the company for three years and has never caused any conflict with anyone.”

  “And I’ve never given her any reason to feel like I would welcome that shit,” I say, sitting on the bed and dragging Rebecca onto my lap. “Call back as soon as it’s done.” I end the call and toss my phone on the nightstand. “Now, how can we make you believe I’m telling the truth.”

  “I believe you, but you have no idea what passed through my head as she threatened me and then added that she was having your baby,” she sighs, ducking her head into my chest. I brush her cheek tenderly with the back of my hand.

  “I’m so sorry. I wish I powered the motherfucker off. I know she’d never say something like that to me. She is trying to ruin our relationship, but I’m not sure why she would or ruin her career. This i
s too crazy.”

  “Do you think she knew about me?” she questions, offering up a motive for Liz’s sudden break with reality. It’s very possible, but I don’t want Rebecca under any impression that this is her fault at all. I can tell that she’s too kind and would blame herself.

  “Come to think of it she did. I never mentioned you to anyone but my parents. I wasn’t going to admit to anyone that I was heartbroken.”

  She winced at the last part, but it’s the way I felt. It’s hard to not mention it since that’s when it all went down. “Maybe she saw us come back last night.”

  “We came through the parking garage,” I reply.

  “Yes, we did,” she says to herself, trying to puzzle this all out like I’m doing. “There are no cameras in here, right?” she asks, her eyes search the room, and she covers herself with the blanket.

  “There shouldn’t be. She’s never been in here. I never wanted to be accused of sexual harassment, so I never allowed any female employee to come to my condo.” I’m very strict about that kind of thing. I never tried to blur those lines.

  “Where does she live?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s somewhere around River North,” I say with a shrug.

  “I really don’t have a clue where that is.”

  “It’s not too far from here.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes. “What are we going to do?”

  “First I’m going to get dressed. You can shower while I start breakfast and some strong coffee.”

  “I don’t have any clothes,” she reminds me. I get up and go through my drawers, pulling out a tee and boxer shorts for her to put on. She gets up and heads to the bathroom. “I’m going to shower and imagine ways of beating this woman up.”

  “Don’t worry about her. I won’t let her or anyone else get in the way of our happiness.” I can’t walk away without a kiss, so I reach out and grab her around the wrist, pulling her toward me. She spins into my arms with a gasp. I lower my head and take her in an intense kiss.

  “Now get to it before I strip you down and carry you back to bed.”


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